ماهر زين بدون موسيقى
Nour Ala Nour (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
كلمات : سيف فاضل
الحان : سيف فاضل – ماهر زين
توزيع : Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مهما ذُقنا .. مِن لذّتها
و مرارتها .. فغداً تُنسى
ما الدنيا إلا دارُ عُبورْ .. ما فيها يَبلى و يَبورْ
يا ربي فلا تَفتِنّا
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
فالدنيا تَبلى مافيها يَفنى
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
يا ربي فارزقنا رؤياك في الجنّةْ
فبها نَلقى .. أحمدَ و الصَّحبِ
آه واشَوْقاه .. لنظرةِ ربي
سلامٌ راحةٌ أمنٌ .. بها ما لم ترَ عينٌ
ندعوك فلا تَحرمنا
بين يديكَ ستُعرَضُ يوماً أعمالي
لا ينفعني أهلي صحبي أو مالي
ليس سِوى رحمتِكَ اللَّهُمَّ رَجائي
أكرِمني بالعفوِ و حقّق آمالي
كلمات : سيف فاضل
الحان : سيف فاضل – ماهر زين
توزيع : Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مهما ذُقنا .. مِن لذّتها
و مرارتها .. فغداً تُنسى
ما الدنيا إلا دارُ عُبورْ .. ما فيها يَبلى و يَبورْ
يا ربي فلا تَفتِنّا
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
فالدنيا تَبلى مافيها يَفنى
جنّة جنّة هذا ما أتمنّى
يا ربي فارزقنا رؤياك في الجنّةْ
فبها نَلقى .. أحمدَ و الصَّحبِ
آه واشَوْقاه .. لنظرةِ ربي
سلامٌ راحةٌ أمنٌ .. بها ما لم ترَ عينٌ
ندعوك فلا تَحرمنا
بين يديكَ ستُعرَضُ يوماً أعمالي
لا ينفعني أهلي صحبي أو مالي
ليس سِوى رحمتِكَ اللَّهُمَّ رَجائي
أكرِمني بالعفوِ و حقّق آمالي
Jannah (Vocals-Only Arabic) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Jannah (Vocals-Only Arabic) – Maher Zain
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : وليد فايد
كلمات العمل :
تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون
صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون
هذا الحبيب اللّي لنا .. متشوّق و كلّه حنين
يا ربّي اشهد انّنا .. مثله ترى متشوّقين
اجعل كلامه عنّنا .. لما دعى لك من سنين
مشتاق أنا لاخواننا .. والصّحب كانوا سائلين
من هم عليهم دلّنا .. قال النّبي هم اللذين
يبادلونا حبّنا .. اللّي لدربي تابعين
ما شفتهم .. بس الهنا
لمّا التقيهم .. بعد حين
بعد حين
اللي يبي يُحشر معه .. ويشرب من إيده في الزّحام
لابد إنّه يتبعه .. في كل فعله و الكلام
بكرة عسى الله يجمعه .. بمحمد سيد الأنام
في يوم لا ما ينفعه .. إلا اتّباع و التزام
يا ربي قلبي مطمعه .. شوف النّبي لو في المنام
مشتاق أشوفه وأسمعه .. هذا حبيبي والإمام
صَلِّ عليه .. وارفعه
و بلّغه مني .. السلام
كلمات والحان : سيف فاضل
توزيع : وليد فايد
كلمات العمل :
تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون
صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون
هذا الحبيب اللّي لنا .. متشوّق و كلّه حنين
يا ربّي اشهد انّنا .. مثله ترى متشوّقين
اجعل كلامه عنّنا .. لما دعى لك من سنين
مشتاق أنا لاخواننا .. والصّحب كانوا سائلين
من هم عليهم دلّنا .. قال النّبي هم اللذين
يبادلونا حبّنا .. اللّي لدربي تابعين
ما شفتهم .. بس الهنا
لمّا التقيهم .. بعد حين
بعد حين
اللي يبي يُحشر معه .. ويشرب من إيده في الزّحام
لابد إنّه يتبعه .. في كل فعله و الكلام
بكرة عسى الله يجمعه .. بمحمد سيد الأنام
في يوم لا ما ينفعه .. إلا اتّباع و التزام
يا ربي قلبي مطمعه .. شوف النّبي لو في المنام
مشتاق أشوفه وأسمعه .. هذا حبيبي والإمام
صَلِّ عليه .. وارفعه
و بلّغه مني .. السلام
Tadroon (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Tadroon (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Bil’thikr” Lyrics:
كلمات أغنية “بالذكر”:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(فلنجتهد في البحث عن الطمأنينة في هذه الدنيا)
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
اللهُ ربّي لا أُريدُ سواهْ
يرتاحُ قلبي كلّما ناداهْ
اشرحْ صدري بالذِكرِ يا اللهْ
يسّرْ أمري في كلِ ما ألقاهْ
نوّر دربي واحفظني يا ربّاهْ
أنتَ أنيسي دوماً يا اللهْ
سبحان الله والحمد للهْ
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبرْ
في ذِكرِ ربي يطمئنُ قلبي
وتذوبُ أحزاني ويُغفرُ ذنبي
لا إله إلا الله
سبحان والحمد لله والله أكبر
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(نحن نسعى لطاعتك يا الله)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(نسلم لك أمرنا، ونسجد لك تذللا)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(فمن خلال ذلك نجد الطمأنينة والسعادة )
سبحان الله والحمد لله
لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
Bilthikr (feat. Amakhono We Sintu) [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Bilthikr (feat. Amakhono We Sintu) [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Alper Altuntoprak
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
كلمات العمل :
بِكَ مُلهِمي
(With Your Name, My Inspiration)
بِك مُلهِمي يَشدُو فمي
(With your name, O my inspiration, my heart sings)
والشّوقُ يجري في دمي
(The yearning for you runs in my veins)
وإليك دوماً أَنتمي
(And to you I always belong)
يا سيّدي يا محمد
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
قلبي المُتيّمُ كلّما
(Whenever my adoring heart…)
صلّى عليك وسلّمَ
(Sends peace & blessings upon you…)
ذاقَ السّعادةَ مُغرما
(It tastes happiness while lost in love)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
في مُهجَتي عشقٌ دفينْ
(There’s a deep-hidden yearning in my heart)
وبدَمعتي زادَ الحنينْ
(And my tears have increased my longing)
بِكَ أَهتدي في كلِّ حينْ
(I look to you for guidance at every moment)
يا سيّدي يا محمدْ
(O my master, O Muhammad!)
Bika Moulhimi (feat. Mustafa Ceceli) [Vocals-Only Arabic] – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Bika Moulhimi (feat. Mustafa Ceceli) [Vocals-Only Arabic] – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain
Melody, Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“One Day” Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I’m safe but I’ve lost everything I’ve known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where I’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again, oh
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I’d give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That’s all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it’s only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that’s frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where i’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
Now I see clearly into the light
‘Cause I believe
I know one day I’ll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe that one day
I can reach that rainbow
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
One day, one day
One day, one day
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain
Melody, Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“One Day” Lyrics:
Lying here wide awake on my own now
Silence is the loudest cry
I’m safe but I’ve lost everything I’ve known
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where I’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again, oh
One day I can reach that rainbow
Watch the sweet reflection
Shining off my first home
I’d give anything to see my family again
And say how much I love them
That’s all I imagine
One day
I wish I could go back tomorrow
If it’s only for just one second
Put warmth back into a town that’s frozen
I can smile because the pain has gone
But cry because it’s where i’m from
O God I turn to You to make me strong again
I have cried so many times
And all those tears have washed my eyes
Now I see clearly into the light
‘Cause I believe
I know one day I’ll be home again
To start a new life, with peace everywhere
Right from the start until the end
I believe that one day
I can reach that rainbow
One day, one day
I believe that one day
One day
One day, one day
One day, one day
One Day (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
One Day (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Oh, I love it!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Close To You” Lyrics:
I’m sitting here on this mountain
I’m thinking about Your creation
It’s so beautiful out here
A symphony of nature
Oh oh, it’s taking my breath away
I’m so blessed out here today
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I see the sun, the stars, the moon
I join them all in praising You
Allahu, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
I feel alive and I feel so good
I feel so close, so close to You
Looking out at the ocean
That makes us blue to the Universe
Wish I could see the world from space
SubhanAllah The Creator
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh oh, and it’s taking my breath away
I’m so thankful I can say, just say…
And everywhere I look around me
Your creation’s so wonderful
And the more that think about it
Makes me love You even more
How the river finds the way to the valley
Is just so magical
And the way the night turns into day
It’s a miracle!
Oh, I love it!
Close to You (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Close to You (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
“The Way of Love” Lyrics:
You are the way
The way of love
Chosen to teach us the words of Allah
Mercy and kindness
And hope for everyone
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
You are the light
The guide of all life
You’re the essence of beauty
The best of mankind
Forever you’ll be
The source of all truth
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
Even though I
Can’t see your face
Your presence
Is always all around me
Your name’s on mind every single day
Peace be upon you
O Muhammad!
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
بدون موسيقى
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
Let it go away, let it go
Oh, let it go
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Life can be so hard sometimes
Break you up inside
All you want to do is cry
Shut the door and hide
Don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start
Let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go
Giving up should never be
Something you decide to do
Wipe the tears from your cheek
God knows what you’re going through
So don’t surrender to what was
Put your faith in what will be
Everyday is a brand new start, yeah
I know it’s hard but believe and keep trying
And it will be okay
‘Cause in your heart is the strength to survive it
You will be okay
And in no time like the sun you’ll be shining
Just let it go away
Let it go away, let it go
Oh, let it go
Let it go (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Let it go (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“True Love” Lyrics:
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“True Love” Lyrics:
I long for a world so pure and free
I wish for others all I’d wish for me
To live right, avoiding what is wrong
And focus everyday on the ultimate goal
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
True love, it’s a gift
I will never let go of true love
I will give my body and soul for true love
Everyday in my heart I feel it grow
With true love, oh oh
True love, love, love yeah!
Each day
I’ll extend my hand
Give my all and do whatever I can
For a good life
Of joy and happiness
Everything I do I start in His Name
Forever, what’s in my heart
Is all of the love from Allah
Now raise your hands
And let’s be thankful to Allah
True love!
Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts
True love!
I never knew it would feel so good
Just being true to myself and true to You
True Love (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
True Love (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement & Programming: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Rabbee Yebarik” Lyrics:
May this moment last forever
In your hearts, in your hearts
A day you’ll always remember
Every part, every part
This feeling of love
Just let it grow forever through your life
Bring beautiful years of joy
Between you til the end of time
Allah bless you with all His love
Send peace from up above
And may your frienship grow
Through the years
Together you will live
The good times and the tears
That’s just how beautiful your day is
We gift all our thanks to both
Our mum and dad, mum and dad
How you worked and sacrificed
The life you had, life you had
Forever we’ll never forget
You and everything you’ve done
No matter how hard we try
To thank you it won’t be enough
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(May Allah send peace upon Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(The best of Allah’s creation, the Messenger of Allah)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(May my Lord bless, my Lord, may my Lord bless you)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement & Programming: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Rabbee Yebarik” Lyrics:
May this moment last forever
In your hearts, in your hearts
A day you’ll always remember
Every part, every part
This feeling of love
Just let it grow forever through your life
Bring beautiful years of joy
Between you til the end of time
Allah bless you with all His love
Send peace from up above
And may your frienship grow
Through the years
Together you will live
The good times and the tears
That’s just how beautiful your day is
We gift all our thanks to both
Our mum and dad, mum and dad
How you worked and sacrificed
The life you had, life you had
Forever we’ll never forget
You and everything you’ve done
No matter how hard we try
To thank you it won’t be enough
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad
(May Allah send peace upon Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillah, Rasoolullah
(The best of Allah’s creation, the Messenger of Allah)
Rabbee yebarik, Rabbee, Rabbee yebarik likom (x2)
(May my Lord bless, my Lord, may my Lord bless you)
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Nas El-Ghiwan
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Allah Ya Moulana – الله يا مولانا” Lyrics:
الله معنا .. تسمعنا وترانا
Allah ma’ana, tasma’ouna wa tarana
(Allah You’re with us, you hear and see us)
الله الله إنا.. نرجوك الغفران
Allah Allah inna narjoukal ghufrana
(Allah, Allah we ask You for Your forgiveness)
أصلح نوايانا .. واغفر خطايانا
Aslih nawayana, waghfir khatayana
(Purify our intentions, forgive our mistakes)
الله الله واجعل .. في الجنة مثوانا
Allah Allah waj’al fil Jannati mathwana
(Allah Allah and make Paradise our final place)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness my Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله يا مولانا .. الله الله يا الله مولانا
Allah ya Moulana, Allah Allah ya’Allah Moulana,
(Allah O our Master! Allah Allah, O Allah our Master!)
الله يا مولانا .. حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
Allah ya Moulana, hali ma yekhfak ya al-wahid Rabbee
(Allah O our Master! My condition is not hidden from You, O The One, my Lord!)
زدنا إيمانا .. وألهمنا الإحسان
Zidna imana, wa alhimnal ihsana
(Increase us in faith, and inspire us to excellence)
الله الله ندعوك.. بلغنا منانا
Allah Allah nad’ouk ballighna mounana
(Allah Allah we ask you to grant us our wishes)
ثبِّتنا وارْعَنا .. واسقنا القرآن
Thabbitna war’ana, wasqinal Qur’ana
(Make us steadfast and protect us, and allow us to taste the sweetness of the Quran)
الله الله نرجوك.. أن تجيب دعانا
Allah Allah narjouk, an tujiba du’ana
(Allah Allah we beseech You to answer our prayers)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness our Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله الله الله.. الله يا مولانا
Allah Allah Allah, Allah ya Moulana
(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah O our Master)
ربي صلِ على محمد نبينا
Rabbee salli ‘ala Muhammad Nabina
(My Lord send you peace upon Muhammad our Prophet)
من حلّ في طيبةْ نورا وسكينةْ
Man halla fi Taiba nooran wa sakina
(He who descended upon Taiba (Medina) as light and peace)
Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Nas El-Ghiwan
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Allah Ya Moulana – الله يا مولانا” Lyrics:
الله معنا .. تسمعنا وترانا
Allah ma’ana, tasma’ouna wa tarana
(Allah You’re with us, you hear and see us)
الله الله إنا.. نرجوك الغفران
Allah Allah inna narjoukal ghufrana
(Allah, Allah we ask You for Your forgiveness)
أصلح نوايانا .. واغفر خطايانا
Aslih nawayana, waghfir khatayana
(Purify our intentions, forgive our mistakes)
الله الله واجعل .. في الجنة مثوانا
Allah Allah waj’al fil Jannati mathwana
(Allah Allah and make Paradise our final place)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness my Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله يا مولانا .. الله الله يا الله مولانا
Allah ya Moulana, Allah Allah ya’Allah Moulana,
(Allah O our Master! Allah Allah, O Allah our Master!)
الله يا مولانا .. حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
Allah ya Moulana, hali ma yekhfak ya al-wahid Rabbee
(Allah O our Master! My condition is not hidden from You, O The One, my Lord!)
زدنا إيمانا .. وألهمنا الإحسان
Zidna imana, wa alhimnal ihsana
(Increase us in faith, and inspire us to excellence)
الله الله ندعوك.. بلغنا منانا
Allah Allah nad’ouk ballighna mounana
(Allah Allah we ask you to grant us our wishes)
ثبِّتنا وارْعَنا .. واسقنا القرآن
Thabbitna war’ana, wasqinal Qur’ana
(Make us steadfast and protect us, and allow us to taste the sweetness of the Quran)
الله الله نرجوك.. أن تجيب دعانا
Allah Allah narjouk, an tujiba du’ana
(Allah Allah we beseech You to answer our prayers)
الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness our Master)
بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)
الله الله الله.. الله يا مولانا
Allah Allah Allah, Allah ya Moulana
(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah O our Master)
ربي صلِ على محمد نبينا
Rabbee salli ‘ala Muhammad Nabina
(My Lord send you peace upon Muhammad our Prophet)
من حلّ في طيبةْ نورا وسكينةْ
Man halla fi Taiba nooran wa sakina
(He who descended upon Taiba (Medina) as light and peace)
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
English Lyrics: Dhruv Ghanekar
Urdu Lyrics: Ishitta Arun
Composed, Arranged & Produced by: Dhruv Ghanekar
“I’m Alive” Lyrics:
You’re the reason my life’s worth living
You’re the reason I’m alive
I’d be lost without You
You’re the reason that I strive
You’re my destiny
You’re my reverie
You’re the reason that I breathe
You are all that I believe
Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula
(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)
Ho malang mein
(Like a wandering mystic)
Zindagi ki raah chal chala
(I have set forth on this journey called life)
Hai Khuda ek tera mera
(One Creator for you and me)
Hai ek falsafa
(This is my philosophy [in life])
Khana’badosh hon
(I’m a nomad traveller)
Mein madhosh hon
(I’m lost in a trance)
Tere ishq mein
(In Your supreme love)
Mein sharaboor hon
(I am deeply submerged)
For so long I’ve been denying
But now I feel like I’m flying
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Now nothing seems impossible
With You I feel unstoppable
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Ilahi, ilahi, Maula, Maula
English Lyrics: Dhruv Ghanekar
Urdu Lyrics: Ishitta Arun
Composed, Arranged & Produced by: Dhruv Ghanekar
“I’m Alive” Lyrics:
You’re the reason my life’s worth living
You’re the reason I’m alive
I’d be lost without You
You’re the reason that I strive
You’re my destiny
You’re my reverie
You’re the reason that I breathe
You are all that I believe
Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula
(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)
Ho malang mein
(Like a wandering mystic)
Zindagi ki raah chal chala
(I have set forth on this journey called life)
Hai Khuda ek tera mera
(One Creator for you and me)
Hai ek falsafa
(This is my philosophy [in life])
Khana’badosh hon
(I’m a nomad traveller)
Mein madhosh hon
(I’m lost in a trance)
Tere ishq mein
(In Your supreme love)
Mein sharaboor hon
(I am deeply submerged)
For so long I’ve been denying
But now I feel like I’m flying
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Now nothing seems impossible
With You I feel unstoppable
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive
Ilahi, ilahi, Maula, Maula
I’m Alive [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
بدون موسيقى
I’m Alive [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain & Atif Aslam
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Saif Fadhel
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
“Jannah” Lyrics:
I know that this life is only finite
The good and the bad times
Will all be left behind
As we make our way through this journey
To the finest place for infinity
Allah don’t deny me
Your Paradise
Jannah, Jannah
(Paradise, Paradise)
It’s all I ever wish for
This life is not eternal
But the next will last for ever
Jannah, Jannah
It’s all I ever wish for
O God please don’t deprive me
A blissful life eternally
Oh how I long for
The moment I see You Allah
And meet Muhammad (pbuh)
With all his companions
In the place no eye has ever seen
Filled with love, peace and tranquility
Don’t deny me Your Paradise
One day all my deeds will be shown in front of You
No one will be beside me, I’ll be standing on my own
Blessing me with Your mercy is all I’m hoping for
O Allah make my wishes come true
Jannah (Vocals-Only English) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Jannah (Vocals-Only English) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up,
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah!
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine
Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
Cause I know You’re always there, oh
By My Side (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
By My Side (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Lyrics: Paddy, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Arabic Lyrics: Issam Kamal
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
“Good Day” Lyrics:
Woke up with the light
A sky so blue upon my eyes
With a thankful heart
Today is another brand new start
I feel so positive
Just want to do my best
And show this world I’m living in
All of the love that I can give, give, give
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
Oh, everyday is a good day
I put my life in Your hands Allah
You will always lead my way
Oh, everyday is a good day
I give my life to You Allah
You will always lead my way
I love this morning breeze
Love how it can revive my soul
I’m so glad to be
Surrounded by the people I know
Filled with happiness
Just wanna give my all
And be all that I can be
Share all my love and energy, yeah!
There are many things that I can do
Many things yeah
That can make me feel so close to You
To You, to You, to You, oh!
This joy within my heart can’t be removed
Within my heart when I’m…
Loving, loving, loving, loving You, yeah!
سبحان الله ملك الكون
لولا فضل الله ما كان يكون
وكّلت أمري ديما وكل يوم
لله لله لله لله
Good Day [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
بدون موسيقى
Good Day [Vocals-Only] | Maher Zain ft. Issam Kamal
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Paddy Dalton
Arrangement: Maher Zain
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain, Paddy Dalton
Arrangement: Maher Zain
There’s faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring at every turn
The reason I’m strong
You’re where I belong
In a world spinning out of control
The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace & blessings on you every day
‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad
You inspire me in every way
I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I’ll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace & blessings on you every day
There’s light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I’ve gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you’re a mercy for all mankind
The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I’ll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!
I know the only thing I want from this life
And it’s to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that’s the way I’m going to spend all my time
Yes I swear, by Allah I swear!
Peace Be Upon You (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Peace Be Upon You (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
In my dreams I make my way to Medina
The home and chosen place
Of our beloved Prophet
Where all I feel is peace
And so much joy around
No better place for me, yeah!
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
I wake with the morning light in Medina
Everywhere I see blue skies
Set above these mountains
Bright colours fill the streets
A smile on every face
A special place for me, yeah!
Tala’al badru ‘alayna, min thaniyyatil wadaa’
Wajabash shukru ‘alayna, ma da’a lillahi daa’
Ayyuhal mab’uthu fina, ji’ta bil amril mutaa’
Ji’ta sharraftal Medina, marhaban ya khayra daa’
(The full Moon rose over us
From the valley of Wadaa’
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Whenever a caller prays to Allah
O you who were raised amongst us
Coming with the word to be obeyed
You have brought to Medina nobleness
Welcome, best caller to God’s way)
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
In my dreams I make my way to Medina
The home and chosen place
Of our beloved Prophet
Where all I feel is peace
And so much joy around
No better place for me, yeah!
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Medina, Medina
That’s where I want to be
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
Oh, oh, Medina Medina
I wake with the morning light in Medina
Everywhere I see blue skies
Set above these mountains
Bright colours fill the streets
A smile on every face
A special place for me, yeah!
Tala’al badru ‘alayna, min thaniyyatil wadaa’
Wajabash shukru ‘alayna, ma da’a lillahi daa’
Ayyuhal mab’uthu fina, ji’ta bil amril mutaa’
Ji’ta sharraftal Medina, marhaban ya khayra daa’
(The full Moon rose over us
From the valley of Wadaa’
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Whenever a caller prays to Allah
O you who were raised amongst us
Coming with the word to be obeyed
You have brought to Medina nobleness
Welcome, best caller to God’s way)
Medina, Medina
Medinatun Nabi
Medina (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Medina (Vocals-Only) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Lyrics: Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Zulu Lyrics: Linda Gcwensa
Zulu Choir: Amakhono We Sintu
Melody: Maher Zain, Moh Denebi
Arrangement: Moh Denebi, Maher Zain
The Lyrics:
Masisondele, masisondele haha phila nocolo yelele
(Let us draw nearer to perfect peace in life)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
You can say it once
Or a hundred times or more
You’ll feel at peace inside
And it’ll open every door
That’s the power of remembering Allah
It’s the best way to purify your heart
And know you will be loved by the Merciful One
‘Cause that’s the power of remembering Allah
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
So much you can gain
Just by saying those few words
You can renew your faith
And be showered in rewards
La ilaha illa Allah (x3)
(There is no god but Allah)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah wa’Allahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
Masisondele kuy’uAllah
(We obey You Allah)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
(With submission, we humble ourselves before You)
Sizothol’ ukuphila Noxolo
(So we may find peace and happiness)
Subhan’Allah, walhamdu lillah
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah
La ilaha illa Allah, wa’Allahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest)
The Power [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain feat. Amakhono We Sintu
بدون موسيقى
The Power [Vocals-Only] – Maher Zain feat. Amakhono We Sintu
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Muhammad (Pbuh) Waheshna- Lyrics: كلمات أغنية محمد (ص) واحشنا:
شفت ياما ناس مناها تعيش
العمر جنبك وبرضه مايكفيش
أحلى دنيا عندى ما تساويش
إلا معاك يارسول الله
واحشنا يا رسول الله
يا سيدنا شوقنا زاد والله
ومهما طوّل الغياب
محمد، مشتاق إليك والله
محمد، قلبى عليك صلّى
طال سؤالي، قل لي إزاى كده
عاشقه عيونا حد مش شايفاه
لو حقيقى هو غالى عليك
إرضيه فى الجنه تبقى معاه
ده أنا زاد فى قلبى حنين
ودموعى ماليه العين
طمعان بقالي سنين
إني أزور المصطفى مرة
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Muhammad (Pbuh) Waheshna- Lyrics: كلمات أغنية محمد (ص) واحشنا:
شفت ياما ناس مناها تعيش
العمر جنبك وبرضه مايكفيش
أحلى دنيا عندى ما تساويش
إلا معاك يارسول الله
واحشنا يا رسول الله
يا سيدنا شوقنا زاد والله
ومهما طوّل الغياب
محمد، مشتاق إليك والله
محمد، قلبى عليك صلّى
طال سؤالي، قل لي إزاى كده
عاشقه عيونا حد مش شايفاه
لو حقيقى هو غالى عليك
إرضيه فى الجنه تبقى معاه
ده أنا زاد فى قلبى حنين
ودموعى ماليه العين
طمعان بقالي سنين
إني أزور المصطفى مرة
Muhammad (Pbuh) [Waheshna] – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Muhammad (Pbuh) [Waheshna] – Maher Zain
I Love You So (Vocals Only - No Music)
Number One for Me (Vocals Only - No Music)
Mawlaya (Vocals Only - No Music)
My Little Girl (Vocals Only - No Music)
Forgive Me (Vocals Only - No Music)
One Big Family (Vocals Only - No Music)
Assalamu Alayka (Vocals Only - No Music)
Paradise (Vocals Only - No Music)
Masha Allah (Vocals Only - No Music)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Vocals Only - No Music)
Freedom (Vocals Only - No Music)
So Soon (Vocals Only - No Music)
Muhammad (pbuh) [Vocals Only - No Music]
Guide Me All the Way (Vocals Only - No Music)
Mawlaya (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
Assalamu Alayka (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Bonus Track - Arabic Version - Vocals Only)
Forgive Me Album (Vocals Only – No Music Version) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
كلمات العمل :
أجمل فرحة هي
يوم فرحكو ده شيء أكيد
ذكريات الليلة ديه
حاضرة مش ممكن تغيب
إحساس اليوم ده
مين فيكم ينساه؟
على طول تجمعكو أحلى حياة
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
إنتو على سنة نبينا
جيتوا وكتبتوا الكتاب
واحنا طايرة الفرحة بينا
والليلة دي القلب داب
إحساس اليوم ده
مين فيكم ينساه؟
على طول تجمعكو أحلى حياة
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
قولوا ما شاء الله
ويارب تعيشوا أحلى سنين
ما شاء الله
قولوا ما شاء الله
ويا ما أحلى زوجين صالحين
ما شاء الله
ربنا يجمعكوا ويا بعض فى الجنة
ربنا يجعلكوا طول العمر متفاهمين
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç
كلمات العمل :
أجمل فرحة هي
يوم فرحكو ده شيء أكيد
ذكريات الليلة ديه
حاضرة مش ممكن تغيب
إحساس اليوم ده
مين فيكم ينساه؟
على طول تجمعكو أحلى حياة
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
إنتو على سنة نبينا
جيتوا وكتبتوا الكتاب
واحنا طايرة الفرحة بينا
والليلة دي القلب داب
إحساس اليوم ده
مين فيكم ينساه؟
على طول تجمعكو أحلى حياة
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
قولوا ما شاء الله
ويارب تعيشوا أحلى سنين
ما شاء الله
قولوا ما شاء الله
ويا ما أحلى زوجين صالحين
ما شاء الله
ربنا يجمعكوا ويا بعض فى الجنة
ربنا يجعلكوا طول العمر متفاهمين
أجمل فرحة في حياتكو الليلة
حلوين والله.. الله الله
ماشاء الله.. ماشاء الله
يا سلام يا سلام
متباركوا يا أهل الله
Masha Allah (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Masha Allah (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Muhammad (Pbuh) Waheshna- Lyrics: كلمات أغنية محمد (ص) واحشنا:
شفت ياما ناس مناها تعيش
العمر جنبك وبرضه مايكفيش
أحلى دنيا عندى ما تساويش
إلا معاك يارسول الله
واحشنا يا رسول الله
يا سيدنا شوقنا زاد والله
ومهما طوّل الغياب
محمد، مشتاق إليك والله
محمد، قلبى عليك صلّى
طال سؤالي، قل لي إزاى كده
عاشقه عيونا حد مش شايفاه
لو حقيقى هو غالى عليك
إرضيه فى الجنه تبقى معاه
ده أنا زاد فى قلبى حنين
ودموعى ماليه العين
طمعان بقالي سنين
إني أزور المصطفى مرة
Lyrics: Mahmoud Farouk
Melody: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Muhammad (Pbuh) Waheshna- Lyrics: كلمات أغنية محمد (ص) واحشنا:
شفت ياما ناس مناها تعيش
العمر جنبك وبرضه مايكفيش
أحلى دنيا عندى ما تساويش
إلا معاك يارسول الله
واحشنا يا رسول الله
يا سيدنا شوقنا زاد والله
ومهما طوّل الغياب
محمد، مشتاق إليك والله
محمد، قلبى عليك صلّى
طال سؤالي، قل لي إزاى كده
عاشقه عيونا حد مش شايفاه
لو حقيقى هو غالى عليك
إرضيه فى الجنه تبقى معاه
ده أنا زاد فى قلبى حنين
ودموعى ماليه العين
طمعان بقالي سنين
إني أزور المصطفى مرة
Muhammad (pbuh) [Vocals Only – No Music] – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Muhammad (pbuh) [Vocals Only – No Music] – Maher Zain
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
I know that You could easily
Take away everything You’ve given me
And I try to remember
Not to take anything for granted
‘Cause I know that one day
Suddenly this will all come to an end
So my last wish is for You to be pleased with me
Allah, Ya Allah
Guide me all the way to Your Jannah
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Don’t let me go astray ’cause I need You
By my side, I wish to be close
Close to You throughout my life
Ya Allah, O Allah!
Be with me all the way
I know that sometimes I do
I do forget that my next breath could be the last
Forgive me ’cause I can’t thank You enough
Forgive me when I doubt Your love
Now I pray for that day
When all this stops and comes to an end
So my last wish is for You to be pleased with me
Day by day passes
And I think that my time could be near
So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands
And not in my heart
‘Cause soon I’ll have to leave it (x2)
Guide me all the way
Don’t let me go astray
Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
I know that You could easily
Take away everything You’ve given me
And I try to remember
Not to take anything for granted
‘Cause I know that one day
Suddenly this will all come to an end
So my last wish is for You to be pleased with me
Allah, Ya Allah
Guide me all the way to Your Jannah
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Don’t let me go astray ’cause I need You
By my side, I wish to be close
Close to You throughout my life
Ya Allah, O Allah!
Be with me all the way
I know that sometimes I do
I do forget that my next breath could be the last
Forgive me ’cause I can’t thank You enough
Forgive me when I doubt Your love
Now I pray for that day
When all this stops and comes to an end
So my last wish is for You to be pleased with me
Day by day passes
And I think that my time could be near
So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands
And not in my heart
‘Cause soon I’ll have to leave it (x2)
Guide me all the way
Don’t let me go astray
Guide Me All the Way (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Guide Me All the Way (Vocals Only – No Music) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
البدر كطلعته وجه جميل
والشمس كبسمته ظل ظليل
هو عبد الله سيد الخلق و مصطفاه
وحبيب الله خير مبعوث لوحى الله
هو خير عباد الله خير البرايا
حى فينا بهداه حلو الوصايا
نسألك الله تجمعنا يوما برسول الله
من كوثره يروينا فتقبل يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
طاهر القلب نقى ذاكر لله
المصطفى الصفى صلى عليه الله
أخلاقه و صفاته سبحان من سواه
هو قدوتي و حبيبي و دعوة النجاة
يا رسول الله يا حبيب الله
فأكتب لنا نلقاه ندعوك يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain
كلمات العمل :
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
البدر كطلعته وجه جميل
والشمس كبسمته ظل ظليل
هو عبد الله سيد الخلق و مصطفاه
وحبيب الله خير مبعوث لوحى الله
هو خير عباد الله خير البرايا
حى فينا بهداه حلو الوصايا
نسألك الله تجمعنا يوما برسول الله
من كوثره يروينا فتقبل يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
طاهر القلب نقى ذاكر لله
المصطفى الصفى صلى عليه الله
أخلاقه و صفاته سبحان من سواه
هو قدوتي و حبيبي و دعوة النجاة
يا رسول الله يا حبيب الله
فأكتب لنا نلقاه ندعوك يا رباه
مولاى صلي و سلم دائما أبدا
على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم
يارب صلي عليه يارب صلي عليه
صلوات الله عليه يارب صلي عليه
Mawlaya (Bonus Track – Arabic Version – Vocals Only) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى