For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version)
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
من البوم
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
Thank You Allah Album (Vocals Only – No Music Version) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (English - Vocals Only Version)
Palestine Will Be Free (Vocals Only Version)
Thank You Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Vocals Only Version)
The Chosen One (Vocals Only Version)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Vocals Only Version)
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version)
Hold My Hand (Vocals Only Version)
Awaken (Vocals Only Version)
Subhana Allah (Vocals Only Version)
Open Your Eyes (Vocals Only Version)
Insha Allah (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Arabic - Vocals Only Version)
Sepanjang Hidup (Vocals Only Version)
Insya Allah (Malay - Vocals Only Version)
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Music Composed & Produced by : Salim – Sulaiman
Singers : Salim Merchant, Maher Zain
Lyrics : Kamal Haji, Dhiren Garg, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Music Co-Produced by : Raj Pandit
Project Coordination: Inner Circle Entertaiment – Nisaar Pangarker
Guitars : Nyzel D’lima
Harmonium : Pradeep Pandit
Tabla : Navin Sharma, Sanket Oak
Dholak : Navin Sharma
Backing Vocals : Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishi Kamerkar, Neuman Pinto, Raj Pandit
Live Strings – FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague
⁃ Conductor: Miriam Nemcova
⁃ Sound Engineer: Pavel Ridosko
⁃ Assistant Engineer: Michal Petrasek
⁃ Librarian: Tomas Kirschner
⁃ Recording Manager and Orchestra Contractor: Petr Pycha for MUSA Prague
Strings Orchestrated by : Samarth Srinivasan
Strings Recorded at : Czech TV Music Studio, Prague, Czech Republic
Maher’s Vocals recorded at : Inspired Music Studio, Sweden
Recorded at Blue Productions by : Raj Pandit
Mixed at Blue Productions by : Aftab Khan
Mastered at Headroom Studio by : Aftab Khan
Khuda haazir hai, (God is present)
الله حاضر
Khuda maujood hai, (God is existent)
الله موجود
Khuda maliki yawmid-din hai, (God is the master of the Day of Judgement)
الله مالك يوم الدين
Khuda raheem hai, (God is merciful)
الله رحيم
Bas tu hi kareem hai, (You are generous)
أنت الكريم
Ek tu hi haq hai, (You’re the only truth)
أنت الحق
Malik-ul-mulk, haq-ul-yaqeen hai (You’re the owner of all sovereignty, the Certain Truth)
مالك الملك، حق اليقين
A million faces around the world but,
مليون وه حول العالم لكن
One thing is the same,
شيئ واحد لا يتغير
In their eyes I can see a light,
أرى في أعينهم نورك
Calling out your name,
ينادي باسمك
Har din har raat mein… (Every day and every night…)
في كل يوم وليلة
Kai mojzaat hai, (There are many miracles,)
هناك معجزات عديدة
Har zarre mein chhupi, (Hidden in every atom,)
مختبئة داخل كل ذرة
Kai qaaynaat hai (Is a universe)
كون واسع
In your light I can feel the love,
في إشعاع نورك أشعر بالحب،
It’s all that I need
وهو كل ما أحتاج إليه
When I’m alone I can hear your voice
أسمع صوتك في وحدتي
Deep inside of me
داخل أعماقي
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda (O God) you’re the answer,
يا الله أنت الجواب
You’re the one that I seek,
أنت من أسعى إليه
You’re the shelter from the rain
وحماي من الصعاب
You’re my strength when I’m weak,
وقوتي حين أضعف
Azal se chali hai jo, (From the very beginning…)
منذ البدء
Teri hi sachchai hai, (Only your truth has been there)
لم توجد سوى حقيقتك
Roshni yeh jo Chhayee hai, (This light that has spread…)
هذا النور الذي انتشر
Noor ki parchhayee hai, (Is the reflection of divinity)
هو انعكاس الألوهية
In your light I can feel your love,
في جلاء نورك، أشعر بالحب
It’s all that I see,
وهو كل ما أراه
You’re the beat and the harmony,
أنت التناغم والانسجام،
That’s inside of me
اللذان يسكناني
Ya Khuda, ya Khuda, (O God, O God!)
يا الله ، يا الله
Tu ibtida, tu inteha, (You’re the beginning, you are the end)
أنت المبتدئ والمنتهى
Sajde mein tu, Dua mein tu, (My prostrations are for you, my supplications are for you)
سجودي لك ودعائي لك
Bas tu hi tu hi meri panaah (You are my only shelter)
أنت ملاذي الوحيد
La ilaha illallah hu, la ilaha illallah (There is no god but God)
La ilaha illallah
لا إله إلا الله
Muhammad-ur rasul Ullah (Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
محمد رسول الله
Ya Khuda – Maher Zain, Salim Sulaiman
Ya Khuda – Maher Zain, Salim Sulaiman
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Nas El-Ghiwan
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Allah Ya Moulana – الله يا مولانا” Lyrics:
الله معنا .. تسمعنا وترانا
Allah ma’ana, tasma’ouna wa tarana
(Allah You’re with us, you hear and see us)
الله الله إنا.. نرجوك الغفران
Allah Allah inna narjoukal ghufrana
(Allah, Allah we ask You for Your forgiveness)
أصلح نوايانا .. واغفر خطايانا
Aslih nawayana, waghfir khatayana
(Purify our intentions, forgive our mistakes)
الله الله واجعل .. في الجنة مثوانا
Allah Allah waj’al fil Jannati mathwana
(Allah Allah and make Paradise our final place)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness my Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله يا مولانا .. الله الله يا الله مولانا
Allah ya Moulana, Allah Allah ya’Allah Moulana,
(Allah O our Master! Allah Allah, O Allah our Master!)
الله يا مولانا .. حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
Allah ya Moulana, hali ma yekhfak ya al-wahid Rabbee
(Allah O our Master! My condition is not hidden from You, O The One, my Lord!)
زدنا إيمانا .. وألهمنا الإحسان
Zidna imana, wa alhimnal ihsana
(Increase us in faith, and inspire us to excellence)
الله الله ندعوك.. بلغنا منانا
Allah Allah nad’ouk ballighna mounana
(Allah Allah we ask you to grant us our wishes)
ثبِّتنا وارْعَنا .. واسقنا القرآن
Thabbitna war’ana, wasqinal Qur’ana
(Make us steadfast and protect us, and allow us to taste the sweetness of the Quran)
الله الله نرجوك.. أن تجيب دعانا
Allah Allah narjouk, an tujiba du’ana
(Allah Allah we beseech You to answer our prayers)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness our Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله الله الله.. الله يا مولانا
Allah Allah Allah, Allah ya Moulana
(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah O our Master)
ربي صلِ على محمد نبينا
Rabbee salli ‘ala Muhammad Nabina
(My Lord send you peace upon Muhammad our Prophet)
من حلّ في طيبةْ نورا وسكينةْ
Man halla fi Taiba nooran wa sakina
(He who descended upon Taiba (Medina) as light and peace)
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Nas El-Ghiwan
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Allah Ya Moulana – الله يا مولانا” Lyrics:
الله معنا .. تسمعنا وترانا
Allah ma’ana, tasma’ouna wa tarana
(Allah You’re with us, you hear and see us)
الله الله إنا.. نرجوك الغفران
Allah Allah inna narjoukal ghufrana
(Allah, Allah we ask You for Your forgiveness)
أصلح نوايانا .. واغفر خطايانا
Aslih nawayana, waghfir khatayana
(Purify our intentions, forgive our mistakes)
الله الله واجعل .. في الجنة مثوانا
Allah Allah waj’al fil Jannati mathwana
(Allah Allah and make Paradise our final place)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness my Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله يا مولانا .. الله الله يا الله مولانا
Allah ya Moulana, Allah Allah ya’Allah Moulana,
(Allah O our Master! Allah Allah, O Allah our Master!)
الله يا مولانا .. حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
Allah ya Moulana, hali ma yekhfak ya al-wahid Rabbee
(Allah O our Master! My condition is not hidden from You, O The One, my Lord!)
