Insha Allah (Karaoke)
من البوم
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)

Insha Allah (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Look around your self
Can’t you see this wonder
Spread in front of you
The clouds floating by
The sky so clear and blue
Planets in their orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Let’s start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind to push it all aside
No, we just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts and minds
If we just look right, we’ll see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
And let it take us by surprise
Allah protect us in the best way
Allah guide us every single day
Allah keep us close to You
Until the end of time
Look inside your self
Such perfect order
Hiding in your cells
Running in your veins
What about anger, love, and pain?
And all the things you’re feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?
Let’s start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind to push it all aside
No, we just have to
When a baby is born
So helpless and weak
And you’re watching it growing
Why deny what’s in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life
We just have to
Allah You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Rabb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You…
Allhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah)

Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Look around your self
Can’t you see this wonder
Spread in front of you
The clouds floating by
The sky so clear and blue
Planets in their orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Let’s start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind to push it all aside
No, we just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts and minds
If we just look right, we’ll see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth
And let it take us by surprise
Allah protect us in the best way
Allah guide us every single day
Allah keep us close to You
Until the end of time
Look inside your self
Such perfect order
Hiding in your cells
Running in your veins
What about anger, love, and pain?
And all the things you’re feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?
Let’s start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind to push it all aside
No, we just have to
When a baby is born
So helpless and weak
And you’re watching it growing
Why deny what’s in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life
We just have to
Allah You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Rabb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You…
Allhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah)

Open Your Eyes ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain

Open Your Eyes ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain

Love Will Prevail – Maher Zain

Lyrics & Melody: Dalia Emara
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks:
Carthage+, Israa Sherif، Samia Jabri, Wafa Ben Soltan
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
تَهدينا سبيلاً يَنفعُنا
to guide us to the best path
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما كنا ضَلَلنا أو ضِعنَا
We wouldn’t have gone astray or become lost
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزمانِنا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَشبَعُ نَظَرًا حين نَراكَ
We’d feel contented when we see you
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ونُصَلِّي وراءَكَ نلْقَاكَ
We’d pray behind you and meet you
ونُقَبِّلُ كفّيكَ ونَسعَد
We’d kiss your hands and rejoice
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نروي لك عما يُوجعُنا
We’d tell you about everything that’s troubling us
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
لتَبُوحَ إليك مدامِعُنا
our falling tears would divulge everything to you
ونَنالَ برِفْقَتِكَ الجنة
We’d attain Paradise in your company
و نعيمَ المَوْلَى في عُلاه
and the blessings of the Almighty Lord
ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما كان بأُمتِنا فقير
There wouldn’t be anyone poor in our Ummah
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَرْعَى يتيمًا .. نُؤوِي كسير
We’d care for the orphan and the sick
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما امتَلأت دُنيانا مَعاصي
our world wouldn’t have been filled with sins
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما غَدا القلبُ كحَجَرٍ قاسِي
our hearts wouldn’t have been as hard as a rock
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما تُهْنَا في ظَلام الجهلِ
we wouldn’t be lost in the darkness of ignorance
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما أَغْفَلْنا دَوْرَ العقلِ
We wouldn’t have neglected the role of reason and intellect
وَتَراجَعْنَا بينَ الأُمَمِ
and we wouldn’t have fallen behind in standing among nations
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَرفَعُ ظُلمًا، نَنْصرُ حقَّا
We’d uproot injustice and uphold the truth
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما انقَسمت أُمَّتُنا فِرَقا
Our Ummah wouldn’t have become divided into factions
بسلامٍ نَحيا وبقُوَّة
We’d live peacefully while possessing strength
لنُعَمِّرَ في أرض الله
And we’d build and contribute to God’s earth
ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!

Lyrics & Melody: Dalia Emara
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks:
Carthage+, Israa Sherif، Samia Jabri, Wafa Ben Soltan
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
تَهدينا سبيلاً يَنفعُنا
to guide us to the best path
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما كنا ضَلَلنا أو ضِعنَا
We wouldn’t have gone astray or become lost
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزمانِنا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَشبَعُ نَظَرًا حين نَراكَ
We’d feel contented when we see you
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ونُصَلِّي وراءَكَ نلْقَاكَ
We’d pray behind you and meet you
ونُقَبِّلُ كفّيكَ ونَسعَد
We’d kiss your hands and rejoice
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نروي لك عما يُوجعُنا
We’d tell you about everything that’s troubling us
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
لتَبُوحَ إليك مدامِعُنا
our falling tears would divulge everything to you
ونَنالَ برِفْقَتِكَ الجنة
We’d attain Paradise in your company
و نعيمَ المَوْلَى في عُلاه
and the blessings of the Almighty Lord
ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما كان بأُمتِنا فقير
There wouldn’t be anyone poor in our Ummah
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَرْعَى يتيمًا .. نُؤوِي كسير
We’d care for the orphan and the sick
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما امتَلأت دُنيانا مَعاصي
our world wouldn’t have been filled with sins
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما غَدا القلبُ كحَجَرٍ قاسِي
our hearts wouldn’t have been as hard as a rock
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما تُهْنَا في ظَلام الجهلِ
we wouldn’t be lost in the darkness of ignorance
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما أَغْفَلْنا دَوْرَ العقلِ
We wouldn’t have neglected the role of reason and intellect
وَتَراجَعْنَا بينَ الأُمَمِ
and we wouldn’t have fallen behind in standing among nations
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
نَرفَعُ ظُلمًا، نَنْصرُ حقَّا
We’d uproot injustice and uphold the truth
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us
ما انقَسمت أُمَّتُنا فِرَقا
Our Ummah wouldn’t have become divided into factions
بسلامٍ نَحيا وبقُوَّة
We’d live peacefully while possessing strength
لنُعَمِّرَ في أرض الله
And we’d build and contribute to God’s earth
ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!

Laytaka Ma’ana (Vocals) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى

Laytaka Ma’ana (Vocals) – Maher Zain

كلمات أغنية: “ان شاء الله”
لو في يوم كان الحمل عليك ثقيل
وتايه لوحدك مش لاقي دليل
والهموم تخلي الليل طويل
وترميك في غربة ومرارة وويل
لو في يوم خذتنا معاصي أو ذنوب
وخافت قلوبنا ما تقدر تتوب
وتشكي الروح ومين بالسر ليه تبوح
ومين لي يقدر يداوي الجروح
مد إيديك
تلقاه دايما حواليك
هو الله قبلك حاسس بك
قول يا الله ده عنك مش بعيد
متشيلش هم ولا تشعر بضيق
قول يا الله اهدي ليا قلبي عشان أتوب
امحي الذنوب واهديلي الطريق
نور لي الطريق
إن شاء الله
هتلاقي الطريق

كلمات أغنية: “ان شاء الله”
لو في يوم كان الحمل عليك ثقيل
وتايه لوحدك مش لاقي دليل
والهموم تخلي الليل طويل
وترميك في غربة ومرارة وويل
لو في يوم خذتنا معاصي أو ذنوب
وخافت قلوبنا ما تقدر تتوب
وتشكي الروح ومين بالسر ليه تبوح
ومين لي يقدر يداوي الجروح
مد إيديك
تلقاه دايما حواليك
هو الله قبلك حاسس بك
قول يا الله ده عنك مش بعيد
متشيلش هم ولا تشعر بضيق
قول يا الله اهدي ليا قلبي عشان أتوب
امحي الذنوب واهديلي الطريق
نور لي الطريق
إن شاء الله
هتلاقي الطريق

Insha Allah (Arabic – Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى

Insha Allah (Arabic – Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك

Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

8’s lyrics :
We go ‘round in a figure 8
Touched you once but I could not stay
Magnetised I go ‘round again
Cross your path then I’m torn away
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
I keep on aching
knowing you’re waiting
In an endless love
there’s just no end of
I’ll keep on chasing
Figure eighting
In an endless love
There is no end of
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
We go ’round in a figure 8
Two lines play in a circle game
Infinite I go ‘round again
A union that I cannot break
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you

8’s lyrics :
We go ‘round in a figure 8
Touched you once but I could not stay
Magnetised I go ‘round again
Cross your path then I’m torn away
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
I keep on aching
knowing you’re waiting
In an endless love
there’s just no end of
I’ll keep on chasing
Figure eighting
In an endless love
There is no end of
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
We go ’round in a figure 8
Two lines play in a circle game
Infinite I go ‘round again
A union that I cannot break
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you

8 (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

8 (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Call My Name’s Lyrics :
Remember the time
when you and I were all alone
When we were so shy
now it feels so long ago
Whispered my name
soft as the falling snow
Close in my arms
promised I’d never let go
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Remember the time
when everything moved so slow
As if that one night
was all that we’d ever know
I’m still there waiting
hoping your voice will show
(Cos) wherever you are
that is where I call home
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
I’m right here
Beside you
I know you can’t see
I’m waiting
For you to remember me

Call My Name’s Lyrics :
Remember the time
when you and I were all alone
When we were so shy
now it feels so long ago
Whispered my name
soft as the falling snow
Close in my arms
promised I’d never let go
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Remember the time
when everything moved so slow
As if that one night
was all that we’d ever know
I’m still there waiting
hoping your voice will show
(Cos) wherever you are
that is where I call home
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
I’m right here
Beside you
I know you can’t see
I’m waiting
For you to remember me

Call My Name (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Call My Name (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

النشيد الرسمي لشبكة سما العالمية
بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية السادسة للتأسيس
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا

في سمانا ( نسخة كاريوكي ) محمد سيف – زياد سيف

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر

الآخرة ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر

Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)

Insha Allah (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Shadowless (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf