
Al AFV – Ehsan Yasin


Ya Elahi – Ehsan Yasin

Lyrics / كلمات العمل:
Verse 1:
هل تری الوجدَ نما فیّا
و النّدی نَوَّرَ خدیّا
آیا میبینی چگونه این احساس در من زیاد میشود؟
و شبنم گونه هایم را روشن میکند
من انا؟ لا شيءَ لولاكا
مُدَّ لي أُفقاً بلُقياكا
من چی هستم؟ هیچی اگر تو نبودی
دیدار با تو افقی را به روی من گشودست
انت سری و معنایا
فی البلا انت رجوایا
تو راز و معنای منی
در مصیبت، تو امید منی
قلبي قلبي بک حیّا
روحي روحي لكَ عینیّا
قلبم با تو زنده میشود
روحم از تو چشم بر نمیدارد
تو مثل
واسه قلبی که لبش خشکیده
مثل یه
عشقی که
به آدم دلیل موندن میده
دیدی معبودم، غم من با تو، به سر رسیده
قلبي قلبي بک حیّا
روحي روحي لكَ عینیّا
قلبم با تو زنده میشود
روحم از تو چشم بر نمیدارد

Lyrics / كلمات العمل:
Verse 1:
هل تری الوجدَ نما فیّا
و النّدی نَوَّرَ خدیّا
آیا میبینی چگونه این احساس در من زیاد میشود؟
و شبنم گونه هایم را روشن میکند
من انا؟ لا شيءَ لولاكا
مُدَّ لي أُفقاً بلُقياكا
من چی هستم؟ هیچی اگر تو نبودی
دیدار با تو افقی را به روی من گشودست
انت سری و معنایا
فی البلا انت رجوایا
تو راز و معنای منی
در مصیبت، تو امید منی
قلبي قلبي بک حیّا
روحي روحي لكَ عینیّا
قلبم با تو زنده میشود
روحم از تو چشم بر نمیدارد
تو مثل
واسه قلبی که لبش خشکیده
مثل یه
عشقی که
به آدم دلیل موندن میده
دیدی معبودم، غم من با تو، به سر رسیده
قلبي قلبي بک حیّا
روحي روحي لكَ عینیّا
قلبم با تو زنده میشود
روحم از تو چشم بر نمیدارد

سلام عليكم – إحسان ياسين

سلام عليكم – إحسان ياسين

Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر

Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر

Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi

Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك

تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )

تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )
Director: Alaa Abusaman
Executive Producer: Alaa Abusaman
Producer: ID Productions
Production Supervisor: Ahmad Almutawa
Production Coordinator: Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Anwar Husam
English Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ibrahim Dardasawi
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof

تفاصيل نشيد
Quranun Quran ( Arabic - Turkish )
Director: Alaa Abusaman
Executive Producer: Alaa Abusaman
Producer: ID Productions
Production Supervisor: Ahmad Almutawa
Production Coordinator: Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Anwar Husam
English Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Melody: Ibrahim Dardasawi
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof

Quranun Quran ( Arabic – Turkish ) – Mesut Kurtis, Ibrahim Dardasawi

Quranun Quran ( Arabic – Turkish ) – Mesut Kurtis, Ibrahim Dardasawi

Lyrics/Söz: Ahmet Kurtiş
Melody/Müzik: Ali Magrebi
Arrangement/Aranjör: Bahadır Tanrıvermiş
Executive Producers: Ali Magrebi & Bara Kherigi
Special Thanks: Mesut Kurtis, Sevim Özdemir Sönmez, Maher Zain, Humood AlKhudher
Lyrics/Söz: Resül’e Aşk:
Bu özlem kalbin hicretidir
هذا الشوق الذي يملأ قلبي سببه الفراق لك
This longing filling me is caused by separation from you
Sana vuslat bana hasret
الفراق عَنَى لك الوصول لمبتغاك، وعَنَى لي الحسرة والألم
Separation meant for you reaching your ultimate goal [God], but for me it meant regret and pain
Mesafeler misafirdir
المسافات التي بيننا هي ضيف مؤقت
These distances between us are transient guests
Gözümdeki yaş diner elbet
لذا أعلم أن دموعي المُهرَاقة ستتوقف يومًا ما
That is why I know that my flowing tears will stop one day
Ya Resulallah (Ey Allah’ın Resulü)
يا رسولَ الله
O Messenger of God
Ya Habiballah (Ey Allah’ın Sevgilisi)
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of God
Ya İmamena (Ey imamımız)
يا إمامَنا
O our leader (Imam)
Ya Muhammed (Ey Muhammed)
يا محمد
O Muhammad!
Turkish: Sallallahu aleyke ve sallam (Salat ve selam üzerine olsun)
صلى الله عليك وسلم
May God’s peace & blessings be upon you
Ya Resulallah (Ey Allah’ın Resulü)
يا رسولَ الله
O Messenger of God
Ya Habiballah (Ey Allah’ın Sevgilisi)
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of God
Ya Şefi’ana (Ey bizim şefaatçimiz)
يا شفيعَنا
O our intercessor
Ya Muhammed (Ey Muhammed)
يا محمد
O Muhammad!
Sallallahu aleyke ve sallam (Salat ve selam üzerine olsun)
صلى الله عليك وسلم
May God’s peace & blessings be upon you
Gönülde merhameti Senle
تعلَّمَ قلبي الرحمةَ منكَ
My heart learned from you how to be merciful
Ben aşkı Senden öğrendim
والحبُّ أيضا درسٌ تعلمتُه منك
Love is another lesson I learned from you
Adın anmak bile çare
ذِكر اسمِك كافٍ لشفاء قلبي
Mentioning your name enough to heal my heart
Seninle deva bulur derdim
في ذِكرك أجدُ الدواء لكل داء بداخلي
In your remembrance I find the cure for all the ills inside me
Senin aşkındadır ihsan
فى عشقكَ أنتَ وجدتُ الإحسان
In your love, I found benevolence
Ki hakka çağırdın zikrile Sen
لأنك دعَوتَنا للحق ذاكراً لله
For you called us to the Truth while you were engaged in the remembrance of God
Yoksan, ruh kalır noksan
في غيابك تشعُر أرواحُنا بالنقص والضياع
In your absence our souls feel lost and incomplete
Şefaatinle bizi müjdele Sen
شفاعتُكَ هي البُشرى التي نتوق إليها
Your intercession is the glad tidings we long for

Lyrics/Söz: Ahmet Kurtiş
Melody/Müzik: Ali Magrebi
Arrangement/Aranjör: Bahadır Tanrıvermiş
Executive Producers: Ali Magrebi & Bara Kherigi
Special Thanks: Mesut Kurtis, Sevim Özdemir Sönmez, Maher Zain, Humood AlKhudher
Lyrics/Söz: Resül’e Aşk:
Bu özlem kalbin hicretidir
هذا الشوق الذي يملأ قلبي سببه الفراق لك
This longing filling me is caused by separation from you
Sana vuslat bana hasret
الفراق عَنَى لك الوصول لمبتغاك، وعَنَى لي الحسرة والألم
Separation meant for you reaching your ultimate goal [God], but for me it meant regret and pain
Mesafeler misafirdir
المسافات التي بيننا هي ضيف مؤقت
These distances between us are transient guests
Gözümdeki yaş diner elbet
لذا أعلم أن دموعي المُهرَاقة ستتوقف يومًا ما
That is why I know that my flowing tears will stop one day
Ya Resulallah (Ey Allah’ın Resulü)
يا رسولَ الله
O Messenger of God
Ya Habiballah (Ey Allah’ın Sevgilisi)
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of God
Ya İmamena (Ey imamımız)
يا إمامَنا
O our leader (Imam)
Ya Muhammed (Ey Muhammed)
يا محمد
O Muhammad!
Turkish: Sallallahu aleyke ve sallam (Salat ve selam üzerine olsun)
صلى الله عليك وسلم
May God’s peace & blessings be upon you
Ya Resulallah (Ey Allah’ın Resulü)
يا رسولَ الله
O Messenger of God
Ya Habiballah (Ey Allah’ın Sevgilisi)
يا حبيبَ الله
O Beloved of God
Ya Şefi’ana (Ey bizim şefaatçimiz)
يا شفيعَنا
O our intercessor
Ya Muhammed (Ey Muhammed)
يا محمد
O Muhammad!
Sallallahu aleyke ve sallam (Salat ve selam üzerine olsun)
صلى الله عليك وسلم
May God’s peace & blessings be upon you
Gönülde merhameti Senle
تعلَّمَ قلبي الرحمةَ منكَ
My heart learned from you how to be merciful
Ben aşkı Senden öğrendim
والحبُّ أيضا درسٌ تعلمتُه منك
Love is another lesson I learned from you
Adın anmak bile çare
ذِكر اسمِك كافٍ لشفاء قلبي
Mentioning your name enough to heal my heart
Seninle deva bulur derdim
في ذِكرك أجدُ الدواء لكل داء بداخلي
In your remembrance I find the cure for all the ills inside me
Senin aşkındadır ihsan
فى عشقكَ أنتَ وجدتُ الإحسان
In your love, I found benevolence
Ki hakka çağırdın zikrile Sen
لأنك دعَوتَنا للحق ذاكراً لله
For you called us to the Truth while you were engaged in the remembrance of God
Yoksan, ruh kalır noksan
في غيابك تشعُر أرواحُنا بالنقص والضياع
In your absence our souls feel lost and incomplete
Şefaatinle bizi müjdele Sen
شفاعتُكَ هي البُشرى التي نتوق إليها
Your intercession is the glad tidings we long for

Resul’e Aşk (sav) (Messenger of Love ﷺ) – Ali Magrebi

Resul’e Aşk (sav) (Messenger of Love ﷺ) – Ali Magrebi

Eternally by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Directed by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Drone operator Ibrahim Doshlak
Post Production by Galaktika Pictures
Dua të jetoj
I desire to live
أرغب في الحياة
Që të vdes për Ty,
To die for You,
في الموت لأجلك
Me mall i mbështjellë
Enveloped in longing
يلفني الشوق
Me dashnin për Ty.
With love for You.
بحبك أنت
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) يأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
والكلام يختفي
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة
I etur saherë
Forever thirsty
دائما عطشان
Për Tënden Kënaqësi,
For Your Pleasure,
Lutem pa u ndier
I pray in silence
أدعوا بصمت
Pa fjalë në vetmi.
Without words in solitude.
في عزلة
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة،
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) تأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
وتختفي الكلمات،
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة.

Eternally by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Directed by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Drone operator Ibrahim Doshlak
Post Production by Galaktika Pictures
Dua të jetoj
I desire to live
أرغب في الحياة
Që të vdes për Ty,
To die for You,
في الموت لأجلك
Me mall i mbështjellë
Enveloped in longing
يلفني الشوق
Me dashnin për Ty.
With love for You.
بحبك أنت
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) يأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
والكلام يختفي
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة
I etur saherë
Forever thirsty
دائما عطشان
Për Tënden Kënaqësi,
For Your Pleasure,
Lutem pa u ndier
I pray in silence
أدعوا بصمت
Pa fjalë në vetmi.
Without words in solitude.
في عزلة
T’largohem nga kjo botë
I shall depart from this world
سأرحل عن هذا العالم
Si gjethi n’vallëzim,
Like a leaf in a dance,
كورقة متراقصة،
Pikon e bie n’tokë
Dropping and falling to the ground
تسقط على الأرض
Me erën n’përqafim.
Embraced by the wind.
تعانقها الرياح.
As trupi s’ka jetë
Neither the body has life
لا الجسم يمتلك الحياة
Sa hija që e ndjek,
More than the shadow that follows it,
أكثر من الظل الذي يتبعها
As shpirti s’thërret
Nor does the soul call
ولا الروح ينادي
Sa lutja e sinqertë,
More than the sincere prayer,
أكثر من صلاة خاشعة
Kur çasti troket
When the moment (death) knocks
عندما اللحظة ( الموت ) تأتي
E fjalët janë tret,
And words dissolve,
وتختفي الكلمات،
Gëzimi i vërtetë
The True joy
المتعة الحقيقية
Nuk qenka kjo jetë.
is not in this life
ليست في هذه الحياة.

Perjetesisht – Mevlan Kurtishi

Perjetesisht – Mevlan Kurtishi


Zikir Hati – Inteam

Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)

Jaaneh Jaanaan:
Jaaneh Jaanaan resonates with the tones of a tradition of divine love poetry in Persian
that has resounded through the hearts of lovers for a millennium. Jaaneh Jaanaan is
an intimate conversation with the true Beloved, whom the bewildered poet sees everywhere.
He sings of earthly beauty, of the spiritual guide, and of the Divine Beloved Himself,
for all true love is ultimately love of the Divine.
Lyrics :
ای که یادت از همه پیر و جوان دل می رباید
(O You whose thought seizes the heart of the young and old)
به هوای کوی تو هر لحظه دل پر می گشاید
(In your midst, the hearts takes flight at every moment)
هم امید قلبی، هم پناه جانی
(You are the hope in hearts; the shelter of lives;)
نور مطلق زمین و آسمانی، جلوه زیبایی های بی کرانی
(The eternal light of the heavens and the earth, and the face of infinite beauty)
تو شدی دنیای من، رویای من، ای جان جانان
(You have become my world, my dream, my Beloved!)
رود از چشمان من اشکم به یادت همچو باران
(Tears stream down from my eyes when I linger in thought of You)
با تو در امانم، ای امید جانم، بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم
(I am at safety with You, o desire of my soul, I have no home nor name without You)
بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(I am in darkness without You, ignorant of any direction (to take))
تا نفس در سینه دارم اسم تو ورد زبانم
(Your name will never leave my tongue till I am alive)
عطر دل خواه و شمیم عشق تو آرام جانم
(Your loving and desirous fragrance settles my heart)
نور بی کرانی، لطف جاودانی، من گنهکارم ولی تو مهربانی
(You are boundless light, eternal grace, I’m a sinner but You are The Most Kind)
بهر قلب عاشقان، نام و نشانی
(You are a signpost for the lovers’ hearts)
بی تو ای آرام جان، ای مهربان، تنهاترینم
(Without You, o the One who puts my heart at rest, I would be the loneliest soul in this world)
تا ابد در کوی تو عاشق ترین فرد زمینم
(Till eternity, I will be Your most enraptured lover in this world)
یاد تو، توانم، جز تو من ندانم
(I can only be in thought of You as I know naught but You)
بی تو بی پناه و بی نام و نشانم، بی تو در تاریکی ام راهی ندانم
(O object of my everlasting desire, the reason for the peace of my heart and mind.)

Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf

Jaaneh Jaanaan ( The Centre Album ) – Sami Yusuf

Yeah today when we all come together
Having fun making beautiful memories
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah (praise be to God)
Such a great day for everybody
Around the world, ooh
It’s time to celebrate, oh yeah!
Chalo chalo sab Eid manayain
Jashan manayain khushion se
Ik dujay ko galay lagayain
Har ik ka dil jeet lain
Eid Mubarak bole sabko
Khushian mil ker baant lain
(Let’s all celebrate Eid with lots of happiness)
(Embrace each other and win each other’s heart)
(Let’s wish everyone a blessed Eid)
(Let’s spread all the joy together)
Feeling joy on this wonderful occasion
Sending peace and salutation
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah (praise be to God)
Such a great day for everybody
Around the world, ooh
It’s time to celebrate, oh yeah!
Friends and families all joined together
Smiles and laughter all around us shining through
Let’s make this day a day to remember
Let the peace of Allah shower you

Yeah today when we all come together
Having fun making beautiful memories
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah (praise be to God)
Such a great day for everybody
Around the world, ooh
It’s time to celebrate, oh yeah!
Chalo chalo sab Eid manayain
Jashan manayain khushion se
Ik dujay ko galay lagayain
Har ik ka dil jeet lain
Eid Mubarak bole sabko
Khushian mil ker baant lain
(Let’s all celebrate Eid with lots of happiness)
(Embrace each other and win each other’s heart)
(Let’s wish everyone a blessed Eid)
(Let’s spread all the joy together)
Feeling joy on this wonderful occasion
Sending peace and salutation
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah (praise be to God)
Such a great day for everybody
Around the world, ooh
It’s time to celebrate, oh yeah!
Friends and families all joined together
Smiles and laughter all around us shining through
Let’s make this day a day to remember
Let the peace of Allah shower you

Eid Mubarak ( Salam Album ) – Harris J feat. Shujat Ali Khan

Eid Mubarak ( Salam Album ) – Harris J feat. Shujat Ali Khan

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘Veritas’ premiered at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam
as part of his concert series ‘When Paths Meet’.
From the minimal and ethereal sound of the intro,
it subtly transitions to a sense of awe at the astonishing majesty and multiplicity of creation.
The Persian-influenced musical phrasing of Sami Yusuf’s vocalisations
in the intro are inspired by the Daramad of Avaz-e dashti,
a subgroup of the Shur dastgah, a Persian modal system evocative of a meditative state.
Cappella Amsterdam sings quarter tones here and they do so brilliantly.
The flamenco and Andalusian sounds of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra interplay
with Western classical elements and the vibrant Arabic maqam Bayati.
When the mode shifts to the passionate yearning of maqam Nahawand,
its similarity to the Western classical minor scale brings an effortless resonance between the two.
The outro joins Bayati and a harmonic minor scale in a multi-faceted,
fiery expression of multiple, even contradictory states of being,
while the vocalists insist,
‘Veritas’, ‘Veritas’ – Truth, Truth – and cast our focus beneath the turbulent surface storms
to the calm depths below.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Mode: Shur with allusions to Nahāwand
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

Sami Yusuf’s composition ‘Veritas’ premiered at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam
as part of his concert series ‘When Paths Meet’.
From the minimal and ethereal sound of the intro,
it subtly transitions to a sense of awe at the astonishing majesty and multiplicity of creation.
The Persian-influenced musical phrasing of Sami Yusuf’s vocalisations
in the intro are inspired by the Daramad of Avaz-e dashti,
a subgroup of the Shur dastgah, a Persian modal system evocative of a meditative state.
Cappella Amsterdam sings quarter tones here and they do so brilliantly.
The flamenco and Andalusian sounds of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra interplay
with Western classical elements and the vibrant Arabic maqam Bayati.
When the mode shifts to the passionate yearning of maqam Nahawand,
its similarity to the Western classical minor scale brings an effortless resonance between the two.
The outro joins Bayati and a harmonic minor scale in a multi-faceted,
fiery expression of multiple, even contradictory states of being,
while the vocalists insist,
‘Veritas’, ‘Veritas’ – Truth, Truth – and cast our focus beneath the turbulent surface storms
to the calm depths below.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Mode: Shur with allusions to Nahāwand
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson

Veritas (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

Veritas (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم

ز عشقت آنچنان مستم که دیگر خود نمی دانم
در این مستی بوم حیران و با این حال خاموشم
نه دوریت بود ممکن نه آغوش پر از مهرت
ز بوی زلف مشکینت ولی همواره مدهوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
در این عالم تو را دارم تو را دارم به تنهایی
وصالت غایت عمرم در این ره همچنان کوشم
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم
بود شور لقائت همچو آتش در درون من
در این آتش همی سوزم ولی فانی و خاموشم
ز عشقت آنچنان مستم…
که دیگر خود نمی دانم…
رخت بگشای ای ساقی که جانم در طلب باشد
بده یک جرعه زان باده برد هم دم و هم هوشم
در این دیر پر از محنت بسی سختی پذیرفتم
به این اندیشه تا روزی شراب معرفت نوشم

Ze Eshqat ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf

Ze Eshqat ( Songs of the way Vol.01 ) – Sami Yusuf


Hasbi Rabbi – Mesut Kurtis

Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Mixed and Mastered @ Andante Studios

Experience the beauty and unity of diverse musical traditions with Sami Yusuf’s
latest release, ‘One.’ Recorded live at the Holland Festival in June 2022,
this piece showcases exceptional artistry from Cappella Amsterdam,
the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, and Sami Yusuf’s own ensemble.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf,
‘One’ is a stunning blend of Western European vocal performance and the dynamic
rhythms of Andalusian, North African and Middle Eastern instruments including the ney,
violin, qanun, santur and percussions.
The German words by Meister Eckhart and Arabic poetry by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
speak of the Eternal I and the unity of vision, emphasising the separate beauty of
each path and their underlying unity.
Performed in E Flat with allusions to maqām Nahāwand,
‘One’ opens with Cappella Amsterdam’s hauntingly beautiful vocals,
transitioning to the richly textured and dynamic rhythms of Amsterdam
Andalusian Orchestra, culminating in a mesmerising santur and percussion performance
by Sami Yusuf’s ensemble.
‘One’ invites you to experience the oneness of the human spirit in art.
Composed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
German words by Meister Eckhart
Arabic words by Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari
E Flat (with allusions to Maqām Nahāwand)
Sami Yusuf & Ensemble:
Sami Yusuf: Vocal
Ömer Avci: Bendir
Eyüpcan Açikpazu: Ney
Hasan Hekimoglu: Oud
Onur Cicin: Qanun
Guo Gan: Erhu
Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: Daf
Huseyin Can Pala: Baglama
Mahyar Toreihi: Santoor
Jon Lawton: Guitar
Cappella Amsterdam:
Soprano: Sanda Audere, Elisabeth Blom, Marijke van der Harst
Alto: Hebe de Champeaux, Irene Sorozabal, Inga Schneider
Tenor: Jon Etxabe Arzuaga, Jelle Leistra, Diederik Rooker
Bass: Jan Douwes, Angus van Grevenbroek, Johan Vermeer
Production: Francesca Thompson
Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra:
Abderrahim Semlali: Violin
Jaafar Lougmani: Violin
Mohamed Al Mokhlis: Violin
Hessel Moeselaar: Viola
Hannelore de Vuyst: Violin
Haytham Safia: Oud
Marianne Noordink: Ney
Ruven Ruppik: Percussion
Khaili Ahmed: Percussion
Salah Mesbah: Vocals
Dwight Breinburg: Percussion,Vocals
Mohamed Chairi: Rabab,Vocals
Daniël van Huffelen: Double Bass
Ahmed el Maai: Qanun, Oud, Vocals
Mixed and Mastered @ Andante Studios

One (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

One (Live at the Holland Festival) – Sami Yusuf

Si një yll (Vocals Only) – Mevlan Kurtishi

Sudnji Dan – Mevlan Kurtishi ft. Ibrahim Bilčević

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum – Sami Yusuf ft. Abida Parveen


Alhamdulillah – Ehsan Yasin & Daud Kim

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof
Backing Vocals: Nimetullah Kurtis, Elyesa Asani
Recording Sound Engineer: Meti Neziri
Vocals recorded at Studio Elize Gostivar
Ey hüznüm, ey rahmet
(O my sadness, O mercy)
Ey iffet, ey Kudüs
(O purity, O Jerusalem)
Bir gözde yaş yada yağmur olsam
(If I were a teardrop in an eye or a drop of rain…)
Yağsam üstüne
(I would rain down on you)
Yangınların ben saklasam düşsem şehidin yüzüne
(I’d hide the fires, I’d fall on the face of a martyr)
Sabrın sonu selametin, kimi lanetin olur
(The end of patience is your salvation, but for whom will it be a curse)
Kaldır onur bayrağını dik dur!
(Raise your flag of honour and stand tall!)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Güneş doğarken müjdeler karanlıklar
(As the sun is rising, good news is coming to dispel the darkness)
Biter elemden sonra hep ferahlık var
(The pain is ending and there will be relief everywhere)
Enkazının bağrında bak çiçek açar
(Look, flowers are blooming in the heart of your rubble)
Güvercinler barış için kanat çırpar
(And doves are fluttering their wings for peace)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Benden seni sordukları günde bana
(On the day when they will ask me about you)
Dilime müjdelenen kutlu zaferi söylet
(Make my tongue sing the song of the blessed long-awaited victory)
Sustuklarımızı bizden sorma, affet ya Rab
(Don’t ask us about our silence and forgive us, O Lord)
Bu esarete özgürlüğü Sen nasip et
(And grant Palestine freedom from this subjugation)

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof
Backing Vocals: Nimetullah Kurtis, Elyesa Asani
Recording Sound Engineer: Meti Neziri
Vocals recorded at Studio Elize Gostivar
Ey hüznüm, ey rahmet
(O my sadness, O mercy)
Ey iffet, ey Kudüs
(O purity, O Jerusalem)
Bir gözde yaş yada yağmur olsam
(If I were a teardrop in an eye or a drop of rain…)
Yağsam üstüne
(I would rain down on you)
Yangınların ben saklasam düşsem şehidin yüzüne
(I’d hide the fires, I’d fall on the face of a martyr)
Sabrın sonu selametin, kimi lanetin olur
(The end of patience is your salvation, but for whom will it be a curse)
Kaldır onur bayrağını dik dur!
(Raise your flag of honour and stand tall!)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Güneş doğarken müjdeler karanlıklar
(As the sun is rising, good news is coming to dispel the darkness)
Biter elemden sonra hep ferahlık var
(The pain is ending and there will be relief everywhere)
Enkazının bağrında bak çiçek açar
(Look, flowers are blooming in the heart of your rubble)
Güvercinler barış için kanat çırpar
(And doves are fluttering their wings for peace)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Benden seni sordukları günde bana
(On the day when they will ask me about you)
Dilime müjdelenen kutlu zaferi söylet
(Make my tongue sing the song of the blessed long-awaited victory)
Sustuklarımızı bizden sorma, affet ya Rab
(Don’t ask us about our silence and forgive us, O Lord)
Bu esarete özgürlüğü Sen nasip et
(And grant Palestine freedom from this subjugation)

Özgür Ol Gazze (Be Free Gaza) – Mesut Kurtis

Özgür Ol Gazze (Be Free Gaza) – Mesut Kurtis

Ey Nebi by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed by Mevlan Kurtishi
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
English Subtitles by Mohammed Muhibbullah Al-Maruf
Ey Nebi
Ey Nebî, dünya, semâ,
Müştâkındır dâima
Senin nurun her yerde
Güller açar kalplerde
Ey sevgili güzel yâr
Oldun bize bahtiyar
Eyledik sana ferman
Yetiş kalplere derman
Müjde verdi kendisi
Sevinç sardı herkesi
Alemin efendisi
O’dur rahmet elçisi
English Subtitles:
Oh Prophet, the world and the skies…
always yearn for you,
Your radiance makes roses bloom…
in the hearts and everywhere.
Oh Beloved, the Best Companion,
You became our fortune,
We gave you a decree,
Give cure to the hearts.
Glad tidings he came and gave,
and to all did he bring joy,
He’s the Master of the world,
He’s the Prophet of mercy.
May Allah send blessings upon
Muhammad (PBUH),
May Allah send blessings
and peace upon him.

Ey Nebi by Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed by Mevlan Kurtishi
Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Mixed & Mastered by MK
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
English Subtitles by Mohammed Muhibbullah Al-Maruf
Ey Nebi
Ey Nebî, dünya, semâ,
Müştâkındır dâima
Senin nurun her yerde
Güller açar kalplerde
Ey sevgili güzel yâr
Oldun bize bahtiyar
Eyledik sana ferman
Yetiş kalplere derman
Müjde verdi kendisi
Sevinç sardı herkesi
Alemin efendisi
O’dur rahmet elçisi
English Subtitles:
Oh Prophet, the world and the skies…
always yearn for you,
Your radiance makes roses bloom…
in the hearts and everywhere.
Oh Beloved, the Best Companion,
You became our fortune,
We gave you a decree,
Give cure to the hearts.
Glad tidings he came and gave,
and to all did he bring joy,
He’s the Master of the world,
He’s the Prophet of mercy.
May Allah send blessings upon
Muhammad (PBUH),
May Allah send blessings
and peace upon him.

Ey Nebi – Mevlan Kurtishi

Ey Nebi – Mevlan Kurtishi

Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر

Together – Ehsan Yasin (Feat. Mevlan Kurtishi)
Arrangement: Alireza Moradi
Mixing: Arash Shoeib
Mastering: Arash Shoeib
When we were so lost in the darkness
You brought us the light of true guidance
When we were about to lose our hope
From the sky God sent us one rope
We don’t ever wanna let it go
We are never gonna be apart
We are always here on your way with each other
and together, we will sing:
الكونُ كان في ليلٍ طويلْ
وكُنتَ أنتَ الضِّيا والسبيلْ
لأنّني قد تبِعتُ خُطاكْ
يشقّ دربي سمَا المُستحيلْ
أشتاقُ دومًا ليومِ لِقاكْ
ومن سواكَ للقلبِ دليلْ
چشماتو وا کردی انگار
شادی چشمک به دنیا زد
شد خلاصه راز خلقت
با یه لبخندت محمد
کاشکی منو یبار تو رویا
بشه بگیری به آغوشم
تا که نفسات برا قلبم سامون شن
بارون شن، تا آروم شم
نورُهُ قد بدى، و جلى للغيهَبِ
نور او منجلی شد و تاریکی را محو کرد
قلوبنا توحدت، علی حب النبي
قلب های ما یکی شدند، بر عشق پیامبر

Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi

Together – Ehsan Yasin & Mevlan Kurtishi

Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..

Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..

طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله

طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله

Alhamdulillah – Ehsan Yasin & Daud Kim

Malay Lyrics: Frizdan
Melody : Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Insya Allah (Malay) Lyrics:
Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian, tiada pembela
Segalanya suram, bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Andainya dosamu berulang lagi
Bagai tiada ruang untuk kembali
Dikau keliru atas kesilapan lalu
Membelenggu hati dan fikiranmu
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Kepada Yang Esa
Yakin padaNya
Panjatkanlah doa
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar…
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya

Malay Lyrics: Frizdan
Melody : Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Insya Allah (Malay) Lyrics:
Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian, tiada pembela
Segalanya suram, bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Andainya dosamu berulang lagi
Bagai tiada ruang untuk kembali
Dikau keliru atas kesilapan lalu
Membelenggu hati dan fikiranmu
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Kepada Yang Esa
Yakin padaNya
Panjatkanlah doa
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar…
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya

Insya Allah (Malay Version) – Maher Zain

Insya Allah (Malay Version) – Maher Zain


Lovers – Sami Yusuf

Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah

Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
When you’re walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise him and always repeat
The name of the Most High
And say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah watches over you
He’s the light of the heavens and earth
He’s the first and He is the last
Obey Him and always say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say la ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah

Never Forget ( Percussive Version ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain

Never Forget ( Percussive Version ) – Mesut Kurtis ft. Maher Zain

Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
To aamadi
Dar ojeh ghamhaam
Sedaat kardam
Anjaa boodi
Bedooneh To
Ma’naye omr chist?
Vaghty nadaanam
Asraari az ghayb
Khaham rezaye To
Janam fadaye To
Delam mikhad
Ke basham ba To
Khaste’am az donya
Az in do rangi ha
Faghat mikham
Ke basham ba To
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you

Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
You came to me
In that hour of need
When I was so lost
So lonely
You came to me
Took my breath away
Showed me the right way
The way to lead
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
To aamadi
Dar ojeh ghamhaam
Sedaat kardam
Anjaa boodi
Bedooneh To
Ma’naye omr chist?
Vaghty nadaanam
Asraari az ghayb
Khaham rezaye To
Janam fadaye To
Delam mikhad
Ke basham ba To
Khaste’am az donya
Az in do rangi ha
Faghat mikham
Ke basham ba To
Allahumma Salli 3ala Sayyinda Mustafa, 3ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Sayyinda Mustafa, ‘ala Habibeeka, Nabi’eeka, Mustafa
Showed right from wrong
Taught me to be strong
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You came to me
In that hour of need
Need you more than ever
Ya Rasul Allah
You filled my heart with love
Showed me the light above
Now all I want
Is to be with you
You are my one true love
Taught me to never judge
Now all I want
Is to be with you

You Came to Me ( Farsi Version ) – Sami Yusuf

You Came to Me ( Farsi Version ) – Sami Yusuf

Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah

Singers: Ayisha Abdul Basith, Salim Sulaiman
Music Composed & Produced by: Salim-Sulaiman
Lyrics: Kamal Haji
Music Co-Produced and Arranged by: Muheet Bharti
Mixed and Mastered by: Muheet Bharti at Blue Productions
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
O’ Muhammad Mere, Salle Ala
O Mustafa Mere, Salle Ala
Ya Nabi Salamalaika, Ya Rasool Salamalaika
Ya Habib Salamalaika, Salawatulla Alaika
Sarkar e Madina, Hum Hain Tere Ghulaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah
Darr – e – Jannat Hai(n) Muhammad
Abr – e – Rehmat Hai(n) Muhammad
Nur o Nemat Hai(n) Muhammad
Shah e Ummat Hai(n) Muhammad
Meri Ulfat Mein Muhammad
Meri Hasrat Mein Muhammad
~Ya Nabi~
Tajdaar e Haram, Mehboob e Kibriya
Kiya Bhala Hai Kiya Bura, Batla Diya
Hai Khair Ul Bashar, Uncha Tera Maqaam
Bhejein Tujhe Ya Nabi, Durood o Salaam
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam x2
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah) x2
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah x4
Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam Ya RasoolAllah
Assallmualika Ya Nabi Ya Rasoolullah

O Mohammad – Ayisha Abdul Basith and Salim Sulaiman

O Mohammad – Ayisha Abdul Basith and Salim Sulaiman

Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Composed by Arabic Heritage & Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Arabic Salawat by Najwa Abidat
Graphics by Sweven Records
Color Correction by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Emri Yt Muhammed ﷺ
O Zot pa fillim – Ti që Je pa fund
Emrin e Tij Muhammed – E vëndove n’Arshin Tënd
Dritën e dynjasë – Ja dhe Mustafasë
Ma mundso O Zot – Ta kem afër në Parajsë
O Zot Ti e din – Sa jem përmallu
Emrin e Tij Muhammed – n’zemrat tona e ke shkru
Sa shumë Pejgamber – Me shpirt e kanë thanë
Prej ummetit Muhammed – Veç nji herë t’ishim kanë
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على محمد
نبينا الهادي الأمين صلاة لا تفنى يا رب

Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Composed by Arabic Heritage & Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Fidush Aliu
Arabic Salawat by Najwa Abidat
Graphics by Sweven Records
Color Correction by Bunjamin Kurtishi
Emri Yt Muhammed ﷺ
O Zot pa fillim – Ti që Je pa fund
Emrin e Tij Muhammed – E vëndove n’Arshin Tënd
Dritën e dynjasë – Ja dhe Mustafasë
Ma mundso O Zot – Ta kem afër në Parajsë
O Zot Ti e din – Sa jem përmallu
Emrin e Tij Muhammed – n’zemrat tona e ke shkru
Sa shumë Pejgamber – Me shpirt e kanë thanë
Prej ummetit Muhammed – Veç nji herë t’ishim kanë
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على محمد
نبينا الهادي الأمين صلاة لا تفنى يا رب

Emri Yt Muhammed ﷺ – Mevlan Kurtishi

Emri Yt Muhammed ﷺ – Mevlan Kurtishi

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtiş & Yaren
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Neredesin – Lyrics:
Ben ararken sende buldum kendimi
insanlığın, dert eyledim derdini
Işığınla aydınlıktır her yanım
Uğruna olsun feda bu canım, canım
Yüreğimi sardı yine hüzün
Gidişin var ya hep boğulu gözüm
Senle var oldu özüm
Senle hayat bulur sözüm
Neredesin, nerede o gülen yüzün
Dünya fani her şey bomboş ve yalan
Nefsim derki, sefani sür oyalan
Bitsin rüya artik uykudan uyan
Feryadımı yokmu duyan gel uyan
Yüreğimi sardı yine hüzün
Gidişin var ya hep boğulu gözüm
Senle var oldu özüm
Senle hayat bulur sözüm
Neredesin, nerede o gülen yüzün
Gel yetiş imdadıma
Merhem ol yaralarıma
Sen ümit ışığımsın
Bir tek gönlümü sana bağlamışım

Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtiş & Yaren
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Neredesin – Lyrics:
Ben ararken sende buldum kendimi
insanlığın, dert eyledim derdini
Işığınla aydınlıktır her yanım
Uğruna olsun feda bu canım, canım
Yüreğimi sardı yine hüzün
Gidişin var ya hep boğulu gözüm
Senle var oldu özüm
Senle hayat bulur sözüm
Neredesin, nerede o gülen yüzün
Dünya fani her şey bomboş ve yalan
Nefsim derki, sefani sür oyalan
Bitsin rüya artik uykudan uyan
Feryadımı yokmu duyan gel uyan
Yüreğimi sardı yine hüzün
Gidişin var ya hep boğulu gözüm
Senle var oldu özüm
Senle hayat bulur sözüm
Neredesin, nerede o gülen yüzün
Gel yetiş imdadıma
Merhem ol yaralarıma
Sen ümit ışığımsın
Bir tek gönlümü sana bağlamışım

Neredesin (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain

Neredesin (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain

Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين

Lyrics By [Arabic & English Lyrics] – Bara Kherigi
Lyrics By [Hindi Lyrics] – Ustadh Mehboob
Lyrics By [Turkish Lyrics] – Ustadh Firooz
Music By – Afghani Folkore*
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
حسبي ربي جل الله
ما في قلبي غير الله
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherban wo kaun hai
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Affeder günahı
Alemin padişahı
Yüreklerin felahı
İşit Allah derdimi bu ahlarımı
Rahmeyle bağışla günahlarimi
Hayır eyle hem akşam hem sabahlarımı
يا رب العالمين
صل على طه الأمين
في كل وقت وحين
املأ قلبي باليقين
ثبتني على هذا الدين
و اغفر لي والمسلمين

Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf

Hasbi Rabbi (Percussion Version) – Sami Yusuf

Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful

Lyrics: Şamil Birifkani & Obeyd Omer
Melody: Maher Zain, Şamil Birifkani, Dr. Rifat Ablay
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Kaval: Gürkan Çakmak
Bağlama: Ali Yılmaz
Mixing: Koray Püskül
Mastering: Koray Püskül
Language Advisor: İhsan Melikoğlu, Dr. Rifat Ablay
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
يا الله، أنا بحاجة إليك
O Allah I am in need of You
طالما ما زالت بي صحة، طالما ما زال بي نفَس
As long as I am healthy, as long as I’m alive
اهدني سبيل الرشاد
Guide me to the path of guidance
فإني لدينك مُحِبّ
I’m in love with Your religion
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want to be deceived by the pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
أتلو القرآن الكريم
I recite the Holy Quran
وأسجد لك أنت وحدك
I bow down for You alone
كي أنال رضاك
For You to be pleased with me
يوم أغادر هذه الدنيا
For that day when I will leave this world
ينطق لساني “استغفرالله”
My tongue utters “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
مع أسمائك الحسنى
Along with the Most Beautiful 99 Names
الحمد لله، يا ربي
Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah), my Lord
أدعو أن لا تغيب هذه الكلمات عن لساني أبدًا
May these words never leave my tongue
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
في الدنيا وفي الآخرة
In this world and in the hearafter
اغمرني برحمتك
Please have mercy on me
افتح لي باب التوبة
Open the door of repentance to me
وارزقني الفردوس الأعلى
And grant me the highest rank in Paradise (Firdaws)
لا أرغب فى لذات الدنيا الزائفة
I do not want the deceptive pleasures of this world
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful
فالدنيا بدونك ماهي إلا قبر مظلم
Without You the world is like a dark grave
فاقبل دعائي يا غفور يا رحيم
Accept my acts of worship O Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful

Ey Ghafuru Rahim – Maher Zain