ايه قلبي
من البوم
تفاصيل نشيد
حكايات (إيقاع)
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تفاصيل نشيد
حكايات (إيقاع)
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الحان وأداء : أحمد الهاجري
كلمات : مبارك العنزي
توزيع : حمود الخضر
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
نسخ أخرى
ايه قلبي ( مؤثرات ) – أحمد الهاجري
الجنة ( البوم يهون الجرح – إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
الفقير ( البوم يهون الجرح – إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
يهون الجرح ( موسيقى ) – أحمد الهاجري
أعمال قد تنال استحسانك
متى نلتقي ( البوم قلبي محمد ) – مشاري العفاسي
أخي – أداء منشد الشارقة يوسف الديك
من البوم عنقود عنب
الألبوم من كلمات :
عبدالرحمن الدالاتي
محمود درنيقه
هيثم الحلبي
ابراهيم الدردساوي
سعيد كباره
خالد عرنوس
توزيع :
أحمد رامي
أخي ( مؤثرات ) – يوسف الديك
يا خوتي ( مؤثرات ) – مروان صباح
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
Ummati (Vocals-Only English Version)
One Day (Vocals-Only)
Close to You (Vocals-Only)
The Way of Love [Vocals-Only]
Let it go (Vocals-Only)
True Love (Vocals-Only)
Rabbee Yebarik (Vocals-Only English Version)
Allah Ya Moulana (Vocals-Only)
I'm Alive [Vocals-Only]
Jannah (Vocals-Only English)
By My Side (Vocals-Only)
Good Day [Vocals-Only]
Peace Be Upon You (Vocals-Only)
Medina (Vocals-Only)
The Power [Vocals-Only]
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
أحبو – من البوم أسطورة الحب
للفنان عبدالرحمن بوحبيلة
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : عبدالرحمن بوحبيله
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : زياد سيف
تشيلو : عماد مرسي | غيتار : زياد سيف
قانون : يامن جذبة
كلارينت : طارق سعد الدين
المكساج والماسترينج : م . عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
أحبو – من البوم أسطورة الحب
للفنان عبدالرحمن بوحبيلة
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : عبدالرحمن بوحبيله
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : زياد سيف
تشيلو : عماد مرسي | غيتار : زياد سيف
قانون : يامن جذبة
كلارينت : طارق سعد الدين
المكساج والماسترينج : م . عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
أحبو – عبدالرحمن بوحبيلة
أحبو – عبدالرحمن بوحبيلة
يا أخي – أداء خالد الحقان
من البوم قلبي معاكم
شارك في الكورال
فهد العتيبي – سعد مطر
الاشراف الفني :
خالد المانع
التوزيع الفني :
عاصم البني
إنتاج :
مؤسسة روافد للإنتاج الفني – الكويت
يا أخي – خالد الحقان
يا أمي – أيمن الحلاق
بحبك أحيا – من البوم أسطورة الحب
للفنان عمار صرصر
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : عمار صرصر
كلمات : علياء سكر
الحان : عمرو عقاد
تشيلو : عماد مرسي | غيتار : زياد سيف
قانون : يامن جذبة
كلارينت : طارق سعد الدين
المكساج والماسترينج : م . عمرو همام عقاد
إنتاج : استوديونا
بحبك أحيا – عمار صرصر
حكاية مدينة – أداء يوسف عبدالغني
كلمات: عمر الجيران
ألحان وتوزيع: يوسف عبدالغني
إنتاج: حكاية مدينة
كلمات العمل :
تجوب المدينة قطعة حلوى
وتروي حكاية أنسٍ وسلوى
تزيّن ساحاتنا بابتهاجٍ
وتمنح أنفسنا كل رجوى
وحين الصباح تغرّد فينا
وتُحيي لقانا إذا البدر ضوّى
وتخلد فينا لها ذكريات
تلف مشاعرنا حين تُطوى
فحلوى المدينة طابت مذاقاً
إذا ما الحكاية للحبِّ تُروى
حكاية مدينة – أداء يوسف عبدالغني
كلمات: عمر الجيران
ألحان وتوزيع: يوسف عبدالغني
إنتاج: حكاية مدينة
كلمات العمل :
تجوب المدينة قطعة حلوى
وتروي حكاية أنسٍ وسلوى
تزيّن ساحاتنا بابتهاجٍ
وتمنح أنفسنا كل رجوى
وحين الصباح تغرّد فينا
وتُحيي لقانا إذا البدر ضوّى
وتخلد فينا لها ذكريات
تلف مشاعرنا حين تُطوى
فحلوى المدينة طابت مذاقاً
إذا ما الحكاية للحبِّ تُروى
حكاية مدينة – يوسف عبدالغني
حكاية مدينة – يوسف عبدالغني
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
أخوي ( مؤثرات ) – هشام باسمح
نور عيني – محمد السالم
حبيب الروح ( مؤثرات ) – هشام باسمح
كلمات وألحان: سيف فاضل
توزيع: سيروس
