من البوم

I’m Alive – Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
نسخ أخرى

I’m Alive [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam

Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful

Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful

Ey Ghafuru Rahim – Maher Zain

Ey Ghafuru Rahim – Maher Zain

هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن

هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن

هو القرآن ( شارة فسيروا 2 ) – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى

هو القرآن ( شارة فسيروا 2 ) – ماهر زين

Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
Let’s ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let’s raise our hands
And make du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice let’s all say
Baraka Allahu lakuma
Wa baraka ‘alaykuma
Wa jama’a baynakuma
Fi khayr
(May Allah bless everything for you two
And shower His blessings upon the two of you
And may he bring you together
In everything that is good)
From now you’ll share all your joys
Through hardship support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids who’ll make your home
Filled with laughter
Allah barik lahuma
Allah adim hobbahuma
Allah salli wa sallim
‘Ala Rasooli Allah
(Allah, bless everything the two of them
Allah, make their love last for ever
Allah, send peace and blessings
Upon the Messenger of Allah)
Allah toub ‘alayna
Allah irdha ‘anna
Allah ihdi khutana
‘Aala sunnat Nabina
(Allah, accept our repentance
Allah, be pleased with us
Allah, guide our footsteps
Along the path of our Prophet)

Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
Let’s ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let’s raise our hands
And make du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice let’s all say
Baraka Allahu lakuma
Wa baraka ‘alaykuma
Wa jama’a baynakuma
Fi khayr
(May Allah bless everything for you two
And shower His blessings upon the two of you
And may he bring you together
In everything that is good)
From now you’ll share all your joys
Through hardship support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids who’ll make your home
Filled with laughter
Allah barik lahuma
Allah adim hobbahuma
Allah salli wa sallim
‘Ala Rasooli Allah
(Allah, bless everything the two of them
Allah, make their love last for ever
Allah, send peace and blessings
Upon the Messenger of Allah)
Allah toub ‘alayna
Allah irdha ‘anna
Allah ihdi khutana
‘Aala sunnat Nabina
(Allah, accept our repentance
Allah, be pleased with us
Allah, guide our footsteps
Along the path of our Prophet)

Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى

Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك

Poem by Bulleh Shah
Cover of Mast Qalandar by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Bulbul Tarang – Berny PJ
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu S Jeevan
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan
Recorded @ Andante Studios & NHQ Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
O Lal Meri Pat Rakhiyo Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri….
O red robed one! May I always be protected by You, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Char Charagh Tere Balan Hameshan Panjwaan Mai Balan Aayi Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri…..
Your shrine is always lighted with four lamps
I’ve come here to light the fifth lamp in Your honour, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Uchha Roza Peera Tera
Heth Wagey, Daryao Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri……
Your grave is the highest oh lord
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Oh Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat bhaje Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat lal bhaje Gharyal bhala Jhoole Lalan
Your drums are ringing
Your drums are ringing
Let the gong ring loudly for your glory, day and night, O Jhoolelaal
Peera Ve Mera Peer
Sab Da Wali Ae
Laqab Asadullah te Naam Ali Ae
Oh Naam e Ali Beda Paar Laga
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Sakhi Shahbaz Qalandar
Lord oh my Lord
Everyone’s lord
We call him “Asadullah” and his name is “Ali”
Oh Ali protect us or save us
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you.

Poem by Bulleh Shah
Cover of Mast Qalandar by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Bulbul Tarang – Berny PJ
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu S Jeevan
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan
Recorded @ Andante Studios & NHQ Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
O Lal Meri Pat Rakhiyo Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri….
O red robed one! May I always be protected by You, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Char Charagh Tere Balan Hameshan Panjwaan Mai Balan Aayi Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri…..
Your shrine is always lighted with four lamps
I’ve come here to light the fifth lamp in Your honour, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Uchha Roza Peera Tera
Heth Wagey, Daryao Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri……
Your grave is the highest oh lord
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Oh Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat bhaje Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat lal bhaje Gharyal bhala Jhoole Lalan
Your drums are ringing
Your drums are ringing
Let the gong ring loudly for your glory, day and night, O Jhoolelaal
Peera Ve Mera Peer
Sab Da Wali Ae
Laqab Asadullah te Naam Ali Ae
Oh Naam e Ali Beda Paar Laga
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Sakhi Shahbaz Qalandar
Lord oh my Lord
Everyone’s lord
We call him “Asadullah” and his name is “Ali”
Oh Ali protect us or save us
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you.

Mast Qalandar – Hesham Abdul Wahab

Mast Qalandar – Hesham Abdul Wahab

Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!

Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!

The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf

The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf

Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
I was so far from You
Yet to me You were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes
To all the signs You put in my way
I walked every day
Further and further away from You
Allah You brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take
Alhamdu Lillah, Alhamdu lillah
All praise is to Allah, All praise is to Allah
I never thought about
All the things You had given to me
I never thanked You once
I was too proud
To see the truth
And prostrate to You
Until I took the first step
And that’s when You opened the doors for me
And now, Allah, I realise what I was missing
By being far from You
Allah I want to thank You
I want to thank You for all the things that You’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
Indeed You gave me hope
Oh Allah I want to thank You
I want to thank You for all the things that You’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I want to thank You
For bringing me home

Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
I was so far from You
Yet to me You were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes
To all the signs You put in my way
I walked every day
Further and further away from You
Allah You brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take
Alhamdu Lillah, Alhamdu lillah
All praise is to Allah, All praise is to Allah
I never thought about
All the things You had given to me
I never thanked You once
I was too proud
To see the truth
And prostrate to You
Until I took the first step
And that’s when You opened the doors for me
And now, Allah, I realise what I was missing
By being far from You
Allah I want to thank You
I want to thank You for all the things that You’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
Indeed You gave me hope
Oh Allah I want to thank You
I want to thank You for all the things that You’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I want to thank You
For bringing me home

Thank You Allah – Maher Zain

Thank You Allah – Maher Zain

Lyrics: Suzy Kanoo & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oases
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought and couldn’t stop buying
We gave charity to the poor coz we couldn’t stand their crying
We thought we’d paid our dues
But in fact to ourselves we were just lying
I’m walking with my head lowered in shame for my place
I’m walking with my head lowered for my race
Yes, it’s easy to blame everything on the West
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We were told what to buy and we bought
We went to London, Paris, and Costa del Sol
We made sure we were seen in the most exclusive cafes and shops
Yes, we felt so very satisfied
We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honour
We didn’t have any time to lose
When we were so busy feeling so satisfied
We became individuals without a soul
Despite the heat, our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness, we bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars and bling will make us satisfied
My dear brother and sister it’s time to change inside
Open your eyes, don’t throw away what’s right aside
Before the day comes when there’s no where to run or hide
Now ask yourself ’cause Allah is watching you: Is He satisfied?
Is Allah is satisfied?

Lyrics: Suzy Kanoo & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oases
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought and couldn’t stop buying
We gave charity to the poor coz we couldn’t stand their crying
We thought we’d paid our dues
But in fact to ourselves we were just lying
I’m walking with my head lowered in shame for my place
I’m walking with my head lowered for my race
Yes, it’s easy to blame everything on the West
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We were told what to buy and we bought
We went to London, Paris, and Costa del Sol
We made sure we were seen in the most exclusive cafes and shops
Yes, we felt so very satisfied
We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honour
We didn’t have any time to lose
When we were so busy feeling so satisfied
We became individuals without a soul
Despite the heat, our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness, we bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars and bling will make us satisfied
My dear brother and sister it’s time to change inside
Open your eyes, don’t throw away what’s right aside
Before the day comes when there’s no where to run or hide
Now ask yourself ’cause Allah is watching you: Is He satisfied?
Is Allah is satisfied?

Awaken ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain

Awaken ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain

In the Depth of the Night ( Percussive Version ) – Mesut Kurtis

Bırakalım bir yana
Zulmu, nefreti, kini
Bırakalım bir yana
Zulmu, nefreti, kini
Onemli değil şahsın
Ne ırk, ne dil ne dini
Onemli değil şahsın
Ne ırk, ne dil ne dini
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalımher insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Kırmayalım kimseyi
Hak etmiş olsa bile
Kırmayalım kimseyi
Hak etmiş olsa bile
Sevgi ve şefkat ile
Kardeşlik gelir dile
Sevgi ve şefkat ile
Kardeşlik gelir dile
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalımher insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
El ele verir isek
Zorlukları aşarız
El ele verir isek
Zorlukları aşarız
Temiz, hilesiz, sakin
Birdünyada yaşarız
Temiz, hilesiz, sakin
Birdünyada yaşarız
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalım her insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana

Bırakalım bir yana
Zulmu, nefreti, kini
Bırakalım bir yana
Zulmu, nefreti, kini
Onemli değil şahsın
Ne ırk, ne dil ne dini
Onemli değil şahsın
Ne ırk, ne dil ne dini
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalımher insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Kırmayalım kimseyi
Hak etmiş olsa bile
Kırmayalım kimseyi
Hak etmiş olsa bile
Sevgi ve şefkat ile
Kardeşlik gelir dile
Sevgi ve şefkat ile
Kardeşlik gelir dile
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalımher insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana
El ele verir isek
Zorlukları aşarız
El ele verir isek
Zorlukları aşarız
Temiz, hilesiz, sakin
Birdünyada yaşarız
Temiz, hilesiz, sakin
Birdünyada yaşarız
Demet demet sevgiyi
Sunalım her insana
Merhamet pınarından
Içelim kana kana

My Wish for the World – Mesut Kurtis

My Wish for the World – Mesut Kurtis

Mast Qalandar – ft. Rahat Fateh | Barakah (Deluxe) – Sami Yusuf

Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!

Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!

The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf

The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf

كلمات العمل:
رقت عيناي شوقاً ، ولطيبة ذرفت عشقاً
فأتيت إلى حبيبي ، فاهدأ يا قلب ورفقاً
صل على محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
قلب بالحق تعلق ، وبغار حراءَ تألق
يبكي يسأل خالقَهُ ، فأتاه الوحي فأشرق
اقرأ اقرأ يا محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
يا طيبة جئتك صباً
لرسول الله محباً
بالروضة سكنت روحي
وجوار الهادي محمد
يا طيبة جئتك صباً
لرسول الله محباً
بالروضة سكنت روحي
وجوار الهادي محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
– Translation –
My heart is so full of longing
I wish to be close to my Beloved
I dream to walk in the streets of Medina
And to quench the thirst of my spirit
By visiting you, O Muhammad!
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah
I left all my troubles and worries
As I entered your Mosque so gently
And as I finally stood there before you
I couldn’t stop my tears from falling
In your presence O Muhammad
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah
O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed
Indeed it brought life back to my spirit
I’ve left my heart with my Beloved
Sending blessings on Muhammad
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah

كلمات العمل:
رقت عيناي شوقاً ، ولطيبة ذرفت عشقاً
فأتيت إلى حبيبي ، فاهدأ يا قلب ورفقاً
صل على محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
قلب بالحق تعلق ، وبغار حراءَ تألق
يبكي يسأل خالقَهُ ، فأتاه الوحي فأشرق
اقرأ اقرأ يا محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
يا طيبة جئتك صباً
لرسول الله محباً
بالروضة سكنت روحي
وجوار الهادي محمد
يا طيبة جئتك صباً
لرسول الله محباً
بالروضة سكنت روحي
وجوار الهادي محمد
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
السلام عليك يا رسول الله
السلام عليك يا حبيبي
يا نبي الله
يا رسول الله
– Translation –
My heart is so full of longing
I wish to be close to my Beloved
I dream to walk in the streets of Medina
And to quench the thirst of my spirit
By visiting you, O Muhammad!
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah
I left all my troubles and worries
As I entered your Mosque so gently
And as I finally stood there before you
I couldn’t stop my tears from falling
In your presence O Muhammad
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah
O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed
Indeed it brought life back to my spirit
I’ve left my heart with my Beloved
Sending blessings on Muhammad
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu alayka Ya habibi
Ya Nabiyya Allah
Ya Rasool Allah

Asalamu Alayka (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain

Asalamu Alayka (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain

Composed By – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By – Sami Yusuf
My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we’ve strayed from him and his way
My brothers, my sisters, in Islam
Let’s struggle, work, and pray
If we are to
Bring back the glory of his way
Ya Allah ya rabbal alamin
Ya rahmanu ya rahim
Ya rabbi
O Allah Lord of the Worlds
O Merciful and Beneficent
O my Lord
Let the Ummah rise again
Let us see daylight again
Once again
Let’s become whole again
Proud again
‘Cause I swear with firm belief in our hearts
We can bring back the glory of our past
My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we strayed from him and his way
Look at where we were
And look at where we are
And tell me
Is this how he’d want it to be?
Oh no! Let us bring back our glory
ya allah ya rabbal alalmin
ya rahmano ya rahem
ya rabbi
let the ummah rise again
ya allah ya rabbal alalmin
ya rahmano ya rahem
ya rabbi
let the ummah rise again
let us see daylight again
once again

Composed By – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By – Sami Yusuf
My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we’ve strayed from him and his way
My brothers, my sisters, in Islam
Let’s struggle, work, and pray
If we are to
Bring back the glory of his way
Ya Allah ya rabbal alamin
Ya rahmanu ya rahim
Ya rabbi
O Allah Lord of the Worlds
O Merciful and Beneficent
O my Lord
Let the Ummah rise again
Let us see daylight again
Once again
Let’s become whole again
Proud again
‘Cause I swear with firm belief in our hearts
We can bring back the glory of our past
My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we strayed from him and his way
Look at where we were
And look at where we are
And tell me
Is this how he’d want it to be?
Oh no! Let us bring back our glory
ya allah ya rabbal alalmin
ya rahmano ya rahem
ya rabbi
let the ummah rise again
ya allah ya rabbal alalmin
ya rahmano ya rahem
ya rabbi
let the ummah rise again
let us see daylight again
once again

My Ummah (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf

My Ummah (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf

The high heavens exalt Your Name,
from which all names take their grace.
Timeless glories mark out Your reign,
from Your lofty dwelling place.
Understanding, bounteous One,
eternal gift of plenty;
omniscient, just and divine,
our Judge in all Your glory.
سبحت باسمك المجيد السماء
وتسامت باسمك الأسماء
يا عظيماً يا حليماً وفرداً
من عطاياك دامت الآلاء
You give breeze to the wheeling birds
Sustained high up in the sky,
as You nurture us here on earth.
In Your warmth we glorify.
You sent messengers to us, Lord,
Revealing Your word and light.
You taught the scale above the sword,
Your justice is all men’s right.
عندها نرتجي من الله عفواً
حين يأتي محمد واللواء
فاجعل المصطفى شفيعاً وكن لي
غافراً ذاك مطلبي والرجاء
We seek the mercy of God.
I beg, Prophet, speak for me!
Led by Mohammed’s great banner,
Your forgiveness is my plea.
Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Words by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Bendir: Ömer Avci
Baglama: Adem Tosunoglu
Bass Darabuka: Abbas Karacan
Santoor: Farshad Mohammadi
Ney: Türker Dinletir
Tar: Seyed Ali Jaberi
Persian Daf: Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi
Oud: Selim Boyaci
Qanun: Mustafa Olgan
Classical Guitar: Jonathan Lawton
Sami Mohammad Ahmad Alhaj (Bass)
Abeer El Sayed Ahmad (Mezzo-Soprano)
Eisar Alkhalifa (Alto)
Mays Albeik (Alto)
Yara Mohamed Ahmed Amin (Alto)
Mishlien Alkhoury (Alto)
AbdulRazzak Barma (Baritone)
Nancy Al Baltaji (Contra-Alto)
Abdulrahman Bechir (Tenor)
Abdallah Taha El-Khatib (Tenor)
Omar Ghazal (Tenor)
Alawi AlSafi (Tenor)
*Special thanks to Nassim Al-Saba’ Choir

The high heavens exalt Your Name,
from which all names take their grace.
Timeless glories mark out Your reign,
from Your lofty dwelling place.
Understanding, bounteous One,
eternal gift of plenty;
omniscient, just and divine,
our Judge in all Your glory.
سبحت باسمك المجيد السماء
وتسامت باسمك الأسماء
يا عظيماً يا حليماً وفرداً
من عطاياك دامت الآلاء
You give breeze to the wheeling birds
Sustained high up in the sky,
as You nurture us here on earth.
In Your warmth we glorify.
You sent messengers to us, Lord,
Revealing Your word and light.
You taught the scale above the sword,
Your justice is all men’s right.
عندها نرتجي من الله عفواً
حين يأتي محمد واللواء
فاجعل المصطفى شفيعاً وكن لي
غافراً ذاك مطلبي والرجاء
We seek the mercy of God.
I beg, Prophet, speak for me!
Led by Mohammed’s great banner,
Your forgiveness is my plea.
Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Words by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Bendir: Ömer Avci
Baglama: Adem Tosunoglu
Bass Darabuka: Abbas Karacan
Santoor: Farshad Mohammadi
Ney: Türker Dinletir
Tar: Seyed Ali Jaberi
Persian Daf: Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi
Oud: Selim Boyaci
Qanun: Mustafa Olgan
Classical Guitar: Jonathan Lawton
Sami Mohammad Ahmad Alhaj (Bass)
Abeer El Sayed Ahmad (Mezzo-Soprano)
Eisar Alkhalifa (Alto)
Mays Albeik (Alto)
Yara Mohamed Ahmed Amin (Alto)
Mishlien Alkhoury (Alto)
AbdulRazzak Barma (Baritone)
Nancy Al Baltaji (Contra-Alto)
Abdulrahman Bechir (Tenor)
Abdallah Taha El-Khatib (Tenor)
Omar Ghazal (Tenor)
Alawi AlSafi (Tenor)
*Special thanks to Nassim Al-Saba’ Choir

Glorification (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf

Glorification (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf


Sujood – Safe Adam

Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah

Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah

O Mohammad – Ayisha Abdul Basith and Salim Sulaiman

O Mohammad – Ayisha Abdul Basith and Salim Sulaiman

Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله

Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله

Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin

Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin


Who Are You? – Raef

I’m Alive – Maher Zain & Atif Aslam

When I try to show you a way
You just throw it right back in my face
You’re just to lie to what you want to believe
You can’t take that is good advice from me.
The road is long, the path is high
And sometimes we all need help in this life
But you’re too strong, and you’re so wise
But carry on and you won’t survive
And when I try to lend you a hand
You push me away won’t try to understand
The road is long
Won’t survive

When I try to show you a way
You just throw it right back in my face
You’re just to lie to what you want to believe
You can’t take that is good advice from me.
The road is long, the path is high
And sometimes we all need help in this life
But you’re too strong, and you’re so wise
But carry on and you won’t survive
And when I try to lend you a hand
You push me away won’t try to understand
The road is long
Won’t survive

Helpless – Tom Robertson

Helpless – Tom Robertson

Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Deep in the valley in the town of Mecca
A child was born
Change your life forever
The sky lit up with beautiful weather
It’s where it all began
He grew up fast walking with olders
And when he spoke the people would gather
He had respect from everyone
The most trustworthy was
Oh Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
Then the prophet went to the mountains of Mecca
To think about life and make his mind a bit clearer
In the middle of the night there was a shining light
The revelation then began
He was asked to read but he couldn’t do so
When he tried he spoke words so beautiful
When he was told he was the chosen one
Salawatullahi Alayk
Oh Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
We forever love our prophet
Everyday in our lives
Everyday in our lives
Spoke with words so kind and graceful
So graceful
He’s always in our hearts
The messenger of Allah!
Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
Muhammad Muhammad
Muhammad Muhammad
Muhammad Muhammad
This is the story so far

Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Deep in the valley in the town of Mecca
A child was born
Change your life forever
The sky lit up with beautiful weather
It’s where it all began
He grew up fast walking with olders
And when he spoke the people would gather
He had respect from everyone
The most trustworthy was
Oh Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
Then the prophet went to the mountains of Mecca
To think about life and make his mind a bit clearer
In the middle of the night there was a shining light
The revelation then began
He was asked to read but he couldn’t do so
When he tried he spoke words so beautiful
When he was told he was the chosen one
Salawatullahi Alayk
Oh Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
We forever love our prophet
Everyday in our lives
Everyday in our lives
Spoke with words so kind and graceful
So graceful
He’s always in our hearts
The messenger of Allah!
Muhammad oh Muhammad
Solla Alaik Allah
The final prophet and the messenger
Sent from Allah
This is the story so far
Woh Oh Oh
Muhammad Muhammad
Muhammad Muhammad
Muhammad Muhammad
This is the story so far

Muhammad (saw) – Saif Adam

Muhammad (saw) – Saif Adam

Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh

Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh

By my side – Maher Zain