Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله
Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله
Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Arabic Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Albanian Lyrics: Mevlan Kurtishi
Turkish Lyrics: Ismail Abusak
Bosnian Lyrics: Dzevad Ibrahimovic
Graphics by Ahmad | Sweven Records
Edited by BK | Galaktika Pictures
Special thanks: Kreshnik Avdiu, Dr. Kujtim Mirzo, Genc Halimi
محمد سيد الكونين والثقليــن
والفريقين من عرب ومن عجمِ
هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته
لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحم
عطر اللهم روض المصطفى
بصلاة وسلام سرمدي
زدنا حبا وقوِّ جمعنا
هب لنا فتحا مبينا واهدنا
Ja Habibi, Drit e Syve – ResulAllah
Për dashnin Tënde edhe hëna n’dy pjesë u nda
Ey sevgili, nürgözlüm Resulallah
Tüm ümmet aşıktır senin yoluna
Kandilj sjajni ljudskog roda Je Ahmed
Kur’an Kitab koji hoda Muhammed
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Arabic Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Albanian Lyrics: Mevlan Kurtishi
Turkish Lyrics: Ismail Abusak
Bosnian Lyrics: Dzevad Ibrahimovic
Graphics by Ahmad | Sweven Records
Edited by BK | Galaktika Pictures
Special thanks: Kreshnik Avdiu, Dr. Kujtim Mirzo, Genc Halimi
محمد سيد الكونين والثقليــن
والفريقين من عرب ومن عجمِ
هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته
لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحم
عطر اللهم روض المصطفى
بصلاة وسلام سرمدي
زدنا حبا وقوِّ جمعنا
هب لنا فتحا مبينا واهدنا
Ja Habibi, Drit e Syve – ResulAllah
Për dashnin Tënde edhe hëna n’dy pjesë u nda
Ey sevgili, nürgözlüm Resulallah
Tüm ümmet aşıktır senin yoluna
Kandilj sjajni ljudskog roda Je Ahmed
Kur’an Kitab koji hoda Muhammed
Ya Habibi – Mevlan Kurtishi
Ya Habibi – Mevlan Kurtishi
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
On that moment before all moments,
On that morn before the world was born,
When we did Thy Lordship witness,
Seeing Thy Countenance, hearing Thy Command,
Uttering the yea that echoes forever within,
Did we the cadence of Divine Music hear.
In this lowly world I hear that Music near and far,
In the plucking of the oud and the tar,
In the drone of the sitar and the gong of the gamelan,
In the haunting melodies of those monks
Singing in unison of Thy Glory,
In the rhythmic drumbeats issuing from verdant forests,
And the shepherd’s ney breathing upon the hills,
In all those voices chanting of the love for Thee,
In all music that celebrates Thy Beauty inviolable,
I do hear that cadence of Divine Music,
And so in the chanting of the birds and the singing of the whales,
In the murmur of the wind through those majestic trees,
And even in the silent invocation of the mountains and the stars,
For is not the substance of all Thy creation,
But invocation of Thy Blessed Names
chanted in the cadence of Divine Music?
But most of all it is in solitude with Thee,
When I and Thou are alone in intimacy,
That I hear so clearly the cadence of that Music Divine
Which I heard on that pre-eternal dawn,
And which ceases not to resonate within,
Bearing witness to the reality of Thy Presence,
Echoing the cadence of that Divine Music,
Echoes from the myriads of created beings
That are but nothingness reflecting Thy Theophanies.
Let me be alone in Thy intimacy,
So as to hear again in the clearest of sounds,
The cadence of that Music Divine
Which I heard at the moment of encounter with Thy Face,
In that pre-eternal moment of creation,
The moment that is now and ever shall be the eternal now.
On that moment before all moments,
On that morn before the world was born,
When we did Thy Lordship witness,
Seeing Thy Countenance, hearing Thy Command,
Uttering the yea that echoes forever within,
Did we the cadence of Divine Music hear.
In this lowly world I hear that Music near and far,
In the plucking of the oud and the tar,
In the drone of the sitar and the gong of the gamelan,
In the haunting melodies of those monks
Singing in unison of Thy Glory,
In the rhythmic drumbeats issuing from verdant forests,
And the shepherd’s ney breathing upon the hills,
In all those voices chanting of the love for Thee,
In all music that celebrates Thy Beauty inviolable,
I do hear that cadence of Divine Music,
And so in the chanting of the birds and the singing of the whales,
In the murmur of the wind through those majestic trees,
And even in the silent invocation of the mountains and the stars,
For is not the substance of all Thy creation,
But invocation of Thy Blessed Names
chanted in the cadence of Divine Music?
But most of all it is in solitude with Thee,
When I and Thou are alone in intimacy,
That I hear so clearly the cadence of that Music Divine
Which I heard on that pre-eternal dawn,
And which ceases not to resonate within,
Bearing witness to the reality of Thy Presence,
Echoing the cadence of that Divine Music,
Echoes from the myriads of created beings
That are but nothingness reflecting Thy Theophanies.
Let me be alone in Thy intimacy,
So as to hear again in the clearest of sounds,
The cadence of that Music Divine
Which I heard at the moment of encounter with Thy Face,
In that pre-eternal moment of creation,
The moment that is now and ever shall be the eternal now.
Cadence ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Cadence ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
مناجاة ليل – محمد المازم
الله يا ربي للفنان أمين حاميم
من البوم أشياء ٢٠٢٣
كلمات: هيثم الرصاص
الحان: امين حاميم
توزيع / adem
مكس وماسترنج: محمد الحميري
تسجيل / استوديو اذواق الفن – الرياض
منتج منفذ (يمان) – باهل امين
بوستر: عمر شمسان
كلمات العمل:
اللهُ ياربي يا عالم بزلاتي
أرحم فقيراً جاء يرجو نيل مرضاتك
يا غافر الذنب ِ في ماضٍ وفي آتِ
أنظر بعطفٍ لانكساري في مناجاتك
في مقامي وارتحالي
في فراغي وانشغالي
انت من اصلحت حالي
حين يسرت الهدى لي
بك ما خابت ظنوني
بك قد هانت شجوني
يا أماني يا سكوني
خالقي ياذا الجلالِ
ربي يا ربي عظيم الشان
يا عالم بحالي
أنت في قلبي
وتدري بي
فجُد بالمنى لي
يا قريباً من ضفافي
يا سميعاً لاعترافي
أنت حسبي أنت كافي
بعد هذا لا أُبالي
كلما واجهتُ أمرا
كُنتَ لي عوناً وذُخرا
فدعِ اللهم وزرا
عن يميني وشمالي
ربي يا ربي عظيم الشآن
ياعالم بحالي
أنت في قلبي وتدري بي
فجُد بالمُنى لي
الله يا ربي للفنان أمين حاميم
من البوم أشياء ٢٠٢٣
كلمات: هيثم الرصاص
الحان: امين حاميم
توزيع / adem
مكس وماسترنج: محمد الحميري
تسجيل / استوديو اذواق الفن – الرياض
منتج منفذ (يمان) – باهل امين
بوستر: عمر شمسان
كلمات العمل:
اللهُ ياربي يا عالم بزلاتي
أرحم فقيراً جاء يرجو نيل مرضاتك
يا غافر الذنب ِ في ماضٍ وفي آتِ
أنظر بعطفٍ لانكساري في مناجاتك
في مقامي وارتحالي
في فراغي وانشغالي
انت من اصلحت حالي
حين يسرت الهدى لي
بك ما خابت ظنوني
بك قد هانت شجوني
يا أماني يا سكوني
خالقي ياذا الجلالِ
ربي يا ربي عظيم الشان
يا عالم بحالي
أنت في قلبي
وتدري بي
فجُد بالمنى لي
يا قريباً من ضفافي
يا سميعاً لاعترافي
أنت حسبي أنت كافي
بعد هذا لا أُبالي
كلما واجهتُ أمرا
كُنتَ لي عوناً وذُخرا
فدعِ اللهم وزرا
عن يميني وشمالي
ربي يا ربي عظيم الشآن
ياعالم بحالي
أنت في قلبي وتدري بي
فجُد بالمُنى لي
الله يا ربي ( مؤثرات ) – أمين حاميم
الله يا ربي ( مؤثرات ) – أمين حاميم
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : عبدالعزيز عبدالغني
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
في كتاب الله قلبي صار حي
وبحياتي صار لي ظل وفيّ
ويوم عادت نفسي وروحي إليه
عادت أيامي وأحلامي إليّ
سال مثل الشهد في قلبي وفاح
كل ما أتلوه تلتم الجراح
ربي لا تحرمني منه يا كريم
دام هو قوتي مسائي والصباح
كلما أتلوه أو جيت اسمعَه
أنسى آلامي وأحزاني معه
مِن عرفته صارت ايامي هناء
نور في الظلمة وفي الضيقة سعةْ
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : عبدالعزيز عبدالغني
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
في كتاب الله قلبي صار حي
وبحياتي صار لي ظل وفيّ
ويوم عادت نفسي وروحي إليه
عادت أيامي وأحلامي إليّ
سال مثل الشهد في قلبي وفاح
كل ما أتلوه تلتم الجراح
ربي لا تحرمني منه يا كريم
دام هو قوتي مسائي والصباح
كلما أتلوه أو جيت اسمعَه
أنسى آلامي وأحزاني معه
مِن عرفته صارت ايامي هناء
نور في الظلمة وفي الضيقة سعةْ
في كتاب الله – عبدالرحمن الكندري
في كتاب الله – عبدالرحمن الكندري
Go (Encore) [Live at the Dubai Opera]
Fire (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Healing (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Forgotten Promises (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Khorasan (Live at the Dubai Opera)
I Only Knew Love (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Lament (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Mast Qalandar (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Hasbi Rabbi (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Ya Mustafa (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Sari Gelin (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Jaaneh Jaanaan (Live at the Dubai Opera)
You Came to Me (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Ya Rasul Allah (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Māhūr Instrumental (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Fiyyashiyya (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Ya Nabi (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Pearl (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Mother (Arabic) [Live at the Dubai Opera]
Al-Mu'allim (Live at the Dubai Opera)
The Dawn (Live at the Dubai Opera)
Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin
Huzur – Zeyd Şoto
8’s lyrics :
We go ‘round in a figure 8
Touched you once but I could not stay
Magnetised I go ‘round again
Cross your path then I’m torn away
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
I keep on aching
knowing you’re waiting
In an endless love
there’s just no end of
I’ll keep on chasing
Figure eighting
In an endless love
There is no end of
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
We go ’round in a figure 8
Two lines play in a circle game
Infinite I go ‘round again
A union that I cannot break
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
8’s lyrics :
We go ‘round in a figure 8
Touched you once but I could not stay
Magnetised I go ‘round again
Cross your path then I’m torn away
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
I keep on aching
knowing you’re waiting
In an endless love
there’s just no end of
I’ll keep on chasing
Figure eighting
In an endless love
There is no end of
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
We go ’round in a figure 8
Two lines play in a circle game
Infinite I go ‘round again
A union that I cannot break
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said remember me
And I’ll remember you
La Nihaya
La Nihaya
You said come back for me
And I’ll come back for you
8 – Sami Yusuf
8 – Sami Yusuf
شغلتني الحياة ( البوم قلبي محمد ) – مشاري العفاسي
Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin
ضاق أمري ( موسيقى ) – مصطفى كريم
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
Aşk-ı Muhabbet Lyrics:
Allah muhabbet bahşetsin kalbinize
Daim ve sonsuz aşk eksin gönlünüze
Sevgi sadakat ve saygı merhemdir besler kalbi
Muvaffak eyle, sen daim kıl bu güzelliği Rabbim
Allah muhabbetinizi bir, sizi birbirine kadir
Hem evvel hem ahir kılsın her daim
Size hamd ile hakkı anan, edebiyle şükrü olan
Bir ömür ihsan etsin Rabbim her zaman
En büyük nimet Haktan anne baba
Onlara hiç zahmet vermez, zor gelmez onca çaba
Onların ömrüne bereket ver, lutfunu göster ya galib
Her türlü dertten ve elemden uzak eyle kıl galip
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(Allah’ım Muhammed’e salat ve selam gönder)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(O ki yaratılanların en hayırlısı, Allah Resulüne)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(Allah’ım mübarek kıl, Allah’ım , Allah’ım mübarek kılsın)
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
Aşk-ı Muhabbet Lyrics:
Allah muhabbet bahşetsin kalbinize
Daim ve sonsuz aşk eksin gönlünüze
Sevgi sadakat ve saygı merhemdir besler kalbi
Muvaffak eyle, sen daim kıl bu güzelliği Rabbim
Allah muhabbetinizi bir, sizi birbirine kadir
Hem evvel hem ahir kılsın her daim
Size hamd ile hakkı anan, edebiyle şükrü olan
Bir ömür ihsan etsin Rabbim her zaman
En büyük nimet Haktan anne baba
Onlara hiç zahmet vermez, zor gelmez onca çaba
Onların ömrüne bereket ver, lutfunu göster ya galib
Her türlü dertten ve elemden uzak eyle kıl galip
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(Allah’ım Muhammed’e salat ve selam gönder)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(O ki yaratılanların en hayırlısı, Allah Resulüne)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(Allah’ım mübarek kıl, Allah’ım , Allah’ım mübarek kılsın)
Aşk-ı Muhabbet (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Aşk-ı Muhabbet (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
يا رباه – منصور الخليفي
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
I Believe feat. Maher Zain – Irfan Makki
I Believe feat. Maher Zain – Irfan Makki
أتدري من يزيل الهم – مشاري العرادة
أرحم الرحماء – أداء مشاري العفاسي
من البوم حنيني
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : محمد الحاق
أداء : مشاري راشد العفاسي
ألحان : عبد الله جاسم
توزيع : حمد المانع
كلمات العمل :
يا أرحم الرحماء مالي حيلةٌ إلا الرجوع إليك يا رباه
أنا قد أسأت و أنت ربٌ غافرٌ غوثاه مما قد طرأ غوثاه
يا سيدي يا من إليه شكايتي أواه مما نابني أواه
أدرك بلطفك نادماً ذا حسرةٍ مستغفراً مما جنته يداه
ما للضعيف إذا ألمت كربةٌ إلا الدعاء الله يالله
يا رب نَفّْس عن عُبَيدك كربةً و أرحه مما قد عنى و دهاه
أرحم الرحماء – أداء مشاري العفاسي
من البوم حنيني
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : محمد الحاق
أداء : مشاري راشد العفاسي
ألحان : عبد الله جاسم
توزيع : حمد المانع
كلمات العمل :
يا أرحم الرحماء مالي حيلةٌ إلا الرجوع إليك يا رباه
أنا قد أسأت و أنت ربٌ غافرٌ غوثاه مما قد طرأ غوثاه
يا سيدي يا من إليه شكايتي أواه مما نابني أواه
أدرك بلطفك نادماً ذا حسرةٍ مستغفراً مما جنته يداه
ما للضعيف إذا ألمت كربةٌ إلا الدعاء الله يالله
يا رب نَفّْس عن عُبَيدك كربةً و أرحه مما قد عنى و دهاه
أرحم الرحماء – مشاري العفاسي
أرحم الرحماء – مشاري العفاسي
كلمات: أبو الفضل
ألحان: محمد رضا
توزيع: حمزة الغازي
كلمات العمل :
طرقت باب الرجاء
والناس قد رقدوا
وبت أشكوا إلى مولاي ما أجد
وقلت يا أملي
في كل نائبة
يا من عليه لكشف الضر أعتمد
أشكوا إليك أمورا
أنت تعلمها
مالي على حملها صبر ولا جلد
وقد بسطت بالذل مفتقرا
إليك يا خير من مدت إليه يدي
فلا تردنها يارب خائبة
فبحر جودك يروي
كل من يرد
كلمات: أبو الفضل
ألحان: محمد رضا
توزيع: حمزة الغازي
كلمات العمل :
طرقت باب الرجاء
والناس قد رقدوا
وبت أشكوا إلى مولاي ما أجد
وقلت يا أملي
في كل نائبة
يا من عليه لكشف الضر أعتمد
أشكوا إليك أمورا
أنت تعلمها
مالي على حملها صبر ولا جلد
وقد بسطت بالذل مفتقرا
إليك يا خير من مدت إليه يدي
فلا تردنها يارب خائبة
فبحر جودك يروي
كل من يرد
باب الرجاء | سعد لمجرد – محمد رضا
باب الرجاء | سعد لمجرد – محمد رضا
This powerful new composition begins with the haunting and resonant vocalizations of Sami Yusuf,
then adds instrumental, rhythmic, and vocal layers to create an epic unison section
that evokes the many-faceted aspects of the arc of Azerbaijan’s history. This piece features
stunning vocal solos by Sevda Alekperzadeh, Tayyar Bayramov, Samira Aliyeva, and a beautiful tar solo
by Sahib Pashazade that leads into the majestic outro.
Written in Bayāt-e Shīrāz mugham, its sweeping melody is inspired by the story of this region
from its earliest times to its hopes for the future.
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Words: Aytan Ismikhanova
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
This powerful new composition begins with the haunting and resonant vocalizations of Sami Yusuf,
then adds instrumental, rhythmic, and vocal layers to create an epic unison section
that evokes the many-faceted aspects of the arc of Azerbaijan’s history. This piece features
stunning vocal solos by Sevda Alekperzadeh, Tayyar Bayramov, Samira Aliyeva, and a beautiful tar solo
by Sahib Pashazade that leads into the majestic outro.
Written in Bayāt-e Shīrāz mugham, its sweeping melody is inspired by the story of this region
from its earliest times to its hopes for the future.
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Words: Aytan Ismikhanova
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan – Sami Yusuf
Azerbaijan – Sami Yusuf
قلبي شدا – يحيى حوى
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Good Day – Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain
Melody, Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“One Day” Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I’m safe but I’ve lost everything I’ve known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where I’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again, oh
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I’d give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That’s all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it’s only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that’s frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where i’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
Now I see clearly into the light
‘Cause I believe
I know one day I’ll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe that one day
I can reach that rainbow
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
One day, one day
One day, one day
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain
Melody, Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“One Day” Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I’m safe but I’ve lost everything I’ve known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where I’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again, oh
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I’d give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That’s all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it’s only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that’s frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where i’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
Now I see clearly into the light
‘Cause I believe
I know one day I’ll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe that one day
I can reach that rainbow
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
One day, one day
One day, one day
One Day (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
One Day (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
أسير الخطايا – أداء مشاري العفاسي
من البوم حنيني
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : عبد الله الفرضي
أداء : مشاري راشد العفاسي
ألحان و توزيع : عبد القادر هدهود
كلمات العمل :
أسير الخطايا عند بابك واقف
على وجل مما به أنت عارف
يخاف ذنوباً لم يغب عنك غيها
ويرجوك فيها و هو راجٍ و خائف
و من ذا الذي يُرجى سواك و يتقى
و ما لك في فصل القضاء مخالف
فيا سيدي لا تخزني في صحيفتي
إذا نشرت يوم الحساب الصحائف
و كن مؤنسي في ظلمة القبر
عندما يصد ذوو القربى و يجفو الموالف
أسير الخطايا – أداء مشاري العفاسي
من البوم حنيني
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : عبد الله الفرضي
أداء : مشاري راشد العفاسي
ألحان و توزيع : عبد القادر هدهود
كلمات العمل :
أسير الخطايا عند بابك واقف
على وجل مما به أنت عارف
يخاف ذنوباً لم يغب عنك غيها
ويرجوك فيها و هو راجٍ و خائف
و من ذا الذي يُرجى سواك و يتقى
و ما لك في فصل القضاء مخالف
فيا سيدي لا تخزني في صحيفتي
إذا نشرت يوم الحساب الصحائف
و كن مؤنسي في ظلمة القبر
عندما يصد ذوو القربى و يجفو الموالف