Biz aşka inandık
Bir ömür boyu dedik
Gülsün yüzümüz ve asla
Sonu gelmesin istedik
Nasib etsin hak herkese mutlak
El ele hep huzura koşmak
Biz iyi kötü her günde and içtik sevgiye,
Emelimiz layık olmak ebedi sevgiliye
Nasib etsin hak, herkese mutlak,
El ele, hep huzura koşmak
Saadetimize nazar uğramasın,
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte gelin sizde dua edelim,
Bu güzel bu özel, bu temennilere amin diyelim
Nasib etsin yüce rabbim bunu her kuluna,
Muhabbetle ömür sürüp hep gülsün yarına
Biz aşka inandık
Bir ömür boyu dedik
Gülsün yüzümüz ve asla
Sonu gelmesin istedik
Nasib etsin hak herkese mutlak
El ele hep huzura koşmak
Biz iyi kötü her günde and içtik sevgiye,
Emelimiz layık olmak ebedi sevgiliye
Nasib etsin hak, herkese mutlak,
El ele, hep huzura koşmak
Saadetimize nazar uğramasın,
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte gelin sizde dua edelim,
Bu güzel bu özel, bu temennilere amin diyelim
Nasib etsin yüce rabbim bunu her kuluna,
Muhabbetle ömür sürüp hep gülsün yarına
Bu yürek hep senle varolur yalniz senle coşar
Dile gelse tüm şiirler söylenmemiş şarkilar
Yine bendeki aşki anlatamazlar asla
Senden uzak olan gönüller dolar yasla
Sen aldığım nefes duyduğum ses aşk-i heves
Sensiz karanliklar aydinliğa eremez
İki cihanda sensin alemler efendisi
Şefaat eyle asla yalniz birakma bizi
Sen beklenen müjdelenen en kutlu peygamber
Sen merhamet ve şefkatinle bizlere rehber
Aşkinla hep çarpan yürekler nuruna muhtaç
Sen ruhlarin tabibi gönüllere ilaç
Ya resulallah
Ya habiballah
Muhammed-i muhabbete garkeylesin Allah
Bu yürek hep senle varolur yalniz senle coşar
Dile gelse tüm şiirler söylenmemiş şarkilar
Yine bendeki aşki anlatamazlar asla
Senden uzak olan gönüller dolar yasla
Sen aldığım nefes duyduğum ses aşk-i heves
Sensiz karanliklar aydinliğa eremez
İki cihanda sensin alemler efendisi
Şefaat eyle asla yalniz birakma bizi
Sen beklenen müjdelenen en kutlu peygamber
Sen merhamet ve şefkatinle bizlere rehber
Aşkinla hep çarpan yürekler nuruna muhtaç
Sen ruhlarin tabibi gönüllere ilaç
Ya resulallah
Ya habiballah
Muhammed-i muhabbete garkeylesin Allah
Maher Zain
Novia Stephani
Bara Kherigi
Charbel Amso
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Sepanjang Hidup – Lyrics:
Sepanjang Hidup
aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih
di kalbuku mengiringi
dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan
kau cahaya hati
dulu ku palingkan diri dari cinta
hingga kau hadir membasuh segalanya
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku
berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
bersamamu ku sadari inilah cinta
tiada ragu dengarkanlah
kidung cintaku yang abadi
Maher Zain
Novia Stephani
Bara Kherigi
Charbel Amso
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Sepanjang Hidup – Lyrics:
Sepanjang Hidup
aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih
di kalbuku mengiringi
dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan
kau cahaya hati
dulu ku palingkan diri dari cinta
hingga kau hadir membasuh segalanya
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku
berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
bersamamu ku sadari inilah cinta
tiada ragu dengarkanlah
kidung cintaku yang abadi
Sepanjang Hidup (For the Rest of My Life Malay Version) – Maher Zain
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
Ze Eshqat ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah… يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله… How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك Look to your right, look to your left İnsanlara mutlulukla bak انظر للناس بسعادة Look happily at people Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah… يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله… How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine… ضع يدك على قلبك… Put your hand on your heart … Gül her ne olursa مهما يحدث ابتسم Smile whatever happens Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize… هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا… Come join us… Koy elini kalbine ضع يدك على قلبك Put your hand on your heart… Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع Please, open up your heart to people Sonu elbet mutluluk olur… ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد… You will surely find happiness at the end.. Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah… الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله… Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur… ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم What will happen if you open your arms… Kenetlenir herkes bir olur ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah… في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا Why don’t you give it a try Koy elini kalbine… ضع يدك على قلبك… Put your hand on your heart … Gül her ne olursa مهما يحدث ابتسم Smile whatever happens Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize… هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا… Come join us… Koy elini kalbine ضع يدك على قلبك Put your hand on your heart… Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana ما شاء الله عليك Masha’Allah, wonderful! Her gün mutlu olsana… كن سعيدًا دائمًا Why don’t you be happy always Demişki resullallah… فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: Gülmek sadaka… الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah… يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله… How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك Look to your right, look to your left İnsanlara mutlulukla bak انظر للناس بسعادة Look happily at people Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah… يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله… How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine… ضع يدك على قلبك… Put your hand on your heart … Gül her ne olursa مهما يحدث ابتسم Smile whatever happens Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize… هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا… Come join us… Koy elini kalbine ضع يدك على قلبك Put your hand on your heart… Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع Please, open up your heart to people Sonu elbet mutluluk olur… ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد… You will surely find happiness at the end.. Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah… الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله… Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur… ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم What will happen if you open your arms… Kenetlenir herkes bir olur ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah… في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا Why don’t you give it a try Koy elini kalbine… ضع يدك على قلبك… Put your hand on your heart … Gül her ne olursa مهما يحدث ابتسم Smile whatever happens Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize… هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا… Come join us… Koy elini kalbine ضع يدك على قلبك Put your hand on your heart… Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms Gülmek sadaka الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana ما شاء الله عليك Masha’Allah, wonderful! Her gün mutlu olsana… كن سعيدًا دائمًا Why don’t you be happy always Demişki resullallah… فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: Gülmek sadaka… الإبتسامة صدقة Smiling is like giving alms
Acclaimed British composer Sami Yusuf brings the immensely popular
Moroccan folk song ‘Fiyyashiyya’ to a European audience in his stunning
new arrangement performed live at the Holland Festival.
An achingly eloquent solo improvisation on the Chinese erhu
by the world-renowned master Guo Gan opens the piece,
which then moves into a joyful call and response between Sami Yusuf
and the vocalists of Cappella Amsterdam. As the rhythm builds,
the Arabic lyrics sung by the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra
are answered in English by Cappella Amsterdam.
This innovative rendition captures the exuberant essence of
the North African folk sound just as it clearly captured the hearts
of the audience who are heard clapping and singing along.
Written by the Moroccan poet
Sidi Othman ibn Yahya Cherki (known as “Sidi Bahloul Cherki”) in the 17th century
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Words and Music: Traditional Moroccan
English translation: Dr. Tim Winter
Maqām: ‘Ajam
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Acclaimed British composer Sami Yusuf brings the immensely popular
Moroccan folk song ‘Fiyyashiyya’ to a European audience in his stunning
new arrangement performed live at the Holland Festival.
An achingly eloquent solo improvisation on the Chinese erhu
by the world-renowned master Guo Gan opens the piece,
which then moves into a joyful call and response between Sami Yusuf
and the vocalists of Cappella Amsterdam. As the rhythm builds,
the Arabic lyrics sung by the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra
are answered in English by Cappella Amsterdam.
This innovative rendition captures the exuberant essence of
the North African folk sound just as it clearly captured the hearts
of the audience who are heard clapping and singing along.
Written by the Moroccan poet
Sidi Othman ibn Yahya Cherki (known as “Sidi Bahloul Cherki”) in the 17th century
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Words and Music: Traditional Moroccan
English translation: Dr. Tim Winter
Maqām: ‘Ajam
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Fiyyashiyya (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf
Ashaab e Muhammad haq ke wali, Abu-Bakar Umar Usmaan-o-Ali
Yaraan e Nabi mein sab se jali, Abu Bakar Umar Usmaan-o-Ali
They are the closest companions
Most high in rank is their station
Among the gems they were chosen
The first to build our foundation.
These four our Prophet did entrust
Through whom the truth would reach to us
The pillars of his ways and his love
The beacons of his light for all of us.
The stars who guide us through the night
Their path: it leads to paradise
They are the roots, we are the leaves
We are raindrops, they are the seas.
And when the Prophet left this world
No harder time for all it felt
Then strength was found when they stood tall
They lifted and firmly held his torch.
Indebted to them how we are
They went great lengths for this Ummah
Their vision was on times later
They sacrificed so much for us.
Ashaab e Muhammad haq ke wali, Abu-Bakar Umar Usmaan-o-Ali
Yaraan e Nabi mein sab se jali, Abu Bakar Umar Usmaan-o-Ali
They are the closest companions
Most high in rank is their station
Among the gems they were chosen
The first to build our foundation.
These four our Prophet did entrust
Through whom the truth would reach to us
The pillars of his ways and his love
The beacons of his light for all of us.
The stars who guide us through the night
Their path: it leads to paradise
They are the roots, we are the leaves
We are raindrops, they are the seas.
And when the Prophet left this world
No harder time for all it felt
Then strength was found when they stood tall
They lifted and firmly held his torch.
Indebted to them how we are
They went great lengths for this Ummah
Their vision was on times later
They sacrificed so much for us.