
Composed, Arranged, Produced & Performed by Sami Yusuf
Words by Bayazid Bastami & Rumi
Featuring Homayoun Shajarian
Lyrics – كلمات :
أنا الموجودُ
I am the existent
and the non-existent,
the exiled
and what remains,
أنا المحسوسُ
I am the perceived
and the imagined,
the lowly
and the exalted,
يا حي، يا حي
O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living
فلا عينٌ
Neither eye
ولا بصرٌ
nor sight,
ولكنْ سرُّ
but the secret
of the inner being,
ولا أجلٌ
Neither limited by death
ولا عمرٌ
nor span of life,
ولا فانٍ
there is nothing perishable
ولا باقي
nor enduring.
يا حي، يا حي
O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living
عندما أشرقت الشمس من أعماق الماء الأسود
When the sun rises from the depths of black water
يمكنك سماعها شيئًا فشيئًا، لا إله إلا الله
Listen carefully, from particle to particle, “there is no real but the Real”.
لا اله الا الله
“there is no real but the Real”.
ومن الماء والطين خرج ضباب قلب الإنسان مثل آدم
When the moon of the heart arose from water and clay, like Adam,
نزلت في البئر مائة شمس مثل يوسف.
A hundred suns descended into the well like Joseph.
نزلت في البئر
descended into the well
لقد اطفأته من الآن سأصمت، لأنه في صمتي،
From now on I will be silent, for in my silence,
سيتم فصل الحق عن الباطل، كما ينفصل الحب عن القش.
Truth and falsehood shall be separated, just like grain from straw.
كما ينفصل الحب عن القش.
just like grain from straw.
أنا الموجود
I am the existent
عندما أشرقت الشمس
When the sun rises
and the non-existent,
والمنفي والباقي
the exiled and what remains,
لا اله الا الله
“there is no real but the Real”.
أنا المحسوس
I am the perceived
and the imagined,
والأفعاء والراقي
the lowly and the exalted,
ومن الماء والطين خرج ضباب قلب الإنسان مثل آدم
When the moon of the heart arose from water and clay, like Adam,
نزلت في البئر مائة شمس مثل يوسف.
A hundred suns descended into the well like Joseph.
والأفعاء والراقي
the lowly and the exalted,
لقد اطفأته من الآن سأصمت،
From now on I will be silent,
آه والراقي
and the exalted,
سيتم فصل الحق عن الباطل،
Truth and falsehood shall be separated,
أقبل الساقي علينا
The cupbearer came to us,
قدم الكأس إلينا
presented us with the cup,
فاحتسينا وارتوينا
And so we drank our fill,
من كؤوس الهاشمية
From the cup of generosity.

Composed, Arranged, Produced & Performed by Sami Yusuf
Words by Bayazid Bastami & Rumi
Featuring Homayoun Shajarian
Lyrics – كلمات :
أنا الموجودُ
I am the existent
and the non-existent,
the exiled
and what remains,
أنا المحسوسُ
I am the perceived
and the imagined,
the lowly
and the exalted,
يا حي، يا حي
O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living
فلا عينٌ
Neither eye
ولا بصرٌ
nor sight,
ولكنْ سرُّ
but the secret
of the inner being,
ولا أجلٌ
Neither limited by death
ولا عمرٌ
nor span of life,
ولا فانٍ
there is nothing perishable
ولا باقي
nor enduring.
يا حي، يا حي
O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living
عندما أشرقت الشمس من أعماق الماء الأسود
When the sun rises from the depths of black water
يمكنك سماعها شيئًا فشيئًا، لا إله إلا الله
Listen carefully, from particle to particle, “there is no real but the Real”.
لا اله الا الله
“there is no real but the Real”.
ومن الماء والطين خرج ضباب قلب الإنسان مثل آدم
When the moon of the heart arose from water and clay, like Adam,
نزلت في البئر مائة شمس مثل يوسف.
A hundred suns descended into the well like Joseph.
نزلت في البئر
descended into the well
لقد اطفأته من الآن سأصمت، لأنه في صمتي،
From now on I will be silent, for in my silence,
سيتم فصل الحق عن الباطل، كما ينفصل الحب عن القش.
Truth and falsehood shall be separated, just like grain from straw.
كما ينفصل الحب عن القش.
just like grain from straw.
أنا الموجود
I am the existent
عندما أشرقت الشمس
When the sun rises
and the non-existent,
والمنفي والباقي
the exiled and what remains,
لا اله الا الله
“there is no real but the Real”.
أنا المحسوس
I am the perceived
and the imagined,
والأفعاء والراقي
the lowly and the exalted,
ومن الماء والطين خرج ضباب قلب الإنسان مثل آدم
When the moon of the heart arose from water and clay, like Adam,
نزلت في البئر مائة شمس مثل يوسف.
A hundred suns descended into the well like Joseph.
والأفعاء والراقي
the lowly and the exalted,
لقد اطفأته من الآن سأصمت،
From now on I will be silent,
آه والراقي
and the exalted,
سيتم فصل الحق عن الباطل،
Truth and falsehood shall be separated,
أقبل الساقي علينا
The cupbearer came to us,
قدم الكأس إلينا
presented us with the cup,
فاحتسينا وارتوينا
And so we drank our fill,
من كؤوس الهاشمية
From the cup of generosity.

Existentia – Sami Yusuf ft. Homayoun Shajarian
مشاهدة الكليب

Composed By : Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By [Arabic Lyrics] : Shaykh Zakariya Siddiqi
Lyrics By [English Lyrics] : Sami Yusuf, Bara Kherigi
Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me
Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you
You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you
Ben derdimi kime söyleyeyim
Sensiz ana
Senin kadrini hic bilemedim ben
Aziz ana
Resul buyurdu;
Cennet analarin ayaklari altinda
Senin hayalin aklimda,
ruhumda, ruyalarimda
Sen gittiginde canim gitti,
Ayrilik bir yaman dertti,
Dunya bana cefa etti,
Benim aziz anam
Aglarim ben bulut gibi,
Dilimdesin sarki gibi,
Gunahlarim derin derin
Hakkini helal et ana
To whom will I tell my sorrow
in your absence, mother?
I didn’t know your real value, my beloved mother
The Messenger (pbuh) said
“Paradise is under the mothers’ feet”
Your image is in my heart, my soul, and my dreams
When you left, my soul left
Our separation was painful
The world gave me pain
and sorrow my beloved mother
I cry like a cloud
You are like a song on my tongue
I’ve wronged you countless times
Forgive me mother

Composed By : Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By [Arabic Lyrics] : Shaykh Zakariya Siddiqi
Lyrics By [English Lyrics] : Sami Yusuf, Bara Kherigi
Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me
Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you
You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you
Ben derdimi kime söyleyeyim
Sensiz ana
Senin kadrini hic bilemedim ben
Aziz ana
Resul buyurdu;
Cennet analarin ayaklari altinda
Senin hayalin aklimda,
ruhumda, ruyalarimda
Sen gittiginde canim gitti,
Ayrilik bir yaman dertti,
Dunya bana cefa etti,
Benim aziz anam
Aglarim ben bulut gibi,
Dilimdesin sarki gibi,
Gunahlarim derin derin
Hakkini helal et ana
To whom will I tell my sorrow
in your absence, mother?
I didn’t know your real value, my beloved mother
The Messenger (pbuh) said
“Paradise is under the mothers’ feet”
Your image is in my heart, my soul, and my dreams
When you left, my soul left
Our separation was painful
The world gave me pain
and sorrow my beloved mother
I cry like a cloud
You are like a song on my tongue
I’ve wronged you countless times
Forgive me mother

Mother (Turkish) – Sami Yusuf

Mother (Turkish) – Sami Yusuf


Existentia – Sami Yusuf ft. Homayoun Shajarian

Music by Sami Yusuf
Words by Dr. Walid Al-Fitaihi
Produced by Sami Yusuf
lyrics :
بالقول والعمل ، أنتم الأمل
سلمهم يارب , سلمهم يارب
بِالعِلم و القَلم، يُدفَع الألَم
لآ تَنسَني أنآ ضَميرك
لآ تُؤذِني أنآ شبآبك
سلمهم يارب , سلمهم يارب

Music by Sami Yusuf
Words by Dr. Walid Al-Fitaihi
Produced by Sami Yusuf
lyrics :
بالقول والعمل ، أنتم الأمل
سلمهم يارب , سلمهم يارب
بِالعِلم و القَلم، يُدفَع الألَم
لآ تَنسَني أنآ ضَميرك
لآ تُؤذِني أنآ شبآبك
سلمهم يارب , سلمهم يارب

I’m Your Hope – Sami Yusuf

I’m Your Hope – Sami Yusuf
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtish
Melody: Razif
Arrangement: Mohamed Ben Atiya
Hz. Aişe Lyrics:
Ayın ışığı kıskanır seni
Sen ümmete anne oldun nebiye sevgili
Aişe, yoldaşın senin habibin Resulullah
Hidayetinle müjdeler seni
Kelamın nuru sardı kutlu ilmini
Senin gibi sadık bir kalbi görmedi dünya
Aişe, sen Aişe Ümmetin kalbindesin
Kelamın nuruna şehadet edenlerdensin
Kalbi pak olan, zikri hak olan
Resule sevgili sensin
İlmindedir senin kerametin
Mü’minlere lider oldu ferasetin
Aişe, rehberin senin habibin Resulallah
Güzel ahlak senin emanetin
Şehadetinin gölgesinde sen hidayeti
Buldun, her bir ayeti eyledin yoldaş
Aişe, sen Aişe Ümmetin kalbindesin
Kelamın nuruna şehadet edenlerdensin
Kalbi pak olan, zikri hak olan
Resule sevgili sensin

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtish
Melody: Razif
Arrangement: Mohamed Ben Atiya
Hz. Aişe Lyrics:
Ayın ışığı kıskanır seni
Sen ümmete anne oldun nebiye sevgili
Aişe, yoldaşın senin habibin Resulullah
Hidayetinle müjdeler seni
Kelamın nuru sardı kutlu ilmini
Senin gibi sadık bir kalbi görmedi dünya
Aişe, sen Aişe Ümmetin kalbindesin
Kelamın nuruna şehadet edenlerdensin
Kalbi pak olan, zikri hak olan
Resule sevgili sensin
İlmindedir senin kerametin
Mü’minlere lider oldu ferasetin
Aişe, rehberin senin habibin Resulallah
Güzel ahlak senin emanetin
Şehadetinin gölgesinde sen hidayeti
Buldun, her bir ayeti eyledin yoldaş
Aişe, sen Aişe Ümmetin kalbindesin
Kelamın nuruna şehadet edenlerdensin
Kalbi pak olan, zikri hak olan
Resule sevgili sensin

Hz. Aişe (Aisyah) – Ali Magrebi

Hz. Aişe (Aisyah) – Ali Magrebi

Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين

Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين

Hasbi Rabbi – Sami Yusuf

Hasbi Rabbi – Sami Yusuf

Poem by Bulleh Shah
Music by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Additional Vocals:
Rakesh Kesavan, Arun Naik and Rinu Razak
Recorded @ Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Aa mil yaar saarley, Meri jaan dikhaan ney gyheri
Come my love take care of me, I am in great agony
Ander khawab vchora hoya, Khabar na payndi teri
Soni ban wich luti saiyaan, Soor palang ney gheyri
Ever separated, my dreams are dreary
Looking for you, my eyes are weary
All alone I am robbed in a desert
Waylaid by a bunch of way words
Mullan Qazi rah batawaan, Deen dharam dey pherey
Aye taan thag jugat dey jhaar, lawaanjaal chufereey
The Mullah and Qazi show me the way
Their maze of Dharma that is in sway
They are the confirmed thieves of time
They spread their net saintly crime
Karam sharo dey dharam batawan
Sangal pawan pereen Zaat mazhab yeh ishq na pochdaa
Ishq shara da weri
Their time-worn norms are seldom right
With these they chain my feet so tight
My love cares not for caste or creed
To the rituals of faith I pay no heed
Nadioon paar aye mulk sajan da
lehar lobh ney gheri Satgor beri perhi khalotey
Ten kion lai aweri
My Master lives on yonder bank
While I am caught in the gale of greed
With boat of anchor, He stands in wait
I must hasten, I can’t be late

