Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
من البوم
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)

Thank You Allah (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics Bahasa Adaptation: Novia Stephani
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Tuntunku Kepadamu Lyrics :
Kusadari, engkau sanggup
Mengambil kembali karunia-Mu
Dan kucoba, selalu mengingat
Takkan sia-siakan segalanya
Karena, suatu hari
Semua akan tiada lagi
Dan di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Allah, Ya Allah
Tuntunku ‘tuk tiba di Jannah-Mu
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Jangan jauh dariku kudamba cahaya-Mu
Bersamamu kuingin dekat
Dekat dengan-Mu sepanjang usia
Ya Allah, Oh Allah!
Dampingi langkahku
Kusadari, kadang kulupa
Mungkin ini nafasku yang terakhir
Ampuni kurangnya syukurku
Maafkan kuragu kasih-Mu
Nanti, suatu hari
Saat duniaku usai berakhir
Di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Hari berganti
Kuyakin waktuku kian singkat
Tuhanku, biarku genggam dunia ini
Tanpa mencintainya
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Tuntunlah aku
Setiap langkahku

Lyrics, Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Lyrics Bahasa Adaptation: Novia Stephani
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Tuntunku Kepadamu Lyrics :
Kusadari, engkau sanggup
Mengambil kembali karunia-Mu
Dan kucoba, selalu mengingat
Takkan sia-siakan segalanya
Karena, suatu hari
Semua akan tiada lagi
Dan di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Allah, Ya Allah
Tuntunku ‘tuk tiba di Jannah-Mu
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Jangan jauh dariku kudamba cahaya-Mu
Bersamamu kuingin dekat
Dekat dengan-Mu sepanjang usia
Ya Allah, Oh Allah!
Dampingi langkahku
Kusadari, kadang kulupa
Mungkin ini nafasku yang terakhir
Ampuni kurangnya syukurku
Maafkan kuragu kasih-Mu
Nanti, suatu hari
Saat duniaku usai berakhir
Di akhir hayat kumohon
Kau ridho padaku
Hari berganti
Kuyakin waktuku kian singkat
Tuhanku, biarku genggam dunia ini
Tanpa mencintainya
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Karena ku kan segera pergi
Tuntunlah aku
Setiap langkahku

Tuntunku KepadaMu ( Bahasa – Malay Version ) – Maher Zain

Tuntunku KepadaMu ( Bahasa – Malay Version ) – Maher Zain
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك

Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

أداء و ألحان الفنان : عبدالله الجارالله
كلمات : الحارث الغراز
توزيع و مكساج : عمار البني
كلمات العمل :
كن متقناً تجد الحياة جميلةً بعطائها
كن متقناً تلقى بنفسك فرحة تحيا بها
كن متقناً تجد الحياة جميلةً بعطائها
كن متقناً تلقى بنفسك فرحة تحيا بها
اجعل لنفسك بصمةً في كل امرٍ إننا
ننمو ونزهو حين تتقن بالعطاء أكُفنا
لا مستحيل لباذلٍ بالجهد اتقن ما يريد
لا مستحيل لمن سعى يعطي إذا طُلبَ المزيد
كن متقناً تسمو بروحٍ مُيّزَت بجمالها
كن متقناً ومكافحاً ومسارعاً لندائها
كن متقناً تسمو بروحٍ مُيّزَت بجمالها
كن متقناً ومكافحاً ومسارعاً لندائها
اتقاننا ورُقينا حضارةٌ وبها النما
هي رؤية لديارنا بها الفؤاد ترنما
لا مستحيل لباذلٍ بالجهد اتقن ما يريد
لا مستحيل لمن سعى يعطي إذا طُلبَ المزيد
أتقن فإنك إن تُرِد حُسناً
يكُن لك ما تريد
والله أوصى إن عَمِلتَ
بأي شيءٍ أن تُجيد

أداء و ألحان الفنان : عبدالله الجارالله
كلمات : الحارث الغراز
توزيع و مكساج : عمار البني
كلمات العمل :
كن متقناً تجد الحياة جميلةً بعطائها
كن متقناً تلقى بنفسك فرحة تحيا بها
كن متقناً تجد الحياة جميلةً بعطائها
كن متقناً تلقى بنفسك فرحة تحيا بها
اجعل لنفسك بصمةً في كل امرٍ إننا
ننمو ونزهو حين تتقن بالعطاء أكُفنا
لا مستحيل لباذلٍ بالجهد اتقن ما يريد
لا مستحيل لمن سعى يعطي إذا طُلبَ المزيد
كن متقناً تسمو بروحٍ مُيّزَت بجمالها
كن متقناً ومكافحاً ومسارعاً لندائها
كن متقناً تسمو بروحٍ مُيّزَت بجمالها
كن متقناً ومكافحاً ومسارعاً لندائها
اتقاننا ورُقينا حضارةٌ وبها النما
هي رؤية لديارنا بها الفؤاد ترنما
لا مستحيل لباذلٍ بالجهد اتقن ما يريد
لا مستحيل لمن سعى يعطي إذا طُلبَ المزيد
أتقن فإنك إن تُرِد حُسناً
يكُن لك ما تريد
والله أوصى إن عَمِلتَ
بأي شيءٍ أن تُجيد

كن متقنا ( نسخة توزيع – كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجارالله

كن متقنا ( نسخة توزيع – كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجارالله

Helpless (Karaoke Version) – Tom Robertson

Lyrics if you want to sing it :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Lyrics if you want to sing it :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Shadowless ( Karaoke Version ) – Sami Yusuf

Shadowless ( Karaoke Version ) – Sami Yusuf

Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر

سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر

Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Guide Me all the Way (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

النشيد الرسمي لشبكة سما العالمية
بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية السادسة للتأسيس
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا

في سمانا ( نسخة كاريوكي ) محمد سيف – زياد سيف

What You’ve Become (Karaoke Version) – Tom Robertson

Grounded’s Lyrics :
When my head is down
And my wounds go deep
I could still go on
If you’re there for me
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
In a life before
Many years were bleak
But the highs were born
From the lows I’ve seen
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
My gravity
So come on keep me grounded
Keep me on my toes
When I’m losing my head
Keep me grounded
Come on keep me humble
Let me lose control
As long as you’re there with me
I could free fall,
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me

Grounded’s Lyrics :
When my head is down
And my wounds go deep
I could still go on
If you’re there for me
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
In a life before
Many years were bleak
But the highs were born
From the lows I’ve seen
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
My gravity
So come on keep me grounded
Keep me on my toes
When I’m losing my head
Keep me grounded
Come on keep me humble
Let me lose control
As long as you’re there with me
I could free fall,
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me

Grounded (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Grounded (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Number One For Me (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)

Thank You Allah (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

لا تبالي يا غزة (توزيع موسيقي) – خالد الشريف

Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Karaoke) – Maher Zain

Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re

Shadowless (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf

Shadowless (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
I Love You So (Karaoke)
Number One For Me (Karaoke)
Mawlaya (Karaoke)
My Little Girl (Karaoke)
Forgive Me (Karaoke)
One Big Family (Karaoke)
Assalamu Alayka (Karaoke)
Paradise (Karaoke)
Masha Allah (Karaoke)
Radhitu Billahi Rabba (Karaoke)
Freedom (Karaoke)
So Soon (Karaoke)
Muhammad (pbuh) [Karaoke]
Guide Me all the Way (Karaoke)