Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
من البوم
Always Be There (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke)
Insha Allah (Karaoke)
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke)
Thank You Allah (Karaoke)
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke)
The Chosen One (Karaoke)
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke)
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke)
Hold My Hand (Karaoke)
Awaken (Karaoke)
Subhana Allah (Karaoke)
Open Your Eyes (Karaoke)
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Malek Shah
Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar…
Allahu Akbaru Allahu Akbaru Allah…
If you ask me about love and what I know about it
My answer will be
It’s everything about Allah, the pure love to our souls
He’s the Creator of you and me
The heavens and the whole universe
The One that made us whole and free
The Guardian of His true believers
So when the time gets hard
And there’s no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love
And His mercy ’cause
As He promised
He will always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s deep in our hearts
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
‘Cause as He promised
He will always be there
He brings us out from the darkness into the light, Subhanallah
Capable of everything
We should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance all the way
Through our short time we have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over and well be
In His heaven and we’ll all be fine
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar…..
Lyrics: Bilal Hajji & Maher Zain
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Malek Shah
Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar…
Allahu Akbaru Allahu Akbaru Allah…
If you ask me about love and what I know about it
My answer will be
It’s everything about Allah, the pure love to our souls
He’s the Creator of you and me
The heavens and the whole universe
The One that made us whole and free
The Guardian of His true believers
So when the time gets hard
And there’s no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love
And His mercy ’cause
As He promised
He will always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s deep in our hearts
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
‘Cause as He promised
He will always be there
He brings us out from the darkness into the light, Subhanallah
Capable of everything
We should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance all the way
Through our short time we have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over and well be
In His heaven and we’ll all be fine
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar…..
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
بدون موسيقى
Always Be There (Vocals Only Version) – Maher Zain
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
we pray to Allah
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da’iman abadan
‘Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli ‘aleeh
Salawatu Allahi ‘aleeh
All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you
Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say
And it’s hard to explain
Why I could never describe my love for you
There’s not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands
Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
we pray to Allah
Mawlaya ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
Mawlaya ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – أداء ماهر زين
برعاية مؤسسة راف
تفاصيل العمل :
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
الحان : ماهر زين – حمزة نمرة
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْ
تجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيه
تتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِ
وتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه
ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْ
ظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوع
من ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموع
من ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟
كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْ
وسعادةً للآخرين
ذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍ
كالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين
كن في حياتِك غيمةً
تروي الحنايا والحنين
ما أجملَ الدنيا إذا
عشنا بها متراحمين
وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوى
فعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوى
جعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوى
قلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه
وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليه
وتفجّر الإحساس بين يديه
حتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِ
متلألأً يبدو على شفتيه
في رحمة الإنسان
نستلهم الإحسان
والرحمون المحسنون
يرحمهم الرحمن
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
كن رحمة ( النسخة المطولة ) – ماهر زين
هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
هو القرآن – أداء ماهر زين
شارة برنامج فسيروا الجزء الثاني مع الشيخ فهد الكندري
كلمات : أحمد اليافعي
توزيع : أحمد محروس
كلمات العمل :
ذِكرٌ وموعظةٌ ونور
فيهِ شفاءٌ للصدور
وشفيعُنا يومَ النشور
آياتُه تَروي المَدى
وصفاتُه نبعُ الهُدى
نرقى الجنانَ بحُبهِ
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا بهِ
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
كم يهتدي الحيرانُ فيه
والنّفسُ كم حنّت إليه
يعلو ولا يُعلى عليه
هيَّا نُرتِّلُ آيِهِ
ونعيشُ تحت ظلاله
ننسى الهمومَ بقربه
لن تستقيمَ حياتُنا
إلا به
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
أسعِدْ به قلوبَنا
واغفِر به ذنوبَنا
واشرح به صدورنا
يا ربنا
أذهِب به أحزاننا
فرّج به همومنا
واجعله شاهدا لنا
يا ربنا
هو القرآنُ والفرقان
إليهِ تُنصِتُ الأكوان
وفيه تُعطّرُ الآذان
هو القرآن
ضياءٌ يملأُ الآفاق
ونورٌ يبعثُ الأشواق
وفيه مَحاسِنُ الأخلاق
هو القرآن
هو القرآن ( شارة فسيروا 2 ) – ماهر زين
بدون موسيقى
هو القرآن ( شارة فسيروا 2 ) – ماهر زين
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
Crazy’s Lyrics :
Staring at full moons
Lost in the mazes
Following footprints
Leaving no traces
Talking to myself
Words with no meaning
Walking through real life
Thinking I’m dreaming
Eye of the storm
Right in the centre
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to shelter
Eye of the heart
Losing my senses
Love is a madness
That never surrenders
You made me you made me
You made me crazy
You made me you made me
Lose my mind
You made me you made me
You made me crazy
Ever since you let me
Drink from your wine
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
(So) fill up my cup one more time
Fill up my cup one more time
Stared in the sunlight
Only the one time
A moment of madness
Lasting a lifetime
Now I’m hearing noises
Taking me places
People and voices
All of them nameless
Eye of the storm
Right in the centre
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to shelter
Eye of the heart
Losing my senses
Love is a madness
That never surrenders
Crazy’s Lyrics :
Staring at full moons
Lost in the mazes
Following footprints
Leaving no traces
Talking to myself
Words with no meaning
Walking through real life
Thinking I’m dreaming
Eye of the storm
Right in the centre
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to shelter
Eye of the heart
Losing my senses
Love is a madness
That never surrenders
You made me you made me
You made me crazy
You made me you made me
Lose my mind
You made me you made me
You made me crazy
Ever since you let me
Drink from your wine
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
Oooh Oooh Oh Oh
(So) fill up my cup one more time
Fill up my cup one more time
Stared in the sunlight
Only the one time
A moment of madness
Lasting a lifetime
Now I’m hearing noises
Taking me places
People and voices
All of them nameless
Eye of the storm
Right in the centre
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to shelter
Eye of the heart
Losing my senses
Love is a madness
That never surrenders
Crazy (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Crazy (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح
سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – أداء عبدالله الجويبر
من البوم في هواك
ألحان : عبدالله الجويبر
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
توزيع : آدم علي
كورال : هارموني باند | بيروت، لبنان
التسجيل والعمليات الصوتية والمرئية
B3 Production | Abu Dhabi, UAE
الإشراف الصوتي والمرئي : عبدالكريم ملا
شكر خاص : نايف العبدالحي – محمد الوادعي
عبدالمعطي الرحيلي – سندس جمال – فرح أحمد
الإشراف العام : عبدالرحمن بن صالح
سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر
سيد الخلق ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر
Guide Me all the Way (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
الآخرة ( نسخة كاريوكي ) – عبدالله الجويبر
For the Rest of My Life (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
Shadowless’s Lyrics :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think you don’t see me
(I know) you think you don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
Shadowless (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Shadowless (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Call My Name’s Lyrics :
Remember the time
when you and I were all alone
When we were so shy
now it feels so long ago
Whispered my name
soft as the falling snow
Close in my arms
promised I’d never let go
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Remember the time
when everything moved so slow
As if that one night
was all that we’d ever know
I’m still there waiting
hoping your voice will show
(Cos) wherever you are
that is where I call home
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
I’m right here
Beside you
I know you can’t see
I’m waiting
For you to remember me
Call My Name’s Lyrics :
Remember the time
when you and I were all alone
When we were so shy
now it feels so long ago
Whispered my name
soft as the falling snow
Close in my arms
promised I’d never let go
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Remember the time
when everything moved so slow
As if that one night
was all that we’d ever know
I’m still there waiting
hoping your voice will show
(Cos) wherever you are
that is where I call home
There’s a line that leads from you to me
It’s a path we’ve long forgotten
But if I could hear you calling
I’d come running
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
Call my name
Call my name and I’m yours
I’m right here
Beside you
I know you can’t see
I’m waiting
For you to remember me
Call My Name (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Call My Name (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Wanderer’s Lyrics :
In my mind
Foreign lands
Followed lines
On my hands
Tasted earth
Touched the skies
Swam the pools
Of my eyes
People talked
In their fear
Rumours always
Whispered here
Where and why,
From what shore
Who was I
Searching for
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
Pushed and pulled
Through these worlds
Winding roads
I crossed & curled
Pain & love
Hope & fear
In between
All unclear
Drunk on time,
Spin my thoughts
States of mind
Turning doors
Ask me now
Who I am
Turn your back
Take my hand
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
There’s a fire calling me
Burning me
Leading me
Into ecstasy
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
[Round round round round round round round round]
Wanderer’s Lyrics :
In my mind
Foreign lands
Followed lines
On my hands
Tasted earth
Touched the skies
Swam the pools
Of my eyes
People talked
In their fear
Rumours always
Whispered here
Where and why,
From what shore
Who was I
Searching for
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
Pushed and pulled
Through these worlds
Winding roads
I crossed & curled
Pain & love
Hope & fear
In between
All unclear
Drunk on time,
Spin my thoughts
States of mind
Turning doors
Ask me now
Who I am
Turn your back
Take my hand
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
There’s a fire calling me
Burning me
Leading me
Into ecstasy
You can call me worshipper
You can call me follower
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
You can call it foolish
A kind of madness
But I’m just a wanderer
In search of my lover
[Round round round round round round round round]
Wanderer (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Wanderer (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Number One For Me (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
النشيد الرسمي لشبكة سما العالمية
بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية السادسة للتأسيس
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
في سمانا ( نسخة كاريوكي ) محمد سيف – زياد سيف
Grounded’s Lyrics :
When my head is down
And my wounds go deep
I could still go on
If you’re there for me
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
In a life before
Many years were bleak
But the highs were born
From the lows I’ve seen
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
My gravity
So come on keep me grounded
Keep me on my toes
When I’m losing my head
Keep me grounded
Come on keep me humble
Let me lose control
As long as you’re there with me
I could free fall,
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Grounded’s Lyrics :
When my head is down
And my wounds go deep
I could still go on
If you’re there for me
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
In a life before
Many years were bleak
But the highs were born
From the lows I’ve seen
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
My gravity
So come on keep me grounded
Keep me on my toes
When I’m losing my head
Keep me grounded
Come on keep me humble
Let me lose control
As long as you’re there with me
I could free fall,
Losing the crown
Would only keep me grounded
I know the fall
Could only keep me humble
Losing it all
Would only leave me grateful
I could take it
I would not break
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Solid ground for me
If you’re there for me
Grounded (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Grounded (Karaoke Version) – Sami Yusuf
Helpless (Karaoke Version) – Tom Robertson
Palestine Will Be Free (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Baraka Allahu Lakuma (Karaoke) – Maher Zain
Lyrics if you want to sing it :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
Lyrics if you want to sing it :
What do you see?
Tell me what do you taste?
Tell me what do you hear
when I whisper your name?
You see through my eyes
and turned me away
In madness you’d spiral
if I did the same
Oh my love I’m waiting
Oh my love I’m calling
Oh my love I’m yearning
I shine but you’re
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Memories you took
like grapes off the vine
In citrus, in sweetness
with you all the time
You tasted my love
and turned me away
Your tears would make oceans
if I did the same
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
(I know) you think don’t see me
(I know) you think don’t hear me,
(Tell me) If you ever need me
Know that my love is
Limitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
Shadowless, bright as I can be
Shadowless, no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
Shadowless no you don’t see me
Shadowless bright as I can be
Shadowless no you don’t see me
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re
I shine but you’re