Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
من البوم
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed, Composed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Lyrics by Ismail Abuşak
كلمات العمل | Lyrcis :
Yanık gönüller, hep zikrederler
Aşka gelirler, Kalptedir Eller
Oldu muhabbet, Canım Muhammed
Habib’in Ahmet, Aleme Rahmet
Tekbir salavat getirdi diller
Senin aşkından, açıldı eller
Yeşerdi bu gönüllerde güller
Kalplerin nuru, Aşkın sururu
Ey şanlı Nebi, Ey kutlu Nebi
Her hayrın başı, sensin efendi
Hasretin her an, yakar bizleri
Dertlere derman, sevgili Nebi
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
يا رب صل على محمد محمد
For You (Album) – Mevlan Kurtishi
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Arabic Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Albanian Lyrics: Mevlan Kurtishi
Turkish Lyrics: Ismail Abusak
Bosnian Lyrics: Dzevad Ibrahimovic
Graphics by Ahmad | Sweven Records
Edited by BK | Galaktika Pictures
Special thanks: Kreshnik Avdiu, Dr. Kujtim Mirzo, Genc Halimi
محمد سيد الكونين والثقليــن
والفريقين من عرب ومن عجمِ
هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته
لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحم
عطر اللهم روض المصطفى
بصلاة وسلام سرمدي
زدنا حبا وقوِّ جمعنا
هب لنا فتحا مبينا واهدنا
Ja Habibi, Drit e Syve – ResulAllah
Për dashnin Tënde edhe hëna n’dy pjesë u nda
Ey sevgili, nürgözlüm Resulallah
Tüm ümmet aşıktır senin yoluna
Kandilj sjajni ljudskog roda Je Ahmed
Kur’an Kitab koji hoda Muhammed
Produced by Sweven Records
Performed and Arranged by Mevlan Kurtishi
Arabic Lyrics: Islamic Heritage
Albanian Lyrics: Mevlan Kurtishi
Turkish Lyrics: Ismail Abusak
Bosnian Lyrics: Dzevad Ibrahimovic
Graphics by Ahmad | Sweven Records
Edited by BK | Galaktika Pictures
Special thanks: Kreshnik Avdiu, Dr. Kujtim Mirzo, Genc Halimi
محمد سيد الكونين والثقليــن
والفريقين من عرب ومن عجمِ
هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته
لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحم
عطر اللهم روض المصطفى
بصلاة وسلام سرمدي
زدنا حبا وقوِّ جمعنا
هب لنا فتحا مبينا واهدنا
Ja Habibi, Drit e Syve – ResulAllah
Për dashnin Tënde edhe hëna n’dy pjesë u nda
Ey sevgili, nürgözlüm Resulallah
Tüm ümmet aşıktır senin yoluna
Kandilj sjajni ljudskog roda Je Ahmed
Kur’an Kitab koji hoda Muhammed
Ya Habibi – Mevlan Kurtishi
Ya Habibi – Mevlan Kurtishi
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
ضيف حراء – أداء منشد الشارقة يوسف الديك
من البوم عنقود عنب
الألبوم من كلمات :
عبدالرحمن الدالاتي
محمود درنيقه
هيثم الحلبي
ابراهيم الدردساوي
سعيد كباره
خالد عرنوس
توزيع :
أحمد رامي
ضيف حراء ( مؤثرات ) – يوسف الديك
آسف ( البوم فور شباب – إيقاع ) – أيمن رمضان
كإني معاك – أداء مصطفى عاطف
من البوم كإني معاك
كلمات : محمد إبراهيم
الحان : مدين
توزيع : هانى يعقوب
صولو كمان : يحيى الموجى
جيتار : شريف سعيد
مهندس صوت : هانى يعقوب
ستوديو : O.T.B HanyYocoub
ديجيتال ماستر : هانى محروس
ستوديو : M1
ألبوم أرت وورك : يوسف عادل Daddesign
فوتوغرافيا الألبوم : سامح السباعى
منتج منفذ : أحمد أمين
إنتاج : MTW For Production
كإني معاك – أداء مصطفى عاطف
من البوم كإني معاك
كلمات : محمد إبراهيم
الحان : مدين
توزيع : هانى يعقوب
صولو كمان : يحيى الموجى
جيتار : شريف سعيد
مهندس صوت : هانى يعقوب
ستوديو : O.T.B HanyYocoub
ديجيتال ماستر : هانى محروس
ستوديو : M1
ألبوم أرت وورك : يوسف عادل Daddesign
فوتوغرافيا الألبوم : سامح السباعى
منتج منفذ : أحمد أمين
إنتاج : MTW For Production
كإني معاك – مصطفى عاطف
كإني معاك – مصطفى عاطف
To Guide You Home (Instrumental) – Sami Yusuf
سيد المحبين ( البوم الله يحبك – إيقاع ) – عبدالقادر قوزع
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mawlaya – Lyrics:
Bu yürek hep senle varolur yalniz senle coşar
Dile gelse tüm şiirler söylenmemiş şarkilar
Yine bendeki aşki anlatamazlar asla
Senden uzak olan gönüller dolar yasla
Sen aldığım nefes duyduğum ses aşk-i heves
Sensiz karanliklar aydinliğa eremez
İki cihanda sensin alemler efendisi
Şefaat eyle asla yalniz birakma bizi
Sen beklenen müjdelenen en kutlu peygamber
Sen merhamet ve şefkatinle bizlere rehber
Aşkinla hep çarpan yürekler nuruna muhtaç
Sen ruhlarin tabibi gönüllere ilaç
Ya resulallah
Ya habiballah
Muhammed-i muhabbete garkeylesin Allah
Lyrics: Ahmed Kurtiş
Chorus Melody: Islamic Folklore
Verse & Bridge Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mawlaya – Lyrics:
Bu yürek hep senle varolur yalniz senle coşar
Dile gelse tüm şiirler söylenmemiş şarkilar
Yine bendeki aşki anlatamazlar asla
Senden uzak olan gönüller dolar yasla
Sen aldığım nefes duyduğum ses aşk-i heves
Sensiz karanliklar aydinliğa eremez
İki cihanda sensin alemler efendisi
Şefaat eyle asla yalniz birakma bizi
Sen beklenen müjdelenen en kutlu peygamber
Sen merhamet ve şefkatinle bizlere rehber
Aşkinla hep çarpan yürekler nuruna muhtaç
Sen ruhlarin tabibi gönüllere ilaç
Ya resulallah
Ya habiballah
Muhammed-i muhabbete garkeylesin Allah
Mawlaya (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
Mawlaya (Turkish-Türkçe) – Maher Zain
نشيد برنامج قدوة الموسم الثاني
أداء : عبدالرحمن الكندري
كلمات: أنور حسام
الحان: يوسف سند
توزيع: عبدالعظيم الذهبي – نور النوام
فوكال وهندسة صوتية: عبدالعظيم الذهبي
مكس وماستر : محمد خضر
كورال: محمد المروزق – محمد خضر
محمد العسكري – مصطفى الغرباوي
قدوة ٢ – عبدالرحمن الكندري
صلاة الله ( مؤثرات ) – مروان صباح
الأرجوزة الميئية – أداء والحان ماجد الدعوس
هذه المنظومة محتوية على أهم أحداث السيرة قبل الهجرة وبعد الهجرة،
وبأنها سهلة الحفظ عذبة الألفاظ، وبأنها مختصرة تناسب المبتدئ، ولا تحتاج إلى شرح في الأعم الأغلب.
نظمها : العلامة أبو الحسن علي بن علي ابن أبي العز الأذرعي الدمشقي الحنفي
( 731 – 792 ) رحمه الله تعالى (رحمه الله تعالى)
الأرجوزة الميئية – أداء والحان ماجد الدعوس
هذه المنظومة محتوية على أهم أحداث السيرة قبل الهجرة وبعد الهجرة،
وبأنها سهلة الحفظ عذبة الألفاظ، وبأنها مختصرة تناسب المبتدئ، ولا تحتاج إلى شرح في الأعم الأغلب.
نظمها : العلامة أبو الحسن علي بن علي ابن أبي العز الأذرعي الدمشقي الحنفي
( 731 – 792 ) رحمه الله تعالى (رحمه الله تعالى)
الأرجوزة الميئية – ماجد الدعوس
الأرجوزة الميئية – ماجد الدعوس
ذكرك بلسم – محمد المازم
Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence is a breathtaking musical odyssey through a rich
artistic and cultural heritage. The music was composed, arranged, and directed by Sami Yusuf
for the Opening Ceremony of the 43rd Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee
in Baku on June 30, 2019. The performance was directed by the renowned creative director Andrei Boltenko.
This newly created cultural treasure comprises nine themes; each theme
expresses an aspect of the ethos of Azerbaijan from the land’s earliest
inhabitants some twenty thousand years ago to its contemporary realities and aspirations.
With fifty-seven highly skilled musicians under his direction,
Sami Yusuf displays his mastery of a complex musical language while
staying true to the traditional sounds of the region. The instruments
used (except the piano) are traditional instruments from the region including the tar,
an instrument so significant that it is said to have taken a role in shaping
the cultural identity of Azerbaijanis; the kamancha, the stringed instrument related to the Byzantine
lyra and European violin family; and the balaban, a double-reed ancient wind instrument with a plaintive, solemn sound.
Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence mesmerises with its dazzling musical range
from the subtle to the powerful and from the evocative to the majestic.
It is the soundscape of a region that displays an underlying universality.
These inspired compositions by this renowned musician evoke powerful emotional responses in listeners
no matter their cultural origin.
• Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence is a breathtaking musical odyssey through a rich
artistic and cultural heritage. The music was composed, arranged, and directed by Sami Yusuf
for the Opening Ceremony of the 43rd Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee
in Baku on June 30, 2019. The performance was directed by the renowned creative director Andrei Boltenko.
This newly created cultural treasure comprises nine themes; each theme
expresses an aspect of the ethos of Azerbaijan from the land’s earliest
inhabitants some twenty thousand years ago to its contemporary realities and aspirations.
With fifty-seven highly skilled musicians under his direction,
Sami Yusuf displays his mastery of a complex musical language while
staying true to the traditional sounds of the region. The instruments
used (except the piano) are traditional instruments from the region including the tar,
an instrument so significant that it is said to have taken a role in shaping
the cultural identity of Azerbaijanis; the kamancha, the stringed instrument related to the Byzantine
lyra and European violin family; and the balaban, a double-reed ancient wind instrument with a plaintive, solemn sound.
Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence mesmerises with its dazzling musical range
from the subtle to the powerful and from the evocative to the majestic.
It is the soundscape of a region that displays an underlying universality.
These inspired compositions by this renowned musician evoke powerful emotional responses in listeners
no matter their cultural origin.
• Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan: A Timeless Presence (Live) – Sami Yusuf
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Hashe-chad-akashe? (…the moon smiles in the sky?)
Jonaki-dhey-je-alo (…and the firefly glows…)
Mayabi-abeshe? (…in an air of enchantment?)
She-kotha-bhebe-bhebe (Pondering over all of this…)
Mon-amar-jay-hariye (…my mind becomes lost in wonderment…)
Dur-ojanay (…to a faraway, unknown place)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Who made the clouds come by
So we can live and be?
Sending rain so soft and mild
Cleansing you and me?
Who gave me clear eyes to see
The moon when it beams?
He taught me how silent love can be
A road to your dreams
Who taught the mothers of the world
To love us the way they do?
When all the trials unfurl
All they think of is you
You still make me cry
You still make me laugh
Don’t let me ever forget
About our golden past
And so the world moves on its way
Newcomers join every day
Tomorrow they will say…
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Hashe-chad-akashe? (…the moon smiles in the sky?)
Jonaki-dhey-je-alo (…and the firefly glows…)
Mayabi-abeshe? (…in an air of enchantment?)
She-kotha-bhebe-bhebe (Pondering over all of this…)
Mon-amar-jay-hariye (…my mind becomes lost in wonderment…)
Dur-ojanay (…to a faraway, unknown place)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Who made the clouds come by
So we can live and be?
Sending rain so soft and mild
Cleansing you and me?
Who gave me clear eyes to see
The moon when it beams?
He taught me how silent love can be
A road to your dreams
Who taught the mothers of the world
To love us the way they do?
When all the trials unfurl
All they think of is you
You still make me cry
You still make me laugh
Don’t let me ever forget
About our golden past
And so the world moves on its way
Newcomers join every day
Tomorrow they will say…
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Golap-thar-gondho-bilay? (…the rose gives out its fragrance?)
Bolotho-kar-isharay (Tell me, on whose gesture…)
Megher-pahar-brishti-jhoray? (…the clouds release the rain?)
Ei-duniay (…in this world)
Ishāra – Nazeel Azami
Ishāra – Nazeel Azami
دعوة إبراهيم ( إيقاع ) – أمواج البحرين
صاحب النسب – أداء منصور الخليفي
كلمات : عبدالرحمن العوضي
ألحان وتوزيع : منصور الخليفي
كلمات العمل:
هو صاحبُ النسبِ الشريفِ تفرّدًا ..
بالطهرِ منذُ خليقةِ الإنسانِ ..
من طيّبِ الأصلابِ صيغَ المصطفى ..
حتى استقرَ بأطهرِ النسوانِ ..
أكرم بمن آباؤُهُ قد شُرِّفوا ..
بالوحيِ لا بالملكِ والتيجانِ ..
فمن الخليلِ إلى الذبيحِ سعى الهدى ..
لكِنانةٍ كالنورِ في الأبدانِ ..
الشوقُ يدفَعُها لكوكبِ هاشمٍ ..
توقًا إلى الميلادِ والإعلانِ ..
أسماهُ ربُّ العالمينَ محمدًا ..
والاسم للمختار كالعنوانِ ..
صاحب النسب – أداء منصور الخليفي
كلمات : عبدالرحمن العوضي
ألحان وتوزيع : منصور الخليفي
كلمات العمل:
هو صاحبُ النسبِ الشريفِ تفرّدًا ..
بالطهرِ منذُ خليقةِ الإنسانِ ..
من طيّبِ الأصلابِ صيغَ المصطفى ..
حتى استقرَ بأطهرِ النسوانِ ..
أكرم بمن آباؤُهُ قد شُرِّفوا ..
بالوحيِ لا بالملكِ والتيجانِ ..
فمن الخليلِ إلى الذبيحِ سعى الهدى ..
لكِنانةٍ كالنورِ في الأبدانِ ..
الشوقُ يدفَعُها لكوكبِ هاشمٍ ..
توقًا إلى الميلادِ والإعلانِ ..
أسماهُ ربُّ العالمينَ محمدًا ..
والاسم للمختار كالعنوانِ ..
صاحب النسب – منصور الخليفي
صاحب النسب – منصور الخليفي
أصحاب محمد ﷺ
لحن وأداء: موسى العميرة
كلمات: عجلان ثابت
توزيع وتنفيذ : عبدالعظيم الذهبي
تسجيل وهندسة : هشام العديني
كلمات العمل:
حيثُ النُّجمِ نراكُمْ
يا سيَراً تتخلّدْ
ملأ الأرضَ صداكُم
وعلى الكونِ تردّدْ
كلُّ ضياءٍ منكم
بخُطانا يتجدّدْ
رضيَ الخالقُ عنكم
يا أصحابَ محمد
للإيمانِ سبقتمْ
هاجرتم ونَصرتم
وعلى ضوءِ يديكم
قلبُ الأرضِ تشهّدْ
في الأمةِ يكفيكم
وحياً ينزلُ فيكم
بعبادتكم يُتلى
بالطاعاتِ يُجوََدْ
شرفٌ قد وافاكم
لم يبلغهُ سواكم
صُحبتكم ولِقاكم
في الدارينِ محمّدْ
أصحاب محمد ﷺ
لحن وأداء: موسى العميرة
كلمات: عجلان ثابت
توزيع وتنفيذ : عبدالعظيم الذهبي
تسجيل وهندسة : هشام العديني
كلمات العمل:
حيثُ النُّجمِ نراكُمْ
يا سيَراً تتخلّدْ
ملأ الأرضَ صداكُم
وعلى الكونِ تردّدْ
كلُّ ضياءٍ منكم
بخُطانا يتجدّدْ
رضيَ الخالقُ عنكم
يا أصحابَ محمد
للإيمانِ سبقتمْ
هاجرتم ونَصرتم
وعلى ضوءِ يديكم
قلبُ الأرضِ تشهّدْ
في الأمةِ يكفيكم
وحياً ينزلُ فيكم
بعبادتكم يُتلى
بالطاعاتِ يُجوََدْ
شرفٌ قد وافاكم
لم يبلغهُ سواكم
صُحبتكم ولِقاكم
في الدارينِ محمّدْ
أصحاب محمد – موسى العميرة
أصحاب محمد – موسى العميرة
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
ضيف حراء – أداء منشد الشارقة يوسف الديك
من البوم عنقود عنب
الألبوم من كلمات :
عبدالرحمن الدالاتي
محمود درنيقه
هيثم الحلبي
ابراهيم الدردساوي
سعيد كباره
خالد عرنوس
توزيع :
أحمد رامي
ضيف حراء – يوسف الديك
رسول المحبة – أسامه سعيد
Allah Huma Sale Ala Saiyydina Wa Mawlana Mohammadin,
Wa Ala Alihee Wa Sahbihee Wa Baarik Wasalim .
We are all full of sins today,
We have gone astray from the right way,
If we want Allah’s forgiveness,
Then we must say Ya Rasulullah.
The Ummah is split in so many ways,
Everywhere there is only chaos and pain,
If we want to revive the golden days,
Then we must love the Prophet again.
Our Prophet is the best of man,
He is the Master of us all,
We are Muslims because of Him,
For He is the only link to God.
He ruled all the corners of the world,
Yet there wasn’t a single drop of blood,
His message is only love and peace,
And it lives on in our hearts today,
Allah Huma Sale Ala Saiyydina Wa Mawlana Mohammadin,
Wa Ala Alihee Wa Sahbihee Wa Baarik Wasalim .
We are all full of sins today,
We have gone astray from the right way,
If we want Allah’s forgiveness,
Then we must say Ya Rasulullah.
The Ummah is split in so many ways,
Everywhere there is only chaos and pain,
If we want to revive the golden days,
Then we must love the Prophet again.
Our Prophet is the best of man,
He is the Master of us all,
We are Muslims because of Him,
For He is the only link to God.
He ruled all the corners of the world,
Yet there wasn’t a single drop of blood,
His message is only love and peace,
And it lives on in our hearts today,
Salutations – Milad Raza Qadri
Salutations – Milad Raza Qadri
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisee ko diya karo
Joh duniya ka malik hai
Nam usee ka liya karo
Allahi Allah
(Say always in remembrance Allah O Allah
Do not give anyone sorrow or despair
For He is the sovereign king of the whole world
Take only His name
Allah O Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied no
Just like the river
Will find the sea
O Allah, you’re here
And You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky, Oh
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri hi dunya
Theri zameen
Yeh kahekashan hai
Thu hai Karim
Sunle dhua
Hum bebas hain
There bina
Roshan kar jahan
(This is your world
This is your earth
This is your sky
You are generous
My Lord, hear my prayer
We are helpless without you
Illuminate the earth)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo ( Thank you Allah Album ) – Maher Zain ft. Irfan Makki
نور بهاك – أداء ناصر ميروح
أداء منشد الشارقة ( 2 )
كلمات والحان : تراث
توزيع موسيقي : العربي بن حسن
متابعة إعلامية : معاذ عبدالجليل سليماني
تصميم البنر : مجيب الرحمن
نور بهاه – ناصر ميروح
Muhammed – Mevlan Kurtishi
الآل والأصحاب – محمد السالم
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
Lyrics: Salah Galal
Composer: Mohammed Elsawy
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics + Translation:
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
ملك الحبيب روحي روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul, my soul
ملك الحبيب روحي
The Beloved rules over my soul
سبحانُه ربي كمِّلُه
Glorified be the Lord Who perfected his character
وبنوره ربي جمِّلُه
And with His light He has perfected his beauty
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
الحب في القلب اشتياق
My heart is full of love and longing for him
ده الحب بلسم كل داء
Love is a cure for every malady
وأنا يا نبي مليان حنان
O Prophet, I’m filled with longing
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
ما يحِسهُوش غير اللي داق
But no one can feel it unless he has endured it
صلوا عليه أفضل صلاة
Send the best salutations upon him
صلوا يزيد الشوق صلة
It will increase your longing and bring you closer to him
ده حبيبي بيْرُد السلام
Our beloved does answer our greetings
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
والمولى بيزيد الصلاة
And the Almighty multiplies our prayers manifold
حب النبي رحمة و دوا
Loving the Prophet is a mercy and a cure
والقلب من نوره ارتوى
My heart’s thirst was quenched by his light
يا روح إليه روحي روحي
O soul! Fly to him, fly to him!
يا روح إليه روحي
O soul! Fly to him!
حب النبي ( مؤثرات ) – ماهر زين
حب النبي ( مؤثرات ) – ماهر زين
Malay Lyrics: Frizdan
Melody : Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Insya Allah (Malay) Lyrics:
Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian, tiada pembela
Segalanya suram, bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Andainya dosamu berulang lagi
Bagai tiada ruang untuk kembali
Dikau keliru atas kesilapan lalu
Membelenggu hati dan fikiranmu
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Kepada Yang Esa
Yakin padaNya
Panjatkanlah doa
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar…
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Malay Lyrics: Frizdan
Melody : Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Insya Allah (Malay) Lyrics:
Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian, tiada pembela
Segalanya suram, bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Andainya dosamu berulang lagi
Bagai tiada ruang untuk kembali
Dikau keliru atas kesilapan lalu
Membelenggu hati dan fikiranmu
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Kepada Yang Esa
Yakin padaNya
Panjatkanlah doa
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar…
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah… Insya Allah… Insya Allah…
Ada jalannya