Al Farabi is a blend of many musical styles played on a special combination of instruments to give a unique living sound and feeling, fused with sentimental singing of a genuine arabian voice.
Diya Azzony: guitar & saz
Saher Samir: piano
Anas Gobori: bass
Emad Mujallid: drums
Mohammed Mohsen: oud
Rayan: classical guitar
I just wanted to let you know that I REALLY like your website! it’s just so good, the design, the content, EVERYTHING!
And the most important thing it has ALL the good inspirational music, I even can’t find some of this music online like on Spotify for example.
Please keep it up and please don’t ever think about closing this website for any reason, I know that some people might switch to other music platforms, but your platform has it ALL in one place.
JAK and Thank you for your good work