Poem by Bulleh Shah
Music by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Additional Vocals:
Rakesh Kesavan, Arun Naik and Rinu Razak
Recorded @ Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Aa mil yaar saarley, Meri jaan dikhaan ney gyheri
Come my love take care of me, I am in great agony
Ander khawab vchora hoya, Khabar na payndi teri
Soni ban wich luti saiyaan, Soor palang ney gheyri
Ever separated, my dreams are dreary
Looking for you, my eyes are weary
All alone I am robbed in a desert
Waylaid by a bunch of way words
Mullan Qazi rah batawaan, Deen dharam dey pherey
Aye taan thag jugat dey jhaar, lawaanjaal chufereey
The Mullah and Qazi show me the way
Their maze of Dharma that is in sway
They are the confirmed thieves of time
They spread their net saintly crime
Karam sharo dey dharam batawan
Sangal pawan pereen Zaat mazhab yeh ishq na pochdaa
Ishq shara da weri
Their time-worn norms are seldom right
With these they chain my feet so tight
My love cares not for caste or creed
To the rituals of faith I pay no heed
Nadioon paar aye mulk sajan da
lehar lobh ney gheri Satgor beri perhi khalotey
Ten kion lai aweri
My Master lives on yonder bank
While I am caught in the gale of greed
With boat of anchor, He stands in wait
I must hasten, I can’t be late

Aa Mil Yaar – Hesham Abdul Wahab

Aa Mil Yaar – Hesham Abdul Wahab

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘The Fire Within’ evokes the flame of love
that burns in the hearts of seekers everywhere.
This rich musical tapestry weaves together mystical strands of music and poetry
as it moves seamlessly from the aeolian sound of European choral music
to Andalusian modes to Middle Eastern scales.
Here we hear the voice of each tradition clearly articulated
as in an intricate conversation with one another.
Layer upon layer of melodies and rhythms serve to clarify the composer’s vision
and to lead the listener inward to a place of knowing beyond words.
Lyrics are drawn from mystical poets: Kaygusuz Abdal (Turkish lyrics),
Hildegard von Bingen (Latin lyrics),
Mansur ibn al-Hallaj and Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari (Arabic lyrics).
Performed by Cappella Amsterdam, The Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra,
and Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Latin words by Hildegard of Bingen
English words trans. from Mansur al-Hallaj
Turkish words by Kaygusuz Abdal
Arabic Mawwāl by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
Mode: Aeolian [with allusions to traditional Andalusian modes]
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘The Fire Within’ evokes the flame of love
that burns in the hearts of seekers everywhere.
This rich musical tapestry weaves together mystical strands of music and poetry
as it moves seamlessly from the aeolian sound of European choral music
to Andalusian modes to Middle Eastern scales.
Here we hear the voice of each tradition clearly articulated
as in an intricate conversation with one another.
Layer upon layer of melodies and rhythms serve to clarify the composer’s vision
and to lead the listener inward to a place of knowing beyond words.
Lyrics are drawn from mystical poets: Kaygusuz Abdal (Turkish lyrics),
Hildegard von Bingen (Latin lyrics),
Mansur ibn al-Hallaj and Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari (Arabic lyrics).
Performed by Cappella Amsterdam, The Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra,
and Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Latin words by Hildegard of Bingen
English words trans. from Mansur al-Hallaj
Turkish words by Kaygusuz Abdal
Arabic Mawwāl by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
Mode: Aeolian [with allusions to traditional Andalusian modes]
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

The Fire Within (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

The Fire Within (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله

Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله

Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin

Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin

Hasbi Rabbi (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘Veritas’ premiered at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam
as part of his concert series ‘When Paths Meet’.
From the minimal and ethereal sound of the intro,
it subtly transitions to a sense of awe at the astonishing majesty and multiplicity of creation.
The Persian-influenced musical phrasing of Sami Yusuf’s vocalisations
in the intro are inspired by the Daramad of Avaz-e dashti,
a subgroup of the Shur dastgah, a Persian modal system evocative of a meditative state.
Cappella Amsterdam sings quarter tones here and they do so brilliantly.
The flamenco and Andalusian sounds of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra interplay
with Western classical elements and the vibrant Arabic maqam Bayati.
When the mode shifts to the passionate yearning of maqam Nahawand,
its similarity to the Western classical minor scale brings an effortless resonance between the two.
The outro joins Bayati and a harmonic minor scale in a multi-faceted,
fiery expression of multiple, even contradictory states of being,
while the vocalists insist,
‘Veritas’, ‘Veritas’ – Truth, Truth – and cast our focus beneath the turbulent surface storms
to the calm depths below.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Mode: Shur with allusions to Nahāwand
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘Veritas’ premiered at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam
as part of his concert series ‘When Paths Meet’.
From the minimal and ethereal sound of the intro,
it subtly transitions to a sense of awe at the astonishing majesty and multiplicity of creation.
The Persian-influenced musical phrasing of Sami Yusuf’s vocalisations
in the intro are inspired by the Daramad of Avaz-e dashti,
a subgroup of the Shur dastgah, a Persian modal system evocative of a meditative state.
Cappella Amsterdam sings quarter tones here and they do so brilliantly.
The flamenco and Andalusian sounds of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra interplay
with Western classical elements and the vibrant Arabic maqam Bayati.
When the mode shifts to the passionate yearning of maqam Nahawand,
its similarity to the Western classical minor scale brings an effortless resonance between the two.
The outro joins Bayati and a harmonic minor scale in a multi-faceted,
fiery expression of multiple, even contradictory states of being,
while the vocalists insist,
‘Veritas’, ‘Veritas’ – Truth, Truth – and cast our focus beneath the turbulent surface storms
to the calm depths below.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Mode: Shur with allusions to Nahāwand
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

Veritas (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

Veritas (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus melody & Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Verse Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Subhana Allah feat. Mesut Kurtis (Turkish Version) – Lyrics:
Subhanaka rabbee subhanak
Subhanaka ma a’dhama shaanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanaka Rabbee
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You
Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I travel through the earth I can’t help but notice
This symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand to the faraway planets
To a flower putting roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant, every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
Kainatta ne varsa her şey
Hep ahenk içinde
Güzellikler bir değilki
Hep binbir biçimde
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Hep rabbinı anar
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Der ki

Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus melody & Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Verse Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Subhana Allah feat. Mesut Kurtis (Turkish Version) – Lyrics:
Subhanaka rabbee subhanak
Subhanaka ma a’dhama shaanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanak
Nad’uka wanarju ghufraanaka Rabbee
(Glory be to You my Lord, glory be to You
Glory be to You, How great is Your state of glory!
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness
We supplicate to You and hope for Your forgiveness my Lord)
As I travel through the earth I can’t help but notice
This symphony I hear all around
From the smallest grain of sand to the faraway planets
To a flower putting roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
Every ant, every plant, every breeze and all the seas
They all sing
Kainatta ne varsa her şey
Hep ahenk içinde
Güzellikler bir değilki
Hep binbir biçimde
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Hep rabbinı anar
Uçan kuş,esen yel,yağan kar,açan bahar
Der ki

Subhana Allah [Turkish Version] – Maher Zain (feat. Mesut Kurtis)

Subhana Allah [Turkish Version] – Maher Zain (feat. Mesut Kurtis)

Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Yavuz Taşkın
Guitar: Cem Şengül
Sazbüş: Yavuz Taşkın
Strings: Rhapsody String Section
Recorded at SesSanatkar Studio, Istanbul
Mixing & Mastering: Yavuz Taşkın

Estağfirullah (Turkish Version) – Mesut Kurtis

Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Seni andım,
Sana muhtacım,
Nurunla aydınlandım
Hayatım, senle anlamlı
Sende çözüldü, herşeyin sırrı
Sana kurban olsun
Canım feda olsun
Yeter ki ruhum
Seninle olsun
Günahlarda kayboldum
Acılarla yoğruldum
Yeter artık ruhum
Seninle olsun
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed me right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my One True love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you

Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Seni andım,
Sana muhtacım,
Nurunla aydınlandım
Hayatım, senle anlamlı
Sende çözüldü, herşeyin sırrı
Sana kurban olsun
Canım feda olsun
Yeter ki ruhum
Seninle olsun
Günahlarda kayboldum
Acılarla yoğruldum
Yeter artık ruhum
Seninle olsun
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed me right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my One True love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you

You Came to Me ( Turkish Version ) – Sami Yusuf

You Came to Me ( Turkish Version ) – Sami Yusuf

Maher Zain
Novia Stephani
Bara Kherigi
Charbel Amso
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Sepanjang Hidup – Lyrics:
Sepanjang Hidup
aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih
di kalbuku mengiringi
dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan
kau cahaya hati
dulu ku palingkan diri dari cinta
hingga kau hadir membasuh segalanya
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku
berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
bersamamu ku sadari inilah cinta
tiada ragu dengarkanlah
kidung cintaku yang abadi

Maher Zain
Novia Stephani
Bara Kherigi
Charbel Amso
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Sepanjang Hidup – Lyrics:
Sepanjang Hidup
aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih
di kalbuku mengiringi
dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan
kau cahaya hati
dulu ku palingkan diri dari cinta
hingga kau hadir membasuh segalanya
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku
berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu
sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu
yakini hatiku
bersamamu ku sadari inilah cinta
tiada ragu dengarkanlah
kidung cintaku yang abadi

Sepanjang Hidup (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain

Sepanjang Hidup (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain

English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Malay Lyrics: Syah Inteam
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah, berkati pasangan ini,
Bahgia, hidup berkasih sayang,
Rasulullah, indahnya sunnahmu,
Dunia, terasa bagai di syurga.
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you

English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Malay Lyrics: Syah Inteam
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah, berkati pasangan ini,
Bahgia, hidup berkasih sayang,
Rasulullah, indahnya sunnahmu,
Dunia, terasa bagai di syurga.
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you

Mabrook (English Malay Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki

Mabrook (English Malay Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki

Sous ses draps blancs je les entend
Tous ses cries des larmes parents
Qui viennent pleurer leur unique enfant
Le hasard est venu pour moi
Ne me demandez pas pourquoi
Il frappe toujours soudainement
Mon cœur s’arrête tout doucement
Je n’entends plus ses battements
Le temps s’arrête fatalement
Pourquoi faut-il tant de larmes
Pourquoi faut-il tant de drames
Il est temps de poser les armes
Ma vie a-t-elle été accomplie?
Ma vie a-t-elle été bien remplie?
Maintenant il est vraiment trop tard
Je suis tout prêt du grand départ
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions tous ensemble mes frères
Pour atteindre la blanche lumière
Pour suivre enfin le droit chemin
Pour accomplie notre destin
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main
Père maintenant, il est l’heure
Personne ne me l’avait prédit
Ai-je vécu en harmonie?
Ai-je été un bon prêcheur?
Ai-je été d’un bon soutien?
Pour protéger tous les miens
Ma famille est là réunie
Tout autour de moi, elle prie
Je sens son souffle chaud qui me frôle
Mes amis me portent sur leurs épaules
Personne ne m’entend, ne me comprend
On me descend tout doucement
A dieu à vous tous mes frères
On me recouvre de cette terre
Alors, je repose tout seule
Enfin, c’est le temps du deuil
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions tous ensemble mes frères
Pour atteindre la blanche lumière
Pour suivre enfin le droit chemin
Pour accomplie notre destin
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main

Sous ses draps blancs je les entend
Tous ses cries des larmes parents
Qui viennent pleurer leur unique enfant
Le hasard est venu pour moi
Ne me demandez pas pourquoi
Il frappe toujours soudainement
Mon cœur s’arrête tout doucement
Je n’entends plus ses battements
Le temps s’arrête fatalement
Pourquoi faut-il tant de larmes
Pourquoi faut-il tant de drames
Il est temps de poser les armes
Ma vie a-t-elle été accomplie?
Ma vie a-t-elle été bien remplie?
Maintenant il est vraiment trop tard
Je suis tout prêt du grand départ
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions tous ensemble mes frères
Pour atteindre la blanche lumière
Pour suivre enfin le droit chemin
Pour accomplie notre destin
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main
Père maintenant, il est l’heure
Personne ne me l’avait prédit
Ai-je vécu en harmonie?
Ai-je été un bon prêcheur?
Ai-je été d’un bon soutien?
Pour protéger tous les miens
Ma famille est là réunie
Tout autour de moi, elle prie
Je sens son souffle chaud qui me frôle
Mes amis me portent sur leurs épaules
Personne ne m’entend, ne me comprend
On me descend tout doucement
A dieu à vous tous mes frères
On me recouvre de cette terre
Alors, je repose tout seule
Enfin, c’est le temps du deuil
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions tous ensemble mes frères
Pour atteindre la blanche lumière
Pour suivre enfin le droit chemin
Pour accomplie notre destin
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main
Pourquoi les hommes meurent?
Pourquoi les hommes pleurent?
Pourquoi tant de malheurs?
Pourquoi avoir tant peur?
Prions alors tous mes frères
Pour atteindre la lumière
Donne nous du bonheur à nos prochains
Guidons leurs pas main par la main

Pourquoi les hommes pleurent – Ahmed Bukhatir

Pourquoi les hommes pleurent – Ahmed Bukhatir


Ya Elahi – Ehsan Yasin

Deti i Mëshirës (Vocals Only) – Mevlan Kurtishi

Music & Words: Sami Yusuf
Urdu Words: Mehboob
Farsi Words: Ustad Firooz
Malay Words: Yasin Sulaiman
Produced by Sami Yusuf
Searched for the words
To describe your beauty
No matter how I tried
No word seemed worthy
Struggled to find
The right words for You
Words just fail to describe
What’s deep inside
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, wa Allahu Akbar
Zemmeen Aseman, Jinn-o-Insaa bhi
(Earth and the Heavens, Jinn and Mankind)
Teri taa’reefein, Kartey bayan sabhi
(All praise Thee)
Bekhud huey, Dono jahan hi
(So both worlds become intoxicated)
Ruh se nikley, Jab ye kalma…Subhan Allah…
(When the soul recites this one word…Subhan Allah)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar
Dar havaye To
(In Your remembrance)
Par migoshaayam
(I spread my wings)
Be omidi ke roozi
(In hope for the day)
Sooye To ayam
(I come to You)
Dar vasfe To
(In describing You)
Jomleha ra gashtam
(I searched sentences)
Kalameyi najostam
(I found no word)
Joz inke gooyam
(Except to say)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar
Ku mencari kata puji
(I searched for words to praise You with)
Buat menemani zikir hati
(Words to instill Your remembrance in my heart)
Namun tiada kalam yang pasti
(But no words are assuring enough)
Yang sesuci kalam ini
(As sacred as these)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar

Music & Words: Sami Yusuf
Urdu Words: Mehboob
Farsi Words: Ustad Firooz
Malay Words: Yasin Sulaiman
Produced by Sami Yusuf
Searched for the words
To describe your beauty
No matter how I tried
No word seemed worthy
Struggled to find
The right words for You
Words just fail to describe
What’s deep inside
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, wa Allahu Akbar
Zemmeen Aseman, Jinn-o-Insaa bhi
(Earth and the Heavens, Jinn and Mankind)
Teri taa’reefein, Kartey bayan sabhi
(All praise Thee)
Bekhud huey, Dono jahan hi
(So both worlds become intoxicated)
Ruh se nikley, Jab ye kalma…Subhan Allah…
(When the soul recites this one word…Subhan Allah)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar
Dar havaye To
(In Your remembrance)
Par migoshaayam
(I spread my wings)
Be omidi ke roozi
(In hope for the day)
Sooye To ayam
(I come to You)
Dar vasfe To
(In describing You)
Jomleha ra gashtam
(I searched sentences)
Kalameyi najostam
(I found no word)
Joz inke gooyam
(Except to say)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar
Ku mencari kata puji
(I searched for words to praise You with)
Buat menemani zikir hati
(Words to instill Your remembrance in my heart)
Namun tiada kalam yang pasti
(But no words are assuring enough)
Yang sesuci kalam ini
(As sacred as these)
Subhan Allah, Wa alhamdulillah, la illaha il Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar

No Word Is Worthy – Sami Yusuf

No Word Is Worthy – Sami Yusuf

Lab Pae Aati (LYRICS)
Lab Pe Aati Hai, Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri x2
Zindagi Shamma Ki Surat Ho, Khudaya Meri x2
Lab Pe Aati Hai, Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri
Ho Mere Dum Se Yuhin Mere Watan Ki Zeenat x2
Jis Tara Phool Se Hoti Hai Chaman Ki Zeenat x2
Zindagi Ho Meri Parwaane Ki Soorat Ya Rab x2
Ilm Ki Shamma Se Ho Mujko Mohabbat Ya Rab x2
Ho Mera Kaam Ghareebon Ki Himayat Karna x2
Dard Mando Se Zaeefon Se Muhabbat Karna x2
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko x2
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko

Lab Pae Aati (LYRICS)
Lab Pe Aati Hai, Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri x2
Zindagi Shamma Ki Surat Ho, Khudaya Meri x2
Lab Pe Aati Hai, Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri
Ho Mere Dum Se Yuhin Mere Watan Ki Zeenat x2
Jis Tara Phool Se Hoti Hai Chaman Ki Zeenat x2
Zindagi Ho Meri Parwaane Ki Soorat Ya Rab x2
Ilm Ki Shamma Se Ho Mujko Mohabbat Ya Rab x2
Ho Mera Kaam Ghareebon Ki Himayat Karna x2
Dard Mando Se Zaeefon Se Muhabbat Karna x2
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko x2
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko
Naik Jo Raah Ho Uss Reh Par Chalana Mujhko
Mere Allah Burai Se Bachana Mujhko

Lab Pae Aati – Irfan Makki

Lab Pae Aati – Irfan Makki

Hoşgeldin Ramazan – Ali Magrebi

Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)

Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)

Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf

Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf

Existentia – Sami Yusuf ft. Homayoun Shajarian

رمضان زين الشهور – من البوم عناقيد الثاني
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : عبد المحسن الطبطبائي – مترجمون
أداء : مشاري راشد العفاسي
ألحان و توزيع : أحمد الهرمي
هندسة صوتية : م مشاري – كريم شريف
كلمات العمل :
بالحب تلقاك البدور ضيف الأماني و السرور
فيك العطايا و الأجور يا مرحبا زين الشهور
Jour après jour , un monde d’amour des océans , soyez la bienvenue
Meilleur des mois , bienvenue bonheur et joie
Notre mois saint , bonheur et bien
we welcome you month we all adore
we pray for happiness and more
to all the people open up your door
welcome holy month
أهلاً رمضان
أحلى القوافي و النشيد في مقدم الشهر السعيد
النور في الدنيا يزيد و الرب تواب شكور
رمضان رمضان