Don’t despair, don’t lose hope
Hold on to that rope
Don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Though you feel so cold
Abandoned and alone
But don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you go
Please don’t look back my sister
I swear I hear you call
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you fall
Please don’t look back my sister
Cause I swear I hear your call
Little boy ask away
“Where are the streets I used play to?”
But don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Don’t you know we’re One
When you hurt I hurt
Don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
(Do not lose hope)
(Hold my hand)
(Do not consider yourself alone)
(We are a family)
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you fall
So don’t look back my sister
Cause I swear I hear your call
Don’t despair, don’t lose hope
Hold on to that rope
Don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Though you feel so cold
Abandoned and alone
But don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you go
Please don’t look back my sister
I swear I hear you call
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you fall
Please don’t look back my sister
Cause I swear I hear your call
Little boy ask away
“Where are the streets I used play to?”
But don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
Don’t you know we’re One
When you hurt I hurt
Don’t let go, don’t let go
I hear your call
(Do not lose hope)
(Hold my hand)
(Do not consider yourself alone)
(We are a family)
Give me your hand my brother
I will not let you fall
So don’t look back my sister
Cause I swear I hear your call
Composed By – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By – Sami Yusuf, Bara Kherigi*
Every day I see the same headlines
Crimes committed in the name of the divine
People committing atrocities in his name
They murder and kidnap with no shame
But did he teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed? No… Oh No
He taught us about human brotherhood
And against prejudice he firmly stood
He loved children, their hands he’d hold
And taught his followers to respect the old
So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? Oh No…
Muhammad ya rasulallah
Muhammad ya habiballah
Muhammad ya khalilallah
Muhammad ya rasulallah
Muhammad ya shafi’allah
Muhammad ya bashirallah
Ya rasulallah
Muhammad the light of my eyes
About you they spread many lies
If only they came to realise
Bloodshed you despise
Composed By – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By – Sami Yusuf, Bara Kherigi*
Every day I see the same headlines
Crimes committed in the name of the divine
People committing atrocities in his name
They murder and kidnap with no shame
But did he teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed? No… Oh No
He taught us about human brotherhood
And against prejudice he firmly stood
He loved children, their hands he’d hold
And taught his followers to respect the old
So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? Oh No…
Muhammad ya rasulallah
Muhammad ya habiballah
Muhammad ya khalilallah
Muhammad ya rasulallah
Muhammad ya shafi’allah
Muhammad ya bashirallah
Ya rasulallah
Muhammad the light of my eyes
About you they spread many lies
If only they came to realise
Bloodshed you despise
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
You can talk it down
Turn the other way
Fear the truth
But it won’t go away
Can you hear,
Hear it calling
You can write it down
But nobody cares
It’s untold story of our biggest fears
It can reach you
With no warning
Yeah yeah
When the sun goes down
And there’s nothing left around
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
When your knees are on the ground
You may feel but this aloud
Are you listening
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
There’s a part of me
That won’t understand
Having sleepless nights
With my head and my hands
I am here
And tears are falling
If I can write the roads
Would you let me a hands
I will make a difference
To this beautiful land
If I have nothing
I have my intention
When the sun goes down
And there’s nothing left around
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
When your knees are on the ground
You may feel but this aloud
Are you listening
Cause I need forgiving
I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
You can talk it down
Turn the other way
Fear the truth
But it won’t go away
Can you hear,
Hear it calling
You can write it down
But nobody cares
It’s untold story of our biggest fears
It can reach you
With no warning
Yeah yeah
When the sun goes down
And there’s nothing left around
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
When your knees are on the ground
You may feel but this aloud
Are you listening
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
There’s a part of me
That won’t understand
Having sleepless nights
With my head and my hands
I am here
And tears are falling
If I can write the roads
Would you let me a hands
I will make a difference
To this beautiful land
If I have nothing
I have my intention
When the sun goes down
And there’s nothing left around
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
When your knees are on the ground
You may feel but this aloud
Are you listening
Cause I need forgiving
I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
Cause I need forgiving
كلمات: جلال الدين الرومي – أنور حسام
كلمات انجليزي: براء خريجي
توزيع: عبد العظيم الذهبي – نور النوام
كلمات العمل:
ما مرّ ذكرك إلا و ابتسمت له
كأنك العيد والباقون أيام
أو حام طيفك إلا طرت أتبعه
أنت الحقيقة والجلاس أوهام
أنت الهدى والوحي منك كلامه
فالناس حب و أنت أنت غرام
منك الصفا مذ بان بتّ بنعمة
نار الهوى نور وفيه ضرام
When I hear your name I can’t help but smile
When I say your name I come alive
I follow You leaving all behind
You are the truth, all else is a lie
The signs of Your love are clear to see
I’m lost in wonder every single night
The bright full moon is shy of Your beauty
The midday sun is shy of Your light
وفيض حبّك في صلاتي شربته
فشفى جروحي وبات كلي سلام
والقرب منك اليك حين لمسته
سكن الفؤاد وطابت الأيام