– كان ملهمه الأول في الموسيقى هو والده، كان والده يغني في مدينة بيروت – لبنان. فنشأ على الموسيقى، وحصل على أول آلة موسيقية وعمره عشر سنوات، ومنذ ذلك الوقت أصبحت الموسيقى جزءا مهما في حياته. انتقل مع أهله إلى السويد وعمره 8 سنوات، حيث واصل تعليمه، ثم دخل الجامعة وحصل على البكالوريوس في هندسة الطيران، وبعد دراسته الجامعية دخل مجال صناعة الموسيقى في السويد وعمل مع ريد-وان وهو منتج مغربي.
مع تغير الأشياء من حوله، بقي شيء واحد له عاطفة قوية تجاهه، إنه حبه للموسيقى.
— بعد نجاحه في السويد، انتقل إلى نيويورك، تكونت آنذاك صورة يمكن تسميتها بالحلم. شارك في أعمال صناعة الموسيقى لألبومات مع المنتج ريد-وان حققت نجاحا ساحقا في نيويورك، مثل المطربة كات ديلونا لكنه مع ذلك كان يشعر في داخله أن هناك شيئا غير صحيح، هو يقول: كنت أحب الموسيقى ولكنني كنت أكره كل ما يحيط بي، شعرت دائما أن هناك أمرا غير صحيح. عاد إلى السويد، والتقى مجموعة من الإخوة الذين ينشطون في المجتمع الإسلامي في ستوكهولم، وبدأ يحضر بانتظام مسجدا محليا. يقول هو بأنه شعر بعد ذلك أنه وصل إلى المنزل الآمن، وتمكن في نهاية المطاف من العثور على الطريق الصحيح.
– ” ومع شقّ الغناء الديني في المدة الأخيرة طريقه إلى البلاد العربية بشكل قوي جدا بين موجة قديمة وموجة حديثة حاولت أن أجعله مواكبا للمعطيات الجديدة ” يقول الفنان ماهر زين حول ذلك ويضيف ” نحن نريد الوصول إلى الشباب بنفس الطريقة التي جذبتهم إلى أنواع أخرى من الأغنية في الموسيقى الغربية، فبعض الشباب المولع بالموسيقى الغربية الحديثة، سيما في المهجر يبررون ذلك بانعدام البديل، لذا فهو يسمعها لأنه مضطر ولايوجد في الغناء الملتزم القديم ما يحفزه على سماعه بحسب ما يقولون” .
ويعتبر زين أن بروز هذه الموجة الجديدة من الفنانين الملتزمين أمر جيد جدا، لأنه يعطي تنوعا وانتشارا أمام الشباب وبالتالي اختيارات وبدائل عما هو مطروح. كما دافع عن دور الغناء الهادف في تعديل الكثير من السلوكيات والمفاهيم حيث قال الغناء يوصل رسائل هامة للشباب والمواطنين على اختلاف فئاتهم، كما أنه بإمكانه تغيير سلوكياتهم وذهنياتهم السلبية التي لازمتهم لسنوات.
– كان ظهوره الأول مع شركة أويكينينج ريكوردس في نشيد ( Never Forget ) بمشاركة الفنان مسعود كرتس .
– في عام2009، بدأ ماهر العمل على البوم جديد مع شركة اويكينينج ريكوردس حيث اطلقت البومه الأول الحمد لله الذي يحتوى على 13 أغنية وقد تم إطلاقه في 1 نوفمبر 2009م .
و مع بداية عام 2010 جذبت موسيقاه عدد هائل من مستخدمى الإنترنت في الدول العربية والدول الإسلامية وأيضا الشباب المسلم في الدول الغربية
بنهاية عام 2010 أصبح مشهورا جدا في ماليزيا. وأيضا حقق نجاح تجارى كبير في ماليزيا.
– هذا وقد قام بزيارة البوماته وأغانيه الخاصة على شبكة سما العالمية ما يقارب المليون والنصف شخص منذ عام 2009 وحتى نهاية 2013 م .
– وقد حقق البوم Thank You Allah ثمان جوائز بلاتينية من خلال ماليزيا وارنر ميوزيك كأكثر البوم يحقق مبيعات لعام 2010، أيضا البوم Thank You Allah حصل على جائزة بلاتين مزدوجة من شركة سونى ميوزيك الاندونيسية.
– يغنى ماهر زين باللغة الإنجليزية بشكل أساسي ولكنه قدم بعض أغانيه بلغات أخرى كالفرنسية، العربية، التركية، الماليزية، الأندونيسية. وكذلك باللغة الاوردية .
الجوائز :
– في يناير عام 2010 أغنية ” يا نبي سلام عليك ” حازت على أفضل أغنية إسلامية من المحطة الإذاعية الموسيقية الرائدة في الشرق الأوسط نجوم إف إم متغلب على نجوم بارزين مثل حسين الجسمى ومحمد منير وسامي يوسف .
– جائزة بلاتين مزدوجة من شركة سونى ميوزيك إندونيسياعلم إندونيسيا .
– 8 جوائز بلاتينية في ماليزياعلم ماليزيا .
– تم اختيار ماهر زين كأفضل نجم مسلم في عام 2011 في المسابقة التي ينظمهاOnislam.net
البوماته :
Thank You Allah عام 2009 م .
Forgive Me عام 2012 م .
One عام ٢٠١٦م .
مشاركاته :
تجدون جميع مشاركاته والبوماته في الأسفل .
أحدث عمل فني
Credits :-
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Music Producer: Mohamed Olleik (Lebanon)
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik & Maher Zain
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Strings: Syria Strings, Dubai
Solo violin: Atila Kiviz & Majd Jraida
Choir: Alfursan Choir, Beirut
Choir Recording: Jean-Pierre Boutros
Girl Voiceover: Malika Al-Atat
Choir recorded at Studio Bassem Rizk, Beirut
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Credits :-
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Music Producer: Mohamed Olleik (Lebanon)
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik & Maher Zain
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Strings: Syria Strings, Dubai
Solo violin: Atila Kiviz & Majd Jraida
Choir: Alfursan Choir, Beirut
Choir Recording: Jean-Pierre Boutros
Girl Voiceover: Malika Al-Atat
Choir recorded at Studio Bassem Rizk, Beirut
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
لبنان – ماهر زين
لبنان – ماهر زين
الأكثر استماعا
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain, Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Hamza Namira, Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
“Ummati” Lyrics:
Shining bright you came to us
With a heart so full of love
And you showed that you’re
The one who cares the most
And to us you’ve always been so close
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها لنا يوم القيامة
Yaquluha lana yawmal qiyamati
(He will say to us on the Day of Judgement)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها شفاعة
Yaquluha shafa’atan
(He will say as an intercession)
أنا لها، أنا لها
Ana laha ana laha
(“I will do it, I will do it” [to intercede to God on behalf of his nation])
You have always sacrificed
Smiled with patience through the hard times
All you did inspired everyone you knew
Always selfless, striving for the truth
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
I’d give my heart and soul for you
Wish my eyes can see your face and be close to you
Coz in your guidance I find peace of mind indeed
No on else on that day can intercede
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain, Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Hamza Namira, Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
“Ummati” Lyrics:
Shining bright you came to us
With a heart so full of love
And you showed that you’re
The one who cares the most
And to us you’ve always been so close
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها لنا يوم القيامة
Yaquluha lana yawmal qiyamati
(He will say to us on the Day of Judgement)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها شفاعة
Yaquluha shafa’atan
(He will say as an intercession)
أنا لها، أنا لها
Ana laha ana laha
(“I will do it, I will do it” [to intercede to God on behalf of his nation])
You have always sacrificed
Smiled with patience through the hard times
All you did inspired everyone you knew
Always selfless, striving for the truth
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
I’d give my heart and soul for you
Wish my eyes can see your face and be close to you
Coz in your guidance I find peace of mind indeed
No on else on that day can intercede
Ummati (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
Ummati (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
I Love You So
Number One For Me
My Little Girl
Radhitu Billahi Rabba - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
Forgive Me
One Big Family
Assalamu Alayka
Masha Allah
Radhitu Billahi Rabba
So Soon
Muhammad Pbuh
Guide Me All the Way
Assalamu Alayka - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
Mawlaya - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
I wonder why you and me fight each other
Don’t you see the similarities between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror
You look like me, those eyes, lips, you can’t deny
Have you thought about why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family
It doesn’t matter if you live far away from me
You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry
We sleep and dream
Sometimes we’re sad sometimes we’re happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we smile
Have you thought about why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family, family
I care about you and i wish you could realize
There’s no difference between us two
we’re part of one family
No matter how far you are are
And even if we don’t know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you my sister
Just one big family
Just one big family
I wonder why you and me fight each other
Don’t you see the similarities between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror
You look like me, those eyes, lips, you can’t deny
Have you thought about why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family
It doesn’t matter if you live far away from me
You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry
We sleep and dream
Sometimes we’re sad sometimes we’re happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we smile
Have you thought about why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family, family
I care about you and i wish you could realize
There’s no difference between us two
we’re part of one family
No matter how far you are are
And even if we don’t know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
Just one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother, you my sister
Just one big family
Just one big family
One Big Family (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
One Big Family (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Live and Acoustic)
Ummati (Live and Acoustic)
Number One for Me (Live and Acoustic)
Peace Be Upon You (Live and Acoustic)
Mawlaya (Live and Acoustic)
One Day (Live and Acoustic)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Live and Acoustic)
Let It Go (Live and Acoustic)
For the Rest of My Life (Live and Acoustic)
Ramadan (Live and Acoustic)
Asalamu Alayka (Live and Acoustic)
One Big Family (Live and Acoustic)
Medina (Live and Acoustic)
Insha Allah (Live and Acoustic)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
One (Vocals-Only International Version)
, , , ,
بدون موسيقى
Ummati (Vocals-Only English Version)
One Day (Vocals-Only)
Close to You (Vocals-Only)
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only]
Let it go (Vocals-Only)
True Love (Vocals-Only)
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version)
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only)
I'm Alive [Vocals-Only]
Jannah (Vocals-Only English)
By My Side (Vocals-Only)
Good Day [Vocals-Only]
Peace Be Upon You (Vocals-Only)
Medina (Vocals-Only)
The Power [Vocals-Only]
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
One (Vocals Only Arabic Version)
, , , ,
بدون موسيقى
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
Loving the Beloved (Pbuh) - Best of Islamic Music, Vol. 3
, , , , , , , ,
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
The Best of Islamic Music, Vol. 2
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
I Love You So
Number One For Me
My Little Girl
Radhitu Billahi Rabba - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
Forgive Me
One Big Family
Assalamu Alayka
Masha Allah
Radhitu Billahi Rabba
So Soon
Muhammad Pbuh
Guide Me All the Way
Assalamu Alayka - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
Mawlaya - Arabic Version - Bonus Track
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
I Love You So (Karaoke)
Number One For Me (Karaoke)
Mawlaya (Karaoke)
My Little Girl (Karaoke)
Forgive Me (Karaoke)
One Big Family (Karaoke)
Assalamu Alayka (Karaoke)
Paradise (Karaoke)
Masha Allah (Karaoke)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Karaoke)
Freedom (Karaoke)
So Soon (Karaoke)
Muhammad (pbuh) [Karaoke]
Guide Me all the Way (Karaoke)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
I Love You So (Vocals Only - No Music)
Number One for Me (Vocals Only - No Music)
Mawlaya (Vocals Only - No Music)
My Little Girl (Vocals Only - No Music)
Forgive Me (Vocals Only - No Music)
One Big Family (Vocals Only - No Music)
Assalamu Alayka (Vocals Only - No Music)
Paradise (Vocals Only - No Music)
Masha Allah (Vocals Only - No Music)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Vocals Only - No Music)
Freedom (Vocals Only - No Music)
So Soon (Vocals Only - No Music)
Muhammad (pbuh) [Vocals Only - No Music]
Guide Me All the Way (Vocals Only - No Music)
Mawlaya (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
Assalamu Alayka (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (English - Vocals Only Version)
Palestine Will Be Free (Vocals Only Version)
Thank You Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
The Chosen One (Vocals Only Version)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version)
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version)
Hold My Hand (Vocals Only Version)
Awaken (Vocals Only Version)
Subhana Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Open Your Eyes (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Sepanjang Hidup (Vocals Only Version)
Insya Allah (Malay - Vocals Only Version)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
The Best of Islamic Music, Vol. 1
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
أناشيد خاصة
Credits :-
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Music Producer: Mohamed Olleik (Lebanon)
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik & Maher Zain
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Strings: Syria Strings, Dubai
Solo violin: Atila Kiviz & Majd Jraida
Choir: Alfursan Choir, Beirut
Choir Recording: Jean-Pierre Boutros
Girl Voiceover: Malika Al-Atat
Choir recorded at Studio Bassem Rizk, Beirut
