Eidun Mubarak
Lyrics & Melody: Aziz Elshafei
Arrangement: Mahmood Ammar
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Israa Sherif, Bechir Ayari,
Tek-Up School & Tek-Up Gym,
Alta Caffé, Clinique Taoufik
يا نور على نور
O light upon light
ازاي مهجور
How can you be abandoned
و انت البلسم لجراح و آلام
when you are the cure for every hurt and every pain?!
يا رسالة من المولى تعالى
You are a message from the Almighty Lord
محفوظة و عايشة مدى الأيام
that has been preserved and will remain forever
ازاي ناسيين و لا نقرا ياسين
How can we forget to recite (the chapter of) Yaseen?!
ماشيين في الدنيا كده ودايسين
Living our lives walking around forgetfully,
الكنز قصادنا و مش شايفين
without noticing the treasure that’s right in front of us
مش بس كتاب ده دليل و طريق
It’s not just a book, it’s a guide and a path
و يحنّ عليك ساعة ما تضيق
that soothes your heart in times of distress
و في عزّ الوحدة بيبقى صديق
and when you’re lonely it is your companion
أنا آية الكرسي بتحميني
Ayat al-Kursi protects me,
و تقرّبني و ترقّيني
and brings me closer to Allah and elevates my rank
اقرأ المزّمل ألاقيني
When I read al-Muzzammil I find that
دُنيتي في القرآن ده و ديني
my life and faith lie within this Book
النّور حواليّا هنا و جنبي
The light is all around me and right here beside me
وانا ليه ببعد كده عن ربي
So why do I stray away from my Lord?
ده مِداد كلماته مَدد قلبي
For His words nourish my heart,
و بكون مجروح و بيشفيني
and heal my wounds when I am hurt
Lyrics & Melody: Aziz Elshafei
Arrangement: Mahmood Ammar
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Israa Sherif, Bechir Ayari,
Tek-Up School & Tek-Up Gym,
Alta Caffé, Clinique Taoufik
يا نور على نور
O light upon light
ازاي مهجور
How can you be abandoned
و انت البلسم لجراح و آلام
when you are the cure for every hurt and every pain?!
يا رسالة من المولى تعالى
You are a message from the Almighty Lord
محفوظة و عايشة مدى الأيام
that has been preserved and will remain forever
ازاي ناسيين و لا نقرا ياسين
How can we forget to recite (the chapter of) Yaseen?!
ماشيين في الدنيا كده ودايسين
Living our lives walking around forgetfully,
الكنز قصادنا و مش شايفين
without noticing the treasure that’s right in front of us
مش بس كتاب ده دليل و طريق
It’s not just a book, it’s a guide and a path
و يحنّ عليك ساعة ما تضيق
that soothes your heart in times of distress
و في عزّ الوحدة بيبقى صديق
and when you’re lonely it is your companion
أنا آية الكرسي بتحميني
Ayat al-Kursi protects me,
و تقرّبني و ترقّيني
and brings me closer to Allah and elevates my rank
اقرأ المزّمل ألاقيني
When I read al-Muzzammil I find that
دُنيتي في القرآن ده و ديني
my life and faith lie within this Book
النّور حواليّا هنا و جنبي
The light is all around me and right here beside me
وانا ليه ببعد كده عن ربي
So why do I stray away from my Lord?
ده مِداد كلماته مَدد قلبي
For His words nourish my heart,
و بكون مجروح و بيشفيني
and heal my wounds when I am hurt
Nour Ala Nour (Vocals) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Nour Ala Nour (Vocals) – Maher Zain
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand
To the faraway planets
To a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant
Every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Mesut Kurtis:
جل الله، بكل كون الله، ألمح نور الله
(Allah is exalted, and all the universe of Allah, I see Allah’s light)
وذكر ربي، في دقات قلبي يهتف بسم الله
(And the remembrance of my Lord, within my heart beats shouts out the name of Allah)
خلق الله صنع الله ما أبهاه
والأكوان تسبح بسم الله
(How beautiful is Allah’s creation)
(And all the worlds repeat the name of Allah)
جل الله في علاه
يا رباه، يا الرحمان
(Exalted is Allah in His Majesty)
(O my Lord, O most Merciful)
(O Allah!)
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
سبحان الله
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You)
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
(Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness)
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك ربي
(We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
Subhana Allah ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
Subhana Allah ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Mesut Kurtis
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
بالذكر | Bil’thikr ft. Amakhono We Sintu ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
بالذكر | Bil’thikr ft. Amakhono We Sintu ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Paddy Dalton
Arrangement: Maher Zain
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Paddy Dalton
Arrangement: Maher Zain
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
Peace Be Upon You (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
Peace Be Upon You (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
Beyond the lines of no man’s land
Time stands still.
