Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Piano: Johan Röhr
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Choir: Lebanon Choir, Beirut
Choir recorded by: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Sheikh Zakaria Seddiki
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Everywhere I hear your name being mentioned
The whole world is talking about you
And the thought of being part of your nation
I’m so proud to follow you
Day and night you sacrificed
Led us from darkness to light
And I,
Until the end of my time
I will love you
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
صلى عليك الرحمان
حُبّك في كل مكان
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
يا خيرَ الأنام
عليك أزكى السلام
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Piano: Johan Röhr
Guitar: Sherif Fahmy
Bass: Mohamed Seka
Choir: Lebanon Choir, Beirut
Choir recorded by: Mohamed Olleik
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Sheikh Zakaria Seddiki
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Everywhere I hear your name being mentioned
The whole world is talking about you
And the thought of being part of your nation
I’m so proud to follow you
Day and night you sacrificed
Led us from darkness to light
And I,
Until the end of my time
I will love you
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
صلى عليك الرحمان
حُبّك في كل مكان
يا حبيبي.. حبيبي يا محمد
يا خيرَ الأنام
عليك أزكى السلام
صلى عليك الرحمانُ
أزكى الصلاة والسلام
يا ربي ارفع مقامه
دَومًا في كل مكان
سيّدي يا محمّد
حُبُّك روحُ الإيمان
يا ربي أرجو لقاءه
يومًا في دار السلام
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mohamed Gouda
EP Photography: Soner Savas
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Maher Zain, Israa Sherif, Cournal
جئتُ إليكَ خاضِعًا وكُلّي رجاء
I’ve come submitting to You, filled with hope
يا ربُّ فارحمني إذا حَلَّ البلاء
O Lord, have mercy on me when calamity befalls
رفعتُ كَفِّي ضارِعًا نحو السماء
I raise my hands imploringly to the sky
ما لي سواكَ يومًا إذا حَلَّ القضاء
I have no one to turn to except You when my time comes
يا الله .. يا رحمن .. يا الله .. يا عظيم الشان
O Allah, the All-Merciful, O Allah, the Exalted
تذوبُ في مِحرابِكَ كلُّ الكُرُوب
In Your sanctuary all troubles melt away and disappear
يا مُرْتَجًى يا ساتِراً مِنّي العُيُوب
You are the one I implore, You always concel all my faults
يا مَن إليكَ المُلتَجَا في كل الخُطُوب
You are the one I seek protection with from any distress
يا غافراً لي زَلَّتِي إليكَ أَتُوب
You are the one who forgives my slip ups, to You I repent
أدْعُوكَ طَمَعًا في رِضاك
I supplicate to You, hoping to attain Your pleasure
احفظني ربي في حِماك
Keep me my Lord in Your protection
يا قابِلاً لي تَوْبَتِي
You’re the one who accepts my repentance,
يا ربُّ أنا مَن لي سِواكْ ؟
My Lord, who do I have other than You?
Lyrics: Anwer Hussam & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mohamed Gouda
EP Photography: Soner Savas
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
Special Thanks: Maher Zain, Israa Sherif, Cournal
جئتُ إليكَ خاضِعًا وكُلّي رجاء
I’ve come submitting to You, filled with hope
يا ربُّ فارحمني إذا حَلَّ البلاء
O Lord, have mercy on me when calamity befalls
رفعتُ كَفِّي ضارِعًا نحو السماء
I raise my hands imploringly to the sky
ما لي سواكَ يومًا إذا حَلَّ القضاء
I have no one to turn to except You when my time comes
يا الله .. يا رحمن .. يا الله .. يا عظيم الشان
O Allah, the All-Merciful, O Allah, the Exalted
تذوبُ في مِحرابِكَ كلُّ الكُرُوب
In Your sanctuary all troubles melt away and disappear
يا مُرْتَجًى يا ساتِراً مِنّي العُيُوب
You are the one I implore, You always concel all my faults
يا مَن إليكَ المُلتَجَا في كل الخُطُوب
You are the one I seek protection with from any distress
يا غافراً لي زَلَّتِي إليكَ أَتُوب
You are the one who forgives my slip ups, to You I repent
أدْعُوكَ طَمَعًا في رِضاك
I supplicate to You, hoping to attain Your pleasure
احفظني ربي في حِماك
Keep me my Lord in Your protection
يا قابِلاً لي تَوْبَتِي
You’re the one who accepts my repentance,
يا ربُّ أنا مَن لي سِواكْ ؟
My Lord, who do I have other than You?