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Credits :-
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Music Producer: Mohamed Olleik (Lebanon)
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik & Maher Zain
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Strings: Syria Strings, Dubai
Solo violin: Atila Kiviz & Majd Jraida
Choir: Alfursan Choir, Beirut
Choir Recording: Jean-Pierre Boutros
Girl Voiceover: Malika Al-Atat
Choir recorded at Studio Bassem Rizk, Beirut
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
لبنان – ماهر زين
لبنان – ماهر زين
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing & Mastering: Koray Püskül
Abdullah Zain
Yusuf Fahmy
Sulafa Fahmy
Ayoub Fahmy
Arwa Ruzwan Mohammed
Na’eel Ahmed Cajee
Maariyah Syeda Lateef
Israa Sherif
Zayd Kherigi
Joud Kherigi
Bara Kherigi
Free Free Palestine (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
Palestina, Palestina Oh
Palestine in my heart
Stand up tall
This is a wake up call
Never again
Never again means
Never again for all
To all my people in Gaza
Even though we’re living far from each other
Your pain is my own pain
All for one and one for all
Free Free Palestine (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
No more murder no more Lies (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
Freedom is our destiny
You gotta make a choice
Better be on the right side of History
No one can be free
Until we all are free
Enough is enough (ENOUGH)
We gotta stop this Genocide
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing & Mastering: Koray Püskül
Abdullah Zain
Yusuf Fahmy
Sulafa Fahmy
Ayoub Fahmy
Arwa Ruzwan Mohammed
Na’eel Ahmed Cajee
Maariyah Syeda Lateef
Israa Sherif
Zayd Kherigi
Joud Kherigi
Bara Kherigi
Free Free Palestine (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
Palestina, Palestina Oh
Palestine in my heart
Stand up tall
This is a wake up call
Never again
Never again means
Never again for all
To all my people in Gaza
Even though we’re living far from each other
Your pain is my own pain
All for one and one for all
Free Free Palestine (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
No more murder no more Lies (Free Free Palestine)
Free Free Free Palestine (Free Free Free Palestine)
Freedom is our destiny
You gotta make a choice
Better be on the right side of History
No one can be free
Until we all are free
Enough is enough (ENOUGH)
We gotta stop this Genocide
Free Palestine – Maher Zain
Free Palestine – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
Ey Ghafuru Rahim – Maher Zain
Ey Ghafuru Rahim – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Piano: Johan Röhr
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Choir: Lebanon Choir, Beirut
Choir recorded by: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Sheikh Zakaria Seddiki
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Everywhere I hear your name being mentioned
The whole world is talking about you
And the thought of being part of your nation
I’m so proud to follow you
Day and night you sacrificed
Led us from darkness to light
And I,
Until the end of my time
I will love you
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
صلى عليك الرحمان
حُبّك في كل مكان
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
يا خيرَ الأنام
عليك أزكى السلام
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا مؤمنين
صلوا على النبيّ
وسلّموا تسليما
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Piano: Johan Röhr
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Choir: Lebanon Choir, Beirut
Choir recorded by: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Sheikh Zakaria Seddiki
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Everywhere I hear your name being mentioned
The whole world is talking about you
And the thought of being part of your nation
I’m so proud to follow you
Day and night you sacrificed
Led us from darkness to light
And I,
Until the end of my time
I will love you
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
صلى عليك الرحمان
حُبّك في كل مكان
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
يا خيرَ الأنام
عليك أزكى السلام
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا مؤمنين
صلوا على النبيّ
وسلّموا تسليما
Salla Alayka Rahman – Maher Zain
Salla Alayka Rahman – Maher Zain
Ya Habiba Ya Falastin (Beloved Palestine) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Mohamed Olleik
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Strings: Izmir Strings Sunrise Ensemble
Oud: Özdemir Güz
Choir: Alfursan Al-‘Arabiyya
Choir recorded at MK-Lebanon Studio
Graphic Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
أرض السّلام و أرض المُرسَلين
The land of peace and the land of the messengers
يا رُوح الرُّوح احنا مش ناسيِين
O soul of my soul, we have not forgotten
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
يا حبيبة يا فلسطين
Beloved Palestine
يا بلاد التّين
O land of fig trees
بالمسك ترابك متحنّي
Your soil is infused with musk
وزهر الياسمين
And with jasmine flowers
شعبك على وعده مستنّي
Your people are resolutely waiting for their victory
بكرة حنعود
Tomorrow we will return
نكسر القيود
We will break the chains
نرسم وطن ما له حدود
And draw a homeland without any borders
لو هَدموا بيوت
Even if they demolish our houses
شمس الحرية تدفّينا
The sun of freedom will keep us warm
نتحدّى الموت
We defy death
حالفين نرَجّع أراضينا
We’ve sworn to take back our lands
مهما تدمِّرها
No matter how much you destroy it
بُكرة نعمِّرها
Tomorrow we will rebuild it
وبعُون الله لنحَرِّرها
And with God’s help we will liberate it
روحك موجوعة وبتنزف
Your soul is in pain and bleeding
صبّارة محتسبة
Yet you are patient and full of faith
شعبك بصموده حالف لك
Your people with their steadfastness have sworn
راجع من الغربة
That they will return from their exile
كِرمال القدس والأقصى
For the sake of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque
قسماً ما يوم نلين
We swear never ever to submit or weaken
كِرمال الشُّهدا اللي ضَحُّوا
To honour the memory of the martyrs who sacrificed
لتعيش فلسطين
So that Palestine may live
حتى تعيش فلسطين
So that Palestine may live
أرض السّلام و أرض المُرسَلين
The land of peace and the land of the messengers
يا رُوح الرُّوح احنا مش ناسيِين
O soul of my soul, we have not forgotten
طال الفراق
Our separation has gone on for far too long
بُكرة إلك راجعين
But tomorrow we will return to you
عِزّة وكَرامة و شَعب ما بِيْلِين
Pride, dignity, and an unrelenting people
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
يا حبيبة يا فلسطين
Beloved Palestine
بُكرَة إلك راجعين
Tomorrow we will return to you
والله إلك راجعين
By God we will return to you!
Ya Habiba Ya Falastin (Beloved Palestine) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Mohamed Olleik
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Strings: Izmir Strings Sunrise Ensemble
Oud: Özdemir Güz
Choir: Alfursan Al-‘Arabiyya
Choir recorded at MK-Lebanon Studio
Graphic Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
أرض السّلام و أرض المُرسَلين
The land of peace and the land of the messengers
يا رُوح الرُّوح احنا مش ناسيِين
O soul of my soul, we have not forgotten
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
يا حبيبة يا فلسطين
Beloved Palestine
يا بلاد التّين
O land of fig trees
بالمسك ترابك متحنّي
Your soil is infused with musk
وزهر الياسمين
And with jasmine flowers
شعبك على وعده مستنّي
Your people are resolutely waiting for their victory
بكرة حنعود
Tomorrow we will return
نكسر القيود
We will break the chains
نرسم وطن ما له حدود
And draw a homeland without any borders
لو هَدموا بيوت
Even if they demolish our houses
شمس الحرية تدفّينا
The sun of freedom will keep us warm
نتحدّى الموت
We defy death
حالفين نرَجّع أراضينا
We’ve sworn to take back our lands
مهما تدمِّرها
No matter how much you destroy it
بُكرة نعمِّرها
Tomorrow we will rebuild it
وبعُون الله لنحَرِّرها
And with God’s help we will liberate it
روحك موجوعة وبتنزف
Your soul is in pain and bleeding
صبّارة محتسبة
Yet you are patient and full of faith
شعبك بصموده حالف لك
Your people with their steadfastness have sworn
راجع من الغربة
That they will return from their exile
كِرمال القدس والأقصى
For the sake of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque
قسماً ما يوم نلين
We swear never ever to submit or weaken
كِرمال الشُّهدا اللي ضَحُّوا
To honour the memory of the martyrs who sacrificed
لتعيش فلسطين
So that Palestine may live
حتى تعيش فلسطين
So that Palestine may live
أرض السّلام و أرض المُرسَلين
The land of peace and the land of the messengers
يا رُوح الرُّوح احنا مش ناسيِين
O soul of my soul, we have not forgotten
طال الفراق
Our separation has gone on for far too long
بُكرة إلك راجعين
But tomorrow we will return to you
عِزّة وكَرامة و شَعب ما بِيْلِين
Pride, dignity, and an unrelenting people
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
فلسطين .. فلسطين
Palestine.. Palestine
يا حبيبة يا فلسطين
Beloved Palestine
بُكرَة إلك راجعين
Tomorrow we will return to you
والله إلك راجعين
By God we will return to you!
Ya Habiba Ya Falastin (Beloved Palestine) – Maher Zain
Ya Habiba Ya Falastin (Beloved Palestine) – Maher Zain
كلمات العمل | lyrics:
قمر أطل على البرية من حراء
زان السماء فكان بدرا نيرا
قمر أطل على البرية من حراء
زان السماء فكان بدرا نيرا
هو رحمة الرحمن ذاك محمد
من جاء غيثا للقلوب مطهرا
يا نبي سلام عليك
فاض دمع القلب وطال الشوق إليك
يانبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
يا نبي يا نبي
يا نبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
ميم المحبة والهداية والسلام
حاء الحقيقة قد محى كل الظلام
ميم المحبة والهداية والسلام
حاء الحقيقة قد محى كل الظلام
والميم محمود حوى طهر الخصال
والدال داع للهدى والإعتدال
يا نبي سلام عليك
فاض دمع القلب وطال الشوق إليك
يانبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
يا نبي يا نبي
يا نبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
كلمات العمل | lyrics:
قمر أطل على البرية من حراء
زان السماء فكان بدرا نيرا
قمر أطل على البرية من حراء
زان السماء فكان بدرا نيرا
هو رحمة الرحمن ذاك محمد
من جاء غيثا للقلوب مطهرا
يا نبي سلام عليك
فاض دمع القلب وطال الشوق إليك
يانبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
يا نبي يا نبي
يا نبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
ميم المحبة والهداية والسلام
حاء الحقيقة قد محى كل الظلام
ميم المحبة والهداية والسلام
حاء الحقيقة قد محى كل الظلام
والميم محمود حوى طهر الخصال
والدال داع للهدى والإعتدال
يا نبي سلام عليك
فاض دمع القلب وطال الشوق إليك
يانبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
يا نبي يا نبي
يا نبي يا نبي
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوما عليك
Salamullah – Maher Zain
Salamullah – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Mohammed ElSawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Nurun Nebi rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O, Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nuruyla Rabbim Kıldı Nur
(My Lord created you with His light)
Seni kalbe bahşeden odur
(It is He who bestowed you as a gift to the hearts)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(Only yours is my soul)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Özlemin yara değil, benim ilacım
(Longing for you is not a wound, it is my medicine)
Yüreğimde muhabbetine muhtacım
(I need your love in my heart)
Yangın nedir, hasret nedir
(What is fire, what is longing)
Bilmez ki bilmeyen seni
(He who doesn’t know you doesn’t know their real meaning)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Nurun Nebi, rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Mohammed ElSawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Nurun Nebi rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O, Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nuruyla Rabbim Kıldı Nur
(My Lord created you with His light)
Seni kalbe bahşeden odur
(It is He who bestowed you as a gift to the hearts)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(Only yours is my soul)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Özlemin yara değil, benim ilacım
(Longing for you is not a wound, it is my medicine)
Yüreğimde muhabbetine muhtacım
(I need your love in my heart)
Yangın nedir, hasret nedir
(What is fire, what is longing)
Bilmez ki bilmeyen seni
(He who doesn’t know you doesn’t know their real meaning)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Nurun Nebi, rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) – Maher Zain
Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) – Maher Zain
Eidun Mubarak – Maher Zain
رحمة للعالمين – ماهر زين
No One But You – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
حب النبي ( مؤثرات ) – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
حب النبي ( مؤثرات ) – ماهر زين
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
حب النبي – ماهر زين
حب النبي – ماهر زين
Lyrics & Melody: Aziz Elshafei
Arrangement: Mahmood Ammar
Vocal Arrangement: Ahmed Mahrous
Mixing & Mastering: Ahmed Mahrous
Special Thanks:
Israa Sherif, Bechir Ayari,
Tek-Up School & Tek-Up Gym,
Alta Caffé, Clinique Taoufik
كلمات العمل | Lyrics:
يا نور على نور
O light upon light
ازاي مهجور
How can you be abandoned
و انت البلسم لجراح و آلام
when you are the cure for every hurt and every pain?!
يا رسالة من المولى تعالى
You are a message from the Almighty Lord
محفوظة و عايشة مدى الأيام
that has been preserved and will remain forever
ازاي ناسيين و لا نقرا ياسين
How can we forget to recite (the chapter of) Yaseen?!
ماشيين في الدنيا كده ودايسين
Living our lives walking around forgetfully,
الكنز قصادنا و مش شايفين
without noticing the treasure that’s right in front of us
مش بس كتاب ده دليل و طريق
It’s not just a book, it’s a guide and a path
و يحنّ عليك ساعة ما تضيق
that soothes your heart in times of distress
و في عزّ الوحدة بيبقى صديق
and when you’re lonely it is your companion
أنا آية الكرسي بتحميني
Ayat al-Kursi protects me,
و تقرّبني و ترقّيني
and brings me closer to Allah and elevates my rank
اقرأ المزّمل ألاقيني
When I read al-Muzzammil I find that
دُنيتي في القرآن ده و ديني
my life and faith lie within this Book
النّور حواليّا هنا و جنبي
The light is all around me and right here beside me
وانا ليه ببعد كده عن ربي
So why do I stray away from my Lord?
ده مِداد كلماته مَدد قلبي
For His words nourish my heart,
و بكون مجروح و بيشفيني
and heal my wounds when I am hurt
Lyrics & Melody: Aziz Elshafei
Arrangement: Mahmood Ammar
Vocal Arrangement: Ahmed Mahrous
Mixing & Mastering: Ahmed Mahrous
Special Thanks:
Israa Sherif, Bechir Ayari,
Tek-Up School & Tek-Up Gym,
Alta Caffé, Clinique Taoufik
كلمات العمل | Lyrics:
يا نور على نور
O light upon light
ازاي مهجور
How can you be abandoned
و انت البلسم لجراح و آلام
when you are the cure for every hurt and every pain?!
يا رسالة من المولى تعالى
You are a message from the Almighty Lord
محفوظة و عايشة مدى الأيام
that has been preserved and will remain forever
ازاي ناسيين و لا نقرا ياسين
How can we forget to recite (the chapter of) Yaseen?!
ماشيين في الدنيا كده ودايسين
Living our lives walking around forgetfully,
الكنز قصادنا و مش شايفين
without noticing the treasure that’s right in front of us
مش بس كتاب ده دليل و طريق
It’s not just a book, it’s a guide and a path
و يحنّ عليك ساعة ما تضيق
that soothes your heart in times of distress
و في عزّ الوحدة بيبقى صديق
and when you’re lonely it is your companion
أنا آية الكرسي بتحميني
Ayat al-Kursi protects me,
و تقرّبني و ترقّيني
and brings me closer to Allah and elevates my rank
اقرأ المزّمل ألاقيني
When I read al-Muzzammil I find that
دُنيتي في القرآن ده و ديني
my life and faith lie within this Book
النّور حواليّا هنا و جنبي
The light is all around me and right here beside me
وانا ليه ببعد كده عن ربي
So why do I stray away from my Lord?
ده مِداد كلماته مَدد قلبي
For His words nourish my heart,
و بكون مجروح و بيشفيني
and heal my wounds when I am hurt
Nour Ala Nour ( Vocals Only – No Music ) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Nour Ala Nour ( Vocals Only – No Music ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed AlYafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Ahmed Zaeem
Vocals: Ahmed Mahrous
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Cournal, Israa Sherif, Samia Jabri
Lyrics & Translation:
قال رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
“إِنَّ لِي أَسْمَاءً، أَنَا مُحَمَّدٌ وَأَنَا أَحْمَدُ، وَأَنَا الْمَاحِي الَّذِي يَمْحُو اللَّهُ بِيَ الْكُفْرَ،
وَأَنَا الْحَاشِرُ الَّذِي يُحْشَرُ النَّاسُ عَلَى قَدَمِي، وأنا العاقبُ (والعاقبُ الذي ليس بعده نبيٌّ)”.
رواه البخاري ومسلم
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:
“I have many names: I am Muhammad; I am Ahmad;
I am Al-Mahi (The Eraser), by whom Allah erases blasphemy;
I am Al-Hashir (The Gatherer), before whom people are gathered (on the Day of Judgement);
I am Al-‘Aqib (the Last Prophet), after whom there are no more Prophets;
Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim
هو أحمدٌ
He is Ahmad
هو أحمدٌ ومحمد
He is Ahmad and Muhammad
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
بهديهِ نتعبَّد
With his guidance we worship Allah
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
يا ربِّ صلِّ عليهِ
O Allah send peace upon him,
ما الطيرُ ناحَ وغَرَّد
every time a bird sings and chants
ما الطيرُ ناحَ وغَرَّد
every time a bird sings and chants
وهو النبيُّ الماحي
He is the Prophet The Eraser (Al-Mahi)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
الوجهُ كالمصباحِ
with a face like a shining lantern
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
مَحا الظلام ونادى
He erased darkness and called
نادَى لكل فلاحِ
Called people to the way of success
نادَى لكل فلاحِ
Called people to the way of success
وهو النبيُّ الحاشِر
He Is the Prophet, The Gatherer (Al-Hashir)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
ونحن فيه نُفاخر
He is the source of our pride
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
من لم يُصلِّ عليه
Whomsoever doesn’t send peace upon him,
فهو البخيلُ الخاسِر
is a miserly loser
فهو البخيلُ الخاسِر
is a miserly loser
وهو النبيُّ العاقِب
He is the Last Prophet (Al-‘Aqib)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
قمرٌ أضاءَ كواكب
He’s a moon that lit up the planets
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
مِسكُ الخِتامِ حبيبي
My beloved, the seal of all the Prophets
أعلى الأنامِ مَراتِب
The loftiest rank among all creation
هو أحمدٌ
He is Ahmad
لكل العاشقين حبيبٌ
All those in love have a beloved
وأنا حبيبي .. حبيبي محمّد
And my beloved … my beloved is Muhammad
Lyrics: Ahmed AlYafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Ahmed Zaeem
Vocals: Ahmed Mahrous
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Cournal, Israa Sherif, Samia Jabri
Lyrics & Translation:
قال رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
“إِنَّ لِي أَسْمَاءً، أَنَا مُحَمَّدٌ وَأَنَا أَحْمَدُ، وَأَنَا الْمَاحِي الَّذِي يَمْحُو اللَّهُ بِيَ الْكُفْرَ،
وَأَنَا الْحَاشِرُ الَّذِي يُحْشَرُ النَّاسُ عَلَى قَدَمِي، وأنا العاقبُ (والعاقبُ الذي ليس بعده نبيٌّ)”.
رواه البخاري ومسلم
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:
“I have many names: I am Muhammad; I am Ahmad;
I am Al-Mahi (The Eraser), by whom Allah erases blasphemy;
I am Al-Hashir (The Gatherer), before whom people are gathered (on the Day of Judgement);
I am Al-‘Aqib (the Last Prophet), after whom there are no more Prophets;
Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim
هو أحمدٌ
He is Ahmad
هو أحمدٌ ومحمد
He is Ahmad and Muhammad
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
بهديهِ نتعبَّد
With his guidance we worship Allah
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
يا ربِّ صلِّ عليهِ
O Allah send peace upon him,
ما الطيرُ ناحَ وغَرَّد
every time a bird sings and chants
ما الطيرُ ناحَ وغَرَّد
every time a bird sings and chants
وهو النبيُّ الماحي
He is the Prophet The Eraser (Al-Mahi)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
الوجهُ كالمصباحِ
with a face like a shining lantern
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
مَحا الظلام ونادى
He erased darkness and called
نادَى لكل فلاحِ
Called people to the way of success
نادَى لكل فلاحِ
Called people to the way of success
وهو النبيُّ الحاشِر
He Is the Prophet, The Gatherer (Al-Hashir)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
ونحن فيه نُفاخر
He is the source of our pride
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
من لم يُصلِّ عليه
Whomsoever doesn’t send peace upon him,
فهو البخيلُ الخاسِر
is a miserly loser
فهو البخيلُ الخاسِر
is a miserly loser
وهو النبيُّ العاقِب
He is the Last Prophet (Al-‘Aqib)
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
قمرٌ أضاءَ كواكب
He’s a moon that lit up the planets
قلبي محمّد
Muhammad, my heart
مِسكُ الخِتامِ حبيبي
My beloved, the seal of all the Prophets
أعلى الأنامِ مَراتِب
The loftiest rank among all creation
هو أحمدٌ
He is Ahmad
لكل العاشقين حبيبٌ
All those in love have a beloved
وأنا حبيبي .. حبيبي محمّد
And my beloved … my beloved is Muhammad
Huwa Ahmed (Only Vocal) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Huwa Ahmed (Only Vocal) – Maher Zain
Starting on the 11th of July 1995, the Srebrenica massacre cost the lives of 8372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys,
the worst war crime to take place on European soil since the Second World War.
” منذ بدايتها في 11 يوليو 1995، أودت مذبحة الإبادة الجماعية بسربنيتسا بحياة 8372 رجلا وطفلا مسلما بسنيا،
وهي أسوء جرائم الحرب التي حدثت على الأراضي الأوروبية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. ”
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Piano: Mustafa Ceceli
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Mustafa Ceceli
Elvir Švrakić
Hayat TV, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lyrics | كلمات العمل :
Hold my hand and don’t let go
أمسكي يدي ولا تفلتيها
Mamma, I love you so
أمي، أحبك كثيرا
They’re taking me away, I don’t wanna go
إنهم يأخذونني بعيدا، لكني لا أريد الذهاب
Mamma, pray for my soul
أمي، إدعي لروحي
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You’ll always be in my heart
ستكونين دائما في قلبي
Srebrenica, I won’t forget
سربرينتسا، لن أنسى
Standing side by side, waiting to die
واقفون جنبا إلى جنب، ننتظر الموت
This fear, it can’t be described
هذا الخوف، لا يمكن وصفه
Every minute felt like years, as we stood in line
كل دقيقة مرت كأنها سنوات، ونحن نقف مصطفين
While tears flowed from my eyes
بينما يتدفق الدمع من عيني
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You discriminate
أنتم تميزون
Against my faith and my name
ضد عقيدتي وإسمي
Stop spreading your hate
كفوا نشر كراهيتكم
We are all the same
كلنا سواسية
We are all the same
كلنا سواسية
I will never forget
لن أنسى
Starting on the 11th of July 1995, the Srebrenica massacre cost the lives of 8372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys,
the worst war crime to take place on European soil since the Second World War.
