Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version)
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version) – Maher Zain
من البوم
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version) – Maher Zain
نسخ أخرى
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Always Be There ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain
Always Be There ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Always Be There (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : وليد فايد
كلمات العمل :
تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون
صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون
هذا الحبيب اللّي لنا .. متشوّق و كلّه حنين
يا ربّي اشهد انّنا .. مثله ترى متشوّقين
اجعل كلامه عنّنا .. لما دعى لك من سنين
مشتاق أنا لاخواننا .. والصّحب كانوا سائلين
من هم عليهم دلّنا .. قال النّبي هم اللذين
يبادلونا حبّنا .. اللّي لدربي تابعين
ما شفتهم .. بس الهنا
لمّا التقيهم .. بعد حين
بعد حين
اللي يبي يُحشر معه .. ويشرب من إيده في الزّحام
لابد إنّه يتبعه .. في كل فعله و الكلام
بكرة عسى الله يجمعه .. بمحمد سيد الأنام
في يوم لا ما ينفعه .. إلا اتّباع و التزام
يا ربي قلبي مطمعه .. شوف النّبي لو في المنام
مشتاق أشوفه وأسمعه .. هذا حبيبي والإمام
صَلِّ عليه .. وارفعه
و بلّغه مني .. السلام
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : وليد فايد
كلمات العمل :
تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون
صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون
هذا الحبيب اللّي لنا .. متشوّق و كلّه حنين
يا ربّي اشهد انّنا .. مثله ترى متشوّقين
اجعل كلامه عنّنا .. لما دعى لك من سنين
مشتاق أنا لاخواننا .. والصّحب كانوا سائلين
من هم عليهم دلّنا .. قال النّبي هم اللذين
يبادلونا حبّنا .. اللّي لدربي تابعين
ما شفتهم .. بس الهنا
لمّا التقيهم .. بعد حين
بعد حين
اللي يبي يُحشر معه .. ويشرب من إيده في الزّحام
لابد إنّه يتبعه .. في كل فعله و الكلام
بكرة عسى الله يجمعه .. بمحمد سيد الأنام
في يوم لا ما ينفعه .. إلا اتّباع و التزام
يا ربي قلبي مطمعه .. شوف النّبي لو في المنام
مشتاق أشوفه وأسمعه .. هذا حبيبي والإمام
صَلِّ عليه .. وارفعه
و بلّغه مني .. السلام
تدرون | Tadroon ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
تدرون | Tadroon ( One Album – Arabic ) – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
تفاصيل نشيد
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
في حماك ربي غايتي رضاك
والقلب في يقين يحيا على هداك
ذو الجلال في علاه ما لنا سواه
هو واهب الحياة فلنبتغي رضاه
القادر الحليم الغافر الرحيم
إن قال كن يكون سبحانه العظيم
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
ديننا حياة ديننا عطاء
والكون من ضياه يستلهم الصفاء
ربنا ارتضاه لنا كامل تمام
قد جاء بالسلام والخير للأنام
وأنا به رضيت وبنوره هديت
سأظل ما حييت أقول في دعائي
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
صلوا على النبي صلوا على النبي
صلوا على النبي صلوا على النبي
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
تفاصيل نشيد
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
في حماك ربي غايتي رضاك
والقلب في يقين يحيا على هداك
ذو الجلال في علاه ما لنا سواه
هو واهب الحياة فلنبتغي رضاه
القادر الحليم الغافر الرحيم
إن قال كن يكون سبحانه العظيم
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
ديننا حياة ديننا عطاء
والكون من ضياه يستلهم الصفاء
ربنا ارتضاه لنا كامل تمام
قد جاء بالسلام والخير للأنام
وأنا به رضيت وبنوره هديت
سأظل ما حييت أقول في دعائي
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
صلوا على النبي صلوا على النبي
صلوا على النبي صلوا على النبي
رضيت بالله ربا وبالاسلام دينا
وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا ورسولا
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track – Arabic Version – Vocals Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track – Arabic Version – Vocals Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Jannah (Vocals-Only English) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Jannah (Vocals-Only English) – Maher Zain
كلمات : سيف فاضل
الحان : سيف فاضل – ماهر زين
توزيع : Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مهما ذُقنا .. مِن لذّتها
و مرارتها .. فغداً تُنسى
ما الدنيا إلا دارُ عُبورْ .. ما فيها يَبلى و يَبورْ
يا ربي فلا تَفتِنّا
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
فالدنيا تَبلى مافيها يَفنى
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
يا ربي فارزقنا رؤياك في الجنّةْ
فبها نَلقى .. أحمدَ و الصَّحبِ
آه واشَوْقاه .. لنظرةِ ربي
سلامٌ راحةٌ أمنٌ .. بها ما لم ترَ عينٌ
ندعوك فلا تَحرمنا
بين يديكَ ستُعرَضُ يوماً أعمالي
لا ينفعني أهلي صحبي أو مالي
ليس سِوى رحمتِكَ اللَّهُمَّ رَجائي
أكرِمني بالعفوِ و حقّق آمالي
كلمات : سيف فاضل
الحان : سيف فاضل – ماهر زين
توزيع : Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مهما ذُقنا .. مِن لذّتها
و مرارتها .. فغداً تُنسى
ما الدنيا إلا دارُ عُبورْ .. ما فيها يَبلى و يَبورْ
يا ربي فلا تَفتِنّا
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
فالدنيا تَبلى مافيها يَفنى
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
يا ربي فارزقنا رؤياك في الجنّةْ
فبها نَلقى .. أحمدَ و الصَّحبِ
آه واشَوْقاه .. لنظرةِ ربي
سلامٌ راحةٌ أمنٌ .. بها ما لم ترَ عينٌ
ندعوك فلا تَحرمنا
بين يديكَ ستُعرَضُ يوماً أعمالي
لا ينفعني أهلي صحبي أو مالي
ليس سِوى رحمتِكَ اللَّهُمَّ رَجائي
أكرِمني بالعفوِ و حقّق آمالي
Jannah (Vocals-Only Arabic) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Jannah (Vocals-Only Arabic) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
سحر – سعد شماري
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Urdu Lyrics: Irfan Makki
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah Thu Mehereban
Thera Noor dho dhil yahan hain manzoor
Rasulullah ki Sunnat hai
Umru bahr bamaanae Khuda kiya hai
(Oh Allah You are Merciful
In Your light two hearts here are united
Following the sunnah of Rasulullah
For the rest of their lives may You protect and guide them)
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Urdu Lyrics: Irfan Makki
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah Thu Mehereban
Thera Noor dho dhil yahan hain manzoor
Rasulullah ki Sunnat hai
Umru bahr bamaanae Khuda kiya hai
(Oh Allah You are Merciful
In Your light two hearts here are united
Following the sunnah of Rasulullah
For the rest of their lives may You protect and guide them)
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook (English Urdu Version) – Irfan Makki
Mabrook (English Urdu Version) – Irfan Makki
Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version) – Maher Zain
Hasbi Rabbi – Mesut Kurtis
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
Ze Eshqat ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Ze Eshqat ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Hasbi Rabbi – Sami Yusuf
Hasbi Rabbi – Sami Yusuf
Written by Faez Choudhary
Composed, Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira (Palayan)
Bass – Jossie Peter
Sarangi – Suhail Yusuf Khan (Advaita)
Recorded @ Andante Studios, Plug’n’Play Studios and Livewidmusic Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
(Translation and transliteration)
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Sundar Tha – It was beautiful
Sapna Sa Tha – It was like a dream
Soya Tha Usi Or – As I slept on that spot
Jahan Meri Maa Ke Thi God – Where is my mother’s lap
Dheeray Say Mujh Ko Sula De Meri Maa – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Paas Tu Jo Naa Rahe To – If you are not staying with me
Siskiyan Le Kar Mein Ro Dun – I would weap a lot and cry
Maa Mujhe Aa Ke To de do Hosla – Please come and give me courage
Sehla Day – Stroke me
Behla Day – Disperse me
Seenay Say Mujh Ko Laga Lay – Hug me
Wohi Lory, Gaa Phir Se – The same song, sing it again
Nindiya Ko Tu Jaga Day – Wake me up again
Dheeray Se Mujh Ko Sula De – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Sukh Mein Dukh Mein Jo Sath Thee – In happiness & sadness she was near
Palak Jhapaktay hi Ko Gayiii – Disappeared in seconds
Lamha Lamha Jo Paas Thee – Every moment she was with me
Door Mujh Se Ho Gayii – Going far away from me
Saza Se Bhi Hai Ye Zyada – This is more than a punishment
Teray Bin Ik Pal Jeeena – Living a second without you
Amma – mother
Amma- mother
Amma – mother
Paas Tu Jo Naa Rahe To – If you are not staying with me
Siskiyan Le Kar Mein Ro Dun – I would weap a lot and cry
Maa Mujhe Aa Ke To de do Hosla – Please come and give me courage
Sehla Day – Stroke me
Behla Day – Disperse me
Seenay Say Mujh Ko Laga Lay – Hug me
Wohi Lory, Gaa Phir Se – The same song, sing it again
Nindiya Ko Tu Jaga Day – Wake me up again
Dheeray Se Mujh Ko Sula De – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Written by Faez Choudhary
Composed, Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira (Palayan)
Bass – Jossie Peter
Sarangi – Suhail Yusuf Khan (Advaita)
Recorded @ Andante Studios, Plug’n’Play Studios and Livewidmusic Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
(Translation and transliteration)
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Sundar Tha – It was beautiful
Sapna Sa Tha – It was like a dream
Soya Tha Usi Or – As I slept on that spot
Jahan Meri Maa Ke Thi God – Where is my mother’s lap
Dheeray Say Mujh Ko Sula De Meri Maa – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Paas Tu Jo Naa Rahe To – If you are not staying with me
Siskiyan Le Kar Mein Ro Dun – I would weap a lot and cry
Maa Mujhe Aa Ke To de do Hosla – Please come and give me courage
Sehla Day – Stroke me
Behla Day – Disperse me
Seenay Say Mujh Ko Laga Lay – Hug me
Wohi Lory, Gaa Phir Se – The same song, sing it again
Nindiya Ko Tu Jaga Day – Wake me up again
Dheeray Se Mujh Ko Sula De – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Sukh Mein Dukh Mein Jo Sath Thee – In happiness & sadness she was near
Palak Jhapaktay hi Ko Gayiii – Disappeared in seconds
Lamha Lamha Jo Paas Thee – Every moment she was with me
Door Mujh Se Ho Gayii – Going far away from me
Saza Se Bhi Hai Ye Zyada – This is more than a punishment
Teray Bin Ik Pal Jeeena – Living a second without you
Amma – mother
Amma- mother
Amma – mother
Paas Tu Jo Naa Rahe To – If you are not staying with me
Siskiyan Le Kar Mein Ro Dun – I would weap a lot and cry
Maa Mujhe Aa Ke To de do Hosla – Please come and give me courage
Sehla Day – Stroke me
Behla Day – Disperse me
Seenay Say Mujh Ko Laga Lay – Hug me
Wohi Lory, Gaa Phir Se – The same song, sing it again
Nindiya Ko Tu Jaga Day – Wake me up again
Dheeray Se Mujh Ko Sula De – Let me sleep again slowly oh mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Meri Maa – My Mom
Jhulati Hai Jhoola – She is swinging like a swing
Mamta Ki Chaya – The shadow of her love
Maa Ka Dulara – Falls upon her loving son
Jaga Muskaya – Waking up with a smile
Meri Ma – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Meri Ma – Hesham Abdul Wahab
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Malay Lyrics: Syah Inteam
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah, berkati pasangan ini,
Bahgia, hidup berkasih sayang,
Rasulullah, indahnya sunnahmu,
Dunia, terasa bagai di syurga.
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Malay Lyrics: Syah Inteam
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah, berkati pasangan ini,
Bahgia, hidup berkasih sayang,
Rasulullah, indahnya sunnahmu,
Dunia, terasa bagai di syurga.
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook (English Malay Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki
Mabrook (English Malay Version-Bonus Track) – Irfan Makki
Huzur – Zeyd Şoto
Mast Qalandar (Live at the Dubai Opera) – Sami Yusuf
Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
To aamadi
Dar ojeh ghamhaam
Sedaat kardam
Anjaa boodi
Bedooneh To
Ma’naye omr chist?
Vaghty nadaanam
Asraari az ghayb
Khaham rezaye To
Janam fadaye To
Delam mikhad
Ke basham ba To
Khaste’am az donya
Az in do rangi ha
Faghat mikham
Ke basham ba To
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
To aamadi
Dar ojeh ghamhaam
Sedaat kardam
Anjaa boodi
Bedooneh To
Ma’naye omr chist?
Vaghty nadaanam
Asraari az ghayb
Khaham rezaye To
Janam fadaye To
Delam mikhad
Ke basham ba To
Khaste’am az donya
Az in do rangi ha
Faghat mikham
Ke basham ba To
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You Came to Me ( Farsi Version ) – Sami Yusuf
You Came to Me ( Farsi Version ) – Sami Yusuf
Ya Rasul Allah, Pt.1 ( Kurdish Version ) | Barakah (Deluxe) – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Mohammed ElSawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Nurun Nebi rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O, Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nuruyla Rabbim Kıldı Nur
(My Lord created you with His light)
Seni kalbe bahşeden odur
(It is He who bestowed you as a gift to the hearts)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(Only yours is my soul)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Özlemin yara değil, benim ilacım
(Longing for you is not a wound, it is my medicine)
Yüreğimde muhabbetine muhtacım
(I need your love in my heart)
Yangın nedir, hasret nedir
(What is fire, what is longing)
Bilmez ki bilmeyen seni
(He who doesn’t know you doesn’t know their real meaning)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Nurun Nebi, rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Mohammed ElSawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Nurun Nebi rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O, Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nuruyla Rabbim Kıldı Nur
(My Lord created you with His light)
Seni kalbe bahşeden odur
(It is He who bestowed you as a gift to the hearts)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(Only yours is my soul)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Özlemin yara değil, benim ilacım
(Longing for you is not a wound, it is my medicine)
Yüreğimde muhabbetine muhtacım
(I need your love in my heart)
Yangın nedir, hasret nedir
(What is fire, what is longing)
Bilmez ki bilmeyen seni
(He who doesn’t know you doesn’t know their real meaning)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)
Adını anmak bile merhem bana
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)
Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et
(O Lord, let him know)
Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Nurun Nebi, rahmet deva
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)
Sen kalbimin narına şifa
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)
Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)
Yalnız senin ruhum
(My soul is only yours)
Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) – Maher Zain
Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) – Maher Zain
Ramadan ( Malay/Bahasa Version ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain & HamzaNamira
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
Maşaallah – Lyrics:-
Biz aşka inandık
Bir ömür boyu dedik
Gülsün yüzümüz ve asla
Sonu gelmesin istedik
Nasib etsin hak herkese mutlak
El ele hep huzura koşmak
Biz iyi kötü her günde and içtik sevgiye,
Emelimiz layık olmak ebedi sevgiliye
Nasib etsin hak, herkese mutlak,
El ele, hep huzura koşmak
Saadetimize nazar uğramasın,
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte gelin sizde dua edelim,
Bu güzel bu özel, bu temennilere amin diyelim
Nasib etsin yüce rabbim bunu her kuluna,
Muhabbetle ömür sürüp hep gülsün yarına
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain & HamzaNamira
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
Maşaallah – Lyrics:-
Biz aşka inandık
Bir ömür boyu dedik
Gülsün yüzümüz ve asla
Sonu gelmesin istedik
Nasib etsin hak herkese mutlak
El ele hep huzura koşmak
Biz iyi kötü her günde and içtik sevgiye,
Emelimiz layık olmak ebedi sevgiliye
Nasib etsin hak, herkese mutlak,
El ele, hep huzura koşmak
Saadetimize nazar uğramasın,
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte, Maşaallah
Diyelim diyelim esirgesin Allah
Hep birlikte gelin sizde dua edelim,
Bu güzel bu özel, bu temennilere amin diyelim
Nasib etsin yüce rabbim bunu her kuluna,
Muhabbetle ömür sürüp hep gülsün yarına
Maşaallah (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Maşaallah (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Power Lyrics:-
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The power – Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
The power – Maher Zain ft. Amakhono We Sintu
Poem by Bulleh Shah
Music by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Additional Vocals:
Rakesh Kesavan, Arun Naik and Rinu Razak
Recorded @ Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Aa mil yaar saarley, Meri jaan dikhaan ney gyheri
Come my love take care of me, I am in great agony
Ander khawab vchora hoya, Khabar na payndi teri
Soni ban wich luti saiyaan, Soor palang ney gheyri
Ever separated, my dreams are dreary
Looking for you, my eyes are weary
All alone I am robbed in a desert
Waylaid by a bunch of way words
Mullan Qazi rah batawaan, Deen dharam dey pherey
Aye taan thag jugat dey jhaar, lawaanjaal chufereey
The Mullah and Qazi show me the way
Their maze of Dharma that is in sway
They are the confirmed thieves of time
They spread their net saintly crime
Karam sharo dey dharam batawan
Sangal pawan pereen Zaat mazhab yeh ishq na pochdaa
Ishq shara da weri
Their time-worn norms are seldom right
With these they chain my feet so tight
My love cares not for caste or creed
To the rituals of faith I pay no heed
Nadioon paar aye mulk sajan da
lehar lobh ney gheri Satgor beri perhi khalotey
Ten kion lai aweri
My Master lives on yonder bank
While I am caught in the gale of greed
With boat of anchor, He stands in wait
I must hasten, I can’t be late
Poem by Bulleh Shah
Music by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Additional Vocals:
Rakesh Kesavan, Arun Naik and Rinu Razak
Recorded @ Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Aa mil yaar saarley, Meri jaan dikhaan ney gyheri
Come my love take care of me, I am in great agony
Ander khawab vchora hoya, Khabar na payndi teri
Soni ban wich luti saiyaan, Soor palang ney gheyri
Ever separated, my dreams are dreary
Looking for you, my eyes are weary
All alone I am robbed in a desert
Waylaid by a bunch of way words
Mullan Qazi rah batawaan, Deen dharam dey pherey
Aye taan thag jugat dey jhaar, lawaanjaal chufereey
The Mullah and Qazi show me the way
Their maze of Dharma that is in sway
They are the confirmed thieves of time
They spread their net saintly crime
Karam sharo dey dharam batawan
Sangal pawan pereen Zaat mazhab yeh ishq na pochdaa
Ishq shara da weri
Their time-worn norms are seldom right
With these they chain my feet so tight
My love cares not for caste or creed
To the rituals of faith I pay no heed
Nadioon paar aye mulk sajan da
lehar lobh ney gheri Satgor beri perhi khalotey
Ten kion lai aweri
My Master lives on yonder bank
While I am caught in the gale of greed
With boat of anchor, He stands in wait
I must hasten, I can’t be late
Aa Mil Yaar – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Aa Mil Yaar – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf
Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf
Si një yll (Vocals Only) – Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics: R. Jain & Irfan Makki
Melody: R. Jain
Arrangement: Hamza Namira
Khayal – Lyrics:
Khayal e ghair ko dhil sae mitado ya merae Allah
Khirad ko apna deevana banadae ya merae Allah
O Allah, erase from our hearts the thoughts of indifference
O Allah, make all of humanity live in the light of Your guidance
Tajalli dhoor par jis noor ki Mousa nae dekhi thi
Hamae bhi ik jhalak uski dikhadae ya merae Allah
The light that Moses had seen on mount thoor
Show us a glimpse of that light my Allah
Hussein ibn Ali kae sabrnae jiskae mazae lootae
Hamae bhi us bala ka hosla dae ya merae Allah
Hussein son of Ali was the benefactor of patience and morals
O Allah, Make us of that same patience and morals
Muhammed Mustafa nae roshni di tujae Medina
Hamae us anjuman mae shaamil kardae ya merae Allah
Muhammed gave you light and prosperity O Medina!
O Allah, include us in that virtuous gathering
Lyrics: R. Jain & Irfan Makki
Melody: R. Jain
Arrangement: Hamza Namira
Khayal – Lyrics:
Khayal e ghair ko dhil sae mitado ya merae Allah
Khirad ko apna deevana banadae ya merae Allah
O Allah, erase from our hearts the thoughts of indifference
O Allah, make all of humanity live in the light of Your guidance
Tajalli dhoor par jis noor ki Mousa nae dekhi thi
Hamae bhi ik jhalak uski dikhadae ya merae Allah
The light that Moses had seen on mount thoor
Show us a glimpse of that light my Allah
Hussein ibn Ali kae sabrnae jiskae mazae lootae
Hamae bhi us bala ka hosla dae ya merae Allah
Hussein son of Ali was the benefactor of patience and morals
O Allah, Make us of that same patience and morals
Muhammed Mustafa nae roshni di tujae Medina
Hamae us anjuman mae shaamil kardae ya merae Allah
Muhammed gave you light and prosperity O Medina!
O Allah, include us in that virtuous gathering
Khayal (Urdu) – Irfan Makki
Khayal (Urdu) – Irfan Makki
Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله
Producers: Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
Composition: Mevlan Kurtishi
Persian lyrics: Alireza Azar
English lyrics: Ehsan Yasin
Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering: Ehsan Saeedi
Oud & Violin: Ozdemir Guz
Copyright by Sweven Records & Mezzo Holding Deutschland
I open up my heart just to you my Lord
I’m here all alone
It’s dark and cold
I think that I’m lost
Would you guide me home?
My heart’s broken
Wash away my tears
And set me free from this prison of fears
When I call you all the fires cease
And I feel your love in a holy breeze
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Persian Part:
یا رب بر قلب کویر من تو ببار
توی صحرای دل من گاهی گل عشقی بکار
توی طوفان غم و اندوهم
تو نگاهم کن تو امانم باش
رها بخش همه احوال و سروسامان دو جهانم باش
الله یا الله یا الله
الله یا الله یا الله
Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin
Ya Allah – Mevlan Kurtishi, Ehsan Yasin
Vakit bir akşam
Halim perişan
Şarkılarda gam
Gözlerimde kan
Ruhumu saran
Bitmeyen tufan
Hasretinle bu
Dünya bir zindan
Olsa da hükmün
Hakkımda idam
Vazgeçmem bir an
Sığındığım liman
Gönlümde iman
Karanlık dünyada
Işığım Kuran
Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Sen’den
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what’s left of me
Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Sen’den
So forgive my wrongs
Vakit bir akşam
Halim perişan
Şarkılarda gam
Gözlerimde kan
Ruhumu saran
Bitmeyen tufan
Hasretinle bu
Dünya bir zindan
Olsa da hükmün
Hakkımda idam
Vazgeçmem bir an
Sığındığım liman
Gönlümde iman
Karanlık dünyada
Işığım Kuran
Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Sen’den
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what’s left of me
Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Sen’den
So forgive my wrongs
Drier Land (Türkçe Versiyonu) – Sami Yusuf
Drier Land (Türkçe Versiyonu) – Sami Yusuf
Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Mixed and Mastered @ Andante Studios
Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Mixed and Mastered @ Andante Studios
One (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf
One (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf
My Believe in the Creator ( Peace be Upon Us – Album ) – Harmony Band
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله
طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله
Poem by Bulleh Shah
Cover of Mast Qalandar by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Bulbul Tarang – Berny PJ
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu S Jeevan
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan
Recorded @ Andante Studios & NHQ Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
O Lal Meri Pat Rakhiyo Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri….
O red robed one! May I always be protected by You, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Char Charagh Tere Balan Hameshan Panjwaan Mai Balan Aayi Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri…..
Your shrine is always lighted with four lamps
I’ve come here to light the fifth lamp in Your honour, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Uchha Roza Peera Tera
Heth Wagey, Daryao Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri……
Your grave is the highest oh lord
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Oh Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat bhaje Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat lal bhaje Gharyal bhala Jhoole Lalan
Your drums are ringing
Your drums are ringing
Let the gong ring loudly for your glory, day and night, O Jhoolelaal
Peera Ve Mera Peer
Sab Da Wali Ae
Laqab Asadullah te Naam Ali Ae
Oh Naam e Ali Beda Paar Laga
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Sakhi Shahbaz Qalandar
Lord oh my Lord
Everyone’s lord
We call him “Asadullah” and his name is “Ali”
Oh Ali protect us or save us
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you.
Poem by Bulleh Shah
Cover of Mast Qalandar by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Arranged and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Bulbul Tarang – Berny PJ
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu S Jeevan
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan
Recorded @ Andante Studios & NHQ Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
O Lal Meri Pat Rakhiyo Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri….
O red robed one! May I always be protected by You, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Char Charagh Tere Balan Hameshan Panjwaan Mai Balan Aayi Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Da Pehla Number
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri…..
Your shrine is always lighted with four lamps
I’ve come here to light the fifth lamp in Your honour, O Jhoolelaal O Lord of Sindh and Sehwan, O noble Kalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Uchha Roza Peera Tera
Heth Wagey, Daryao Bhala
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Shahbaz Qalandar Duma Dum Mast Qalandar
Ali Dum Dum De Andar
Ali Shahbaz Qalandar
Sewani Lal Qalandar
O Lal Meri, O Lal Meri……
Your grave is the highest oh lord
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you
Oh Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat bhaje Ghanan Ghanan Teri Naubat lal bhaje Gharyal bhala Jhoole Lalan
Your drums are ringing
Your drums are ringing
Let the gong ring loudly for your glory, day and night, O Jhoolelaal
Peera Ve Mera Peer
Sab Da Wali Ae
Laqab Asadullah te Naam Ali Ae
Oh Naam e Ali Beda Paar Laga
Jhule Laalan, Sindhdhi Da, Sewan Da, Sakhi Shahbaz Qalandar
Lord oh my Lord
Everyone’s lord
We call him “Asadullah” and his name is “Ali”
Oh Ali protect us or save us
O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan, The red robed God- intoxicated Qalandar
The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you.
Mast Qalandar – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Mast Qalandar – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Music & English words by Sami Yusuf
Urdu words by Mehboob
Produced by Sami Yusuf
Music & English words by Sami Yusuf
Urdu words by Mehboob
Produced by Sami Yusuf