Starting on the 11th of July 1995, the Srebrenica massacre cost the lives of 8372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys,
the worst war crime to take place on European soil since the Second World War.
” منذ بدايتها في 11 يوليو 1995، أودت مذبحة الإبادة الجماعية بسربنيتسا بحياة 8372 رجلا وطفلا مسلما بسنيا،
وهي أسوء جرائم الحرب التي حدثت على الأراضي الأوروبية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. ”
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Piano: Mustafa Ceceli
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Mustafa Ceceli
Elvir Švrakić
Hayat TV, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lyrics | كلمات العمل :
Hold my hand and don’t let go
أمسكي يدي ولا تفلتيها
Mamma, I love you so
أمي، أحبك كثيرا
They’re taking me away, I don’t wanna go
إنهم يأخذونني بعيدا، لكني لا أريد الذهاب
Mamma, pray for my soul
أمي، إدعي لروحي
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You’ll always be in my heart
ستكونين دائما في قلبي
Srebrenica, I won’t forget
سربرينتسا، لن أنسى
Standing side by side, waiting to die
واقفون جنبا إلى جنب، ننتظر الموت
This fear, it can’t be described
هذا الخوف، لا يمكن وصفه
Every minute felt like years, as we stood in line
كل دقيقة مرت كأنها سنوات، ونحن نقف مصطفين
While tears flowed from my eyes
بينما يتدفق الدمع من عيني
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Starting on the 11th of July 1995, the Srebrenica massacre cost the lives of 8372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys,
the worst war crime to take place on European soil since the Second World War.
” منذ بدايتها في 11 يوليو 1995، أودت مذبحة الإبادة الجماعية بسربنيتسا بحياة 8372 رجلا وطفلا مسلما بسنيا،
وهي أسوء جرائم الحرب التي حدثت على الأراضي الأوروبية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. ”
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Piano: Mustafa Ceceli
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
Special Thanks:
Mustafa Ceceli
Elvir Švrakić
Hayat TV, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lyrics | كلمات العمل :
Hold my hand and don’t let go
أمسكي يدي ولا تفلتيها
Mamma, I love you so
أمي، أحبك كثيرا
They’re taking me away, I don’t wanna go
إنهم يأخذونني بعيدا، لكني لا أريد الذهاب
Mamma, pray for my soul
أمي، إدعي لروحي
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Don’t forget me
لا تنسيني
You’ll always be in my heart
ستكونين دائما في قلبي
Srebrenica, I won’t forget
سربرينتسا، لن أنسى
Standing side by side, waiting to die
واقفون جنبا إلى جنب، ننتظر الموت
This fear, it can’t be described
هذا الخوف، لا يمكن وصفه
Every minute felt like years, as we stood in line
كل دقيقة مرت كأنها سنوات، ونحن نقف مصطفين
While tears flowed from my eyes
بينما يتدفق الدمع من عيني
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong
لا أعلم ماهو الذنب الذي اقترفته
And why they hate me so
ولماذا يكرهونني إلى هذا الحد
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Niklas Flykt at Khabang Studios, Sweden
Mastering: Tom Coyne at Sterling Sound, USA
Lyrics :
I know how it feels to lose everything
Everything, oh
I have faced a wall
So high above the ground
I’ve dreamt for hours and hours
About the day, about the day
When I can say that nothing can hold me down
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
Sometimes it feels like freedom is far away
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains, yeah
Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever change
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains
You wanna tear me apart but I am strong
I am strong
No matter how hard you try
I’ll never you let you see my tears
I’ve finally found the place where I belong
I belong
I’ll rise beyond and soar above my fears
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
It’s not easy I know
Just gotta let it go
I will forgive, I will forgive
With all my heart and soul
God has given me
The courage that I need
So I can live, I can live
With honor and dignity
‘Cause I am free
Yes I am free
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Erik Arvinder
Mixing: Niklas Flykt at Khabang Studios, Sweden
Mastering: Tom Coyne at Sterling Sound, USA
Lyrics :
I know how it feels to lose everything
Everything, oh
I have faced a wall
So high above the ground
I’ve dreamt for hours and hours
About the day, about the day
When I can say that nothing can hold me down
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
Sometimes it feels like freedom is far away
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains, yeah
Sometimes it feels like nothing will ever change
But I know, yes I know
I will break all the chains
You wanna tear me apart but I am strong
I am strong
No matter how hard you try
I’ll never you let you see my tears
I’ve finally found the place where I belong
I belong
I’ll rise beyond and soar above my fears
I will fight through all the pain
It’s a journey I will make
You can try
But you will never break this heart of mine again
It’s not easy I know
Just gotta let it go
I will forgive, I will forgive
With all my heart and soul
God has given me
The courage that I need
So I can live, I can live
With honor and dignity
‘Cause I am free
Yes I am free
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Written by Raef & Bara Kherigi
Music Producer: Nick Baumhardt
“Alhamdu lillah” Lyrics:
I’m cruising on my journey
With it all the good and bad, hmm
His blessings that I don’t see
‘Cause I want Allah to love me
I’ll thank Him for whatever I have
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
Everything is gonna be OK!
This dunya (worldly life) can deceive me
When nothing ever goes as planned, hmm
And when I can’t remember,
My heart will surely understand
I ask Allah to guide me
I’m starving for His mercy
So I’ll thank Him for whatever I have
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK, yeah!
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Written by Raef & Bara Kherigi
Music Producer: Nick Baumhardt
“Alhamdu lillah” Lyrics:
I’m cruising on my journey
With it all the good and bad, hmm
His blessings that I don’t see
‘Cause I want Allah to love me
I’ll thank Him for whatever I have
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
Everything is gonna be OK!
This dunya (worldly life) can deceive me
When nothing ever goes as planned, hmm
And when I can’t remember,
My heart will surely understand
I ask Allah to guide me
I’m starving for His mercy
So I’ll thank Him for whatever I have
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah (praise be to God)
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah
No matter what comes my way
Alhamdu lillah
My heart will thank and praise
And every time I’m feeling down, or out of place
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK, yeah!
Alhamdu lillah
Everything is gonna be OK!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain, Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Hamza Namira, Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
“Ummati” Lyrics:
Shining bright you came to us
With a heart so full of love
And you showed that you’re
The one who cares the most
And to us you’ve always been so close
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها لنا يوم القيامة
Yaquluha lana yawmal qiyamati
(He will say to us on the Day of Judgement)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها شفاعة
Yaquluha shafa’atan
(He will say as an intercession)
أنا لها، أنا لها
Ana laha ana laha
(“I will do it, I will do it” [to intercede to God on behalf of his nation])
You have always sacrificed
Smiled with patience through the hard times
All you did inspired everyone you knew
Always selfless, striving for the truth
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
I’d give my heart and soul for you
Wish my eyes can see your face and be close to you
Coz in your guidance I find peace of mind indeed
No on else on that day can intercede
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Arabic Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain, Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Hamza Namira, Maher Zain
Strings Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
“Ummati” Lyrics:
Shining bright you came to us
With a heart so full of love
And you showed that you’re
The one who cares the most
And to us you’ve always been so close
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها لنا يوم القيامة
Yaquluha lana yawmal qiyamati
(He will say to us on the Day of Judgement)
أمتي، أمتي
Ummati, Ummati
(My nation, my nation)
يقولها شفاعة
Yaquluha shafa’atan
(He will say as an intercession)
أنا لها، أنا لها
Ana laha ana laha
(“I will do it, I will do it” [to intercede to God on behalf of his nation])
You have always sacrificed
Smiled with patience through the hard times
All you did inspired everyone you knew
Always selfless, striving for the truth
Everyone will say
Please save me
Except Al-Habib (the beloved)
I’d give my heart and soul for you
Wish my eyes can see your face and be close to you
Coz in your guidance I find peace of mind indeed
No on else on that day can intercede
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
May this moment last forever
In your hearts, in your hearts
A day you’ll always remember
Every part, every part
This feeling of love
Just let it grow forever through your life
Bring beautiful years of joy
Between you til the end of time
Allah bless you with all His love
Send peace from up above
And may your frienship grow
Through the years
Together you will live
The good times and the tears
That’s just how beautiful your day is
We gift all our thanks to both
Our mum and dad, mum and dad
How you worked and sacrificed
The life you had, life you had
Forever we’ll never forget
You and everything you’ve done
No matter how hard we try
To thank you it won’t be enough
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(May Allah send peace upon Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(The best of Allah’s creation, the Messenger of Allah)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(May my Lord bless, my Lord, may my Lord bless you)
May this moment last forever
In your hearts, in your hearts
A day you’ll always remember
Every part, every part
This feeling of love
Just let it grow forever through your life
Bring beautiful years of joy
Between you til the end of time
Allah bless you with all His love
Send peace from up above
And may your frienship grow
Through the years
Together you will live
The good times and the tears
That’s just how beautiful your day is
We gift all our thanks to both
Our mum and dad, mum and dad
How you worked and sacrificed
The life you had, life you had
Forever we’ll never forget
You and everything you’ve done
No matter how hard we try
To thank you it won’t be enough
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(May Allah send peace upon Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(The best of Allah’s creation, the Messenger of Allah)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(May my Lord bless, my Lord, may my Lord bless you)
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
In my dreams I make my way to Medina
The home and chosen place
Of our beloved Prophet
Where all I feel is peace
And so much joy around
No better place for me, yeah!
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
I wake with the morning light in Medina
Everywhere I see blue skies
Set above these mountains
Bright colours fill the streets
A smile on every face
A special place for me, yeah!
Tala’al badru ‘alayna, min thaniyyatil wadaa’
Wajabash shukru ‘alayna, ma da’a lillahi daa’
Ayyuhal mab’uthu fina, ji’ta bil amril mutaa’
Ji’ta sharraftal Medina, marhaban ya khayra daa’
(The full Moon rose over us
From the valley of Wadaa’
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Whenever a caller prays to Allah
O you who were raised amongst us
Coming with the word to be obeyed
You have brought to Medina nobleness
Welcome, best caller to God’s way)
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
In my dreams I make my way to Medina
The home and chosen place
Of our beloved Prophet
Where all I feel is peace
And so much joy around
No better place for me, yeah!
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
I wake with the morning light in Medina
Everywhere I see blue skies
Set above these mountains
Bright colours fill the streets
A smile on every face
A special place for me, yeah!
Tala’al badru ‘alayna, min thaniyyatil wadaa’
Wajabash shukru ‘alayna, ma da’a lillahi daa’
Ayyuhal mab’uthu fina, ji’ta bil amril mutaa’
Ji’ta sharraftal Medina, marhaban ya khayra daa’
(The full Moon rose over us
From the valley of Wadaa’
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Whenever a caller prays to Allah
O you who were raised amongst us
Coming with the word to be obeyed
You have brought to Medina nobleness
Welcome, best caller to God’s way)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The Power [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain feat. Amakhono We Sintu
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
“By My Side” Lyrics:-
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh