Full Album
Thank You Allah (French Version)
أناشيد الألبوم
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Lyrics: Farid Abdelkrim, Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Toujous Proche (Always Be There) Lyrics:
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour, et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerais
Que tout émane d’Allah, l’Ivresse pur, pour nos âmes
Il est ton Créateur, et le miens,
Celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie, Il est
Le Protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui
Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son Amour nous étreint
Sa clémence nous enveloppe
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous, Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connaît le tréfonds de nos cœurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie
Vers Allah tournes-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière, SoubhanAllah
De toute chose Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur, tant que nous implorons
Sa guidance, ici-bas
Le temps nous est compté dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà, dans Ses jardins nous serons tous comblés de bonheur
Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbar.. Allahou Akbarou Allahou Akbarou Allah…
Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version) – Maher Zain
Toujours Proche (Always Be There French Version) – Maher Zain
J’ai corrigé les paroles
Si parfois,
tu as du mal à avancer
si tu te sens seul, si tu te sens paumé.
Quand la nuit s’éternise,
que l’obscurité t’oppresse
même désemparé,
même si tu ne sais quelle voie suivre.
Ne baisse pas les bras
et ne perd pas espoir
car Allah est toujours proche de toi..
Tu trouveras ta voie
Tu trouveras ta voie
Si parfois
tu commets tant de fautes
que pour te repentir
tu penses qu’il est trop tard.
Tellement confus
des mauvais choix que tu fais
qui hantent ton esprit et
emplisse ton cœur de honte.
Ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir car Allah est toujours proche de
Vas vers Allah, il n’est jamais très loin,
fais lui confiance lève tes mains et prie
Ouh Ya Allah guide nos pas et protège-nous de l’errance.
Tu es le seul qui puisse
‘nous montrer la voie’x4
Nous trouverons notre voie
Nous trouverons notre voie
J’ai corrigé les paroles
Si parfois,
tu as du mal à avancer
si tu te sens seul, si tu te sens paumé.
Quand la nuit s’éternise,
que l’obscurité t’oppresse
même désemparé,
même si tu ne sais quelle voie suivre.
Ne baisse pas les bras
et ne perd pas espoir
car Allah est toujours proche de toi..
Tu trouveras ta voie
Tu trouveras ta voie
Si parfois
tu commets tant de fautes
que pour te repentir
tu penses qu’il est trop tard.
Tellement confus
des mauvais choix que tu fais
qui hantent ton esprit et
emplisse ton cœur de honte.
Ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir car Allah est toujours proche de
Vas vers Allah, il n’est jamais très loin,
fais lui confiance lève tes mains et prie
Ouh Ya Allah guide nos pas et protège-nous de l’errance.
Tu es le seul qui puisse
‘nous montrer la voie’x4
Nous trouverons notre voie
Nous trouverons notre voie
Insha Allah (French Version) – Maher Zain
Insha Allah (French Version) – Maher Zain
نسخ أخرى
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (English - Vocals Only Version)
Palestine Will Be Free (Vocals Only Version)
Thank You Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
The Chosen One (Vocals Only Version)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version)
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version)
Hold My Hand (Vocals Only Version)
Awaken (Vocals Only Version)
Subhana Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Open Your Eyes (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Sepanjang Hidup (Vocals Only Version)
Insya Allah (Malay - Vocals Only Version)
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
كلمات العمل:
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
البدر كطلعته وجه جميل
والشمس كبسمته ظل ظليل
هو عبد الله سيد الخلق و مصطفاه
وحبيب الله خير مبعوث لوحى الله
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
هو خير عباد الله خير البرايا
حى فينا بهداه حلو الوصايا
نسألك الله تجمعنا يوما برسول الله
من كوثره يروينا فتقبل يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
طاهر القلب نقى ذاكر لله
المصطفى الصفى صلى عليه الله
أخلاقه و صفاته سبحان من سواه
هو قدوتي و حبيبي و دعوة النجاة
