Siraj Al-Medina - Murat Belet, Ali Magrebi | شبكة سما العالمية

Siraj Al-Medina - Murat Belet, Ali Magrebi

415 مشاهدة

Arabic Lyrics: Mohamed Al-Mghairfi
Turkish Lyrics: Murat Belet
Melody: Murat Belet
Arrangement: Yavuz Taşkın
Mixing & Mastering: Yavuz Taşkın
Lyrics – كلمات

يا رسولَ السلامِ
(O Messenger of peace)
أنت مسكُ الغرامِ
(You’re the fragrant scent of love)
ليت لي فيكَ رؤيا
(I wish I could see you)
حتى لو في المنامِ
(Even if it were in my sleep)

يا سراجَ المدينة
(You are the illuminating light of Medina)
أنتَ بلّغتَ دينه
(You conveyed His (God’s) religion)
أنتَ من بكَ حلَّت
(It is through you that…)
فوق مكة السكينة
(Serenity descended upon Makkah)

Sen Sultansın ben geda
(You are the sultan I am the one who is destitute and in need)

Canım kurban ya Resul
(I would sacrifice my life for you O Messenger)

Bu Can yoluna feda
(This soul of mine I would sacrifice for your way)

Ashab gibi ya Resul
(Just like the Companions, O Messenger)

Senle Mekke Medine
(With you Makkah and Medina)

Döndü gül bahçesine
(Turned into a rose-filled garden)

Senin güzel emrine
(When we heard your beautiful call)

Lebbeyk dedik ya Resul
(We replied: here we are, O Messenger!)

يا سراجَ المدينة
(You are the illuminating light of Medina)
أنتَ بلّغتَ دينه
(You conveyed His (God’s) religion)
أنتَ من بكَ حلَّت
(It is through you that…)
فوقَ مكة السكينة
(Serenity descended upon Makkah)