” منذ بدايتها في 11 يوليو 1995، أودت مذبحة الإبادة الجماعية بسربنيتسا بحياة 8372 رجلا وطفلا مسلما بسنيا،
وهي أسوء جرائم الحرب التي حدثت على الأراضي الأوروبية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. ”
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Piano: Mustafa Ceceli
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Mustafa Ceceli
Elvir Švrakić
Hayat TV, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lyrics | كلمات العمل :
Hold my hand and don’t let go
أمسكي يدي ولا تفلتيها
Mamma, I love you so
أمي، أحبك كثيرا
They’re taking me away, I don’t wanna go
إنهم يأخذونني بعيدا، لكني لا أريد الذهاب
Mamma, pray for my soul
أمي، إدعي لروحي
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You’ll always be in my heart
ستكونين دائما في قلبي
Srebrenica, I won’t forget
سربرينتسا، لن أنسى
Standing side by side, waiting to die
واقفون جنبا إلى جنب، ننتظر الموت
This fear, it can’t be described
هذا الخوف، لا يمكن وصفه
Every minute felt like years, as we stood in line
كل دقيقة مرت كأنها سنوات، ونحن نقف مصطفين
While tears flowed from my eyes
بينما يتدفق الدمع من عيني
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You discriminate
أنتم تميزون
Against my faith and my name
ضد عقيدتي وإسمي
Stop spreading your hate
كفوا نشر كراهيتكم
We are all the same
كلنا سواسية
We are all the same
كلنا سواسية
I will never forget
لن أنسى
Srebrenica – Maher Zain
Srebrenica – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Niklas Flykt at Khabang Studios, Sweden
Mastering: Tom Coyne at Sterling Sound, USA
Lyrics :
I know how it feels to lose everything
Everything, oh
I have faced a wall
So high above the ground
I’ve dreamt for hours and hours
About the day, about the day
When I can say that nothing can hold me down
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
Sometimes it feels like freedom is far away
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains, yeah
Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever change
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains
You wanna tear me apart but I am strong
I am strong
No matter how hard you try
I’ll never you let you see my tears
I’ve finally found the place where I belong
I belong
I’ll rise beyond and soar above my fears
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
It’s not easy I know
Just gotta let it go
I will forgive, I will forgive
With all my heart and soul
God has given me
The courage that I need
So I can live, I can live
With honor and dignity
‘Cause I am free
Yes I am free
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Niklas Flykt at Khabang Studios, Sweden
Mastering: Tom Coyne at Sterling Sound, USA
Lyrics :
I know how it feels to lose everything
Everything, oh
I have faced a wall
So high above the ground
I’ve dreamt for hours and hours
About the day, about the day
When I can say that nothing can hold me down
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
Sometimes it feels like freedom is far away
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains, yeah
Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever change
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains
You wanna tear me apart but I am strong
I am strong
No matter how hard you try
I’ll never you let you see my tears
I’ve finally found the place where I belong
I belong
I’ll rise beyond and soar above my fears
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
It’s not easy I know
Just gotta let it go
I will forgive, I will forgive
With all my heart and soul
God has given me
The courage that I need
So I can live, I can live
With honor and dignity
‘Cause I am free
Yes I am free
Break the Chains – Maher Zain
Break the Chains – Maher Zain
Melody: Sayed Mekawy (Egyptian composer 1928-1997)
Ordering of Divine Names: Fouad Haddad
The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah with Translation | كلمات أسماء الله الحسنى
نسألك يا من هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم
We ask You O Allah, whom there is no god but He
الملك القدوس السلام المؤمن المهيمن العزيز الجبار
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Sovereign, The Holy One,The Source of Peace,
The Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The Compeller
المتكبر الخالق البارئ المصور الغفار القهار الوهاب الرزاق الفتاح العليم
The Supreme, The Creator, The Maker, The Fashioner, The Ever-Forgiving, The Ever-Subduing,
The Ever-Endowing, The Ever-Sustaining, The Ever-Opening, The Omniscient
القابض الباسط الخافض الرافع المعزّ المُذلّ السميع البصير الحكم العدل
The Constrictor, The Expander, The Demoter, The Promoter, The Exalting,
The Humiliator, The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing, The Judge, The Just
اللطيف الخبير الحليم العظيم الغفور الشكور العلي الكبير الحفيظ المقيت
The Subtle, The Aware, The Forebearer, The Great, The All-Forgiving,
TheThankful, The Most High, The Grand, The Best Guardian, The Best Provider
الحسيب الجليل الكريم الرقيب المجيب الواسع الحكيم الودود المجيد الباعث الشهيد
The Best Reckoner, The Most Majestic, The Munificent, The Watchful, The Answerer,
The Limitless, The Wise, The Affectionate, The Most Glorious, The Resurrector, The Best Witness
الحق الوكيل، القوي المتين، الولي الحميد، المحصي المبدئ المعيد، المحي المميت الحي القيوم
TheTruth, The Advocate, The Almighty, The Puissant, The Best Patron, The Praiseworthy, The Counter,
The Initiator, The Restorer, The Life-Giver, The Life-Taker, The Living, The Self-Existing
الواجد الماجد الواحد الصمد القادر المقتدر المقدم المؤخر الأول الآخر
The Author, The Glorious, The One, The Steadfast, The Able, The Omnipotent, The Advancer,
The Delayer, The First, The Last
الظاهر الباطن الوالي المتعال البر التواب المنتقم العفوّ الرؤوف مالك الملك ذو الجلال والإكرام
The Evident, The Hidden, The Patron, The Lofty, The Beneficent, The Exonerating, The Avenger,
The Pardoner, The Compassionate, The Owner of Sovereignty, The Lord of Majesty & Bounty
المقسط الجامع الغني المغني المانع الضار النافع النور الهادي البديع الباقي
The Equitable, The Gatherer, The Self-Sufficient, The Enricher, The Preventer, The Distresser,
The Benefactor, The Light, The Guide, The Originator, The Everlasting
الوارث الرشيد الصبور الذي ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير
The Inheritor, The Best-Guide, The Most Patient, He Whom there is nothing like
unto Him and He is The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing
Melody: Sayed Mekawy (Egyptian composer 1928-1997)
Ordering of Divine Names: Fouad Haddad
The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah with Translation | كلمات أسماء الله الحسنى
نسألك يا من هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم
We ask You O Allah, whom there is no god but He
الملك القدوس السلام المؤمن المهيمن العزيز الجبار
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Sovereign, The Holy One,The Source of Peace,
The Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The Compeller
المتكبر الخالق البارئ المصور الغفار القهار الوهاب الرزاق الفتاح العليم
The Supreme, The Creator, The Maker, The Fashioner, The Ever-Forgiving, The Ever-Subduing,
The Ever-Endowing, The Ever-Sustaining, The Ever-Opening, The Omniscient
القابض الباسط الخافض الرافع المعزّ المُذلّ السميع البصير الحكم العدل
The Constrictor, The Expander, The Demoter, The Promoter, The Exalting,
The Humiliator, The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing, The Judge, The Just
اللطيف الخبير الحليم العظيم الغفور الشكور العلي الكبير الحفيظ المقيت
The Subtle, The Aware, The Forebearer, The Great, The All-Forgiving,
TheThankful, The Most High, The Grand, The Best Guardian, The Best Provider
الحسيب الجليل الكريم الرقيب المجيب الواسع الحكيم الودود المجيد الباعث الشهيد
The Best Reckoner, The Most Majestic, The Munificent, The Watchful, The Answerer,
The Limitless, The Wise, The Affectionate, The Most Glorious, The Resurrector, The Best Witness
الحق الوكيل، القوي المتين، الولي الحميد، المحصي المبدئ المعيد، المحي المميت الحي القيوم
TheTruth, The Advocate, The Almighty, The Puissant, The Best Patron, The Praiseworthy, The Counter,
The Initiator, The Restorer, The Life-Giver, The Life-Taker, The Living, The Self-Existing
الواجد الماجد الواحد الصمد القادر المقتدر المقدم المؤخر الأول الآخر
The Author, The Glorious, The One, The Steadfast, The Able, The Omnipotent, The Advancer,
The Delayer, The First, The Last
الظاهر الباطن الوالي المتعال البر التواب المنتقم العفوّ الرؤوف مالك الملك ذو الجلال والإكرام
The Evident, The Hidden, The Patron, The Lofty, The Beneficent, The Exonerating, The Avenger,
The Pardoner, The Compassionate, The Owner of Sovereignty, The Lord of Majesty & Bounty
المقسط الجامع الغني المغني المانع الضار النافع النور الهادي البديع الباقي
The Equitable, The Gatherer, The Self-Sufficient, The Enricher, The Preventer, The Distresser,
The Benefactor, The Light, The Guide, The Originator, The Everlasting
الوارث الرشيد الصبور الذي ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير
The Inheritor, The Best-Guide, The Most Patient, He Whom there is nothing like
unto Him and He is The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing
Asma Allah Alhusna – Maher Zain
Asma Allah Alhusna – Maher Zain
Composed and produced by Maher Zain
Lyrics by Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi
Lyrics :
There’s something on my mind, on my mind
I just can’t get it right, can’t get it right
It doesn’t go away, doesn’t go away
Even though I try to ignore it
I just want peace of mind, I want peace of mind
I feel like breaking down time after time
And it keeps coming back, always coming back
All my life doubting was a part of me
Day and night I fight my insecurities
Asking: “Why?” “Why am I?” “Who am I?”
I just want some peace of mind
Antassalam (You [God] are Peace)
Wa minkassalam (And from You comes all peace)
Tabarakta ya (Blessed are You)
Ya Thal Jalali wal Ikram (O Lord of Majesty and Bounty)
O God I need Your peace, I need Your peace
I still believe with hardship comes ease
Make this stress go away, go away
Go away, go away, yeah!
All my life I know You’ve been guiding me
You’re the One, the One who knows my destiny
I’ll be alright, I’m sure that You’ll look after me
You know what’s inside of me
All my life I know You’ve been blessing me
You’re the only One, the One who knows my destiny
I’ll be alright, I’m sure that You’ll look after me
You know what’s inside of me
Composed and produced by Maher Zain
Lyrics by Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi
Lyrics :
There’s something on my mind, on my mind
I just can’t get it right, can’t get it right
It doesn’t go away, doesn’t go away
Even though I try to ignore it
I just want peace of mind, I want peace of mind
I feel like breaking down time after time
And it keeps coming back, always coming back
All my life doubting was a part of me
Day and night I fight my insecurities
Asking: “Why?” “Why am I?” “Who am I?”
I just want some peace of mind
Antassalam (You [God] are Peace)
Wa minkassalam (And from You comes all peace)
Tabarakta ya (Blessed are You)
Ya Thal Jalali wal Ikram (O Lord of Majesty and Bounty)
O God I need Your peace, I need Your peace
I still believe with hardship comes ease
Make this stress go away, go away
Go away, go away, yeah!
All my life I know You’ve been guiding me
You’re the One, the One who knows my destiny
I’ll be alright, I’m sure that You’ll look after me
You know what’s inside of me
All my life I know You’ve been blessing me
You’re the only One, the One who knows my destiny
I’ll be alright, I’m sure that You’ll look after me
You know what’s inside of me
أنت السلام ( Antassalam ) – ماهر زين
أنت السلام ( Antassalam ) – ماهر زين
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – for Maher Zain
لولاك – أداء ماهر زين
Lyrics: Saif Fadhel
كلمات : سيف فاضل
Melody: Maher Zain
الحان : ماهر زين
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
توزيع : إيمري موجولكوش
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
منتج منفذ : براء خريجي
كلمات العمل / Lyrics :
(If It Weren’t For Your Grace)
اللهم تقبَّلنا
(O Allah accept us)
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
(With your beautiful guidance help us)
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
(O Lord of Beautiful Names)
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
(Have pity my Lord on my poor heart)
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
(If it weren’t for Your grace we wouldn’t have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed)
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
(We have a good opinion of You [and hope for your mercy], O Lord!)
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
(So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
(“Is there a supplicant, so that I grant him his wishes?”)
يسألُنا الله
(Allah asks us)
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
(Glorified is He, how Generous He is!)
جلَّ في عُلاه
(Exalted is He)
سبحان الله
(Allah is Glorified)
نسألُك هُدانا … هُدانا
( We ask You to guide us … to guide us!)
فاقبلْ مولانا … مولانا
(So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!)
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
(You Who can hear and see us,)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
(I end my prayer to You, my Lord…)
قائلا آمين
(by saying, “Amen”)
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
(There is no doubt that You are the Only One, O You who answers my prayers)
لا سواكَ يُعين
(None beside You can help me)
قلتُها بيقين
(I say this with all my conviction)
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – for Maher Zain
لولاك – أداء ماهر زين
Lyrics: Saif Fadhel
كلمات : سيف فاضل
Melody: Maher Zain
الحان : ماهر زين
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
توزيع : إيمري موجولكوش
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
منتج منفذ : براء خريجي
كلمات العمل / Lyrics :
(If It Weren’t For Your Grace)
اللهم تقبَّلنا
(O Allah accept us)
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
(With your beautiful guidance help us)
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
(O Lord of Beautiful Names)
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
(Have pity my Lord on my poor heart)
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
(If it weren’t for Your grace we wouldn’t have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed)
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
(We have a good opinion of You [and hope for your mercy], O Lord!)
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
(So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
(“Is there a supplicant, so that I grant him his wishes?”)
يسألُنا الله
(Allah asks us)
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
(Glorified is He, how Generous He is!)
جلَّ في عُلاه
(Exalted is He)
سبحان الله
(Allah is Glorified)
نسألُك هُدانا … هُدانا
( We ask You to guide us … to guide us!)
فاقبلْ مولانا … مولانا
(So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!)
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
(You Who can hear and see us,)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
(I end my prayer to You, my Lord…)
قائلا آمين
(by saying, “Amen”)
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
(There is no doubt that You are the Only One, O You who answers my prayers)
لا سواكَ يُعين
(None beside You can help me)
قلتُها بيقين
(I say this with all my conviction)
Lawlaka (Extended Version) – Maher Zain
Lawlaka (Extended Version) – Maher Zain
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – for Maher Zain
لولاك – أداء ماهر زين
Lyrics: Saif Fadhel
كلمات : سيف فاضل
Melody: Maher Zain
الحان : ماهر زين
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
توزيع : إيمري موجولكوش
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
منتج منفذ : براء خريجي
كلمات العمل / Lyrics :
(If It Weren’t For Your Grace)
اللهم تقبَّلنا
(O Allah accept us)
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
(With your beautiful guidance help us)
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
(O Lord of Beautiful Names)
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
(Have pity my Lord on my poor heart)
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
(If it weren’t for Your grace we wouldn’t have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed)
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
(We have a good opinion of You [and hope for your mercy], O Lord!)
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
(So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
(“Is there a supplicant, so that I grant him his wishes?”)
يسألُنا الله
(Allah asks us)
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
(Glorified is He, how Generous He is!)
جلَّ في عُلاه
(Exalted is He)
سبحان الله
(Allah is Glorified)
نسألُك هُدانا … هُدانا
( We ask You to guide us … to guide us!)
فاقبلْ مولانا … مولانا
(So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!)
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
(You Who can hear and see us,)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
(I end my prayer to You, my Lord…)
قائلا آمين
(by saying, “Amen”)
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
(There is no doubt that You are the Only One, O You who answers my prayers)
لا سواكَ يُعين
(None beside You can help me)
قلتُها بيقين
(I say this with all my conviction)
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – for Maher Zain
لولاك – أداء ماهر زين
Lyrics: Saif Fadhel
كلمات : سيف فاضل
Melody: Maher Zain
الحان : ماهر زين
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
توزيع : إيمري موجولكوش
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
منتج منفذ : براء خريجي
كلمات العمل / Lyrics :
(If It Weren’t For Your Grace)
اللهم تقبَّلنا
(O Allah accept us)
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
(With your beautiful guidance help us)
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
(O Lord of Beautiful Names)
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
(Have pity my Lord on my poor heart)
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
(If it weren’t for Your grace we wouldn’t have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed)
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
(We have a good opinion of You [and hope for your mercy], O Lord!)
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
(So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
(“Is there a supplicant, so that I grant him his wishes?”)
يسألُنا الله
(Allah asks us)
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
(Glorified is He, how Generous He is!)
جلَّ في عُلاه
(Exalted is He)
سبحان الله
(Allah is Glorified)
نسألُك هُدانا … هُدانا
( We ask You to guide us … to guide us!)
فاقبلْ مولانا … مولانا
(So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!)
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
(You Who can hear and see us,)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
(Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!)
تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
(I end my prayer to You, my Lord…)
قائلا آمين
(by saying, “Amen”)
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
(There is no doubt that You are the Only One, O You who answers my prayers)
لا سواكَ يُعين
(None beside You can help me)
قلتُها بيقين
(I say this with all my conviction)
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – Maher Zain
Lawlaka (Radio Edit) – Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مهما كبرتُ أعود بين يديك
طفلا صغيرا ما كبرتُ لديك
أنتِ أماني راحتي وسعادتي
قلبي لنيل رضاك عاد إليك
أمي .. حبيبتي أمي
رضاك .. يا أمي
دُنيتي وجناني .. يا أمي
يا مَن حملتيني وظنك أني
أسعى لبرك ما حييتُ سنيني
والله لن أوفي حنانك لحظة
حتى وإن أهديك مقلة عيني
أمي .. حبيبتي أمي
رضاك .. يا أمي
دُنيتي وجناني .. يا أمي
كلمات العمل :
مهما كبرتُ أعود بين يديك
طفلا صغيرا ما كبرتُ لديك
أنتِ أماني راحتي وسعادتي
قلبي لنيل رضاك عاد إليك
أمي .. حبيبتي أمي
رضاك .. يا أمي
دُنيتي وجناني .. يا أمي
يا مَن حملتيني وظنك أني
أسعى لبرك ما حييتُ سنيني
والله لن أوفي حنانك لحظة
حتى وإن أهديك مقلة عيني
أمي .. حبيبتي أمي
رضاك .. يا أمي
دُنيتي وجناني .. يا أمي
ummi ( Mother ) – Maher Zain
ummi ( Mother ) – Maher Zain
لحملة ركاز التاسعة عشرة التي انطلقت مطلع مارس 2019 بالتعاون مع
مؤسسة #حضارة وأكاديمية #أمجاد الدولية.
بهدف تعزيز الاقتداء الصحيح بالمصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم.
الرائعة الصوتية :
أداء وألحان : ماهر زين
كلمات : عجلان ثابت
توزيع : أحمد محروس
– – – – –
كلمات العمل :
دومًا تخطرُ أنت ببالي
أسألُ نفسي عنكَ وحَالي
هل شابهتُك في أفعالي؟.. هل أرضَيت؟
أحيا بحياءٍ في ذاتي
يجعلُ نورَك نبعَ صِفاتي
ألهمتَ شعوري وحَياتي .. فتسامَيتْ
على نهجِكْ مَشيتْ
بدربِكْ مَضَيتْ
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
على نهجك مشيت
ومِنكَ استَقيت
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
أتبَعُكَ رقِيًّا وكلاما
لو كذبوا.. صِدقًا أتسامى
لو جرحوا.. لوّحتُ سلاما.. وتغاضيتْ
وسيبقى نهجُكَ عُنواني
ذقُتُ الجنّةَ في إيماني
قاسيتُ وطيفُك أنساني ما قاسَيتْ
على نهجِكْ مَشيتْ
بدربِكْ مَضَيتْ
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
لحملة ركاز التاسعة عشرة التي انطلقت مطلع مارس 2019 بالتعاون مع
مؤسسة #حضارة وأكاديمية #أمجاد الدولية.
بهدف تعزيز الاقتداء الصحيح بالمصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم.
الرائعة الصوتية :
أداء وألحان : ماهر زين
كلمات : عجلان ثابت
توزيع : أحمد محروس
– – – – –
كلمات العمل :
دومًا تخطرُ أنت ببالي
أسألُ نفسي عنكَ وحَالي
هل شابهتُك في أفعالي؟.. هل أرضَيت؟
أحيا بحياءٍ في ذاتي
يجعلُ نورَك نبعَ صِفاتي
ألهمتَ شعوري وحَياتي .. فتسامَيتْ
على نهجِكْ مَشيتْ
بدربِكْ مَضَيتْ
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
على نهجك مشيت
ومِنكَ استَقيت
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
أتبَعُكَ رقِيًّا وكلاما
لو كذبوا.. صِدقًا أتسامى
لو جرحوا.. لوّحتُ سلاما.. وتغاضيتْ
وسيبقى نهجُكَ عُنواني
ذقُتُ الجنّةَ في إيماني
قاسيتُ وطيفُك أنساني ما قاسَيتْ
على نهجِكْ مَشيتْ
بدربِكْ مَضَيتْ
نوري حبيبي المصطفى
بِكَ اقتديت..
على نهجك مشيت – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
على نهجك مشيت – ماهر زين
وقت الحصاد – أداء ماهر زين
Hasat Vakti – Maher Zain
كلمات : أحمد كرتس
Soz : Ahmet Kurtis
توزيع موسيقي : إيمري موجولكوش
Musik : Emre Moğulkoç
Hasat Vakti – Maher Zain
هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
هو القرآن ( نسخة الموسيقى ) – ماهر زين
هو القرآن ( نسخة الموسيقى ) – ماهر زين
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – ماهر زين
كن رحمة – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
كن رحمة – ماهر زين
Assubhu Bada – For Maher Zain
الصبح بدا – النسخة الصوتية الأصلية
للفنان ماهر زين
كلمات : الإمام البوصيري
Melody: Dagestani Heritage
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
Mixing: Niklas Flykt
Mastering: Tom Coyne
Special Thanks: Hasan Kuyucu, Ahmed Al-Yafie
Produced by Awakening Records
كلمات العمل :
الصبح بدا من طَلْعَتهِ
والليلُ دَجا من وَفرتهِ
فاقَ الرُّسلَ فضلاً وعُلا
أَهْدَى السُّبُلَ لِدَلالَتِهِ
كَنْزُ الْكَرَمِ عذْبُ الكلِم
هادي الأُممِ لشريعتهِ
أزكى النسَبِ أعلى الحسَبِ
هو خيرُ نبي في أُمتِه
سعَت الشَّجَرُ نَطَقَ الحَجَرُ
شُقّ القَمَرُ بِإِشَارتِهِ
جِبْرِيلُ أَتَاه لَيْلَةَ أَسْرَى
والرَّبُ دعاه لحضرتهِ
نالَ الشَّرَفَ والله عَفَا
عمّا سلفَ من أُمتهِ
فمحمدُنا هوَ سيدُنا
فالعِزُّ لَنا لإِجَابتِهِ
Assubhu Bada – For Maher Zain
الصبح بدا – النسخة الصوتية الأصلية
للفنان ماهر زين
كلمات : الإمام البوصيري
Melody: Dagestani Heritage
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
Mixing: Niklas Flykt
Mastering: Tom Coyne
Special Thanks: Hasan Kuyucu, Ahmed Al-Yafie
Produced by Awakening Records
كلمات العمل :
الصبح بدا من طَلْعَتهِ
والليلُ دَجا من وَفرتهِ
فاقَ الرُّسلَ فضلاً وعُلا
أَهْدَى السُّبُلَ لِدَلالَتِهِ
كَنْزُ الْكَرَمِ عذْبُ الكلِم
هادي الأُممِ لشريعتهِ
أزكى النسَبِ أعلى الحسَبِ
هو خيرُ نبي في أُمتِه
سعَت الشَّجَرُ نَطَقَ الحَجَرُ
شُقّ القَمَرُ بِإِشَارتِهِ
جِبْرِيلُ أَتَاه لَيْلَةَ أَسْرَى
والرَّبُ دعاه لحضرتهِ
نالَ الشَّرَفَ والله عَفَا
عمّا سلفَ من أُمتهِ
فمحمدُنا هوَ سيدُنا
فالعِزُّ لَنا لإِجَابتِهِ
الصبح بدا ( النسخة الصوتية ) – ماهر زين
الصبح بدا ( النسخة الصوتية ) – ماهر زين
كلمات العمل :
.. انّه يراك
تابعٌ خُطاك
فالتُريهِ ما تَوَدُّ أن تَراهُ في الوجُودِ
مُدّها يداك .. مُدّها يداك
و جُدّ بالقليلِ ولو بالقَليلِ
أدِمهُ بوَصلٍ و فِعلِ الجِميل
و جُدّ بالقليلِ ولو بالقَليلِ
أدِمهُ بوَصلٍ و فِعلِ الجِميل
و رَوِّي الحَياةَ بماءِ العَطاء
لِتُلهِمَ جيلاً من بَعدِ جيل
و رَوِّي الحَياةَ بماءِ العَطاء
لِتُلهِمَ جيلاً من بَعدِ جيل
.. مُدّها يداك
كلمات العمل :
.. انّه يراك
تابعٌ خُطاك
فالتُريهِ ما تَوَدُّ أن تَراهُ في الوجُودِ
مُدّها يداك .. مُدّها يداك
و جُدّ بالقليلِ ولو بالقَليلِ
أدِمهُ بوَصلٍ و فِعلِ الجِميل
و جُدّ بالقليلِ ولو بالقَليلِ
أدِمهُ بوَصلٍ و فِعلِ الجِميل
و رَوِّي الحَياةَ بماءِ العَطاء
لِتُلهِمَ جيلاً من بَعدِ جيل
و رَوِّي الحَياةَ بماءِ العَطاء
لِتُلهِمَ جيلاً من بَعدِ جيل
.. مُدّها يداك
أجيال الخير – ماهر زين
أجيال الخير – ماهر زين
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : أحمد الرضوان
كلمات العمل :
قبل منامي مرّ ببالي وحيُ سؤال
لو أن لعمري ميزاناً ما المكيال ؟ ..
أيقاس العمر بأيام أم أعوام ؟ ..
فتأملت جلست أفكر فيما يُذكر حين يقال
رحم الله فلُان .. كان و كان و كان
لن تُذكر الا الأعمال
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
لن أنتظر الفرصة حتى ترأف بي
بل أصنعها بالاصرار الملتهبِ
لن أقضي وقتي باللوم و بالعتبِ
فكثير مرّوا و قليل ممن ذُكروا حين يُقال
رحم الله فلان .. كان و كان و كان
لن تُذكر الا الأعمال ..
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
ما أجمل أن تحيا عُمراً غالٍ وثمين
بعطائك تسمو أيامك تزداد سنين
لا تسأل الأيام متى أبدأُ بالتغير ؟ ..
الآن الآن فخير الوقت الآن يحين
بادر و استبق الخير ستسعدُ ذاك يقين
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : أحمد الرضوان
كلمات العمل :
قبل منامي مرّ ببالي وحيُ سؤال
لو أن لعمري ميزاناً ما المكيال ؟ ..
أيقاس العمر بأيام أم أعوام ؟ ..
فتأملت جلست أفكر فيما يُذكر حين يقال
رحم الله فلُان .. كان و كان و كان
لن تُذكر الا الأعمال
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
لن أنتظر الفرصة حتى ترأف بي
بل أصنعها بالاصرار الملتهبِ
لن أقضي وقتي باللوم و بالعتبِ
فكثير مرّوا و قليل ممن ذُكروا حين يُقال
رحم الله فلان .. كان و كان و كان
لن تُذكر الا الأعمال ..
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
ما أجمل أن تحيا عُمراً غالٍ وثمين
بعطائك تسمو أيامك تزداد سنين
لا تسأل الأيام متى أبدأُ بالتغير ؟ ..
الآن الآن فخير الوقت الآن يحين
بادر و استبق الخير ستسعدُ ذاك يقين
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا
أعمارُنا … أعمالنا
و بها سمت أسماءُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهُنا آثارنا
أعمارنا أعمالنا – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
أعمارنا أعمالنا – ماهر زين
ناس تشبهلنا – ماهر زين
شارة برنامج أحبك ربي – ماهر زين
شارة برنامج خواطر ٧ – ماهر زين
شارة برنامج خواطر ٩ – ماهر زين
كلمات وألحان : عزيز الشافعي
توزيع : أحمد إبراهيم
كلمات العمل :
لحظة ..
نفرح في لحظة ..
نحزن في لحظة ..
والعمر كله لحظة مُرة
وساعات بتحلى
وهي رحلة تخلص في لحظة
يا ترى اللي جاي قد اللى فات من عمرنا
مين اللى عارف بكرة ايه مكتوبلنا
لحظة ألم
قلبي اتظلم
دمعة فراق
فرحة لُقى
صعبة الحياة وهينة
قاسية وساعات حنينة
عد الحاجات الحلوة حواليك عدها
وكل لحظة فرحة عيشها وحسها
ولربنا سلم أمورك كلها
دا هو عنده المبتدى والمنتهى
يا تري اللى جاي قد اللى فات من عمرنا
مين اللى عارف بكرة ايه مكتوبلنا
لحظة ألم
قلبي اتظلم
دمعة فراق
فرحة لُقى
صعبة الحياة وهينة
قاسية وساعات حنينة
كلمات وألحان : عزيز الشافعي
توزيع : أحمد إبراهيم
كلمات العمل :
لحظة ..
نفرح في لحظة ..
نحزن في لحظة ..
والعمر كله لحظة مُرة
وساعات بتحلى
وهي رحلة تخلص في لحظة
يا ترى اللي جاي قد اللى فات من عمرنا
مين اللى عارف بكرة ايه مكتوبلنا
لحظة ألم
قلبي اتظلم
دمعة فراق
فرحة لُقى
صعبة الحياة وهينة
قاسية وساعات حنينة
عد الحاجات الحلوة حواليك عدها
وكل لحظة فرحة عيشها وحسها
ولربنا سلم أمورك كلها
دا هو عنده المبتدى والمنتهى
يا تري اللى جاي قد اللى فات من عمرنا
مين اللى عارف بكرة ايه مكتوبلنا
لحظة ألم
قلبي اتظلم
دمعة فراق
فرحة لُقى
صعبة الحياة وهينة
قاسية وساعات حنينة
شارة برنامج عيش اللحظة – ماهر زين
شارة برنامج عيش اللحظة – ماهر زين
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
كلمات العمل :
مسكين قلبك لايقوى لا يتحمل
أن يبقى في ضيق خصام لا لايقدر
فطرتك تناديك بصفاء مهما يحصل
سامح واصفح انت الرابح وغداً تؤجر
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
نتحاور نختلف ولكن لانتحامل
انسانيتنا تدعونا ان نتواصل
ان لم يكن الأمر وفاقاً فلتتقبل
سامح واصفح انت الرابح وغداً تؤجر
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
كن يداً بلخير تمتد
وهداً بالحب يسعد
كل ذات البين يشيد
كن لجرح بلسم وانشر الخير ثباتاً
اطلاق العفو ودعةُ يتكلم
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
كلمات العمل :
مسكين قلبك لايقوى لا يتحمل
أن يبقى في ضيق خصام لا لايقدر
فطرتك تناديك بصفاء مهما يحصل
سامح واصفح انت الرابح وغداً تؤجر
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
نتحاور نختلف ولكن لانتحامل
انسانيتنا تدعونا ان نتواصل
ان لم يكن الأمر وفاقاً فلتتقبل
سامح واصفح انت الرابح وغداً تؤجر
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
كن يداً بلخير تمتد
وهداً بالحب يسعد
كل ذات البين يشيد
كن لجرح بلسم وانشر الخير ثباتاً
اطلاق العفو ودعةُ يتكلم
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واصفح واغفر واعفو
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفو
سامح….! انت الرابح
سامح واتعايش كي نرقى
كي نصبح مجتمعاً اقوى سامح
المتسامح رابح – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
المتسامح رابح – ماهر زين
لا ..
ما عاد يرعبني
ظلم يهددني
لا شيء أخسره
لا ..
مهما يطول الدرب
فالحق معه الرب
لاشك ينصره
عزمي غدا
كالخيل يمضي
و لئن عثرت قدماي
ستزيد قواي
و سنمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
طفل يسائلنا
من ذا يقتّلنا؟
ما ذنبنا اطفال؟
يتم ..
يتم أحاطنا
قهر يقيدنا
فكوا لنا الأغلال
عزمي غدا
كالخيل يمضي
و لئن عثرت قدماي
ستزيد قواي
و سنمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
الله أكرمني
لما سمت حريتي
سأصون كرامتي
ما بقت دنياي
لا خوف يحدوني
فالله أسمى غايتي
سأعيش لجنتي
ذاك أقصى مناي
يا ربنا
ارحم ضعفنا
يا ربي انصرنا
كي نمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
لا ..
ما عاد يرعبني
ظلم يهددني
لا شيء أخسره
لا ..
مهما يطول الدرب
فالحق معه الرب
لاشك ينصره
عزمي غدا
كالخيل يمضي
و لئن عثرت قدماي
ستزيد قواي
و سنمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
طفل يسائلنا
من ذا يقتّلنا؟
ما ذنبنا اطفال؟
يتم ..
يتم أحاطنا
قهر يقيدنا
فكوا لنا الأغلال
عزمي غدا
كالخيل يمضي
و لئن عثرت قدماي
ستزيد قواي
و سنمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
الله أكرمني
لما سمت حريتي
سأصون كرامتي
ما بقت دنياي
لا خوف يحدوني
فالله أسمى غايتي
سأعيش لجنتي
ذاك أقصى مناي
يا ربنا
ارحم ضعفنا
يا ربي انصرنا
كي نمضي ..
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
من دون قيود
الحب يسود
فالله الودود
حتما سنعود
حتما سنعود و الحب يسود
الحب يسود – ماهر زين
الحب يسود – ماهر زين
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Director: Mike Harris
Lyrics :
There’s no fear in my heart
Got nothing left to lose
I saw my loved ones die
Oh, I swear that I won’t give in
By God you’ll never win
I’ll fight for what’s right
And nothing can stand in my way
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
Life’s become so cheap
So many orphans weep
They forgot how to smile
Oh, I cannot understand
Just how somebody can
Murder an innocent child
I swear their lives won’t be lost in vain
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
God made me free
You can’t take that away from me
Freedom is my destiny
I have a dream
And my dream is to see
To see all my people smile
See all of them free and proud
I feel the wind of peace
‘Cause with hardship comes ease
That’s why I won’t lose faith
And I know that God is Great
So, I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
I won’t run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Director: Mike Harris
Lyrics :
There’s no fear in my heart
Got nothing left to lose
I saw my loved ones die
Oh, I swear that I won’t give in
By God you’ll never win
I’ll fight for what’s right
And nothing can stand in my way
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
Life’s become so cheap
So many orphans weep
They forgot how to smile
Oh, I cannot understand
Just how somebody can
Murder an innocent child
I swear their lives won’t be lost in vain
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
God made me free
You can’t take that away from me
Freedom is my destiny
I have a dream
And my dream is to see
To see all my people smile
See all of them free and proud
I feel the wind of peace
‘Cause with hardship comes ease
That’s why I won’t lose faith
And I know that God is Great
So, I’ll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
I won’t run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
Love will prevail – Maher Zain
Love will prevail – Maher Zain
How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many years, quickly slipping by
Like the Sleepers of the Cave
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our graves
O God! You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many years, quickly slipping by
Like the Sleepers of the Cave
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our graves
O God! You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
This worldly life (Single) – Maher Zain
This worldly life (Single) – Maher Zain
Gathered here with my family
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
…This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
Gathered here with my family
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
…This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
Freedom (Acoustic Version) – Maher Zain
Freedom (Acoustic Version) – Maher Zain
Gathered here with my family
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
…This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
Gathered here with my family
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
Oh God thank you..
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
…This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, ooh no
We know you’re here with us
Freedom – Maher Zain
Freedom – Maher Zain
أناشيد مشتركة
سير .. سير .. سير .. سير
سير سير سير سير سير
ديما ديما ديما
ديما ديما المغرب
في القمة علّيوا الراية المغربية
نية نية نية
بديناها بالنية .. نكملوها بالنية
هادي فرحة عالمية
بونو بونو بونو
بونو مولى الضحكة
ضحكته ماشي عادية
عربي حر مية بالمية
علِّ علِّ علِّ
الكرة ياحكيمي
علِّ وخلِّ الدنيا تضحك ليا
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
العبوا العبوا العبوا
ياولاد المغرب
بالروح والنية تجيبوها عالمية
العبوا العبوا العبوا
يا مغاربة العبوا
التاريخ يتكتب بحروف ذهبية
وسير سير سير .. سير
وسير يا زياش
يا ولد بلادي انت فنان كبير
وسير وسير وسير
وسير يا نصيري
ياخويا سير للقدام الله يعطيك الخير
ديما ديما ديما
ديما ديما المغرب
في القمة علّيوا الراية المغربية
نية نية نية
بديناها بالنية .. نكملوها بالنية
هادي فرحة عالمية
سير سير سير سير
سير .. سير .. سير .. سير
سير سير سير سير سير
ديما ديما ديما
ديما ديما المغرب
في القمة علّيوا الراية المغربية
نية نية نية
بديناها بالنية .. نكملوها بالنية
هادي فرحة عالمية
بونو بونو بونو
بونو مولى الضحكة
ضحكته ماشي عادية
عربي حر مية بالمية
علِّ علِّ علِّ
الكرة ياحكيمي
علِّ وخلِّ الدنيا تضحك ليا
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
ديما المغرب .. سير
العبوا العبوا العبوا
ياولاد المغرب
بالروح والنية تجيبوها عالمية
العبوا العبوا العبوا
يا مغاربة العبوا
التاريخ يتكتب بحروف ذهبية
وسير سير سير .. سير
وسير يا زياش
يا ولد بلادي انت فنان كبير
وسير وسير وسير
وسير يا نصيري
ياخويا سير للقدام الله يعطيك الخير
ديما ديما ديما
ديما ديما المغرب
في القمة علّيوا الراية المغربية
نية نية نية
بديناها بالنية .. نكملوها بالنية
هادي فرحة عالمية
سير سير سير سير
Dima Maghreb – Maher Zain, Humood Alkhudher
Dima Maghreb – Maher Zain, Humood Alkhudher
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed AlYafie & Talal AlKhudher
English Lyrics: Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Humood AlKhudher
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Director: Hamzah Jamjoom
Produced by: Awakening Music
Lyrics | الكلمات :
مرحباً وسهلا .. كلّن من محلّه
هذا العالم أوسع بتنوّعنا وأحلى
زينّا المباني .. حقّقنا الأماني
عيش اللحظة معنا .. ودندن يودان داني
الملعب جمعنا .. يلا غنوا معنا
!نغمة عربية .. هيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. ويلا تهيّا
بسم الله ابتدينا .. يا مرحب وحيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. الحلم بسمانا
وعلى الوعد جانا .. يلا نلعب سويّا
From every corner of the world – Hayya!
We’ve come to live our dream – Hayya!
We’re all united here as one – Hayya!
Lo-lo-love is all we need
Today we celebrate – Hey!
History is made – Hey!
And now it’s time to wave our flags and say:
هيا هيا هيا .. ويلا تهيّا
بسم الله ابتدينا .. يا مرحب وحيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. الحلم بسمانا
وعلى الوعد جانا .. يلا نلعب سويّا
بسم السلام .. نفتحُ قلبا
ونُبحِرُ شرقا .. بالحبِّ و غَربا
والفوزُ الفوز .. لكلٍّ منا
ممن تعنّى .. لما تمنّى
واليومَ اليوم .. نُنجزُ وعدا
ونَبلغُ مجدا .. للعالمية
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed AlYafie & Talal AlKhudher
English Lyrics: Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Humood AlKhudher
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Director: Hamzah Jamjoom
Produced by: Awakening Music
Lyrics | الكلمات :
مرحباً وسهلا .. كلّن من محلّه
هذا العالم أوسع بتنوّعنا وأحلى
زينّا المباني .. حقّقنا الأماني
عيش اللحظة معنا .. ودندن يودان داني
الملعب جمعنا .. يلا غنوا معنا
!نغمة عربية .. هيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. ويلا تهيّا
بسم الله ابتدينا .. يا مرحب وحيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. الحلم بسمانا
وعلى الوعد جانا .. يلا نلعب سويّا
From every corner of the world – Hayya!
We’ve come to live our dream – Hayya!
We’re all united here as one – Hayya!
Lo-lo-love is all we need
Today we celebrate – Hey!
History is made – Hey!
And now it’s time to wave our flags and say:
هيا هيا هيا .. ويلا تهيّا
بسم الله ابتدينا .. يا مرحب وحيّا
هيا هيا هيا .. الحلم بسمانا
وعلى الوعد جانا .. يلا نلعب سويّا
بسم السلام .. نفتحُ قلبا
ونُبحِرُ شرقا .. بالحبِّ و غَربا
والفوزُ الفوز .. لكلٍّ منا
ممن تعنّى .. لما تمنّى
واليومَ اليوم .. نُنجزُ وعدا
ونَبلغُ مجدا .. للعالمية
تهيا – ماهر زين، حمود الخضر
تهيا – ماهر زين، حمود الخضر
“Live It Up” Lyrics:
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
De Copenhague hasta el caribe
(From Copenhagen to the Caribbean)
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Say I never settle for less
So triple down on, on positivity
Dark clouds they come and they go all the time
My eyes on the prize so I pay them no mind
And always give it my best
Say I gotta get up and get on my way
Leave the negativity way behind me
Say I’ll never settle for less
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Have you ever, ever been in doubt
Trying so hard to figure it out
I spent many days lost in myself
Drowned in this world, had to reset
I’ll never, I’ll never, I’ll never ever
Go back to that again
Say I gotta get up and get on my way
Leave the negativity way behind me
Say I’ll never, I’ll never, I’ll never ever
Never settle for less
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Y líbrate la mente
(Free your mind)
Y grita lo que sientes
(And scream what you feel)
Ve y líbrate la mente
(Go and free your mind)
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
La vida es lo mejor sin ponerle interrogante
(Life is better without question marks)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Mi gente pa’ lante
(My people let’s go forward)
La vida es lo mejor sin ponerle interrogante
(Life is better without question marks)
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
No se detiene
(It doesn’t stop)
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Y líbrate la mente
(Free your mind)
Y grita lo que sientes
(And scream what you feel)
Ve y líbrate la mente
(Go and free your mind)
Líbrate la mente
(Free your mind!)
“Live It Up” Lyrics:
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
De Copenhague hasta el caribe
(From Copenhagen to the Caribbean)
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Say I never settle for less
So triple down on, on positivity
Dark clouds they come and they go all the time
My eyes on the prize so I pay them no mind
And always give it my best
Say I gotta get up and get on my way
Leave the negativity way behind me
Say I’ll never settle for less
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Have you ever, ever been in doubt
Trying so hard to figure it out
I spent many days lost in myself
Drowned in this world, had to reset
I’ll never, I’ll never, I’ll never ever
Go back to that again
Say I gotta get up and get on my way
Leave the negativity way behind me
Say I’ll never, I’ll never, I’ll never ever
Never settle for less
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Y líbrate la mente
(Free your mind)
Y grita lo que sientes
(And scream what you feel)
Ve y líbrate la mente
(Go and free your mind)
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
La vida es lo mejor sin ponerle interrogante
(Life is better without question marks)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Mi gente pa’ lante
(My people let’s go forward)
La vida es lo mejor sin ponerle interrogante
(Life is better without question marks)
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
No se detiene
(It doesn’t stop)
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all
Before we can see that nothing lasts forever
Risk it all for love, love is from above
And my life, my life, my life is for You
So I’mma live it up
Siempre real y sincero
(Always real and sincere)
Y sincera es la música
(And sincere is the music)
I’mma live it up
Con amor verdadero
(With true love)
Vamos pa’ lante
(Let’s go forward)
Y líbrate la mente
(Free your mind)
Y grita lo que sientes
(And scream what you feel)
Ve y líbrate la mente
(Go and free your mind)
Líbrate la mente
(Free your mind!)
Live it up – Maher Zain ft. Lenny Martinez
Live it up – Maher Zain ft. Lenny Martinez
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda – Maher Zain, Salim Sulaiman
Ya Khuda – Maher Zain, Salim Sulaiman
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak
انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر
Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak
انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار
Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك
Look to your right, look to your left
İnsanlara mutlulukla bak
انظر للناس بسعادة
Look happily at people
Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur
أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع
Please, open up your heart to people
Sonu elbet mutluluk olur…
ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد…
You will surely find happiness at the end..
Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah…
الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله…
Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur…
ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم
What will happen if you open your arms…
Kenetlenir herkes bir olur
ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد
The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person
Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah…
في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله
in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana
ما شاء الله عليك
Masha’Allah, wonderful!
Her gün mutlu olsana…
كن سعيدًا دائمًا
Why don’t you be happy always
Demişki resullallah…
فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
Gülmek sadaka…
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
translated by : Samar ElSaid
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak
انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر
Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak
انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار
Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك
Look to your right, look to your left
İnsanlara mutlulukla bak
انظر للناس بسعادة
Look happily at people
Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur
أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع
Please, open up your heart to people
Sonu elbet mutluluk olur…
ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد…
You will surely find happiness at the end..
Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah…
الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله…
Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur…
ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم
What will happen if you open your arms…
Kenetlenir herkes bir olur
ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد
The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person
Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah…
في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله
in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana
ما شاء الله عليك
Masha’Allah, wonderful!
Her gün mutlu olsana…
كن سعيدًا دائمًا
Why don’t you be happy always
Demişki resullallah…
فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
Gülmek sadaka…
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
translated by : Samar ElSaid
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain, Sinan Akçıl
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain, Sinan Akçıl
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Bilthikr (feat. Amakhono We Sintu) [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain
Bilthikr (feat. Amakhono We Sintu) [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The Power [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain feat. Amakhono We Sintu
The Power [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain feat. Amakhono We Sintu
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Good Day [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
English Lyrics: Dhruv Ghanekar
Urdu Lyrics: Ishitta Arun
Composed, Arranged & Produced by: Dhruv Ghanekar
“I’m Alive” Lyrics:
You’re the reason my life’s worth living
You’re the reason I’m alive
I’d be lost without You
You’re the reason that I strive
You’re my destiny
You’re my reverie
You’re the reason that I breathe
You are all that I believe
Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula
(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)
Ho malang mein
(Like a wandering mystic)
Zindagi ki raah chal chala
(I have set forth on this journey called life)
Hai Khuda ek tera mera
(One Creator for you and me)
Hai ek falsafa
(This is my philosophy [in life])
Khana’badosh hon
(I’m a nomad traveller)
Mein madhosh hon
(I’m lost in a trance)
Tere ishq mein
(In Your supreme love)
Mein sharaboor hon
(I am deeply submerged)
For so long I’ve been denying
But now I feel like I’m flying
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Now nothing seems impossible
With You I feel unstoppable
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Ilahi, ilahi, Maula, Maula
English Lyrics: Dhruv Ghanekar
Urdu Lyrics: Ishitta Arun
Composed, Arranged & Produced by: Dhruv Ghanekar
“I’m Alive” Lyrics:
You’re the reason my life’s worth living
You’re the reason I’m alive
I’d be lost without You
You’re the reason that I strive
You’re my destiny
You’re my reverie
You’re the reason that I breathe
You are all that I believe
Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula
(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)
Ho malang mein
(Like a wandering mystic)
Zindagi ki raah chal chala
(I have set forth on this journey called life)
Hai Khuda ek tera mera
(One Creator for you and me)
Hai ek falsafa
(This is my philosophy [in life])
Khana’badosh hon
(I’m a nomad traveller)
Mein madhosh hon
(I’m lost in a trance)
Tere ishq mein
(In Your supreme love)
Mein sharaboor hon
(I am deeply submerged)
For so long I’ve been denying
But now I feel like I’m flying
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Now nothing seems impossible
With You I feel unstoppable
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Ilahi, ilahi, Maula, Maula
I’m Alive [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
I’m Alive [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
Bika Moulhimi (feat. Mustafa Ceceli) [Vocals-Only Arabic] – Maher Zain
Bika Moulhimi (feat. Mustafa Ceceli) [Vocals-Only Arabic] – Maher Zain
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the word of Allah
Mercy and kindness and hope for everyone
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
Even the why can see your face
Your present is always all around me
Your name is on my mind every single day
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the word of Allah
Mercy and kindness and hope for everyone
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
Even the why can see your face
Your present is always all around me
Your name is on my mind every single day
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
The way of love – Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
The way of love – Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
O Sensin Ki (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
بك ملهمي | Bika Moulhme ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
بك ملهمي | Bika Moulhme ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
بالذكر | Bil’thikr ft. Amakhono We Sintu ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
بالذكر | Bil’thikr ft. Amakhono We Sintu ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The power – Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
The power – Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The power ( One Album ) | Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
The power ( One Album ) | Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day ( One Album ) | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Good Day ( One Album ) | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
I’m Alive ( One Album ) | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the word of Allah
Mercy and kindness and hope for everyone
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
Even the why can see your face
Your present is always all around me
Your name is on my mind every single day
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the word of Allah
Mercy and kindness and hope for everyone
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
Even the why can see your face
Your present is always all around me
Your name is on my mind every single day
Peace be upon you oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’d be the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
You are the light the guide of alive
You the assist of beauty the best of mankind
Forever you’de the source of truth
Peace be upon you Oh Muhammad
The way of love ( One Album ) | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
The way of love ( One Album ) | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
يا من أتيت فزدت حبنا
(O you who came and increased our love)
أسعدتنا و جمعت شملنا
(Made us happy and brought us together)
أنت هدية من الله لنا
(You are God’s gift to us)
بعد انتظارنا لك طول السنة
(After we waited for you all year long)
فيك السرور و الهنا
(You bring joy and contentment)
حمدا لك يا ربنا
(Thank You Lord (for this blessing)
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’ celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Maher Zain:
Feeling so good, smiles and greetings everywhere
“Eidun mubarak” to everyone out there
Whole families they gather and celebrate
Today’s the day so come on no time to waste
Sometimes the world takes us so far
Though miles apart, today you’re in my heart
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
يا من أتيت فزدت حبنا
(O you who came and increased our love)
أسعدتنا و جمعت شملنا
(Made us happy and brought us together)
أنت هدية من الله لنا
(You are God’s gift to us)
بعد انتظارنا لك طول السنة
(After we waited for you all year long)
فيك السرور و الهنا
(You bring joy and contentment)
حمدا لك يا ربنا
(Thank You Lord (for this blessing)
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’ celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Maher Zain:
Feeling so good, smiles and greetings everywhere
“Eidun mubarak” to everyone out there
Whole families they gather and celebrate
Today’s the day so come on no time to waste
Sometimes the world takes us so far
Though miles apart, today you’re in my heart
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Eidun Saeed ( No Music ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
Eidun Saeed ( No Music ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
Lyrics: Raef, Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
So Real – Lyrics:
They say that love never lasts
That love never lives to see another day
But what I know deep down inside
It’s what I feel and it’s so real
I gave it up all for You
And there ain’t nothing that I won’t do
All I know deep down inside
It’s what I feel and it’s so real with You!
Allah, everyday I’ll try to be as true as I can to You
‘Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan
Yes everyday I’ll try to be as true as I can to You
‘Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan
They say: “You’re out of your mind”
“Don’t you know that love fades away?”
They say: “It only brings you pain!”
But what I feel is so real!
I gave it up and turned to You
‘Cause I know what your love can do
O Allah open up our hearts
And make us feel how it’s so real with You!
Lyrics: Raef, Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
So Real – Lyrics:
They say that love never lasts
That love never lives to see another day
But what I know deep down inside
It’s what I feel and it’s so real
I gave it up all for You
And there ain’t nothing that I won’t do
All I know deep down inside
It’s what I feel and it’s so real with You!
Allah, everyday I’ll try to be as true as I can to You
‘Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan
Yes everyday I’ll try to be as true as I can to You
‘Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan
They say: “You’re out of your mind”
“Don’t you know that love fades away?”
They say: “It only brings you pain!”
But what I feel is so real!
I gave it up and turned to You
‘Cause I know what your love can do
O Allah open up our hearts
And make us feel how it’s so real with You!
So Real – Raef ( feat. Maher Zain )
So Real – Raef ( feat. Maher Zain )
يا من أتيت فزدت حبنا
(O you who came and increased our love)
أسعدتنا و جمعت شملنا
(Made us happy and brought us together)
أنت هدية من الله لنا
(You are God’s gift to us)
بعد انتظارنا لك طول السنة
(After we waited for you all year long)
فيك السرور و الهنا
(You bring joy and contentment)
حمدا لك يا ربنا
(Thank You Lord (for this blessing)
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’ celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Maher Zain:
Feeling so good, smiles and greetings everywhere
“Eidun mubarak” to everyone out there
Whole families they gather and celebrate
Today’s the day so come on no time to waste
Sometimes the world takes us so far
Though miles apart, today you’re in my heart
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
يا من أتيت فزدت حبنا
(O you who came and increased our love)
أسعدتنا و جمعت شملنا
(Made us happy and brought us together)
أنت هدية من الله لنا
(You are God’s gift to us)
بعد انتظارنا لك طول السنة
(After we waited for you all year long)
فيك السرور و الهنا
(You bring joy and contentment)
حمدا لك يا ربنا
(Thank You Lord (for this blessing)
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’ celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Maher Zain:
Feeling so good, smiles and greetings everywhere
“Eidun mubarak” to everyone out there
Whole families they gather and celebrate
Today’s the day so come on no time to waste
Sometimes the world takes us so far
Though miles apart, today you’re in my heart
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
إلهي, يا الله
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Eidun sa’eed (Happy Eid)
Let’s enjoy this happy day
Eidun mubarak (Blessed Eid)
Come on let’s celebrate!
Celebrate, let’s celebrate
Allah, Allah
Thank You for this day!
Eidun Saeed – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
Eidun Saeed – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
Never Forget – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
تفاصيل نشيد
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
تفاصيل نشيد
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Subhana Allah (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
Subhana Allah (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
تفاصيل نشيد
I Believe (Acoustic Version-Bonus Track)
تفاصيل نشيد
I Believe (Acoustic Version-Bonus Track)
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
تفاصيل نشيد
I Believe (Acoustic Version-Bonus Track)
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
I Believe (Acoustic Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki feat. Maher Zain
I Believe (Acoustic Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki feat. Maher Zain
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
I Believe feat. Maher Zain – Irfan Makki
I Believe feat. Maher Zain – Irfan Makki
Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus melody & Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Verse Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Subhana Allah feat. Mesut Kurtis (Turkish Version) – Lyrics:
Subhanaka rabbee subhanak
Subhanaka ma a’dhama shaanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanaka Rabbee
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You
Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I travel through the earth I can’t help but notice
This symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand to the faraway planets
To a flower putting roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant, every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
Kainatta ne varsa her şey
Hep ahenk içinde
Güzellikler bir değilki
Hep binbir biçimde
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Hep rabbinı anar
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Der ki
Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus melody & Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Verse Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Subhana Allah feat. Mesut Kurtis (Turkish Version) – Lyrics:
Subhanaka rabbee subhanak
Subhanaka ma a’dhama shaanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanaka Rabbee
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You
Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I travel through the earth I can’t help but notice
This symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand to the faraway planets
To a flower putting roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant, every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
Kainatta ne varsa her şey
Hep ahenk içinde
Güzellikler bir değilki
Hep binbir biçimde
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Hep rabbinı anar
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Der ki
Subhana Allah [Turkish Version] – Maher Zain (feat. Mesut Kurtis)
Subhana Allah [Turkish Version] – Maher Zain (feat. Mesut Kurtis)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Subhana Allah ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
Subhana Allah ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never Forget – Mesut Kurtis (feat. Maher Zain)
Never Forget – Mesut Kurtis (feat. Maher Zain)
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never Forget ( Percussive Version ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
Never Forget ( Percussive Version ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain
البومات شارك فيها
تفاصيل نشيد
Beloved (Percussive Version)
, ,
Beloved (Percussive)
Ya Allah (Percussive)
I Think of You (Percussive)
Convey My Greetings (Percussive)
Dhikru Allah (Percussive)
Every Breath Is a Blessing (Percussive)
Anty (Al-Hijab) (Percussive)
The Full Moon of Medina (Percussive)
Never Forget (Percussive)
In the Depth of the Night (Percussive)
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
برنامج فسيروا 2
, ,
بدون موسيقى
ماهر زين – Maher Zain
فيديو كليبات
8 تعليقات
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والله ثم والله انني كنت ادور موقع مثلكم انزل الاناشيد ما شاء الله ابدعتم وان شاء الله تؤجر كل من قام بعمل هذه الشبكة ؛ وارجوكم ضيفو كل المنشدين في الموقع كلهم يعني كلهم . وارجو منكم تسريع الموقع يعلق كثيير وجزاكم الله عنا خير الجزاء. واسال الله ان يسكنم الجنه على هذه العمل الرائع ……
موقع فخم بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى ,, الله يوفقكم
موقع جميل بارك الله فيكم
موقع رائع موفقين
الله يوفقك انا محمود من سوريا مغترب في تركيا انا كثير بحبك
best website EVEERRRRR
ماشاء الله الموقع جميل جدا.. شكرا لكلم، الله يجعله في ميزان حسناتكم.. يوم القيامة.
God willing, the site is very beautiful.
سلام عليكم انا اسمي نورالدين من المغرب?? احب هذي الموقيع الله انوركم ممكن تنزلو البوم شذي الوحة للمنشد صالح اليامي وشكرا