يا رسول الله يا حبيب الله
فأكتب لنا نلقاه ندعوك يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
كلمات العمل:
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
البدر كطلعته وجه جميل
والشمس كبسمته ظل ظليل
هو عبد الله سيد الخلق و مصطفاه
وحبيب الله خير مبعوث لوحى الله
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
هو خير عباد الله خير البرايا
حى فينا بهداه حلو الوصايا
نسألك الله تجمعنا يوما برسول الله
من كوثره يروينا فتقبل يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
طاهر القلب نقى ذاكر لله
المصطفى الصفى صلى عليه الله
أخلاقه و صفاته سبحان من سواه
هو قدوتي و حبيبي و دعوة النجاة
يا رسول الله يا حبيب الله
فأكتب لنا نلقاه ندعوك يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
يارب صلي عليه صلوات الله عليه
Mawlaya (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
Mawlaya (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
For the Rest of My Life ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain
For the Rest of My Life ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mawlaya – Lyrics:
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
We pray to You Allah
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mawlaya – Lyrics:
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
We pray to You Allah
Mawlaya (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Mawlaya (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
Let’s ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let’s raise our hands
And make du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice let’s all say
Baraka Allahu lakuma
Wa baraka ‘alaykuma
Wa jama’a baynakuma
Fi khayr
(May Allah bless everything for you two
And shower His blessings upon the two of you
And may he bring you together
In everything that is good)
From now you’ll share all your joys
Through hardship support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids who’ll make your home
Filled with laughter
Allah barik lahuma
Allah adim hobbahuma
Allah salli wa sallim
‘Ala Rasooli Allah
(Allah, bless everything the two of them
Allah, make their love last for ever
Allah, send peace and blessings
Upon the Messenger of Allah)
Allah toub ‘alayna
Allah irdha ‘anna
Allah ihdi khutana
‘Aala sunnat Nabina
(Allah, accept our repentance
Allah, be pleased with us
Allah, guide our footsteps
Along the path of our Prophet)
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
Let’s ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let’s raise our hands
And make du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice let’s all say
Baraka Allahu lakuma
Wa baraka ‘alaykuma
Wa jama’a baynakuma
Fi khayr
(May Allah bless everything for you two
And shower His blessings upon the two of you
And may he bring you together
In everything that is good)
From now you’ll share all your joys
Through hardship support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids who’ll make your home
Filled with laughter
Allah barik lahuma
Allah adim hobbahuma
Allah salli wa sallim
‘Ala Rasooli Allah
(Allah, bless everything the two of them
Allah, make their love last for ever
Allah, send peace and blessings
Upon the Messenger of Allah)
Allah toub ‘alayna
Allah irdha ‘anna
Allah ihdi khutana
‘Aala sunnat Nabina
(Allah, accept our repentance
Allah, be pleased with us
Allah, guide our footsteps
Along the path of our Prophet)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک ربی
مجد لک
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
تحوینا دوما یا رحمان
بالرحمة و الغفران
حمد لک یا منان
الله الله
و عظیم جمالک یا الله
یبدو حسن ما أحلاه
فی خلقک یا رباه
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحانک یا ذا الخیر و الفضلی و الکرم
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک
خدایا بر تو هزاران شکر و
روز و شب غیر از نام
تو به لبم نرود
الله الله
دادی نعمت های بی پایان
این همه را جبران
هرچه کنم نشود
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
کریم لطیف
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک ربی
مجد لک
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک ربی
مجد لک
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
تحوینا دوما یا رحمان
بالرحمة و الغفران
حمد لک یا منان
الله الله
و عظیم جمالک یا الله
یبدو حسن ما أحلاه
فی خلقک یا رباه
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحانک یا ذا الخیر و الفضلی و الکرم
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک
خدایا بر تو هزاران شکر و
روز و شب غیر از نام
تو به لبم نرود
الله الله
دادی نعمت های بی پایان