My voice is weak, but far away, I softly speak
In silent words, on folded knees,
With silent words we call the night,
To bring you sleep & dry your eyes,
To bring you dreams & free your minds,
When every hope has gone, we hold on.
With silent words we’ll ask the dawn,
To chase your fears when nights are long,
A million voices in to one,
When every hope has gone
We echo all night through
With silent words we are with you.
With every tear you cry, we’ll comfort you
Standing by your side, as one with you,
You can find us, deep in the silence
Carried in the soft winds passing through
We’ll be your shadow, today and tomorrow
There to follow everything you do.
الهي، أدخل السرور
Lord bring hapiness
Illahi adkhil asurroor
ياربِ أسعد القلوب
And cheer the hearts
Wa as3id al-quloob
الهي، خفف الآلام
Lord, alleviate the pain
Illahi khafif al-alaam
من لسوريا سواك؟
Who can save Syria other than You?
Man li-sooriyya siwaak?
من يحيي بسمةَ الحزين؟
Who can restore the smile of the depressed?
Mann yu7yyi basmatal-7azeen?
من يُنسي أنّةَ المسكين؟
Who can soothe (alleviate) the soreness of the poor?
Mann yunsi annatal-miskeen?
من يمسح دمعَ اليتيم؟
Who can wipe the tear of an orphan?
Mann yamsa7 dam3al-yateem?
أبكي بصمتٍ وأنين
Silently, I cry and moan
Abki bi-ssamtin wa aneen
عن شيخ، شاب، ويتيم
For an old man, a young man and an orphan
3an shaiyykhin, shaaban wa yateem
عنكِ يا…آه سوريا
About you … Ah Syria
3anki ya…ah sooriyya
Beyond the lines of no man’s land
Time stands still.
My voice is weak, but far away, I softly speak
In silent words, on folded knees,
With silent words we call the night,
To bring you sleep & dry your eyes,
To bring you dreams & free your minds,
When every hope has gone, we hold on.
With silent words we’ll ask the dawn,
To chase your fears when nights are long,
A million voices in to one,
When every hope has gone
We echo all night through
With silent words we are with you.
With every tear you cry, we’ll comfort you
Standing by your side, as one with you,
You can find us, deep in the silence
Carried in the soft winds passing through
We’ll be your shadow, today and tomorrow
There to follow everything you do.
الهي، أدخل السرور
Lord bring hapiness
Illahi adkhil asurroor
ياربِ أسعد القلوب
And cheer the hearts
Wa as3id al-quloob
الهي، خفف الآلام
Lord, alleviate the pain
Illahi khafif al-alaam
من لسوريا سواك؟
Who can save Syria other than You?
Man li-sooriyya siwaak?
من يحيي بسمةَ الحزين؟
Who can restore the smile of the depressed?
Mann yu7yyi basmatal-7azeen?
من يُنسي أنّةَ المسكين؟
Who can soothe (alleviate) the soreness of the poor?
Mann yunsi annatal-miskeen?
من يمسح دمعَ اليتيم؟
Who can wipe the tear of an orphan?
Mann yamsa7 dam3al-yateem?
أبكي بصمتٍ وأنين
Silently, I cry and moan
Abki bi-ssamtin wa aneen
عن شيخ، شاب، ويتيم
For an old man, a young man and an orphan
3an shaiyykhin, shaaban wa yateem
عنكِ يا…آه سوريا
About you … Ah Syria
3anki ya…ah sooriyya
Silent Words – Sami Yusuf
Silent Words – Sami Yusuf
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
يا حبيبي
Ya Habibi
يا رسولي
Ya Rasoli
السلام عليك
Alsalamu Alaik
يا حبيب الله
Ya Habib Allah
يا محمد
Ya Mohammed
السلام عليك
Alsalamu Alaik
Now I remember the way you spoke
Hearing your voice the world awoke
For all the hearts grown into stone
You gave them love and hope
Where else can I find such a smile
That will prepare me for every trial?
My dearest friend, where are you today?
So you can show me the way
Everyday I pray
May He send you peace
And keep us true to your way
Till the day we meet
Thinking of you
My heart’s consumed
What would you think of me?
On judgement day
When you will say
My people stand by me
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
يا حبيبي
Ya Habibi
يا رسولي
Ya Rasoli
السلام عليك
Alsalamu Alaik
يا حبيب الله
Ya Habib Allah
يا محمد
Ya Mohammed
السلام عليك
Alsalamu Alaik
Now I remember the way you spoke
Hearing your voice the world awoke
For all the hearts grown into stone
You gave them love and hope
Where else can I find such a smile
That will prepare me for every trial?
My dearest friend, where are you today?
So you can show me the way
Everyday I pray
May He send you peace
And keep us true to your way
Till the day we meet
Thinking of you
My heart’s consumed
What would you think of me?
On judgement day
When you will say
My people stand by me
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
الله أكبر، الله أكبر
Allah Akbar , Allah Akbar
Salām – Nazeel Azami
Salām – Nazeel Azami
Eidun Mubarak – Maher Zain
Fire (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf
This is an original instrumental composition in Bayāt-e Shīrāz mugham whose joyous melody is carried from the balaban and kemanche solos to the layered sounds of the orchestra. This piece celebrates the art of movement, an art that tells many stories and reveals the inner world of a culture.
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
This is an original instrumental composition in Bayāt-e Shīrāz mugham whose joyous melody is carried from the balaban and kemanche solos to the layered sounds of the orchestra. This piece celebrates the art of movement, an art that tells many stories and reveals the inner world of a culture.
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
A Dancing Heart – Sami Yusuf
A Dancing Heart – Sami Yusuf
Morning Prayer – Hamza Robertson
كلمات العمل :
هو الله
هو الله الذي
لا إله إلا هو
قل لي ، من السلام
قل لي ، من العليم
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
محمد الرسول الله
قل لي ، من السلام الله
قل لي ، من العليم
قل لي ، من الرزاق
قل لي ، من الرحيم
قل لي ، من القوي الله
قل لي ، من المتين
قل لي ، من العلي الله
قل لي ، من العظيم
صلي على طه يا ربي
صلي على ياسين
صلي عليه والأصحاب
صلي على خير الأنام
الهادي الأمين
محمد مسك الختام
حتى يوم الدين
كلمات العمل :
هو الله
هو الله الذي
لا إله إلا هو
قل لي ، من السلام
قل لي ، من العليم
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
محمد الرسول الله
قل لي ، من السلام الله
قل لي ، من العليم
قل لي ، من الرزاق
قل لي ، من الرحيم
قل لي ، من القوي الله
قل لي ، من المتين
قل لي ، من العلي الله
قل لي ، من العظيم
صلي على طه يا ربي
صلي على ياسين
صلي عليه والأصحاب
صلي على خير الأنام
الهادي الأمين
محمد مسك الختام
حتى يوم الدين
Opening – Nazeel Azami
Opening – Nazeel Azami
Eidun Mubarak – Maher Zain
أهلاً وسَعدًا – أغنية عيد إثراء
للفنان حمود الخضر والفنان عايض يوسف
كلمات: عجلان ثابت
ألحان: أحمد الهرمي
توزيع: براك المطوع
مكس وماستر: منتظر الزاير
تطوير إبداعي وتنفيذ: شركة مكانة
كلمات العمل:
أهلًا وسَعدًا
بخيرِ آتِ
يا ضحْكةَ الناسِ والحياةِ
أهلًا وسَعدًا
بخيرِ آتِ
يا ضحْكةَ الناسِ والحياةِ
بكَ التقينا
ومِن يدَينا
رفّتْ طيورُ المعايداتِ
عيدٌ مبارك
عيدٌ سعيدْ
وكلَّ عامٍ وأنتَ عيد
تبدو أنيقًا
بِنا فريدا
تُبدي جَمالًا لنا جديدا
فدُم شعورًا
زِدنا سرورًا
بمن نراهم في الأرضِ عيدا
عيدٌ مبارك
عيدٌ سعيدْ
وكلَّ عامٍ وأنتَ عيد
أهلاً وسَعدًا – أغنية عيد إثراء
للفنان حمود الخضر والفنان عايض يوسف
كلمات: عجلان ثابت
ألحان: أحمد الهرمي
توزيع: براك المطوع
مكس وماستر: منتظر الزاير
تطوير إبداعي وتنفيذ: شركة مكانة
كلمات العمل:
أهلًا وسَعدًا
بخيرِ آتِ
يا ضحْكةَ الناسِ والحياةِ
أهلًا وسَعدًا
بخيرِ آتِ
يا ضحْكةَ الناسِ والحياةِ
بكَ التقينا
ومِن يدَينا
رفّتْ طيورُ المعايداتِ
عيدٌ مبارك
عيدٌ سعيدْ
وكلَّ عامٍ وأنتَ عيد
تبدو أنيقًا
بِنا فريدا
تُبدي جَمالًا لنا جديدا
فدُم شعورًا
زِدنا سرورًا
بمن نراهم في الأرضِ عيدا
عيدٌ مبارك
عيدٌ سعيدْ
وكلَّ عامٍ وأنتَ عيد
أهلا وسعدا (موسيقى ) – حمود الخضر & عايض
أهلا وسعدا (موسيقى ) – حمود الخضر & عايض
Hasbi Rabbi (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf
صورة جميلة ( البوم الله يحبك – إيقاع ) – عبدالقادر قوزع
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : ريان خلوط – سماح سويد – زهرة عبيد – آلاء عبداللاوي – سيرين سويد
كلمات : قديم | الحان : قديم
توزيع : عبدالرحمن عبيد | مكس وماستر : يزن نسيبة
إنتاج : جمعية آفاق سوف للثقافة والفنون
الراعي الإلكتروني الحصري :
شبكة سما العالمية
أطفال الدنيا – فرقة بيلسان
Manil Muhiy? Allah
Manil Mumit? Allah
Manil Hadi? Allah
{ Who is the Giver of Life? Allah
Who is the giver of Death? Allah
Who is the Giver of Guidance? Allah}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Karim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Halim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Generous One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Gentle One, Allah .}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah.}
So many colous
Bowing before you
Sisters and brothers
All grateful to you
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Finding you
Is relief
Now we hope
Now we believe
Hear me Lord
Strengthen me
Guide me through
My journey
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Manil Muhiy? Allah
Manil Mumit? Allah
Manil Hadi? Allah
{ Who is the Giver of Life? Allah
Who is the giver of Death? Allah
Who is the Giver of Guidance? Allah}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Karim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Halim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Generous One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Gentle One, Allah .}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah.}
So many colous
Bowing before you
Sisters and brothers
All grateful to you
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Finding you
Is relief
Now we hope
Now we believe
Hear me Lord
Strengthen me
Guide me through
My journey
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Rahmānur Rahim – Nazeel Azami
Rahmānur Rahim – Nazeel Azami
Eidun Mubarak – Maher Zain
Oohh… Oohh.
Oh you, Came in to this life
Brought up as an orphan child
Through a time of deep despair, O Muhammad!
Your days at work began
As a fair and honest man
You showed just how much you cared
And one night in that cave
When the Archangel came
And your life in this world
Would never be the same
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
I’ll never leave your way
Eyes that could light up any soul
You became the Chosen One
To proclaim the world of God, O Muhammad!
In the brightness of the Sun
Or the Stillness of the night
You would never ever stop
Being kind, Giving Hope
And serenity and love
To a divided world
That didn’t have enough
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day.
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
I’ll never leave your way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Peace be upon you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I really love you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Peace be upon you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah …
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
O Muhammad I’ll never leave your way
Oohh… Oohh.
Oh you, Came in to this life
Brought up as an orphan child
Through a time of deep despair, O Muhammad!
Your days at work began
As a fair and honest man
You showed just how much you cared
And one night in that cave
When the Archangel came
And your life in this world
Would never be the same
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
I’ll never leave your way
Eyes that could light up any soul
You became the Chosen One
To proclaim the world of God, O Muhammad!
In the brightness of the Sun
Or the Stillness of the night
You would never ever stop
Being kind, Giving Hope
And serenity and love
To a divided world
That didn’t have enough
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day.
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
I’ll never leave your way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Peace be upon you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I really love you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Peace be upon you
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah …
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
Your light is always showing me the way
Rasool’Allah, Habib’Allah
I’m longing for the day I see your face
You brighten up my day
And in my heart you’ll stay
With every breath I take
O Muhammad I’ll never leave your way
Rasool’ Allah ( Salam Album ) – Harris J
Rasool’ Allah ( Salam Album ) – Harris J
طق الجرس أداء راما رباط
فكرة :
Joy Productions
كلمات و الحان : بشار الشطي
توزيع موسيقي : بدر كرم
مكس وماستر : احمد الحاتي
انتاج : All over kuwai
طق الجرس – راما رباط
Al Mukhtar (Vocals Only) – Mevlan Kurtishi
Malja Man Laja ( Peace be Upon Us – Album ) – Harmony Band
What You’ve Become (Karaoke Version) – Tom Robertson
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