زدنا إيمانا .. وألهمنا الإحسان
Zidna imana, wa alhimnal ihsana
(Increase us in faith, and inspire us to excellence)
الله الله ندعوك.. بلغنا منانا
Allah Allah nad’ouk ballighna mounana
(Allah Allah we ask you to grant us our wishes)
ثبِّتنا وارْعَنا .. واسقنا القرآن
Thabbitna war’ana, wasqinal Qur’ana
(Make us steadfast and protect us, and allow us to taste the sweetness of the Quran)
الله الله نرجوك.. أن تجيب دعانا
Allah Allah narjouk, an tujiba du’ana
(Allah Allah we beseech You to answer our prayers)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness our Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله الله الله.. الله يا مولانا
Allah Allah Allah, Allah ya Moulana
(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah O our Master)
ربي صلِ على محمد نبينا
Rabbee salli ‘ala Muhammad Nabina
(My Lord send you peace upon Muhammad our Prophet)
من حلّ في طيبةْ نورا وسكينةْ
Man halla fi Taiba nooran wa sakina
(He who descended upon Taiba (Medina) as light and peace)
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
O Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
Indeed you give me hope
O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
O Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
Indeed you give me hope
O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
Thank You Allah ( Acoustic Version ) – Maher Zain
Thank You Allah ( Acoustic Version ) – Maher Zain
تفاصيل نشيد
One (Vocals-Only International Version)
, , , ,
بدون موسيقى
Ummati (Vocals-Only English Version)
One Day (Vocals-Only)
Close to You (Vocals-Only)
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only]
Let it go (Vocals-Only)
True Love (Vocals-Only)
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version)
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only)
I'm Alive [Vocals-Only]
Jannah (Vocals-Only English)
By My Side (Vocals-Only)
Good Day [Vocals-Only]
Peace Be Upon You (Vocals-Only)
Medina (Vocals-Only)
The Power [Vocals-Only]
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
She’s the love of my life
There’s everything with a smile
She’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
She can take the pain away with just one look
That’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
You’re the picture in the frame
with all the colours of the rainbow
I’m far from ashamed to say I love you so
And here I lay at home tonight
It’s late but I can’t sleep tonight
Forgive me if I take my time
But I just have to let you know
You’re so special
She taught me how to pray
We play games everyday
With My Mother, My Sweet Mother
Even if I made no sense you listened patience
That’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
She would sing a sweet song till I shut my eyes
And kiss my head and say goodnight
And I feel safe with you by my side
You’re there for every step in my life
I’m sorry if my life is unkind
I just have to let you know
You’re so precious
If only this was true
I’m in a cold dark wet room
I was an orphan now I am 22
I’ve never known my muuuuum
A picture faded by the sun that’s all I have
Left alone with nothing more but what I am
It’s not enough this life is tough when there is no one
To call My Mother,
My Sweet Mother,
My Sweet Mother
She’s the love of my life
There’s everything with a smile
She’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
She can take the pain away with just one look
That’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
You’re the picture in the frame
with all the colours of the rainbow
I’m far from ashamed to say I love you so
And here I lay at home tonight
It’s late but I can’t sleep tonight
Forgive me if I take my time
But I just have to let you know
You’re so special
She taught me how to pray
We play games everyday
With My Mother, My Sweet Mother
Even if I made no sense you listened patience
That’s My Mother, My Sweet Mother
She would sing a sweet song till I shut my eyes
And kiss my head and say goodnight
And I feel safe with you by my side
You’re there for every step in my life
I’m sorry if my life is unkind
I just have to let you know
You’re so precious
If only this was true
I’m in a cold dark wet room
I was an orphan now I am 22
I’ve never known my muuuuum
A picture faded by the sun that’s all I have
Left alone with nothing more but what I am
It’s not enough this life is tough when there is no one
To call My Mother,
My Sweet Mother,
My Sweet Mother
My mother – Saif Adam
My mother – Saif Adam
Light Upon Light ( Sami Yusuf – feat. A.R. Rahman)
أهديك شبابي – من البوم أسطورة الحب
للفنان محمود الصياد
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : محمود الصياد
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : محمود الصياد
تشيلو : عماد مرسي | غيتار : زياد سيف
قانون : يامن جذبة
كلارينت : طارق سعد الدين
المكساج والماسترينج : م . عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
أهديك شبابي – من البوم أسطورة الحب
للفنان محمود الصياد
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : محمود الصياد
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : محمود الصياد
تشيلو : عماد مرسي | غيتار : زياد سيف
قانون : يامن جذبة
كلارينت : طارق سعد الدين
المكساج والماسترينج : م . عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
أهديك شبابي – محمود الصياد
أهديك شبابي – محمود الصياد
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Melody: Irfan Makki & Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
You & I – Lyrics:
You and I, we are the same
We win and lose in the game of life
You and I, we seek the truth
Looking for the signs in the Universe
In this journey we are companions
Struggling through what life throws our way
Why should a mother cry?
Why should a wife see her husband die?
Oh, tell me why do we have to fight?
Why don’t we try, just you and I?
Oh, why don’t we try?
You and I, we love our land
Protect our own against any harm
You and I dream of the day
When everybody will live in peace
In this journey we are companions
Struggling through what life throws our way
Throughout history so many senseless wars
Yet we never learn, we’re building borders around us
But we still have a chance to heal our wounded world
Let’s get rid of hatred and see each other as we really are
Before it’s to late, who knows what tomorrow may bring
But without justice there’s no way that peace can exist
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi & Irfan Makki
Melody: Irfan Makki & Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
You & I – Lyrics:
You and I, we are the same
We win and lose in the game of life
You and I, we seek the truth
Looking for the signs in the Universe
In this journey we are companions
Struggling through what life throws our way
Why should a mother cry?
Why should a wife see her husband die?
Oh, tell me why do we have to fight?
Why don’t we try, just you and I?
Oh, why don’t we try?
You and I, we love our land
Protect our own against any harm
You and I dream of the day
When everybody will live in peace
In this journey we are companions
Struggling through what life throws our way
Throughout history so many senseless wars
Yet we never learn, we’re building borders around us
But we still have a chance to heal our wounded world
Let’s get rid of hatred and see each other as we really are
Before it’s to late, who knows what tomorrow may bring
But without justice there’s no way that peace can exist
You & I – Irfan Makki
You & I – Irfan Makki
Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!
Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf
Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum
[Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’]
Love to give!
To give is love,
And love the gift,
The gift of love.
No belief!
Without the love,
Believe in love!
The belief of love.
None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.
[A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]
Love to give!
The gift of love,
Give the other,
All your love.
What a relief!
To give my love,
I am now you,
And you are my love!
The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf
The Gift of Love – Sami Yusuf
Manil Muhiy? Allah
Manil Mumit? Allah
Manil Hadi? Allah
{ Who is the Giver of Life? Allah
Who is the giver of Death? Allah
Who is the Giver of Guidance? Allah}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Karim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Halim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Generous One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Gentle One, Allah .}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah.}
So many colous
Bowing before you
Sisters and brothers
All grateful to you
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Finding you
Is relief
Now we hope
Now we believe
Hear me Lord
Strengthen me
Guide me through
My journey
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Manil Muhiy? Allah
Manil Mumit? Allah
Manil Hadi? Allah
{ Who is the Giver of Life? Allah
Who is the giver of Death? Allah
Who is the Giver of Guidance? Allah}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Karim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Halim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Generous One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Gentle One, Allah .}
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
Rahmanur Rahim, Allah
Ya Azim, Allah
{ Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah
Most Merciful and Kind, Allah
Oh Magnificent One, Allah.}
So many colous
Bowing before you
Sisters and brothers
All grateful to you
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Finding you
Is relief
Now we hope
Now we believe
Hear me Lord
Strengthen me
Guide me through
My journey
The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light
Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life
Rahmānur Rahim – Nazeel Azami
Rahmānur Rahim – Nazeel Azami
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
You are the Source of all power
My need in my darkest hour
My Lord
Your Light and Love all I seek
Nothing more I’d ever want or need
My Lord
Protect me from dishonour
Grant me faith to be stronger
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li Rabbun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, the Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
You are the Source of all Mercy
Infinite Light for all to see
My Lord
Some claim to represent You
But everything they do is so far away from You
My Lord
Help us to know You better
Help us love one another
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li Rabbun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, The Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
كم يعاني قلبي،
لكن معي ربي
إلهي، رحمن
أنت نور الأمان
Kam yu’ani qalbi
Lakin ma’i Rabbi
Illahi, Rahmaan
Anta Noorul Amaan
How much my heart suffers,
But my Lord is with me,
My Lord, the Source of Mercy
You are the Light of Safety
I know some doors You may close
But this is how life’s story goes
You are my Guide the Source of Light
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li rabun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, the Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
You are the Source of all power
My need in my darkest hour
My Lord
Your Light and Love all I seek
Nothing more I’d ever want or need
My Lord
Protect me from dishonour
Grant me faith to be stronger
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li Rabbun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, the Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
You are the Source of all Mercy
Infinite Light for all to see
My Lord
Some claim to represent You
But everything they do is so far away from You
My Lord
Help us to know You better
Help us love one another
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li Rabbun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, The Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
كم يعاني قلبي،
لكن معي ربي
إلهي، رحمن
أنت نور الأمان
Kam yu’ani qalbi
Lakin ma’i Rabbi
Illahi, Rahmaan
Anta Noorul Amaan
How much my heart suffers,
But my Lord is with me,
My Lord, the Source of Mercy
You are the Light of Safety
I know some doors You may close
But this is how life’s story goes
You are my Guide the Source of Light
My Lord
ذو الجلال و الإكرام، سيد الأكوان، هو المنان
إن لي رب عظيم، ليس مثله إله، هو الرحمن
Thul-Jalali Wal-Ikraami, Sayyidal-Akwaani, howal-Mannan.
Inna li rabun Adheem, Laysa mithluhu Illah, howa Arrhamaan.
The most Majestic and most Bountiful, Master of the Universe, the Most Gracious.
My Lord is truly Great, none can compare to Him, He is the Most Merciful.
The Source – Sami Yusuf
The Source – Sami Yusuf
How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many years, quickly slipping by
Like the Sleepers of the Cave
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our graves
O God! You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many years, quickly slipping by
Like the Sleepers of the Cave
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our graves
O God! You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation, oh
This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s a just bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever
This worldly life (Single) – Maher Zain
This worldly life (Single) – Maher Zain
أبي – أداء منشد الشارقة يوسف الديك
من البوم عنقود عنب
الألبوم من كلمات :
عبدالرحمن الدالاتي
محمود درنيقه
هيثم الحلبي
ابراهيم الدردساوي
سعيد كباره
خالد عرنوس
توزيع :
أحمد رامي
أبي – يوسف الديك
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
We keep telling each other
That this day will be
Will be the last and tomorrow
We all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
No mother, no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive?
I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone, and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
‘Cause your soul will always be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
We keep telling each other
That this day will be
Will be the last and tomorrow
We all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
No mother, no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive?
I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone, and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
‘Cause your soul will always be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine Will Be Free (Vocals Only Version)
Palestine Will Be Free (Vocals Only Version)
قلبي يحن – أيمن الحلاق
كلمات / سمو العز
الحان / بسام لبان
توزيع / مروان الحمادي
كورال / فرقة فن الفنية
مكس و ماستر م / درويش العاصي
جرافيكس / عزالدين الضبيبي inst:ezadeen90
تصوير / عبدالملك الشرعبي
كلمات العمل :
كل قصيدي غنى بأسمك
يا أغلى أم أمي أنا
ليتني أحضن كل همك
و تعيشي يا يمه بهنا
إنتي شمسي في صباحي
إنتي فرحي و الأمان
إنتي بلسم كل جراحي
إنتي أمي بكل زمان
إنتي الأُمومة و المعاني
بكفك كل جرحٍ يطيب
كل شي في العمر فاني
بس عطاك شمس ما تغيب
أسأل الله دوم يصونك
و يحفظك طول الزمان
و من يناظر في عيونك
يلقى فيها كل حنان
كلمات / سمو العز
الحان / بسام لبان
توزيع / مروان الحمادي
كورال / فرقة فن الفنية
مكس و ماستر م / درويش العاصي
جرافيكس / عزالدين الضبيبي inst:ezadeen90
تصوير / عبدالملك الشرعبي
كلمات العمل :
كل قصيدي غنى بأسمك
يا أغلى أم أمي أنا
ليتني أحضن كل همك
و تعيشي يا يمه بهنا
إنتي شمسي في صباحي
إنتي فرحي و الأمان
إنتي بلسم كل جراحي
إنتي أمي بكل زمان
إنتي الأُمومة و المعاني
بكفك كل جرحٍ يطيب
كل شي في العمر فاني
بس عطاك شمس ما تغيب
أسأل الله دوم يصونك
و يحفظك طول الزمان
و من يناظر في عيونك
يلقى فيها كل حنان
أمي أنا – بسام لبان
أمي أنا – بسام لبان
جذابة الروح ( إيقاع ) – مروان صباح
جفاني الفرح – أداء خالد الحقان
من البوم قلبي معاكم
شارك في الكورال
فهد العتيبي – سعد مطر
الاشراف الفني :
خالد المانع
التوزيع الفني :
عاصم البني
إنتاج :
مؤسسة روافد للإنتاج الفني – الكويت
جفاني الفرح – خالد الحقان
Candle – Safe Adam
Written by Raef
Music Producer: Nick Baumhardt
“Mercy” Lyrics:-
I’ve got that feeling in my gut
Because Lord I know that I messed up
And no one, yes no one would hear my call
These last few years a living hell
I feel so lost though I can’t tell
If no one, yes no one would feel my fall
And so my only hope is:
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Tired of this never ending fight
Can’t seem to do anything right
And I wonder how much my heart can bend
Dark thoughts are sinking in my head
I’m wide awake but I feel dead
And I wonder, yes I wonder when will it’ll end
And so my only hope is:
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
I’m feeling nothing left to give this world, so cold and hardened
Lord, I know you’re closer than the my veins and with the broken hearted
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Mercy ya Rahman!
Mercy ya Raheem!
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Written by Raef
Music Producer: Nick Baumhardt
“Mercy” Lyrics:-
I’ve got that feeling in my gut
Because Lord I know that I messed up
And no one, yes no one would hear my call
These last few years a living hell
I feel so lost though I can’t tell
If no one, yes no one would feel my fall
And so my only hope is:
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Tired of this never ending fight
Can’t seem to do anything right
And I wonder how much my heart can bend
Dark thoughts are sinking in my head
I’m wide awake but I feel dead
And I wonder, yes I wonder when will it’ll end
And so my only hope is:
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
I’m feeling nothing left to give this world, so cold and hardened
Lord, I know you’re closer than the my veins and with the broken hearted
Mercy ya Rahman
Mercy ya Raheem
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Mercy ya Rahman!
Mercy ya Raheem!
Rabbee have mercy on me!
Mercy – Raef
Mercy – Raef
Home – Safe Adam
بنتي – مشاري العفاسي
Palestine – Muad
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
we pray to Allah
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
we pray to Allah
Mawlaya ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
Mawlaya ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
يا خوتي ( إيقاع ) – مروان صباح
When it’s cold outside
And a rain is coming down
And the people has you buying
You don’t make innocent
You left home a long time ago
‘Cause you won’t ever let go
Because your pride steals the show
You know always have a lone
But you won’t have to feel alone
You’re distrying to give up
But there’s something there don’t feel right now
And it’s here frost from you now
One that you’ve filled inside
It’s now it comfort from you denied,
The siling moment can’t repaint,
Waiting for the time and navy sealed,
Will you ever change your way?
I know you’ll always have a lone
But you won’t rather to be alone
When it’s cold outside
And a rain is coming down
And the people has you buying
You don’t make innocent
You left home a long time ago
‘Cause you won’t ever let go
Because your pride steals the show
You know always have a lone
But you won’t have to feel alone
You’re distrying to give up
But there’s something there don’t feel right now
And it’s here frost from you now
One that you’ve filled inside
It’s now it comfort from you denied,
The siling moment can’t repaint,
Waiting for the time and navy sealed,
Will you ever change your way?
I know you’ll always have a lone
But you won’t rather to be alone
Lonely Tale – Tom Robertson
Lonely Tale – Tom Robertson
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
Üsküdar’a gider iken – طالما أشكو غرامي
أداء عبدالله الجارالله
إلى من أنارت دنيتي ..
إلى من جعلت لحياتي معنى ..
قبل عام كنت أترنم بهذه الأبيات عندما وُلدتِ وكنت أشعر أنها تعبّر عمّا بداخلي ..
أما الكلمات التركية فهي قصيدة عثمانية قديمة تحكي قصة طفلة صغيرة
كانت معجبة بكاتب أو بفنان، وحين رآها الفنان افتتن بعينيها الجميلتين ..
فشعرتُ أنني ذلك الفنان وأنك تلك الفتاة التي أخذت قلبي ..
أسأل الله أن يحفظكِ بعينه التي لا تنام وأن يقر عيني بكِ ..
طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله
طالما أشكو غرامي – عبدالله الجارالله
Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
Shadowless – Sami Yusuf
Shadowless – Sami Yusuf
You lift me up high,
You spread my wings,
And fly me to the sky,
I feel so alive,
It’s like my soul thrives in your light,
But how I wish you’d be,
Here with me all year around,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
Love is everywhere,
So much peace fills up the air,
Ramadan month of the Quran,
I feel it inside of me,
strengthening my Iman,
But how I wish you’d be Here with me all year around,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
I just love the way you make me feel,
Every time you come around you,
breathe life into my soul,
And I promise that,
I’ll try throughout the year,
To keep your spirit alive In my heart, it never dies,
Oh Ramadan!,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
Laytaka dawman qareeb.
You lift me up high,
You spread my wings,
And fly me to the sky,
I feel so alive,
It’s like my soul thrives in your light,
But how I wish you’d be,
Here with me all year around,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
Love is everywhere,
So much peace fills up the air,
Ramadan month of the Quran,
I feel it inside of me,
strengthening my Iman,
But how I wish you’d be Here with me all year around,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
I just love the way you make me feel,
Every time you come around you,
breathe life into my soul,
And I promise that,
I’ll try throughout the year,
To keep your spirit alive In my heart, it never dies,
Oh Ramadan!,
Ramadan Ramadan,
Ramadanu ya habib,
Ramadan Ramadan
Laytaka dawman qareeb,
Laytaka dawman qareeb.
Ramadan ( English ) – Maher Zain
Ramadan ( English ) – Maher Zain
For the Rest of My Life (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
غيمة حب – أداء والحان : أحمد اليحمدي
توزيع ومكساج : أحمد الموسوي
آهات بشرية : الجلندى البلوشي
كورال : مجموعة ملامح
شكر خاص لـ : أنور العاصمي – سليمان الراشدي
كلمات العمل :
ممسكاً بالشمسِ آتٍ ….في صباحاتِ الوئام
أعزفُ اللحنَ ندياً ….أسكبُ الحبَّ وسام
مقعدي غيمةُ حبٍ …. في بساطٍ من رخام
حوليَ الفجرُ يغني …. يقرؤُ الحرفَ السلام
أنتِ يا أميَّ لحنٌ …. من لحونِ الأنبياء
أنتِ هديٌ أنتِ عطرٌ….فاضَ في كلِّ سماء
أتملَّى كلَّ حرفٍ ….منكِ حبٌ ووفاء
جنةُ الخلدِ تنادِي….كنتِ من قبلُ السناء
يا أبي أنتَ طرازٌ….من نجومٍ وحياة
حبكَ الممهورُ قلبي….تسكبُ الدنيا شذاه
ينزعُ الآهاتِ مني….كأغانٍ في الشفاه
نهرُ تكوينٍ قديمٍ….حذّرَ اللهُ جفاه
ممسكاً بالشمسِ آتٍ ….في صباحاتِ الوئام
أعزفُ اللحنَ ندياً ….أسكبُ الحبَّ وسام
مقعدي غيمةُ حبٍ …. في بساطٍ من رخام
حوليَ الفجرُ يغني …. يقرؤُ الحرفَ السلام
أنتما أهدابُ عيني…أنتما نورُ الطريق
في تخومِ الحبِّ أبدو….أنشدُ الحبَّ الوثيق
في جبينِ الدهرِ أشدو….حبكم صافٍ عميق
قمرٌ تاهَ ويهدي….فيضُهُ كلَّ غريق
غيمة حب – أداء والحان : أحمد اليحمدي
توزيع ومكساج : أحمد الموسوي
آهات بشرية : الجلندى البلوشي
كورال : مجموعة ملامح
شكر خاص لـ : أنور العاصمي – سليمان الراشدي
كلمات العمل :
ممسكاً بالشمسِ آتٍ ….في صباحاتِ الوئام
أعزفُ اللحنَ ندياً ….أسكبُ الحبَّ وسام
مقعدي غيمةُ حبٍ …. في بساطٍ من رخام
حوليَ الفجرُ يغني …. يقرؤُ الحرفَ السلام
أنتِ يا أميَّ لحنٌ …. من لحونِ الأنبياء
أنتِ هديٌ أنتِ عطرٌ….فاضَ في كلِّ سماء
أتملَّى كلَّ حرفٍ ….منكِ حبٌ ووفاء
جنةُ الخلدِ تنادِي….كنتِ من قبلُ السناء
يا أبي أنتَ طرازٌ….من نجومٍ وحياة
حبكَ الممهورُ قلبي….تسكبُ الدنيا شذاه
ينزعُ الآهاتِ مني….كأغانٍ في الشفاه
نهرُ تكوينٍ قديمٍ….حذّرَ اللهُ جفاه
ممسكاً بالشمسِ آتٍ ….في صباحاتِ الوئام
أعزفُ اللحنَ ندياً ….أسكبُ الحبَّ وسام
مقعدي غيمةُ حبٍ …. في بساطٍ من رخام
حوليَ الفجرُ يغني …. يقرؤُ الحرفَ السلام
أنتما أهدابُ عيني…أنتما نورُ الطريق
في تخومِ الحبِّ أبدو….أنشدُ الحبَّ الوثيق
في جبينِ الدهرِ أشدو….حبكم صافٍ عميق
قمرٌ تاهَ ويهدي….فيضُهُ كلَّ غريق
غيمة حب – أحمد اليحمدي
غيمة حب – أحمد اليحمدي
أطبيبتي – أداء والحان عبدالعزيز عبدالغني
كلمات : بدر الابنوي
توزيع : ياسر ماجد
جيتار : شريف فهمي – قانون : محمود عامر – ناي : أحمد خيري
مكس وماستر : أحمد محروس
تصوير : عبدالوهاب البنا
كلمات العمل :
أطبيبتي الصمت ليس دوائي
لابد من الف تقود ليائي ..
فتكلمي وتكلمي وتظلمي
خطي الحديث بدفتر استرضائي ..
صيادتي أأضاع قوسك دربه
أم غار صيفك من صقيع شتائي ..
لابد من عتب يطبب جرحنا
فعتابك المعزوف لب شفائي ..
يا فتنتي إني أتيتك مرغما
فهواك نبض سعادتي وهوائي ..
وهواك أنبت في الضلوع حدائقا
مزدانة بالفل والحناءِ ..
يلقي الصباح تحية لمشاعري
ويحت عصفور الصبا لغنائي ..
إني أحبك والقصايد بيننا حكم
ودونك لوعتي وبكائي ..
هذا النداء فهل ببسمة عاشق
وردية ستجاوبين ندائي .
أطبيبتي – أداء والحان عبدالعزيز عبدالغني
كلمات : بدر الابنوي
توزيع : ياسر ماجد
جيتار : شريف فهمي – قانون : محمود عامر – ناي : أحمد خيري
مكس وماستر : أحمد محروس
تصوير : عبدالوهاب البنا
كلمات العمل :
أطبيبتي الصمت ليس دوائي
لابد من الف تقود ليائي ..
فتكلمي وتكلمي وتظلمي
خطي الحديث بدفتر استرضائي ..
صيادتي أأضاع قوسك دربه
أم غار صيفك من صقيع شتائي ..
لابد من عتب يطبب جرحنا
فعتابك المعزوف لب شفائي ..
يا فتنتي إني أتيتك مرغما
فهواك نبض سعادتي وهوائي ..
وهواك أنبت في الضلوع حدائقا
مزدانة بالفل والحناءِ ..
يلقي الصباح تحية لمشاعري
ويحت عصفور الصبا لغنائي ..
إني أحبك والقصايد بيننا حكم
ودونك لوعتي وبكائي ..
هذا النداء فهل ببسمة عاشق
وردية ستجاوبين ندائي .