این همه را جبران
هرچه کنم نشود
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا علیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله و الشکر لله یا حلیم
لک الحمد
سبحان الله العظيم
کریم لطیف
حمد لک ربی
شکر لک ربی
مجد لک
Al-Hamdu Li’Llah ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Al-Hamdu Li’Llah ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf
Awake – Sami Yusuf
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
Malayalam words by Rafeeque Ahammed
Hindi words by Faez Choudhary
Music by Sami Yusuf
Produced & Arranged by Sami Yusuf
Malayalam Verse:
Jeevante nritham pole
Like the seasons of nature and life
Ororo poovum pullum neele
On your path to success, every plant and flower that acts as an umbrella
Theeratha kavyam theerpu
Life is like an eternal poem
Aa vinnil suryan porum
The Morning sun that shines your day
Ravakum tharajalam pookum
As well the stars that lit the sky for you
Kalathin thalam kelkan va
To let you hear the rhythm of life
Venal marum varsham peyyum
Come and witness the summer move aside for the rain to drop
Ushasandhyakalayi manasse padu
After the darkest night comes dawn
Thalarathe naam Thudaram yathra
so never back down and continue the journey
Hindi Verse:
Ye Subha Mein Ujala
This Brightness in the Morning
Ye Machalti Shaam Ka Roshan Tara
is like a glistening star on a fancy night
Kehta Hai Tu Bhi Aaa Jagmaga
that says “come and shine with me”
Ghani Hain Ye Rahen
The ways are thick
Judi Aise Jaise bahen
Combined as two arms
Manzil Pe tum gum Na ho Jana
Our point of destiny won’t be lost
Qadam Badha
Step Forward
Bulandi Pe Jaa
Reach the heights
Sapnay Tu Saja
Build all your dreams
Jalway tu Dikha
Come out in flying colors
Aman Ko Jaga
Bring peace
Ghamon Ko Bhula
Forget all the hardships
Malayalam words by Rafeeque Ahammed
Hindi words by Faez Choudhary
Music by Sami Yusuf
Produced & Arranged by Sami Yusuf
Malayalam Verse:
Jeevante nritham pole
Like the seasons of nature and life
Ororo poovum pullum neele
On your path to success, every plant and flower that acts as an umbrella
Theeratha kavyam theerpu
Life is like an eternal poem
Aa vinnil suryan porum
The Morning sun that shines your day
Ravakum tharajalam pookum
As well the stars that lit the sky for you
Kalathin thalam kelkan va
To let you hear the rhythm of life
Venal marum varsham peyyum
Come and witness the summer move aside for the rain to drop
Ushasandhyakalayi manasse padu
After the darkest night comes dawn
Thalarathe naam Thudaram yathra
so never back down and continue the journey
Hindi Verse:
Ye Subha Mein Ujala
This Brightness in the Morning
Ye Machalti Shaam Ka Roshan Tara
is like a glistening star on a fancy night
Kehta Hai Tu Bhi Aaa Jagmaga
that says “come and shine with me”
Ghani Hain Ye Rahen
The ways are thick
Judi Aise Jaise bahen
Combined as two arms
Manzil Pe tum gum Na ho Jana
Our point of destiny won’t be lost
Qadam Badha
Step Forward
Bulandi Pe Jaa
Reach the heights
Sapnay Tu Saja
Build all your dreams
Jalway tu Dikha
Come out in flying colors
Aman Ko Jaga
Bring peace
Ghamon Ko Bhula
Forget all the hardships
Qadam Badha (Single) – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Qadam Badha (Single) – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر
Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر
Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi
Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi
Thank You Allah Album (French Version) – Maher Zain
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Urdu Lyrics: Irfan Makki
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah Thu Mehereban
Thera Noor dho dhil yahan hain manzoor
Rasulullah ki Sunnat hai
Umru bahr bamaanae Khuda kiya hai
(Oh Allah You are Merciful
In Your light two hearts here are united
Following the sunnah of Rasulullah
For the rest of their lives may You protect and guide them)
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
English: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Urdu Lyrics: Irfan Makki
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mabrook – Lyrics:
Today smiles all around
Both of you are shining with faces so bright
These memories will always remain
Deep in your hearts brightening the darkest night
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Look now, happiness is all around
Your love has brightened up the night sky
Your loved ones are gathered here just to say
Oh.. Congratulations!
Ya Allah Thu Mehereban
Thera Noor dho dhil yahan hain manzoor
Rasulullah ki Sunnat hai
Umru bahr bamaanae Khuda kiya hai
(Oh Allah You are Merciful
In Your light two hearts here are united
Following the sunnah of Rasulullah
For the rest of their lives may You protect and guide them)
We always pray your everyday
Will be blessed with joy
May all your dreams come true
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook
Congratulations to you
Mabrook (English Urdu Version) – Irfan Makki
Mabrook (English Urdu Version) – Irfan Makki
English Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Urdu Lyrics: Waheed Shabir
Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Gönüllärde hasretin var
Yüreklär ashkenla tcharpar
Sensiz Dünya bizlere dar
Seelam sana Ey kotlu yar
(Our souls long for you
Our hearts beat with your love
This world without you is unbearable for us
Peace and blessings upon you O Prophet)
With submission, faith and patience
You conveyed the noble “message”
Brought us light through your guidance
Peace be upon you my beloved
Ya habibi ya Muhammad
(Muhammad O my beloved)
Ya Nabi salam ‘alayka
Ya Rasool salam ‘alayka
Ya Habib salam ‘alayka
Salawatu Allah ‘alayka
(O Prophet peace and blessings be upon you
O Messenger peace and blessings be upon you
O Beloved peace and blessings be upon you
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you)
Teri mohabbat kee mehek se
Yeah zameeno asma abadh hain
Rehmat kee barsat aati hain
Dillo jaan ya rasoola Allah
(By the fragrance of your love
The earth and sky reside
You’re a monsoon of mercy
Beloved of my heart O Messenger of Allah)
Ayyuhal mukhtaru feena
Zaadanal hubbu haneena
Ji’tana bil khayri deena
Ya khitaamal mursaleena
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(O you who was chosen from amongst us
Our love has increased our longing for you
You came to us with everything good embodied in a religion
O Seal of all messengers
Muhammad O my beloved)
English Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Urdu Lyrics: Waheed Shabir
Turkish Lyrics: Yaren
Arabic Lyrics: Salah Galal
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emir Ersoy
Gönüllärde hasretin var
Yüreklär ashkenla tcharpar
Sensiz Dünya bizlere dar
Seelam sana Ey kotlu yar
(Our souls long for you
Our hearts beat with your love
This world without you is unbearable for us
Peace and blessings upon you O Prophet)
With submission, faith and patience
You conveyed the noble “message”
Brought us light through your guidance
Peace be upon you my beloved
Ya habibi ya Muhammad
(Muhammad O my beloved)
Ya Nabi salam ‘alayka
Ya Rasool salam ‘alayka
Ya Habib salam ‘alayka
Salawatu Allah ‘alayka
(O Prophet peace and blessings be upon you
O Messenger peace and blessings be upon you
O Beloved peace and blessings be upon you
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you)
Teri mohabbat kee mehek se
Yeah zameeno asma abadh hain
Rehmat kee barsat aati hain
Dillo jaan ya rasoola Allah
(By the fragrance of your love
The earth and sky reside
You’re a monsoon of mercy
Beloved of my heart O Messenger of Allah)
Ayyuhal mukhtaru feena
Zaadanal hubbu haneena
Ji’tana bil khayri deena
Ya khitaamal mursaleena
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(O you who was chosen from amongst us
Our love has increased our longing for you
You came to us with everything good embodied in a religion
O Seal of all messengers
Muhammad O my beloved)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka – Maher Zain
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka – Maher Zain
Written by Faez Choudhary
Composed and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira (Palayan)
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu, Dean, Baiju Balakrishnan
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan and Nithin Raj
Recorded @ Andante Studios, Freddy’s AVG Studios and Livewidmusic Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Pyar Se Jag Roshan Hai – The World is Lightened with love
Nachay Jogi Jogan Hai – Dancing ascetic lovers
Dhadkanon Mein bas Ja , Jhoom Ja – Stay in Heartbeats and enjoy
Ishq Mast kalandar Hai – Love is Crazy
Dil Jalon Ka Samundar Hai – it’s a sea of Lovers.
Tor(d) Kay Rasmon Ko , Doob Jaa – Break all the rituals and sink in it.
Chahaton Ki Ye Sargam , Ab Dagar Dagar Mein Sunta Hoon – I hear the music
of love place to place.
Kabhi Payalon Ki Chan Chan – sometimes the sound of athletes
Chudion Ki Khan Khan – the sound of bangles.
Is Bheedmein pyari se koi , aati Hai Ye Sada – In This crowd a lovely Echo
came up
Khudaya Ve Khudaya Ve
Khuda Ve Khuda Ve
Ye Jahan ab Tera Hai – this world is now your’s
Qurbaton Ka Mela Hai – it’s a fun land of peace
Ulfaton ka is mein , hai Mazaa – it’s a joy of love
Sham Ye Mastani Hai – this evening is wonderful
Zindagi Dewani Hai – life is crazy
Bekhudi Ka is mein , hai Nashaa – it’s an addict of love
Aashiqon Ki Ye Sargam , Ab nagar nagar Mein Sunta Hoon – I hear the music
of lovers place to place.
Kahen Dhol Bajay Hai Dham Dham – somewhere drums playing
barishon ki ye cham cham – sounds of rain.
Is Bheer(d) mein pyari se koi , aati Hai Ye Sada – In This crowd a lovely Echo
came up
Khudaya Ve Khudaya Ve
Khuda Ve Khuda Ve
Written by Faez Choudhary
Composed and Performed by Hesham Abdul Wahab
Guitars – Sandeep Sequeira (Palayan)
Tabla and Dholak – Sanu, Dean, Baiju Balakrishnan
Additional Vocals – Rakesh Kesavan and Nithin Raj
Recorded @ Andante Studios, Freddy’s AVG Studios and Livewidmusic Studios
Mixed & Mastered @ Andante Studios
Pyar Se Jag Roshan Hai – The World is Lightened with love
Nachay Jogi Jogan Hai – Dancing ascetic lovers
Dhadkanon Mein bas Ja , Jhoom Ja – Stay in Heartbeats and enjoy
Ishq Mast kalandar Hai – Love is Crazy
Dil Jalon Ka Samundar Hai – it’s a sea of Lovers.
Tor(d) Kay Rasmon Ko , Doob Jaa – Break all the rituals and sink in it.
Chahaton Ki Ye Sargam , Ab Dagar Dagar Mein Sunta Hoon – I hear the music
of love place to place.
Kabhi Payalon Ki Chan Chan – sometimes the sound of athletes
Chudion Ki Khan Khan – the sound of bangles.
Is Bheedmein pyari se koi , aati Hai Ye Sada – In This crowd a lovely Echo
came up
Khudaya Ve Khudaya Ve
Khuda Ve Khuda Ve
Ye Jahan ab Tera Hai – this world is now your’s
Qurbaton Ka Mela Hai – it’s a fun land of peace
Ulfaton ka is mein , hai Mazaa – it’s a joy of love
Sham Ye Mastani Hai – this evening is wonderful
Zindagi Dewani Hai – life is crazy
Bekhudi Ka is mein , hai Nashaa – it’s an addict of love
Aashiqon Ki Ye Sargam , Ab nagar nagar Mein Sunta Hoon – I hear the music
of lovers place to place.
Kahen Dhol Bajay Hai Dham Dham – somewhere drums playing
barishon ki ye cham cham – sounds of rain.
Is Bheer(d) mein pyari se koi , aati Hai Ye Sada – In This crowd a lovely Echo
came up
Khudaya Ve Khudaya Ve
Khuda Ve Khuda Ve
Khudayave – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Khudayave – Hesham Abdul Wahab
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين
Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf
Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf
Medreseja Jonë (Our Madrasah) – Mesut Kurtis
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak
انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر
Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak
انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار
Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك
Look to your right, look to your left
İnsanlara mutlulukla bak
انظر للناس بسعادة
Look happily at people
Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur
أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع
Please, open up your heart to people
Sonu elbet mutluluk olur…
ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد…
You will surely find happiness at the end..
Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah…
الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله…
Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur…
ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم
What will happen if you open your arms…
Kenetlenir herkes bir olur
ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد
The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person
Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah…
في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله
in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana
ما شاء الله عليك
Masha’Allah, wonderful!
Her gün mutlu olsana…
كن سعيدًا دائمًا
Why don’t you be happy always
Demişki resullallah…
فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
Gülmek sadaka…
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
translated by : Samar ElSaid
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain & Sinan Akçıl
” الإبتسامة صدقة ”
” Smiling is like giving alms ”
Söz & Müzik: Sinan Akçıl
كلمات وتوزيع موسيقي : Sinan Akçıl
Düzenleme: Maher Zain
هندسة صوتية : Maher Zain
“Gülmek Sadaka” şarkı sözleri ile :
كلمات ” الإبتسامة صدقة ” | Lyrics :
Güneşe bak, aya da bak
انظر للشمس، انظر للقمر
Look up at the sun, look up at the moon
Denize bak yağmurlara bak
انظر للبحر، انظر للأمطار
Look at the sea, look at the rains
Ne güzel hayat bu, maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Sağına bak, soluna bak
انظر إلى يمينك، انظر إلى يسارك
Look to your right, look to your left
İnsanlara mutlulukla bak
انظر للناس بسعادة
Look happily at people
Ne güzel hayat bu maşallah…
يا لها من حياة جميلة ما شاء الله…
How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Aç kalbini herkese nolur
أرجوك افتح قلبك للجميع
Please, open up your heart to people
Sonu elbet mutluluk olur…
ستجد السعادة في النهاية بالتأكيد…
You will surely find happiness at the end..
Gülmek sana yakıstı masallah…
الإبتسامة تليق عليك ما شاء الله…
Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…
Kollarını açsana nolur…
ماذا سيحدث لو فتحتم أذرعكم
What will happen if you open your arms…
Kenetlenir herkes bir olur
ستتشابك ويصبح الجميع شخص واحد
The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person
Bu güzel dünyada, maşallah…
في هذه الدنيا الجميلة ما شاء الله
in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…
Hadi sende bir dene
هيا فلتجرب أنت أيضًا
Why don’t you give it a try
Koy elini kalbine…
ضع يدك على قلبك…
Put your hand on your heart …
Gül her ne olursa
مهما يحدث ابتسم
Smile whatever happens
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gel katıl sen bize…
هيا انضم أنت أيضًا إلينا…
Come join us…
Koy elini kalbine
ضع يدك على قلبك
Put your hand on your heart…
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Gülmek sadaka
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
Maşallah maşallah sana
ما شاء الله عليك
Masha’Allah, wonderful!
Her gün mutlu olsana…
كن سعيدًا دائمًا
Why don’t you be happy always
Demişki resullallah…
فقد قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
Gülmek sadaka…
الإبتسامة صدقة
Smiling is like giving alms
translated by : Samar ElSaid
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain, Sinan Akçıl
Gülmek Sadaka – Maher Zain, Sinan Akçıl
تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )
تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )
Director: Alaa Abusaman
Executive Producer: Alaa Abusaman
Producer: ID Productions
Production Supervisor: Ahmad Almutawa
Production Coordinator: Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Anwar Husam
English Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ibrahim Dardasawi
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof
تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )
Director: Alaa Abusaman
Executive Producer: Alaa Abusaman
Producer: ID Productions
Production Supervisor: Ahmad Almutawa
Production Coordinator: Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Anwar Husam
English Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ibrahim Dardasawi
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof
Quranun Quran ( Arabic – Turkish ) – Mesut Kurtis, Ibrahim Dardasawi
Quranun Quran ( Arabic – Turkish ) – Mesut Kurtis, Ibrahim Dardasawi
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
Alhamdulillah – Ehsan Yasin & Daud Kim
This new piece features tar, balaban, and vocalists. The effect is profoundly evocative;
the music speaks directly to the heart. In Segah mugham, the lyrics are from a poem that speaks
with deep longing of the universal love of one’s homeland.
The Shaki Khan Palace in Sheki, Azerbaijan, is a place of unique architectural and decorative beauty.
Music: Mugham Improvisation
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
This new piece features tar, balaban, and vocalists. The effect is profoundly evocative;
the music speaks directly to the heart. In Segah mugham, the lyrics are from a poem that speaks
with deep longing of the universal love of one’s homeland.
The Shaki Khan Palace in Sheki, Azerbaijan, is a place of unique architectural and decorative beauty.
Music: Mugham Improvisation
Musical Director & Composer: Sami Yusuf
Creative Producer & Director: Andrei Boltenko
Copyright of Andante Records
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post-production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Shaki Khan Palace – Sami Yusuf ft. Tayyar Bayramov, Kanan Bayramli & Samira Aliyeva
Shaki Khan Palace – Sami Yusuf ft. Tayyar Bayramov, Kanan Bayramli & Samira Aliyeva
Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)
Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)
Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf
Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
Mixing: Emre Moğulkoç
Selam Sana – Lyrics:
Alemlere rahmetsin
Sen kalbe doğan güneşsin
Bize doğruyu öğretensin
Sen rehbersin ey yar
selam Muhammed
Assalamu alayka ya
Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu Alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiy Allah
Assalamu alayka ya
Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu Alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiy Allah, ya Rasool Allah
Ey kutlu nebi muhammed
Yaradandan ümidimiz elbet
Zatina layik bir ümmet
Olabilmektir ey yar
Sana selam Muhammed
Kalplerde aşkinin izir
Birakma tut elimizi
Insanlik sana muhtaç
Ya nebi ruhlar sana aç
Kalplerde aşkinin izi
Birakma tut elimizi
Insanlik sana muhtaç
Efendim sen başlara tac
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
Mixing: Emre Moğulkoç
Selam Sana – Lyrics:
Alemlere rahmetsin
Sen kalbe doğan güneşsin
Bize doğruyu öğretensin
Sen rehbersin ey yar
selam Muhammed
Assalamu alayka ya
Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu Alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiy Allah
Assalamu alayka ya
Ya Rasool Allah
Assalamu Alayka ya habibi
Ya Nabiy Allah, ya Rasool Allah
Ey kutlu nebi muhammed
Yaradandan ümidimiz elbet
Zatina layik bir ümmet
Olabilmektir ey yar
Sana selam Muhammed
Kalplerde aşkinin izir
Birakma tut elimizi
Insanlik sana muhtaç
Ya nebi ruhlar sana aç
Kalplerde aşkinin izi
Birakma tut elimizi
Insanlik sana muhtaç
Efendim sen başlara tac
Selam Sana (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Selam Sana (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Eternally by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Directed by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Drone operator Ibrahim Doshlak
Post Production by Galaktika Pictures
Dua të jetoj
I desire to live
أرغب في الحياة
Që të vdes për Ty,
To die for You,
في الموت لأجلك
Me mall i mbështjellë
Enveloped in longing
يلفني الشوق
Me dashnin për Ty.
With love for You.
بحبك أنت
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) يأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
والكلام يختفي
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة
I etur saherë
Forever thirsty
دائما عطشان
Për Tënden Kënaqësi,
For Your Pleasure,
Lutem pa u ndier
I pray in silence
أدعوا بصمت
Pa fjalë në vetmi.
Without words in solitude.
في عزلة
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة،
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) تأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
وتختفي الكلمات،
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة.
Eternally by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Directed by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Drone operator Ibrahim Doshlak
Post Production by Galaktika Pictures
Dua të jetoj
I desire to live
أرغب في الحياة
Që të vdes për Ty,
To die for You,
في الموت لأجلك
Me mall i mbështjellë
Enveloped in longing
يلفني الشوق
Me dashnin për Ty.
With love for You.
بحبك أنت
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) يأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
والكلام يختفي
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة
I etur saherë
Forever thirsty
دائما عطشان
Për Tënden Kënaqësi,
For Your Pleasure,
Lutem pa u ndier
I pray in silence
أدعوا بصمت
Pa fjalë në vetmi.
Without words in solitude.
في عزلة
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة،
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) تأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
وتختفي الكلمات،
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة.
Perjetesisht – Mevlan Kurtishi
Perjetesisht – Mevlan Kurtishi
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Hashe-chad-akashe? (…the moon smiles in the sky?)
Jonaki-dhey-je-alo (…and the firefly glows…)
Mayabi-abeshe? (…in an air of enchantment?)
She-kotha-bhebe-bhebe (Pondering over all of this…)
Mon-amar-jay-hariye (…my mind becomes lost in wonderment…)
Dur-ojanay (…to a faraway, unknown place)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Who made the clouds come by
So we can live and be?
Sending rain so soft and mild
Cleansing you and me?
Who gave me clear eyes to see
The moon when it beams?
He taught me how silent love can be
A road to your dreams
Who taught the mothers of the world
To love us the way they do?
When all the trials unfurl
All they think of is you
You still make me cry
You still make me laugh
Don’t let me ever forget
About our golden past
And so the world moves on its way
Newcomers join every day
Tomorrow they will say…
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Hashe-chad-akashe? (…the moon smiles in the sky?)
Jonaki-dhey-je-alo (…and the firefly glows…)
Mayabi-abeshe? (…in an air of enchantment?)
She-kotha-bhebe-bhebe (Pondering over all of this…)
Mon-amar-jay-hariye (…my mind becomes lost in wonderment…)
Dur-ojanay (…to a faraway, unknown place)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Who made the clouds come by
So we can live and be?
Sending rain so soft and mild
Cleansing you and me?
Who gave me clear eyes to see
The moon when it beams?
He taught me how silent love can be
A road to your dreams
Who taught the mothers of the world
To love us the way they do?
When all the trials unfurl
All they think of is you
You still make me cry
You still make me laugh
Don’t let me ever forget
About our golden past
And so the world moves on its way
Newcomers join every day
Tomorrow they will say…
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Ishāra – Nazeel Azami
Ishāra – Nazeel Azami
Zikir Hati – Inteam
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics Bahasa Adaptation: Novia Stephani
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Tuntunku Kepadamu Lyrics :
Kusadari, engkau sanggup
Mengambil kembali karunia-Mu
Dan kucoba, selalu mengingat
Takkan sia-siakan segalanya
Karena, suatu hari
Semua akan tiada lagi
Dan di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Allah, Ya Allah
Tuntunku ‘tuk tiba di Jannah-Mu
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Jangan jauh dariku kudamba cahaya-Mu
Bersamamu kuingin dekat
Dekat dengan-Mu sepanjang usia
Ya Allah, Oh Allah!