مكس: حمزة نمرة
فكرة وإخراج: حمزة كمال جمجوم
كلمات العمل :
قالوا بوقت الضيق ما يبقى وفي
They say in times of hardship, no one remains loyal to you
وأنا لقيته بكل وقت وكل حين
Yet I found him by my side at all times
فرحة وحزن شدة ورخاء يبقى خوي
During happiness and grief, hardship and ease, he remained my friend
ما فرّقتنا لا الظروف ولا السنين
Neither circumstances nor time could separate us
My salutations
لك يا خوي ولك وفايَ
To you my brother, and to you is my loyalty
انت فعلاً لي مرايا
You are the mirror that reflects who I am
الله لا يحرمني وقفاتك معايَ
May God never deprive me of your support
My salutations
وانت ظنّك فيني واضح
You always think well of me
يا اللي يفهمني ويصارح
You’re the one who understands me and speaks to me honestly
حتى لو أخطيت أو قصّرت سامح
Even if I wrong you, you always forgive
بيني وبينه لا شهادة ولا لقب
There are no surnames or family ties linking us
لا مال لا شهرة ولا شي أذكره
It’s not wealth or fame, or anything of that sort
عارف قدره وماني عارف ما السبب
I know his worth, but I don’t know why…
الله وهبني إياه وعاجز أشكره
God blessed me with such a friend, and I can’t thank Him enough
My salutations
لك يا خوي ولك وفايَ
To you my brother, and to you is my loyalty
انت فعلاً لي مرايا
You are the mirror that reflects who I am
الله لا يحرمني وقفاتك معاي
May God never deprive me of your support
My salutations
وانت ظنك فيني واضح
You always think well of me
يا اللي يفهمني ويصارح
You’re the one who understands me and speaks to me honestly
حتى لو أخطيت أو قصرت سامح
Even if I wrong you, you always forgive
كلمات وألحان: سيف فاضل
توزيع: سيروس
مكس: حمزة نمرة
فكرة وإخراج: حمزة كمال جمجوم
كلمات العمل :
قالوا بوقت الضيق ما يبقى وفي
They say in times of hardship, no one remains loyal to you
وأنا لقيته بكل وقت وكل حين
Yet I found him by my side at all times
فرحة وحزن شدة ورخاء يبقى خوي
During happiness and grief, hardship and ease, he remained my friend
ما فرّقتنا لا الظروف ولا السنين
Neither circumstances nor time could separate us
My salutations
لك يا خوي ولك وفايَ
To you my brother, and to you is my loyalty
انت فعلاً لي مرايا
You are the mirror that reflects who I am
الله لا يحرمني وقفاتك معايَ
May God never deprive me of your support
My salutations
وانت ظنّك فيني واضح
You always think well of me
يا اللي يفهمني ويصارح
You’re the one who understands me and speaks to me honestly
حتى لو أخطيت أو قصّرت سامح
Even if I wrong you, you always forgive
بيني وبينه لا شهادة ولا لقب
There are no surnames or family ties linking us
لا مال لا شهرة ولا شي أذكره
It’s not wealth or fame, or anything of that sort
عارف قدره وماني عارف ما السبب
I know his worth, but I don’t know why…
الله وهبني إياه وعاجز أشكره
God blessed me with such a friend, and I can’t thank Him enough
My salutations
لك يا خوي ولك وفايَ
To you my brother, and to you is my loyalty
انت فعلاً لي مرايا
You are the mirror that reflects who I am
الله لا يحرمني وقفاتك معاي
May God never deprive me of your support
My salutations
وانت ظنك فيني واضح
You always think well of me
يا اللي يفهمني ويصارح
You’re the one who understands me and speaks to me honestly
حتى لو أخطيت أو قصرت سامح
Even if I wrong you, you always forgive
سلامي – حمود الخضر
سلامي – حمود الخضر
كلمات : أنور حسام
الحان : زياد سيف
ناي : أحمد اسكندراني
غيتار : زياد سيف
المكساج والماسترينج : عمرو همام عقاد
الإنتاج والتوزيع الموسيقي : استوديونا
شو كنا فيه رفقات ( موسيقى ) | أنور حسام – محمد سيف
غالي ( موسيقى ) – أحمد سيف
Zain Bhikha: “My father passed away a few months ago,
he was the anchor that held us all together,
the mountain upon which we all stand and the guiding light that showed us the way,
I miss him every day…”.
Written by Zain Bhikha
Backing Vocals by Benammi (Canada)
Recorded by Sergio Gino Trout at Cape Town Sound Studios (South Africa)
Mixed and Mastered by Greg Nottingham at Jazzworx Studios (South Africa)
I’m Not Ready To Let You Go
Strong hands are helping you
From falling down
Your faith so inspiring
As you settle down
The angels are welcoming
We feel it all around
With gentle eyes you say to me
All the signs are there
Allah’s always been kind to me
So don’t you despair
There’s so much I don’t understand
I say Dad not yet …
Cos I’m not ready
To let you go
You’ve been there for me, strong and steady
Always holding on
How can a mountain
Just crumble and fold
Leaving a river
To find its way home
How do I find my way home
Guess I’m not ready
To let you go
The world keeps turning round and round like nothing’s wrong
But my world’s turning upside down I don’t belong
It seems I’ve changed so much since you’ve been gone
There’s a pain inside my heart I can’t let go
Allah knows …
I’m not ready
To let you go
You’ve been there for me, strong and steady
Always holding on
So how can my mountain
Just crumble and fold
Leaving a river
To find its way home
How do I find my way home
Guess I’m not ready
To let you go
Zain Bhikha: “My father passed away a few months ago,
he was the anchor that held us all together,
the mountain upon which we all stand and the guiding light that showed us the way,
I miss him every day…”.
Written by Zain Bhikha
Backing Vocals by Benammi (Canada)
Recorded by Sergio Gino Trout at Cape Town Sound Studios (South Africa)
Mixed and Mastered by Greg Nottingham at Jazzworx Studios (South Africa)
I’m Not Ready To Let You Go
Strong hands are helping you
From falling down
Your faith so inspiring
As you settle down
The angels are welcoming
We feel it all around
With gentle eyes you say to me
All the signs are there
Allah’s always been kind to me
So don’t you despair
There’s so much I don’t understand
I say Dad not yet …
Cos I’m not ready
To let you go
You’ve been there for me, strong and steady
Always holding on
How can a mountain
Just crumble and fold
Leaving a river
To find its way home
How do I find my way home
Guess I’m not ready
To let you go
The world keeps turning round and round like nothing’s wrong
But my world’s turning upside down I don’t belong
It seems I’ve changed so much since you’ve been gone
There’s a pain inside my heart I can’t let go
Allah knows …
I’m not ready
To let you go
You’ve been there for me, strong and steady
Always holding on
So how can my mountain
Just crumble and fold
Leaving a river
To find its way home
How do I find my way home
Guess I’m not ready
To let you go
I’m Not Ready to Let You Go – Zain Bhikha
I’m Not Ready to Let You Go – Zain Bhikha
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
You are a miracle
You are a blessing from above
You brought joy to my soul
And pleasure to my eyes
In my heart I can feel it
An unexplainable feeling
Being a father
The best thing that I could ever ask for
Just thinking of you makes me smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
I’m so grateful for having you
And everyday I pray
I pray that you’ll find your way
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
You’re like a shining star
So beautiful you are
My baby girl
You light up my world
I pray that I’ll get the chance
To be around and watch you grow
And witness your first steps
And the first time when you will call me “dad”
Just thinking of you makes me smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
I’m so grateful for having you
And everyday I pray
I pray that you’ll find your way
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
I could spend hours watching you
You’re so innocent, so wonderful and pure
O God I can not express my gratitude
But I’ll raise her good, ‘cause all I want is to please You
And now I pray You’ll guide her steps forever
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
You are a miracle
You are a blessing from above
You brought joy to my soul
And pleasure to my eyes
In my heart I can feel it
An unexplainable feeling
Being a father
The best thing that I could ever ask for
Just thinking of you makes me smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
I’m so grateful for having you
And everyday I pray
I pray that you’ll find your way
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
You’re like a shining star
So beautiful you are
My baby girl
You light up my world
I pray that I’ll get the chance
To be around and watch you grow
And witness your first steps
And the first time when you will call me “dad”
Just thinking of you makes me smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
I’m so grateful for having you
And everyday I pray
I pray that you’ll find your way
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
I could spend hours watching you
You’re so innocent, so wonderful and pure
O God I can not express my gratitude
But I’ll raise her good, ‘cause all I want is to please You
And now I pray You’ll guide her steps forever
You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
My Little Girl ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
My Little Girl ( Forgive Me Album ) – Maher Zain
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi, Irfan Makki & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mamma – Lyrics:
Every time I think of you
You always make me smile
Whenever I feel down
You know how to cheer me up
And every time I feel confused
And I don’t know which way to choose
One thing’s for sure
I can always count on you
When I am near or when I’m far
Or when I’m completely lost
In my heart I have no fear
‘Cause you’re my guiding star, oh
Mamma you know that I love you
No matter what I say or do
I can never thank you, oh
Mamma you know that I love you
You are the proof of what love can do
Truly you are God’s miracle, oh
You’re my shelter from the rain
You’re the shoulder I cry on
And whenever I feel pain
One touch from you and the pain is gone
And all I’ve ever dreamed to be
Is to make you proud of me
‘Cause never once
Did you turn your back on me
Your healing words, your tender touch
The warmth of your embrace
The beauty of your soul
Shine through your loving face, oh
Your name was the first word I’ve ever spoken
You held my hand through the first steps I’ve taken, oh
When I wasn’t well you watched me through the night
That is why Paradise is under your feet, oh
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi, Irfan Makki & Maher Zain
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mamma – Lyrics:
Every time I think of you
You always make me smile
Whenever I feel down
You know how to cheer me up
And every time I feel confused
And I don’t know which way to choose
One thing’s for sure
I can always count on you
When I am near or when I’m far
Or when I’m completely lost
In my heart I have no fear
‘Cause you’re my guiding star, oh
Mamma you know that I love you
No matter what I say or do
I can never thank you, oh
Mamma you know that I love you
You are the proof of what love can do
Truly you are God’s miracle, oh
You’re my shelter from the rain
You’re the shoulder I cry on
And whenever I feel pain
One touch from you and the pain is gone
And all I’ve ever dreamed to be
Is to make you proud of me
‘Cause never once
Did you turn your back on me
Your healing words, your tender touch
The warmth of your embrace
The beauty of your soul
Shine through your loving face, oh
Your name was the first word I’ve ever spoken
You held my hand through the first steps I’ve taken, oh
When I wasn’t well you watched me through the night
That is why Paradise is under your feet, oh
Mamma – Irfan Makki
Mamma – Irfan Makki
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
يا خوي – من البوم ليش الزعل
” نسخة الإيقاع ”
الألبوم من توزيع : علي أبوشهد – مهند غازي
الهندسة الصوتية : يزن نسيبة – عبودة زيادة
كلمات : حسن النجــار
الحــان : تـراث
يا خوي ( البوم ليش الزعل – إيقاع ) – أحمد عادل
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
For the Rest of My Life (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
For the Rest of My Life (Live and Acoustic) – Maher Zain
أداء بلال الأحمد || نجوم غرباء للفن الإسلامي
كلمات : مجدي القبيسي
الحان : بلال الأحمد
متابعة وتنسيق : مروان ابو الحسنى
توزيع وتسجيل : استيديو الادهمي
ماسترنغ & ميكساج : bilalsoundstudio
خد القمر – بلال الأحمد
ايه قلبي ( إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
أخيرا ( البوم يهون الجرح – إيقاع ) – أحمد الهاجري
تفاصيل العمل :
أداء : ترنيم
كلمات الشاعر : أبو أمجد المليكي
الحان الفنان : عمار الشيخ | توزيع : ماهر نوفل
هندسة : م . عبدالله حسان
شكر خاص لجمعية التحدي للمعاقات .