Lyrics: Ahmet Kurtis
Melody: Ahmed Zaeem
Arrangement: Sherif Mansour
Mixing & Mastering: Mustafa Rauof
Backing Vocals: Nimetullah Kurtis, Elyesa Asani
Recording Sound Engineer: Meti Neziri
Vocals recorded at Studio Elize Gostivar
Ey hüznüm, ey rahmet
(O my sadness, O mercy)
Ey iffet, ey Kudüs
(O purity, O Jerusalem)
Bir gözde yaş yada yağmur olsam
(If I were a teardrop in an eye or a drop of rain…)
Yağsam üstüne
(I would rain down on you)
Yangınların ben saklasam düşsem şehidin yüzüne
(I’d hide the fires, I’d fall on the face of a martyr)
Sabrın sonu selametin, kimi lanetin olur
(The end of patience is your salvation, but for whom will it be a curse)
Kaldır onur bayrağını dik dur!
(Raise your flag of honour and stand tall!)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Güneş doğarken müjdeler karanlıklar
(As the sun is rising, good news is coming to dispel the darkness)
Biter elemden sonra hep ferahlık var
(The pain is ending and there will be relief everywhere)
Enkazının bağrında bak çiçek açar
(Look, flowers are blooming in the heart of your rubble)
Güvercinler barış için kanat çırpar
(And doves are fluttering their wings for peace)
Ey Kudüs ey Aksa
(O Jerusalem, O Al-Aqsa)
Unutulmadın asla
(You are never forgotten)
Umudumuz senle
(Our hope is with you)
Sen özgür ol Gazze
(Be free Gaza!)
Benden seni sordukları günde bana
(On the day when they will ask me about you)
Dilime müjdelenen kutlu zaferi söylet
(Make my tongue sing the song of the blessed long-awaited victory)
Sustuklarımızı bizden sorma, affet ya Rab
(Don’t ask us about our silence and forgive us, O Lord)
Bu esarete özgürlüğü Sen nasip et
(And grant Palestine freedom from this subjugation)