Dampingi langkahku
Kusadari, kadang kulupa
Mungkin ini nafasku yang terakhir
Ampuni kurangnya syukurku
Maafkan kuragu kasih-Mu
Nanti, suatu hari
Saat duniaku usai berakhir
Di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Hari berganti
Kuyakin waktuku kian singkat
Tuhanku, biarku genggam dunia ini
Tanpa mencintainya
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Tuntunlah aku
Setiap langkahku
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics Bahasa Adaptation: Novia Stephani
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Tuntunku Kepadamu Lyrics :
Kusadari, engkau sanggup
Mengambil kembali karunia-Mu
Dan kucoba, selalu mengingat
Takkan sia-siakan segalanya
Karena, suatu hari
Semua akan tiada lagi
Dan di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Allah, Ya Allah
Tuntunku ‘tuk tiba di Jannah-Mu
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Jangan jauh dariku kudamba cahaya-Mu
Bersamamu kuingin dekat
Dekat dengan-Mu sepanjang usia
Ya Allah, Oh Allah!
Dampingi langkahku
Kusadari, kadang kulupa
Mungkin ini nafasku yang terakhir
Ampuni kurangnya syukurku
Maafkan kuragu kasih-Mu
Nanti, suatu hari
Saat duniaku usai berakhir
Di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Hari berganti
Kuyakin waktuku kian singkat
Tuhanku, biarku genggam dunia ini
Tanpa mencintainya
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Tuntunlah aku
Setiap langkahku
Tuntunku KepadaMu ( Bahasa – Malay Version ) – Maher Zain
Tuntunku KepadaMu ( Bahasa – Malay Version ) – Maher Zain
Hoşgeldin Ramazan – Ali Magrebi
Hasbi Rabbi – Mesut Kurtis
Arabic Lyrics: Islam Hagras
Turkish Lyrics: Murat Belet
Melody: Ali Magrebi
Arrangement: Yavuz Taşkın
Mixing & Mastering: Yavuz Taşkın
يا سَعدَ عُيوني حين أراه
Oh how happy my eyes are when I see him
يا طُولَ حَنيني كَي ألقاه
Oh how long have I been waiting to meet him
أنوارُ الدنيا بعضُ سَناه
The world’s light is a beam from his light
ونسيمُ الجنة بعضُ شَذاه
And the breeze of Paradise is from his beautiful scent
ياشفاءً للعليل
You are the cure for the sick
يا دواءً للمُعذَّب
You are the medicine for the one in pain
بيننا دهرٌ طويل
The distance between us is long
ولكَ القلبُ تشرَّب
And for you the heart is longing
يا نبيّي يا رسولي
O my Prophet, O my Messenger
يا شَفيعي يا حبيبي
O my Intersessor, O my Beloved
يا نَوالي يا وُصُولي
You are my aim, my destination
يا حبيبي يا محمد
O my Beloved, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of Allah
أنت شفاء للقلوب
You are a healing for the hearts
أنت العلاج لجميع الهموم
You are the cure for all troubles
أنت رحمة للعالمين
You are a mercy for the worlds
يا حبيبي يا محمد!
My Beloved O Muhammad!
Arabic Lyrics: Islam Hagras
Turkish Lyrics: Murat Belet
Melody: Ali Magrebi
Arrangement: Yavuz Taşkın
Mixing & Mastering: Yavuz Taşkın
يا سَعدَ عُيوني حين أراه
Oh how happy my eyes are when I see him
يا طُولَ حَنيني كَي ألقاه
Oh how long have I been waiting to meet him
أنوارُ الدنيا بعضُ سَناه
The world’s light is a beam from his light
ونسيمُ الجنة بعضُ شَذاه
And the breeze of Paradise is from his beautiful scent
ياشفاءً للعليل
You are the cure for the sick
يا دواءً للمُعذَّب
You are the medicine for the one in pain
بيننا دهرٌ طويل
The distance between us is long
ولكَ القلبُ تشرَّب
And for you the heart is longing
يا نبيّي يا رسولي
O my Prophet, O my Messenger
يا شَفيعي يا حبيبي
O my Intersessor, O my Beloved
يا نَوالي يا وُصُولي
You are my aim, my destination
يا حبيبي يا محمد
O my Beloved, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
محمد .. يا محمد
Muhammad, O Muhammad
يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of Allah
أنت شفاء للقلوب
You are a healing for the hearts
أنت العلاج لجميع الهموم
You are the cure for all troubles
أنت رحمة للعالمين
You are a mercy for the worlds
يا حبيبي يا محمد!
My Beloved O Muhammad!
Muhammad ﷺ – Ali Magrebi & Murat Belet
Muhammad ﷺ – Ali Magrebi & Murat Belet
Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah